Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 921 The five sages are dead!

This supreme power is extremely frightening, full of destructive power, and draws a stunning rainbow in the dark foreign battlefield, tearing everything apart!

"Oops, could it be the foreign aid of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'?" Xuanyuan immediately reflected and turned pale with shock.

"No! It was aimed at the 'One Yuan Mountain'. The aura of this supreme Taoist weapon is the one that destroyed a main city of the 'Zonghengjiao' that day. It is extremely terrifying. Damn, this emperor was killed by this He chased me for three days and three nights, and finally got rid of him!" The pig-headed emperor immediately sent a sound transmission to Xuanyuan, obviously in his eyes, he was also extremely jealous of this person.

"What!" Xuanyuan's heart trembled, the mysterious power and the mysterious supreme Taoist weapon may have a great relationship with the collapse of the "Tianyue Immortal Mansion" and the Ouyang family that day.

The blow from that mysterious Supreme Dao Artifact was like a giant sword that could destroy everything in the world, directly smashing into the 'Sifangtai'.

Among the four catastrophes, three disasters and nine disasters, this extra blow, for Yi Xuan and others, is undoubtedly a catastrophe.

Originally, urging the Supreme Dao Artifact was an extremely consuming thing. In order to resist the catastrophe, the elders of the four major forces had already consumed a lot. They thought they could escape, but in the end, Xuanyuan set down the four incomprehensible weapons. The Taoists were beaten back, which was already a serious injury to them.

It's like a person, in the deep sea, who tried his best and exhausted to swim ashore, was thrown back, and now suddenly there is such a huge disaster, no one can resist, Xuanyuan with the "eye of truth" 'Derived from everything, the old man who came from the peak realm of the sages of the four major forces, his body was shattered in an instant, and even his soul was torn apart. regret.

The four sages who were in the peak realm fell in an instant, and the true spirits in the four supreme Taoist tools seemed to have revived, exuding an incomparably terrifying supreme power, as if they were going to overwhelm this extraterritorial battlefield It collapsed under the pressure, these few supreme dao tools did not launch an attack, but directly flew out of the 'one yuan mountain' to the direction of their respective fairy mansions. There are extremely deep imprints between them, and it is not something that ordinary people can take away if they want to.

Xuanyuan saw a vague shadow through layers of void with the "eye of reality", and chased one of the supreme Taoist artifacts away. At the same time, he saw a familiar figure flashing past.

"Is this Emperor Ouyang Zhun?"

At this moment, Xuanyuan's heart trembled, feeling the horror of this mysterious force. What purpose did he have, which made Xuanyuan's heart hard to let go. Ouyang Zhundi appeared. Could this be the mysterious force that caused the collapse of Ouyang's family overnight?

"What is his purpose? He left after hitting one blow, as if he was chasing after the 'Xuanwu Town Dao Pagoda', and Emperor Ouyang Zhun also appeared!" Xuanyuan said coldly.

"Could it be that his goal is the Supreme Dao Artifact, to capture the Supreme Dao Artifact for his own use? Indeed, the situation like just now is rare in a thousand years. This place is not far from the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', and it is not suitable for 'Yiyuan Mountain' attacked, so he attacked 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion', Ouyang Zhundi may have been waiting for this moment for a long time, anyway, it has nothing to do with us, gods fight, mortals suffer, let's make ourselves stronger first!" With a solemn expression, he was obviously also speculating on the other party's behavior. He felt that this mysterious power was very terrifying, and there must be more than one Supreme Dao Artifact, but he still couldn't figure out the other party's identity.

"If the 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' is in charge of the 'Xuanwu Town Dao Pagoda', it will not cause too much harm to the human race. However, if it is obtained by this mysterious force, the increase of the Supreme Dao Weapon will affect the human race. Speaking of it, it is a great crisis, and now we can only look at Emperor Ouyang Zhun!"

Xuanyuan pondered for a moment, and felt that with the intervention of Emperor Ouyang Zhun, the other party should not be able to capture the 'Xuanwu Town Dao Pagoda'.

Xuanyuan didn't think about it any more, and saw Yi Xuan's shattered body cracked inch by inch in the wind, thunder, rain and fire with the "eye of truth", but the various imperial prohibitions of "Yiyuan Mountain", the emperor's power kept urging him with the power of faith. Let his shattered body struggle to support him, and let him regenerate his flesh and bones, but the blow from the mysterious force's supreme Taoist weapon just now left Yi Xuan with only one head, and his dry hair was scattered. , only the sharpness and anger left on his face, and the collapse that cannot be concealed, even he didn't understand why he was so unlucky, it was fine that he attracted four catastrophes, and it also attracted three disasters and nine disasters, This is a catastrophe that can only be triggered when you break through the quasi-emperor realm, and now it is all smashed down, even if you can control all kinds of imperial prohibitions, and the emperor's power comes to assist you, you don't have so much life source to consume. .

Seeing that Yi Xuan was about to be unable to hold on, the mountain guard in the strange stone king mountain appeared, his strength was not weaker than Yi Xuan, not only that, the black dragon and the bone-winged fire tiger also appeared Well, they are all extremely powerful, and they all belong to the background of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'. Xuanyuan originally thought that they would save Yi Xuan, but they didn't expect that they ignored it.

At that moment just now, they thought that the 'One Yuan Mountain' was in danger, at least the 'Nanhuang Emperor Temple' would not be violated by others, but the attacker left after killing them, and they had no way to pursue them.

During the catastrophe, Yi Xuan's tricks were allowed to come out frequently, holding a head and all kinds of supreme fairy treasures, Daozhen swallowed them down, but he still couldn't resist, the newly condensed body was torn into pieces... Shattering, if it hadn't been for that terrifying blow just now, it would have lasted for a long time, but now it is about to be unable to resist.

"I hate you, Xuanyuan, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go..."

Yi Xuan was already in despair. Originally, he was expected to step into the quasi-emperor realm, but he didn't expect to end up like this. He died aggrieved and depressed, because all the bad things happened to him.

In the end, Yi Xuan's head was turned into flying ash under the combined attack of the four catastrophes and the three disasters and nine disasters, without leaving a trace, and died completely. If he hadn't relied on the endless power of faith, he would have survived at all. Not now.

"Okay, Xuanyuan, you should be satisfied with this. Countless soldiers of my 'Nanzhou Dynasty' died in this catastrophe. Yi Xuan killed that girl, and Feng Xianjun also left with you. The grievances of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' have been wiped out." The mountain guard looked at Xuanyuan, who is in charge of the 'One Yuan Mountain' at the moment.

"It's natural. Since Yi Xuan is dead, I won't pursue anything further." Beside Xuanyuan, the Fengxianjun looked sad, and Xuanyuan had the aura of flesh and blood on his body, so it followed him all the time. Beside Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan looked at Feng Xianjun and said:

"Do you want to stay in 'One Yuan Mountain', or come with me?"

Feng Xianjun stomped his horse's hooves a few times in the air, and sent out an idea:

"Come with you, I know you will be able to find her again."

Xuanyuan didn't want to say more, he didn't know why Feng Xianjun was so close to Yuan'er, there must be a reason, he didn't want to ask more, the supreme Taoist artifacts sealed in the four directions of the 'One Yuan Mountain' were all gathered together.

'One Yuan Mountain' directly left this extraterritorial battlefield.

Xuanyuan looked at everyone:

"Thank you very much this time."

In the 'Zhoutian Dao Net', the eight demon kings of the world were released, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Between brothers, there's nothing to be polite about." Du Zie waved his hand and said carelessly.

Xuanyuan smiled lightly, he was very touched that these eight demon kings could do this for him.

"Brother Xuanyuan, Sister Yuan'er is gone, and I will never see Sister Yuan'er again."

Tears rolled down Mo Chou's eyes. Since this stage, Mo Chou and Yuan'er have been together every day, and the two have a very deep relationship. Now that Yuan'er is gone all of a sudden, Mo Chou feels extremely sad.

"Xuanyuan, it's all my fault that I didn't stop Yuan'er." Shiwan blamed herself deeply, Xuanyuan shook her head and said:

"Thanks to you, the crisis is over now, Shiwan, you should hurry back to the 'Demon State Dynasty', even though you have the 'Abi Demon Prison', but this time you have formed a relationship with these five major forces, I am afraid that someone will come Intercept and kill you, and I'm afraid that at this time, Shi Da and Shi Ba are also worried about you."

Shihou opened her mouth when she heard the words. She wanted to say something, but she didn't say it after all. She nodded:

"Well, be careful yourself, you are the most dangerous person."

As soon as the words fell, Shiwan led the 'Abi Demon Prison' to leave the battlefield. Xuanyuan looked at the four immortals of the 'Eight Immortals Mountain' and bowed:

"Thank you to the four seniors for your help, but I'm afraid that after this battle, there will be troubles in the 'Eight Immortals Mountain' from now on."

"It doesn't matter, the three of us entered the 'Eight Immortals Mountain' to sit in the town, I think there are a few big forces capable of fighting in." Guan Yutang held a big pass knife, full of domineering, he was in the field, stepped in The peak realm of the sages, but the youngest one.

"Well, Yutang is right. I have heard the name of 'Eight Immortals Mountain' for a long time. We old men have lived in seclusion for many years, and we don't know what the world has become. These days are just a good time to get acquainted." Feng Yu chuckled, Yun Dan The wind is light.

The pig-headed emperor nodded repeatedly and said:

"That's right, boy, we went to the 'Eight Immortals Mountain' as guests, we broke up, went back to our respective houses, and went to find our mothers to nurse."

As soon as the words fell, the "Pig Head Emperor" directly used the forbidden teleportation method, and brought the existence of the three sages and the people at the peak of the "Eight Immortals Mountain" away from here.

Finally, Xuanyuan looked at Fu Jingxuan, patted him on the shoulder, and said:

"Jingxuan, don't be so impulsive in the future. You are also the 'Human King Saint Body'. In the future, you will be in charge of the world power of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and rule the world. Be cautious in everything."

Fu Jingxuan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Now that Xuanyuan is fine, he feels at ease:

"Okay, I will definitely listen to Master."

"Senior Daoyue, Jingxuan, I'm sorry to trouble you." Xuanyuan looked at Fu Daoyue and bowed in salute. He could feel that this person really took great care of Calabash Baby and treated him as his own descendant.

"Well, Jingxuan can be a master like you, and I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse. In short, you should take care of yourself. Things like this can't be done again. You must understand the position of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'." Fudao After leaving a faint sentence, Yue left with Fu Jingxuan.

Only Peng Fei, Yan Ziyun, Lan Die, and Mo Chou are left, except Yuaner.

"Master Xuanyuan, what are your plans next?" Lan Die asked with a sigh.

"Continue to go to Shiwan Dashan. It is said that in the depths of Shiwan Dashan, there is a well that leads to a mysterious world. If it is related to the world Yuaner went to, I want to try it." Still not at peace, Yuan'er sacrificed everything in order to achieve him, even though she now possesses three ancient arts and has extraordinary attainments in the three ancient characters, for Xuanyuan, Yuan'er's company is not as good as being by her side.

Three years is too long, Xuanyuan is afraid that something will happen, if something happens to Yuan'er, he will be uneasy for the rest of his life.

Lan Die frowned upon hearing this, and said:

"About the fact that there is a mysterious well in the depths of Shiwan Dashan, I have heard of this, but no one has actually seen it. This is only due to legends. Even among the barbarians, no one has discovered this well. Xuanyuan Son, you have to be careful."

Because there is a war breaking out among the ancient royal families in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, it is extremely dangerous, and it is not worth taking risks for an illusory well. If she loses anyone else in the middle, she is afraid that Xuanyuan will not be able to bear it. Live, among the 100,000 mountains, the war that broke out among the ancient royal family will be even more cruel, and it will not be easier than this time.

Xuanyuan can also understand Lan Die's concerns, Mo Chou said:

"No matter what, as long as there is a chance, if you can find Sister Yuan'er, Mo Chou will not be afraid of any danger."

"That's right, no matter how dangerous it is, we will definitely be by your side." Yan Ziyun also knew that Yuan'er's death dealt a heavy blow to Xuanyuan.

"My speed is not at the peak of the sages. It is difficult to catch up with me. If there is a chance to find her, no matter how dangerous it is, I will go." Feng Xianjun conveyed his thoughts, even Feng Xianjun was like this Persistence, Pengfei naturally can't back down, said:

"My Daoist is also going all out, taking people's money, and eliminating disasters with others, and taking your scepter, I will always do something for you, don't worry, I have my Daoist to help you eliminate disasters and solve problems, it's all right."

In fact, Xuanyuan was also struggling a little bit, but seeing their attitudes were so firm, and the greedy old man also said that if he wanted to find the mysterious well, Mo Chou would not be able to find it. All the powers are looking for her again, so Xuanyuan is naturally worried about letting her go alone, so he can only make this decision.

Seeing that everyone has made up their minds, Lan Die didn't say anything more, and sighed:

"Well, then I can only do my best and help as much as I can. I hope you can really find that well."

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