Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 926 Fighting against the Holy Ape Clan?

"Okay, Die'er will help you, not indiscriminately. The girl has grown up and has her own opinions. You are so affectionate and righteous, so I won't stop you. But I still have a piece of advice. Those so-called The other world is too far away for us, only the existence of ancient sages, ancient god emperors, and ancient emperors are qualified to cross the starry sky and reach another world."

Blue Dragon didn't stop him. On the one hand, he felt that Xuanyuan's will was extremely firm. No matter how much he objected, he would insist on going. This is the importance of a cultivator sticking to his own heart. On the other hand, his insistence is also due to his own selfishness. He once made a bet with several members of the ancient royal family that the mysterious well definitely existed. Maybe Xuanyuan could help him verify it.

"It turns out that senior already knew that Lan Die was lying to you. In fact, I didn't help her at all, but many places still rely on the name of 'Princess Wencheng'." Xuanyuan smiled wryly.

"Haha, teacher Mo Ruo, don't I understand Die'er? Besides, I followed her all the way, and I naturally know everything she has experienced. Since she wants to help you, as her master, I can only do my best, and the next step depends on your own ability, but I suggest that you should refine that 'eye of truth' to raise your power eye to another level, which will make you You're more confident along the way."

As soon as the words fell, Lanlong took Xuanyuan back to the ground directly. In fact, the reason why Xuanyuan knew that there was an ancient well was from the three ancient characters when Yuan'er merged her flesh and blood with herself. The information contained in his perception of the Dao made Xuanyuan know that there was a mysterious well in Shiwan Dashan leading to another world, so he felt that Yuan'er might go to that world.

In any case, it is nothing to take risks for Yuan'er. If you don't have Yuan'er to perfect yourself, I am afraid that you will be useless if you don't die. In the blow of the Supreme Dao Artifact, there are great scars inside, which are extremely difficult to heal , but Yuan'er is practicing "Immortal Defying the Heaven Technique" to have an immortal body. During the process, the Dao is used to repair the body. Even without the "Immortal Defying the Sky", Yuan'er herself can restore Xuanyuan's injuries. The reason why Yuan'er abandoned herself is more because she wanted Xuanyuan to have the "Immortal Defying the Heavens". It is to trigger the Heavenly Tribulation, kill Yi Xuan and let Xuanyuan escape.

Seeing Xuanyuan came back, Yan Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief, while Mo Chou asked curiously:

"Brother Xuanyuan, what did you see?"

"Well, I know where that well is." Xuanyuan looked at Lan Die, cupped his hands and said, "Miss Lan Die, thank you very much."

"I think I'd better go with you all the way. After all, they all recognize me. Now the Blue Devils have not participated in the war. It will be safer if I am with you. And for the 100,000 mountains, I am better than you." They are all familiar. Relatively speaking, it will be safer. After all, in the melee of several ancient royal families, there are still 100,000 elite troops of the Liang family in the "Blue Demon Abyss". , is extremely important, so they shouldn't take the risk of offending the Blue Demons to embarrass us!"

Lan Die is not at ease with Xuanyuan and his party. After all, everyone has lived and died together, and shared adversity. She feels that the most precious treasure of this trip to the human race is to meet Xuanyuan and the others. With such growth and new insights, I am no longer like the noble princess of the Blue Devils before. With such a change in mentality, the benefits brought to my future cultivation are not just a little bit. Therefore, no matter However, as a friend, you should also do your best to be a landlord.

Lanlong glared at Landie, smiled angrily, and said:

"Forget it, you girl, when you grow up, you won't listen to the master's words. You can do whatever you want. Anyway, you are within the 100,000 mountains and not in the territory of the human race. You can rest assured as a teacher, and you have been with those ancient royal families since you were young. I grew up together with my prince and princess, and we all know each other, now I will pay a visit along the way to clarify my position on the Blue Devils, and it is the best thing to let them stop as much as possible."

Lan Die smiled, her eyes were bright, she was charming:

"I knew that Master loves me the most, Master should go back to the Blue Demon Clan first, and tell the Queen Mother that Die'er has grown up and understands the meaning of what she said. I will definitely work hard and not let her down." of."

Lanlong knew that the growth of Landie's xinxing was closely related to Xuanyuan, since this girl wanted to help Xuanyuan personally, he had nothing to say, but just told Landie to be careful and left.

"Well, with a princess from the ancient royal family covering her, it seems that the journey will be much safer." Peng Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss Lan, can you help us find a safe place first, I want to settle down my own realm, break through to the Immortal of Fate, or Immortal of Fate, for me, it's too hasty, I don't want to consolidate it , is not good for my future cultivation.”

Lan Die nodded and said slowly:

"Okay, eight thousand miles ahead, there is a holy place for cultivation. Speaking of this place, I have to mention the Dou Zhan Holy Ape Clan. This is one of the terrifying existences. It lived here temporarily, and opened up a water curtain cave there. The Zhansheng ape clan plays an important role in the ancient royal family. It is said that the Qitian emperor among the fighting holy apes once stepped into another world and made a big fuss. It lasted longer than the ordinary ancient royal family, although I don't know if it is true or not, but it is extremely vivid, and many god emperors are extremely yearning, but then disaster happened!"

Xuanyuan's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words. Could it be that there is some connection between the Dou Zhan Holy Ape Clan and the Qi Tian Sheng Di and the legendary stories he heard in his previous life? Otherwise, why would the names be so similar? One is Dou Zhan Buddha , one is the Monkey King, here is the Dou Zhan Saint Ape Clan, and the Monkey King, could there be some connection between the two?

Xuanyuan quickly asked:

"Disaster? What disaster happened? Please tell me, Miss Lan!"

"Why, it seems that Mr. Xuanyuan is very interested in the affairs of my ancient royal family?" Lan Die was a little surprised by Xuanyuan's reaction.

"Forget it. I want to know more about the ancient royal family. I hope Miss Landie can tell you that in the world, the sky always has its own way, the avenues are orderly, and everything comes into being. There must be a reason for it. Any allusions, as long as you are careful. Going to comprehend it will definitely help one's own cultivation." Xuanyuan said.

Peng Fei thought so deeply, patted the two lumps of flesh on his chest, and laughed loudly:

"Yes, Master Dao has read many ancient books, so his understanding of this world is different from ordinary people. Don't look at Master Dao, I have not yet stepped into the realm of immortality, and Master Dao will find a piece of heaven and earth to cross later. Otherwise, I really don't have much confidence in entering the hinterland of the ancient royal family this time."

Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, looked at Pengfei, and said:

"Fatty, are you going to cross the catastrophe?"

Peng Fei nodded, his expression became serious, and said:

"Well, how about it, do you want to give me the supreme medicine to defend myself?"

Xuanyuan thought for a while, and finally took out a green dragon leaf and gave it to Pengfei, saying:

"That's all I can do to help you. Do it yourself. Without you, I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult for me to cross the mountain range of the Hundred Thousand Mountains and reach the depths. Don't look at it like this Me, if you dare to waste my piece of supreme medicine for nothing, I will never end with you. Before that, return this scepter to me. If you die during the tribulation, it will be cheaper for others gone."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan quickly snatched the 'Yin Yang mirror' from Peng Fei, broke the mirror from the scepter, put the scepter into his fighting ring, threw the mirror and the trash Throwing it back to Peng Fei, as long as he has the scepter in his hand, Xuanyuan is not afraid that Peng Fei will not come back to find him.

Peng Fei's face was trembling, his nostrils were about to burst into flames:

"Damn it, you are too realistic, a good brother for a lifetime, the Taoist will remember you, let's take a step first, and go through the robbery. I will come back to you if I can survive. I can already see that The place where the Water Curtain Cave is located."

"Okay." Xuanyuan watched Peng Fei leave through the air, thinking in his heart, this fat man should not die so easily, he knew that Peng Fei would definitely have more cards in his hole, and Peng Fei's identity was too mysterious Well, it is very likely that the legendary "Xuanzong" Tianjiao Shengzi may also be.

When Pengfei disappeared from sight, Xuanyuan looked at Landie and said with a smile:

"Miss Lan, I'm all ears."

Lan Die smiled lightly, Xuanyuan gave her the feeling that he was affectionate and righteous, at least like this kind of supreme magic medicine, those horrible existences in the ancient royal family were all kept on her body, as life-saving or life-prolonging It is absolutely impossible for a close friend to give it away just because he is going to cross the catastrophe, unless it is the son of the god emperor, it is another matter.

"Well, Sister Blue Butterfly, just tell me. Mo Chou really wants to hear this story." Mo Chou blinked her big eyes. She was like this in the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', and she often asked the 'Linglong Mansion Master' to give her Some ancient stories, I don't know why, compared to today, Mo Chou feels that she likes the world in ancient times, and always feels that everything was very simple back then, not as complicated as it is now.

"Well, since everyone is so interested, let's talk about it as we walk along the way. This can be regarded as a secret among my ancient royal family." Lan Die smiled slightly and flew into the distance. The direction of Water Curtain Cave.

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