Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 928 Refining the Eye of Reality

In the Water Curtain Cave, the light is floating, the avenue is simple, and the aura is simple. Even if there was such a terrifying existence once lived, it still did not leave that overwhelming aura.

However, in such a place, such a voice suddenly came out, causing Xuanyuan's body to tremble. In the sound wave, there was a kind of anger, which was a question from the heart to the sky.

"If you give up your relatives, if you give up your righteousness, give up your homeland, and give up your loved ones, then you can gain longevity. Longevity, I only want them to come back one by one."

Another heavenly sound came out, like Hong Zhong Da Lu colliding, Xuanyuan was deaf, and his mind was in turmoil. This sound was more like a roar. From his voice, it can be heard how much pain he has experienced. God was dissatisfied, so he roared angrily and kept questioning the sky.

However, the sky always has its way, and the avenues are orderly. Qi Tian Dou Sheng goes against the sky. I don’t know what kind of means he used to allow the clansmen to obtain longevity. It is against the law of heaven and common sense. The great difficulty is also within common sense, otherwise, the balance of the Dao will be broken.

Xuanyuan sighed in his heart. He could understand this feeling. Losing his homeland, his closest relatives, and the one he loved, all kinds of pain and suffering. He knew that compared with this younger brother who "fighted and defeated the Buddha", the pain he experienced It's too insignificant, the pain of extermination, a prosperous royal family collapsed overnight, lost everything, he was alone looking for a way to resolve the disaster, encountered various setbacks, and finally found that he was powerless, he could only watch himself helplessly One can only imagine how huge the difficulty that even the existence of an ancient emperor could not overcome was the pain that he endured in his heart when his clansmen died.

Xuanyuan's mind was shaken, and there were many emotions in his heart that were difficult to express in words. At this moment, they could only linger in his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Xuanyuan touched the thoughts left on the stone lotus platform with his hands, and felt that there was a kind of loneliness on this stone lotus, a kind of powerlessness against the sky for the whole family, it was easy for one person, but difficult for the whole family. The younger brother of "Fighting and Conquering Buddha" can have such courage, which is also comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Is it really the destiny that cannot be violated?"

"Boy, calm down your heart, don't be disturbed by such grief and indignation. People in the realm of the ancient emperor always have an unyielding will, and all they have are sticking to their own way and insisting on moving forward. Therefore, their true nature His heart never wavers, this is just his temporary residence, no one knows what the real ending of these ancient emperors is, but in the end they all disappeared in this world." The voice of the greedy old man came out, and Xuanyuan wake up.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, calmed down, inspected this place, and looked at the stalactite that surrounded the four directions. It was formed by countless years of stalactite and jade dew dripping water day and night, forming a river surrounded by water. It looks like mercury flowing. A sip of water here can directly save a dying person and prolong his life for hundreds of years. Just like the 'Biluo Shenquan'.

Xuanyuan pushed away the remaining grief and anger, and looked at the stone carvings on the ground where Shiliantai sat, there were stone carvings about Zhang Xu in size, which were engraved by people with great supernatural powers. The power contained in it can be determined that it must be portrayed by his younger brother of "Fighting and Conquering Buddha".

At first glance, it looks like a real dragon entrenched, full of imperial aura, ninety-nine supreme, surpassing nine days, with extraordinary momentum, it seems to be able to rule the world, but when you look closely, there are mountains, rivers, mountains and terrains, all kinds of avenues, converging and forming Yes, Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, and he said in a startled voice:

"What is depicted here must be the whole picture of the entire Hundred Thousand Mountains. After the Hundred Thousand Mountains, he even depicted the vast and boundless South China Sea. A picture is more detailed than the one that Lanlong took me to see the Hundred Thousand Mountains in person just now. It can draw the whole picture of the entire Hundred Thousand Mountains in an area of ​​about ten feet. His attainments are also extremely profound."

"Boy, on this stone carving, there is a drop of blood on the part of the longan, what do you think it could be?" the greedy old man said.

Xuanyuan's body shook, and he said in a startled voice:

"Is this where the well is?"

"Well, it's very possible. Didn't the blue dragon say it before? The well is either at the mouth of the dragon or at the eye of the longan. Now there is a younger brother of 'fighting and defeating the Buddha'. This pair of stone carvings should be able to prove that the well It does exist, but this blood red is shocking, it is Emperor's blood, bright red like agate, after countless years, the color is still so bright, but the emperor's brand in the emperor's blood has been transformed into the heaven and the earth in the years."

Xuanyuan was very silent, paused, and said:

"The understanding of the power technique contained in this pair of stone carvings is extremely exquisite, no less than that of the Great Luo Immortal Emperor. In a simple pair of stone carvings, in a short while, it actually made me understand a lot before, I don't understand things, no wonder the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor' also said at the end, no matter which realm you reach, you must keep learning!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan's pupils trembled, as if they had broken through some kind of shackles, emitting two soft rays of light. At this moment, Xuanyuan did not refine the 'real eyes', so he let his real eyes, which had been shackled for a long time, directly Having broken through to the realm of the Earth's Eye, Xuanyuan was extremely pleasantly surprised.

The earth is harmonious and bears all things. With the earth as the eye, people can observe the mountains and all things, and they can also observe the destiny. Now once they break through the realm of the earth's eye, Xuanyuan can see through things that he could not see through before.

Xuanyuan restrained his mind, and remembered the rhythm of every stroke of that stone carving in his heart bit by bit. Every stroke, every gesture contained his most real feelings. This stone carving is vivid It is a book of supreme power, of course it depends on everyone's comprehension ability, and it is not something that ordinary people can understand. It is just because Xuanyuan knows the story of fighting against the holy ape clan, so he is unparalleled in power. For various reasons, he was able to comprehend so quickly.

As time passed bit by bit, Xuanyuan didn't feel anything at all, but his whole body was immersed in the stone carvings.

I don't know how long it has passed. When Xuanyuan came back to his senses again, he had clearly remembered the terrifying avenue and killing potential contained in this stone carving, and unknowingly, he was His accomplishments in martial arts have grown by leaps and bounds. He used the supernatural powers of martial arts to regulate himself and break through to the realm of life immortals. The things that had not been consolidated were straightened out one by one, and they interacted with the general trend of the world, making Xuanyuan almost There is a feeling that the soul of life is blooming, because what he cultivates is the supreme supernatural power of the Taoist three souls in "Three Flowers Gathering", which is comparable to the existence of ancient arts. It is conceivable that this pair of stone carvings has an impact on Xuanyuan. How big is it.

As long as the life soul flower blooms, it means that Xuanyuan is in the realm of life immortal.

Xuanyuan let out a mouthful of turbid air and said:

"It seems that this time I have gained a lot. After I refine the 'Eye of Reality', I can set off to the place where the mysterious well is located."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan directly elicited the "Eye of Reality", which was the size of a human head, but with the movement of Xuanyuan's thoughts, this "Eye of Reality" immediately became the size of an ordinary eyeball, and then merged into Xuanyuan bit by bit. in the right eye.

This "Eye of Reality" was fed and conceived by Emperor Zhenwu with the blood of the real spiritual source, and formed the "Eye of Reality" naturally, and then fell into the hands of the "Emperor Da Luo", depicting the gods of all kinds of emperors. The pattern of the momentum can see through all the illusions of time, and the dangerous terrain of the mountains and rivers, otherwise, the palace masters who don't know how to teach will be won by the Great Luo Immortal Emperor to become maids.

It's just that the consumption of wanting to mobilize the "Eye of Reality" to peek is extremely high, even with Xuanyuan's current strength, he can't see much, because whether it is the power to activate the Dao pattern or the energy consumption of the caster , are extremely massive, because among them, there is "Great Trend Ancient Art", every time you run it, you can get a glimpse of the nine pages of "Great Trend Ancient Art", and it is an extremely essence part of "Great Trend Ancient Art", and they are all Be real and not be led astray by some illusory content.

Xuanyuan refined the 'Eye of Reality' very fast. When Xuanyuan came again, he asked the greedy old man, saying:

"How long has it been now?"

"Fifteen days." The greedy old man said.

The corner of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched, and he felt as if only one day had passed, but half a month had passed.

"Forget it, I know what I should know now, and I know what I shouldn't. The most important task now is to break into the barbarian territory and find that mysterious well."

Xuanyuan stood up, spotless, and stepped out of the water curtain cave. When he came out of the cave, Mochou had already become partners with the creatures in this piece of heaven and earth, and had a great time. Yan Ziyun sighed:

"Sometimes I wish I could let go like Mo Chou."

"Isn't Miss Yan pretty good too?" Lan Die laughed.

"It's very good. With Xuanyuan by my side, everything is good. It's just that I can't live a carefree life like Mochou. I live in a family of many sizes, and I have too many people. I can't help it, I have to say it's a kind of sadness, in today's powerful royal family, the children of the clan are only used for political marriages, in order to defeat her ulterior motives." Yan Ziyun knew that she had once It's just such an identity.

"Then let this child, Mochou, live without worries forever. This should be what Xuanyuan, a big brother, has always wanted to do." Lan Die smiled, then looked in the direction of the Water Curtain Cave, and smiled:

"Xuanyuan came out..."

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