On the top of the head, there was a mass of darkness, and Xuanyuan activated the "Kingdom of Ten Thousand Transformations", using four or two strokes of a thousand catties, to dissolve the terrifying mountains and protect everyone. Going south at a very fast speed, the people of the "Dragon Devouring Dragon Clan" and "Sky Stone Clan" were quickly thrown away by thousands of miles. I have to say that the "Fengshen Cross-Region Formation" is extremely sharp.

Even so, there was an extremely terrifying enemy that chased and killed them all the way. Not only that, the terrifying existence of the 'Dragon Devouring Dragon Clan' and the 'Sky Rock Clan' also chased after them, each of them was at least There are six half-step sages in total.

They used their own means to cross the gates and chase Xuanyuan and his party, but it was extremely laborious, because Feng Xianjun's speed was so fast, even they couldn't help being surprised. Strong enemies, or the teleportation jade platform used to escape, can't catch up at all.

"These people have kidnapped the Blue Butterfly Princess who is the leader of the Blue Demon Clan. Hurry up and kill them." Another voice came out. Along the way, there were three soldiers and horses of the ancient royal family, killing intent on this battlefield. Four volts, there may be an ambush at any time.

Almost at the same time, a dragon vein broke out from the void and charged directly at Pengfei. The momentum was terrifying. The dragon roared nine days, and Pengfei cursed angrily:

"Damn it, yelling so loudly, it scares a person to death, call your mother's big-headed ghost, let the Taoist die!"

The 'Yin-Yang Mirror' in his hand flowed with the rhythm of chaotic ancient avenues, and was picked up by Peng Fei with great force, and smashed hard, and the ultimate Feng Shui move derived from the dragon veins combined with supernatural powers was directly smashed into pieces by Peng Fei, The power contained in this ray of Chuyang, through the source, directly hurt the dragon vein. This is the power of the supreme Taoist weapon. Physical attacks, the traces of the Dao branded on it, can still cause great harm to people.

The supreme celestial being of the "Immortal Devouring Dragon Clan" who performed this dragon vein killing technique instantly burned all over his body, and finally his whole body was directly burned into fly ash, which made many people terrified. Before he died, he howled miserably:

"This is the Supreme Dao Tool, I don't want to die!"

As soon as these words came out, those who were chasing aggressively all instinctively slowed down their pursuit. The four words "Supreme Taoist Artifact" are too frightening. Even the big clan behind them only has one. Now The visitor has a Supreme Dao Artifact in his hand. What kind of identity is he? If he continues to chase him, he will jump over the wall in a hurry, and maybe he will fight himself desperately. After all, his life is his own.

The members of the major ancient royal families who were originally enemies looked at each other in blank dismay:

"Who are they?"

"I don't know, but if the strength has not really reached the level of the sages, there will be accidents if you chase and kill them with peerless Taoist weapons."

An old man from the 'Tianshi Clan' said slowly and solemnly.

At this moment, a portal suddenly opened, blocking Xuanyuan and his party. The person who came was a middle-aged man. He was dressed in white armor and a blue and white cloak swaying in the wind. In the eyes, there is a palpitating blood, his strength is extremely terrifying, he is already an existence in the realm of the sages, and the breath from him is like a vast sea, so huge that many people can hardly breathe.

He is holding a sword like a crystal, on which countless heroic spirits are roaring, who has drunk the blood of many people, this sword is called 'drinking soul', it is a superb Taoist weapon, even if it is Peng Fei With the Supreme Dao Artifact in hand, a sage figure holding a peerless Dao Artifact can still compete with him. He just stood there, and the powerhouses of all races present were terrified. For a while, it seemed that there were hundreds of millions of ghosts hovering around. To devour everyone's flesh and blood.

Behind him, there were seventy-two supreme beings standing in the realm of immortals at the same time, and in an instant they cast a large sealing formation, sealing off all of this space.

"He actually came, and actually made a move himself."

"What are the backgrounds of these people? It's worth his shot. Seventy-two Heavenly Rakshasa have been dispatched. Tianluo King, with such a big battle, it seems that these human races will not be able to escape this time."

"Look at that godly horse. This is the legendary Fengxianjun. It seems that King Tianluo wants to attack this Fengxianjun. If he has him and fights with us, I'm afraid it will hurt us. Extremely unfavorable."

"Hurry up and ask for reinforcements, we must win this Fengxianjun!"

"Don't worry, when you appear on this battlefield, you can't hide anything from the eyes and ears of all races. People will come after a while."

Whether it's the 'Eternal Devouring Dragon Clan' or the 'Tianshi Clan', everyone has reflected that if it wasn't for this Fengxian Jun, the Tianluo King wouldn't have put up such a huge battle. Looking at Princess Landie, she said:

"Lan Die, I'm here to save you."

As soon as the voice fell, the Tianluo King waved the "Drinking Soul" in his hand, and in an instant, piercing howls resounded through the sky, and countless ghosts in the "Luo Shen Wasteland" roared, rushing in unison, killing Xuanyuan, This howling directly overwhelmed the voice of the blue butterfly.

Xuanyuan looked peaceful, and the "Purdue Buddha Bead" in his hand manifested seven Buddha statues. At the same time, the vision of "Bodhi to save all living beings" came down, and the sky filled with Sanskrit sounds. A Buddha body exactly the same as Xuanyuan, holding the " The Holy Son of Vajra Bodhi, reciting the boundless Dharma, millions of sentient beings sincerely worshiping the Buddha, reciting the True Eye, the golden light sweeps across the nine heavens, and makes the ghosts who come to kill them unknowingly turn into wisps The light smoke dissipated into the sky and the earth.

As for the sharp killing power from the 'drinking soul', it was completely resisted by the 'Kingdom of Ten Thousand Transformations', and it couldn't hurt Xuanyuan and his party in the slightest. The dynamic 'Kingdom of Ten Thousand Transformations', with Xuanyuan's current strength, is simply not enough to sustain such a terrifying blow.

The greedy old man has devoured many low-grade Taoist artifacts, middle-grade Taoist artifacts, and now he has raised the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifacts" to the peak of the low-grade Taoist artifacts. After all, it was once the supreme Taoist artifact. A leap is unimaginable for ordinary people.

There was a little doubt in King Tianluo's eyes, as if he had seen this scene in his memory, he looked at the 'Kingdom of Ten Thousand Transformations' on Xuanyuan's body, paused, suddenly seemed to remember something, his body Trembling, said:

"This is the 'Body of Myriad Transformations', the supreme Dao weapon possessed by the 'Emperor Devourer' of the human race, which can exert the same great restriction, 'Kingdom of Myriad Transformations'."

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the elders of the "Swallowing Dragon Clan" and the "Sky Stone Clan" present changed drastically. Recalling that day, the "Swallowing Emperor" attacked the major ancient royal families and challenged the kings of the major ancient royal families. , Even if they were fighting with the Supreme Dao Weapon, they still had no power to fight back. In the end, only the old king made a move. With the background of the whole family, he was able to compete with the "Swallowing Emperor", and the "Swallowing Emperor" left too much impression on them In the end, the 'Emperor Devourer' went to the barbarians and came out safe and sound, which shocked the three ancient royal families even more.

This was already tens of thousands of years ago, but almost everyone of the older generation knew about it. This was the first time in a hundred thousand years that someone dared to be so bold and came to challenge the ancient royal family alone. , and because of this, the frightening strength of the 'Emperor Devourer' is well known.

"That's right, I'm the heir of the 'Emperor Devourer', whoever dares to stop me will be killed without pardon!" Xuanyuan looked at King Tianluo coldly, his momentum undiminished.

"If the 'Emperor Devourer' is still alive, maybe I will get out of the way if you say this, but he is already dead, and died in the siege of the human race. It is a pity. I am afraid that your identity will not be tolerated by the human race , Do you still want to come to my ancient royal family to be arrogant? Hmph, it is better to be the heir of the 'Swallowing Emperor', I captured and killed you today, and I just took the treasure left by him as my own." King Tianluo looked ecstatic Crazy, extremely ferocious, if he can get the treasure of the 'Emperor Devourer', he is afraid that he will be greatly improved again.

In Xuanyuan's heart, the greedy old man roared:

"Boy, there are many enemies of the 'Emperor Devourer', and not every royal family in the ancient times has the stamina of the 'Qing Minghuang'. You should quickly find a way to escape from this place, otherwise, even if it is me with the power of the Celestial Coin It can't last long even if you push it."

Xuanyuan's expression was solemn, seeing the seventy-two heavenly rakshas sealing off the space with a radius of ten thousand li, he knew that it was impossible to escape. He could use the supreme Tao weapon to force him to fight, but the strong people present Too many, in this case, it is too risky, and they can catch up all the way.

Just as Xuanyuan was thinking about it, an extremely short old man came from the sky. His eyes were cloudy, he was bald, and even had a hunched back. It was hard to imagine that he was physically strong, tall and powerful. A terrifying existence in the famous 'Sky Stone Clan'.

His strength is no less than that of King Tianluo, and he is one of the commanders-in-chief of the three armies of the "Tianshi Clan". However, it contains the power that can destroy everything, which makes Xuanyuan extremely afraid.

From the other side, another big man descended. He was extremely burly and strong, and he was growing old and strong. His eyes were sharp, his body was full of muscles and muscles, and his blood was surging. What was even more frightening was that he was stepping on dragon veins, and there were ninety-nine ten thousand zhang dragon veins circling around his body. , If the power of these dragon veins is turned into one's own means of attacking and killing, how terrible it would be.

Seeing this scene, King Tianluo couldn't help frowning, and said:

"You guys came pretty fast."

"Haha, in this battlefield, you think you can't hide the matter of the Ye Luocha clan, can you hide it from us?" The old man of the 'Eternal Devouring Dragon Clan' laughed, and then looked at Xuanyuan, the other one' The little old man of the Tianshi tribe also let out a strange laugh:

"I didn't expect it. It's a pity that after so many years, I can still meet the physique of the 'Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations'. If he can grow up, he might be another 'Emperor Devourer'. It's a pity, but he has to live It's over."

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