Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 937 Blackmail

(Chapter 1, I am exhausted by the fifth shift these days. I will try my best to update it. Today, the third shift will guarantee the bottom line. I may not be able to make the fifth shift. I am too tired.)

This voice, every word and every word, was like a thunderclap, deafening to the ears, buzzing on the forehead, all kinds of avenue lines hanging down, and the fighting spirit fell to the sky, giving people a deep sense of powerlessness.

In the void, an old man leaped out. His lower body was wrapped with a white tiger skin, and his upper body was naked. His bronze skin had an ancient luster, full of power, and the power of the Dao, with an ancient breath Flow, the terrifying existence that seems to have crossed the ancient times, made Xuanyuan and Pengfei excited.

He has a burly figure, full of muscles, and a tattoo of a wild animal on his chest. He is very domineering. Every inch of his skin is filled with a breath of war. He seems to be able to fight everything in the world. He holds a beast bone in his hand. , the bones of unknown beasts, with strange runes engraved on them, filled with terrifying power, and there seems to be hidden ancient evil formations in it, which makes people feel shocking at a glance.

This old man is a terrifying existence among the barbarians.

The faces of the sages of the three ancient royal families changed when they saw the old man. Although they didn't know the barbarian old man in front of them, his combat power was terrifying, and the aura emanating from him made their hearts ache even with their strength. tremble.

"Senior, aww... Senior, your old man has finally appeared. I am so miserable. I finally got the news of the 'Barbarian God Battle Body'. I wanted to inform the barbarians, but I was subjected to all these three ancient forces. The bullying of the royal family told me to trample under my feet. It doesn’t matter if I trampled on me, but they treated the barbarians as nothing and trampled on the dignity of the barbarians. They said it was useless if the barbarians came. In their eyes, it's shit, otherwise they wouldn't stay in the ravine like Wannian bastard and dare not come out..."

Pengfei added oil and vinegar in all kinds of ways, adding fuel to the flames, and blah blah, which made the faces of the sages of the ancient royal family turn green.

"Hey, don't worry, little baby, the old man is here. I see what they can do to you. These little guys are really not enough to watch. , Get out, Lao Tzu!"

The old man held a white battle bone in his hand, forming a magic circle, and his voice was heard in a radius of 50 million miles, shaking the elite warriors of the three ancient royal families below him again and again. He vomited blood, and even the ground was torn apart by his sound waves. Countless people looked terrified and knelt on the ground, feeling a terrifying imperial prestige. How far his strength has reached, it is so terrifying.

Only a trembling voice was heard:

"This is the existence of the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor. It is only one step away from stepping into the realm of the great emperor. It must not be provoked. I didn't expect the barbarians to be so powerful!" The person who said this was none other than the 'Sky Stone Clan' The Xuan dwarf, his face is pale, his heart is trembling, his limbs are trembling, if he dares to provoke the kings of the three ancient royal families, his strength must not be simple.

"Senior Barbarians, don't listen to this kid's nonsense. I, the Ye Luocha Clan, have never said anything bad about barbarians, but this kid has ulterior motives and wants to provoke the relationship between our ancient royal family. It is really hateful to the extreme." Tian Luo Wang's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly bowed to salute, not daring to be slighted.

"Fuck, your mother, you dare to open your eyes and talk nonsense in front of me, let me see if I don't blow your balls!" The barbarian old man was very shameless, swung the bone in his hand, and hit Tianluo King directly. There was a loud bang, and blood splashed, and the old man kicked another leg, and between his legs, various rhythms of the avenue manifested, with boundless power, he kicked King Tianluo directly under the crotch. Hearing a slap, Xuanyuan and Pengfei quickly closed their eyes, instinctively clamped their legs, and heard the sound of the egg breaking, their hairs stood on end, this old man is really too cruel.

Peng Fei shook his head and sighed:

"It's miserable, it's terrible!"

I saw that King Luo's face turned yellow that day, and he didn't dare to fight back. In front of this figure of the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor, if he fought back, he would be courting death, and there was an extremely terrifying barbarian behind him. At this moment, he finally experienced it for himself. Seeing the fighting power of the barbarian, he bowed down, clamping his legs tightly. Before he could react, the old barbarian slapped him again, and with a crisp sound, the sharp teeth of King Tianluo were knocked out. More than a dozen, the mouth was rotten, and the whole person was directly sent flying for a hundred miles, and the bones of the face were smashed.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan suppressed a smile, while Pengfei was beaming with joy, his eyes were extremely cheap, and he twisted his buttocks. He was so angry that many ancient royal families present wanted to vomit blood. At this moment, they finally saw something It's called a fox pretending to be a tiger.

Shorty Xuan and Crazy Shi gasped in unison, the corners of their eyes twitched wildly, their bodies trembling uncontrollably, they looked at the barbarian old man, knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Senior, please spare your life." At this moment, the dignity of any sage was thrown away by them. In front of such a terrifying existence, talking about dignity is courting death. suspense.

"Hmph, it's too late to say forgive me at this time." This old man is not a good man, how could he let them go with a few words from them, just now he heard their contempt for the barbarians , I saw that he raised his big hand, and developed a shocking giant palm, like swatting flies, and slammed Xuan Shorty and Shi Crazy, and saw the two hit the ground like cannonballs, only heard a loud bang There was a sound, the wasteland dust rose, and a few unlucky people of the ancient royal family were directly smashed to death, and Xuan Shorty and Shi Crazy were also on the ground, and a human-shaped pit was printed, twitching all over, foaming at the mouth, Almost lost my mind.

"Hehe, why should the seniors of the barbarians be angry with these ignorant juniors? They did do something wrong in this matter, and you have taught them a lesson. Let's just expose this matter like this?"

A door opened, and an old man in a black cloak stepped out. This was a member of the Ye Luocha tribe. He looked gentle and spoke calmly. He didn't seem to be too afraid of the barbarian old man in front of him.

He is none other than that old general who holds a pivotal position in the Ye Luosha clan.

"Hehe, finally came out a character with enough weight, but if you despise me barbarians so much, it's really unreasonable for me to let them go in two or three times. How about this, I won't bully the small with big ones, just look at these dolls What's the plan? If they say they want to kill them, then I'll slap these bastards to death. If they say let them go, then let them go. It's their fate." The barbarian old man looked at Pengfei and Xuanyuan grinned, their eyes were wonderful.

Hearing the barbarian old man's answer, the old general couldn't help but twitched his eyes, and saw the barbarian old man lightly raised his hand, and the three avenue cages directly captured the three sages, King Rakshasa, Shorty Xuan, and Crazy Shi. The strong man in the realm was directly trapped in it, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, Peng Fei felt helpless when he heard the words:

"Actually, I am a very simple person."

Xuanyuan laughed directly, but Pengfei was very serious, saying:

"Because I'm simple, I'm kind, and because I'm kind, I have a little grudge, but it's too cruel to kill them, so I think, first give me some money as compensation, I ask There are not many, 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. , Each life is worth 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Byelest Coin

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched, this dead fat man was born to be a money fanatic, in fact, he made the right choice, he has the supreme Taoist weapon, and only with a large amount of immortal coins can he be safe enough, this is the opposite of the rich. place of heaven.

The barbarian old man nodded and said:

"Well, if everyone pays this little fat man 100,000 trillion heavenly coins, the grievances between you and them will be wiped out."

Hearing what the barbarian old man said, even the old general couldn't help but turn green. One hundred thousand trillion celestial coins is like a lion's mouth, but at this time, there is no way out. The barbarian is powerful, only that kind Only the ancient royal families who have produced god emperors can fight against them. In ancient times, they were divided into god emperors, god emperors, and god kings. Each level is different. Although the three major ancient royal families have all produced god kings, they are obviously better It is not enough to look at the barbarians. You must know that the barbarians were a big branch of the witch clan. The witch clan was once superior to all the ancient royal families, and even the ancient god emperors would admire it. This point alone is enough. Overwhelmed them.

"Have you heard, 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Are you arrogant?" Seeing that the old general was hesitating, Peng Fei scolded his mother all of a sudden, and he was no longer the innocent look, the barbarian old man was stunned and laughed loudly.

In the end, the old general couldn't help but sighed, didn't say anything more, and gave Pengfei 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Among the ancient royal family, there are also deep foundations. Facing this terrifying existence among the barbarians, even he is not sure that he can resist it head-on. It is not bad to be able to escape.

"The other thing, the other thing, will you kill someone if you don't give it?" Peng Fei's thighs were shaking and shaking, and the flesh all over his body was shaking. When existence comes, people have to be redeemed with money.

"Okay, now that the money has been paid, it should be possible to release him, senior barbarian?" The old man of the "Sky Stone Clan" looked at the old man of the barbarian tribe.

I only heard the barbarian old man say:

"There's another boy, if he wants them to die, they still have to die."

Hearing these words, the old general of the Rakshasa tribe that night, as well as these two terrifying beings, felt the urge to vomit three liters of blood.

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