Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 950 Central World

(Thinking slowly began to smooth out, and the speed will gradually increase.)

The 'Seizing House Fierce Spirit' is invisible and substanceless, and can ignore many attacking and killing supernatural powers. Ordinary fighting spirit supernatural powers can't cause any harm to them at all.

All I could hear was the extremely shrill screams of the 'spirit of seizing the house', which were extremely ear-piercing, creepy, and scalp numb.

Xuanyuan frowned, and on the 'Purdue Buddha Bead' in his hand, seven different ancient Buddha Dharma appeared, and saw that each ancient Buddha produced a different Dharma seal, and each Dharma seal was filled with boundless Dharma, golden light filled the sky , has great restraint on ghosts.

The seven ancient Buddhas attacked at the same time, and directly suppressed the 'spirit of seizing the house'. It was seen that the 'spirit of seizing the house' twisted its pale body, was bound by seven seals, and black smoke came out of it. Emerging, a series of ferocious faces emerged, and in a moment, the 'spirit of seizing the house' completely dissipated.

Just as Xuanyuan heaved a sigh of relief, eighteen 'vicious spirits' rushed out from the portal of the 'Great Summoning Power' in succession, and all rushed towards Xuanyuan.

The incarnation of 'xu' sneered, and at the same time, he kept waving his hands, repeatedly resisting the seal of the three ancient characters:

"Boy, I'd like to see who of the two of us can last longer."

Xuanyuan frowned, and the means of the three ancient characters became even more fierce. The strength of this "violent spirit of seizing the house" is terrifying, even if it is naturally restrained by Buddhist means, but now eighteen heads have been rushed out all at once The threat to Xuanyuan is also great. At this moment, Xuanyuan dare not be careless. Once he lets the 'Wild Spirit of Seizing House' enter his body, he will definitely have a lot of trouble.

I saw the vision of "Bodhi crossing sentient beings" rising instantly from Xuanyuan's body. Under an ancient tree, Xuanyuan held the "Son of Vajra Bodhi" in his hand, chanting the supreme Dharma, and millions of Bodhi sentient beings worshiped Buddha and prayed for blessings. The Sanskrit sounds all over the sky converged into a boundless sea of ​​Buddha, instantly engulfing the eighteen 'spirits of seizing homes'.

The vast Buddha light is like the sulfur in hell, sweeping and galloping, melting their bodies. It would be fine if they used the "Purdue Buddha Bead". ' His look couldn't help but change.

"I didn't expect you to be able to obtain such a supreme Buddha object. It seems that it is impossible to take away your physical body. Let's beat you and disable you first, and then take the body at that time. I see you What can I do."

There was a trace of ruthlessness in the expression of 'Xu', and I saw that in the 'big summoning momentum', suddenly a five-foot-tall 'Vajra Bear' jumped out of it, his whole body was surging with energy and blood, his body was as firm as a diamond, Its golden hair is like steel needles, extremely dense, its sharp claws can match ordinary low-grade Taoist weapons, and its killing power is amazing. From its eyes, there is a terrifying bloody light, which is extremely ferocious.

One after another, a total of twelve "Vajra Bears" who jumped out of the realm of heavenly immortals, but their own strength is enough to resist the supreme heavenly immortals outside, even if Xuanyuan's physical body is astonishingly strong, they cannot compete with these infinite gods who have mastered the rules of heaven. The Heavenly Immortal was shocked, 'Xu' looked ferocious, and laughed maniacally:

"Boy, you are destined to be used by me, you should give up quickly."

"Joke, do you really think I can't deal with you?" Xuanyuan took off a piece of his hair, and immediately evolved an identical self. After Xuanyuan stepped into the realm of immortality, he had already upgraded the "Wanhuashenfa" to a Height means that he can develop an incarnation with the same combat power as himself.

"So that's how you are. You are the 'Body of Myriad Transformations'. It's really my fault. In our era, the physique of the 'Body of Myriad Transformations' couldn't survive at all. The 'Body of Myriad Transformations' in the past dynasties all carried big Born by bad luck, no one has high achievements, but I never thought that in this last world, such a 'body of all transformations' like you can be born."

'Xu' looked sternly, staring at Xuanyuan, as if he was thinking about how to deal with Xuanyuan. This is because his avatar is limited. Now Xuanyuan's three ancient characters are constantly sealed and suppressed, consuming his own strength. If this continues, he won't be able to hold on for long, and he will be reduced to ashes.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the 'Great Devourer' also wanted to learn from 'Xu', but the Wu clan didn't know that the 'Great Devourer' was evil, so the old barbarian king and the 'Great Devourer' fought to a draw , it is impossible for the 'Emperor Devourer' to get close to the 'Xu'. Once any mutation occurs, the consequences will be disastrous, and it is naturally impossible for the barbarians to do that.

Xuanyuan didn't respond, and saw the twelve 'vajra bears' wielding the law of the heavenly avenue, and came towards Xuanyuan to kill them. The reason why the earth immortals and heavenly immortals are so tyrannical is because they use the power of the earth and the sky to use more powerful forces. The majestic law of heaven and earth, and the soul of the earth, the soul of the sky is added to the body, which can inspire the heaven and the earth in the dark, so that the physical body has endless power, which is extremely terrifying.

However, Xuanyuan once again stimulated the terrain in his body, "all living beings are equal", and the strength of the twelve murderous "Vajra bears" was instantly suppressed to the realm of life immortals. Even so, their killing power is still astonishing , I saw the incarnation of Xuanyuan, holding the 'Swallowing Demon Sword', attacking and killing, the speed of the attack was as fast as lightning, and a sword snake glowing with cold light danced wildly, stabbing and killing the twelve 'Vajra Bears' back and forth , Each sword took out most of the life essence in their bodies, only the sound of greedy blood drinking came from the 'swallowing magic sword', accompanied by the roar of the 'vajra bear'.

In less than a moment, the twelve 'vajra bears' fell to the ground one by one, and they were all swallowed up by the black vortex cast by Xuanyuan's external incarnation with the 'swallowing magic sword'.

After finishing all this, the second Xuanyuan holds the 'Swallowing Demon Sword', dances the 'Swallowing Demon Sword' in his hand, chops and slashes towards that intertwined movement in mid-air, as if he wants to summon another 'big summoning power', now 'Xu' was suppressed by Xuanyuan with three ancient characters, and his strength was consumed so quickly that he was no longer able to resist.

Xuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and luckily the terrain he had drawn before could come in handy, otherwise, life and death would be unpredictable.

"Okay, boy, you are really good, it seems that you have won."'Xu''s eyes were murderous, but at this moment, he had no choice:

"The first thing I will do when I break the seal is to kill you. The luck of the human race is getting worse day by day. The age of the gods is coming again. You humble races will all die in the wrath of the gods." .”

"Actually, if you want me not to destroy your incarnation, you can answer me a few questions, the death of the human race, or the ancient royal family, is none of my business? You'd better kill them all, you know why I Do you want to leave the world of vindictiveness? It is because I am the "body of myriad transformations". They say that I am the origin of evil, and they want to kill me, saying that I am a body of evil. What a ridiculous and ridiculous group of people, because they , I am the enemy of the whole world, and it is impossible to move an inch, and it is in my mind that they die." Xuanyuan showed an indifferent attitude.

"Physiques like the 'everything body' are indeed not tolerated by the gods. Well, I'll tell you what you want to know, but there is one condition, you have to bring me that piece of negative mirror, and I can even pass it on. The avenue of your god race, when the time comes, you will feel the vastness of the world, and the world you live in is just a drop in the ocean. Knowing the humbleness of the human race, I can even use the blood of the gods to transform your physique and let you live. A million years!" 'Xu' looked calm, and his words were full of temptation.

"Okay, what was the structure of this world in the chaos of ancient times? What happened to the outside world communicated by the so-called eight poles and eight portals?" Xuanyuan faced the temptation calmly, he I know, this 'virtual' old cunning, how can it be so good, now he wants to know more, so that he can enter that world, he will have some clues, many things, even the human race does not know, because the earliest The rulers of a piece of the world are these fierce gods who have been suppressed and sealed.

"Hey, since you want to know, let me tell you, the world we are in now is not called the fighting spirit world, but the central world, because of the chaos of the gods, the war has destroyed this part of the world. Fragmented, divided into nine, in the chaos of ancient times, today's world is called, Central China, because here, there is a "Longevity Gate", so it is called China, and the other eight states are divided into four immortals and four spirits, you Now the Summer Gate is connected to Nanyan Xianzhou." 'Xu' words made Xuanyuan's expression feel indescribably shocked.

"In the chaotic ancient times, the central world was shattered by the chaos of the gods. At that time, the human race had not yet risen. Does it mean that the world I am going to now will be people from the great ancient royal families?" Xuanyuan frowned. , he never thought about what the world of extraterrestrial starry sky would look like. The words of "Xuan" now reminded him, but Xuanyuan is not afraid of being in that kind of world. Body', also derives all blood vessels and appearances.

"That's not entirely true. The 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' of the human race once took all the saints from this summer gate to the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' to spread the belief of the human race. In the chaotic ancient times, the human race just worked hard. With their strength at that time, they should It will greatly improve the human race in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', and the luck of the human race began to come at that time, even without them, there will be a powerful human race." 'Xu' said these things very calmly.

"So that's how it is." Xuanyuan understood at once. At that time, the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and all the sages went out of the territory to spread the culture and beliefs of the human race. I am afraid that they have traveled farther, just like the current Xizhou Bliss Buddhist Temple. It came from outside the region, and has since taken root in the fighting spirit world. From this point of view, everything has a good explanation.

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