Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 954: Ceremony

'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce'.

This is the only chamber of commerce in 'Tian'an City', covering an extremely vast area of ​​three thousand miles. As a chamber of commerce, it can be so large, one can imagine how prosperous this place is, and it can be seen that the area of ​​'Tian'an City' is how old are you.

The buildings around the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce' depict flames shaped like maple leaves, which is the unique symbol of the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce'.

The crowds here are dense, people come and go, there is an endless stream, and various transactions are carried out with the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce', and the guards of the Chamber of Commerce whose strength is above Rank 5 Fighting Immortal maintain order.

When Xuanyuan stepped into it, it was a hall for thousands of people. This place was in charge of entertaining guests. He saw a beautiful woman, dressed in white, with the flame maple leaf on it, symbolizing that they were members of the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce'.

Here, it is orderly, in the hall of thousands of people, everyone talks in harmony but there is no loud noise.

Seeing Xuanyuan enter, a woman immediately stepped forward to greet her. The woman has a gentle appearance, a sweet smile, and a soft voice:

"Guest officer, how many people?"

"Huh? It's just me." Looking at the huge scene of the "Lihuo Chamber of Commerce", Xuanyuan sighed in his heart, coming to this "Nanyan Immortal State", there are already too many things beyond Xuanyuan's expectations.

"Well, guest officer, please follow me." The woman bowed and turned to lead the way. Xuanyuan followed closely. After a while, she came to an unoccupied Eight Immortals table. Intoxicating, it contains a strong aura of heaven and earth, can cut hair and wash marrow, strengthen the body, and is of great value.

"Excuse me, sir, do you need anything?"

Xuanyuan looked embarrassed and said with a smile:

"I don't have much money on me. If you treat me so warmly, I'm afraid I won't be able to pay later."

The smile on the woman's face froze for a moment, and said:

"Master, you are joking, we don't need to pay extra for entertainment."

"Uh, that's good. Actually, I want to attend classes. I didn't learn well when I was young. I like to go to the deep mountains and old forests to practice. I don't know the history of our world at all. Now that I have cultivated to a certain level, I want to learn and see if I can gain some insight into my practice." Xuanyuan rubbed his nose and smiled awkwardly, as if he was afraid of embarrassment, and he could see all the little tricks.

"If you don't mind, my lord, I can teach you these things." The corner of the woman's mouth raised a smile.

"I'm really ashamed, then let the girl tell me. As for the price, tell me too, because I'm afraid I won't be able to afford it." Xuanyuan showed a very tight look.

The woman nodded, smiled and said:

"Master, you want to choose a quiet and elegant place to teach, are you still here?"

"How much is the price here, and how much is the price in a quiet and elegant place?" Xuanyuan asked seriously.

"Here, you only need to pay 1,000 Celestial Coins. If you want to change to a separate place, you need 10,000 Celestial Coins at the human level, 100,000 Celestial Coins at the Earth level, and a million Celestial Coins at the Heavenly level." The woman said.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath and said:

"So expensive?"

In fact, the money is nothing to Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan just wants to test the attitude of these people.

The woman still smiled and said:

"A better environment will help you practice, and there will be some ancient inscriptions, which will help you understand, and many of the contents taught by the young girl are unknown to outside academies. They are hard to find outside, I hope you will think about them carefully!"

From the beginning to the end, the woman did not show a trace of impatience. If you were in the "fighting world", I am afraid that once you heard that you have no money, you would start to perfunctory, or directly cast a look of contempt on you , cynicism is not impossible.

Xuanyuan sighed in his heart, it is the same original world, why the difference between the two places is so big, Xuanyuan sighed and said:

"Forget it, let's go to the heavenly place."

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, a trace of surprise flashed in the woman's eyes, she nodded and said with a smile:

"Well, guest officer, please follow me."

Under the guidance of the woman, he walked out of the hall of thousands of people, passed through a gate, and finally Xuanyuan came to a garden.

In this garden, plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums are planted. Among the flowers, the four gentlemen are in full bloom.

In the center of this place, there is a quaint stone pavilion, which looks old. Around the stone pavilion, there are stone tablets, on which are engraved the inscriptions left by the sages.

At this moment, Xuanyuan and the woman were sitting on the stone pavilion, the woman's hand flashed, and a jade plate was held in her hand. Inside the jade plate were exquisite jade pots and jade cups, all of which were refined from rare treasures in the world. As a result, they are valuable in themselves, and as containers, they can exert their own wonderful functions.

"Guest officer, this is Gentleman's Tea. It can make people upright, get rid of distracting thoughts, purify their breath and concentrate their minds, and refine their souls. In the dark, it can also make guest officers feel the righteousness in this piece of heaven and earth. Maybe it will make your son There is a bigger harvest!" As soon as the voice fell, the woman made good tea for Xuanyuan.

The color of Junzi tea is as pure as water, colorless and tasteless, but just looking at it, you can feel the righteousness, grandeur, and wisdom contained in this cup of tea.

Xuanyuan's expression changed, he looked at the woman, and asked:

"Girl, what's your name?"

"Leaving the moon."

"Miss Liyue, what would happen if I don't have enough money to pay?" Xuanyuan looked at Liyue with a harmless smile on his face.

Li Yue was immediately petrified. The guest officer in front of her was simply not the best. After a pause, she sighed lightly:

"If you don't have enough money to pay, you can issue an IOU and enter the credit list of the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce' from now on. If you don't pay off the debt, the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce' will no longer conduct business with you. I also have to bear 10% of the money spent on behalf of the young master because I don’t know the person.”

Xuanyuan nodded, this approach is indeed very good, at least it will not be like in the "Duqi Continent", if there is no money to pay, the guest will be detained, everything on him will be searched, and then he will teach him a lesson Dayton, some even abolish the other party's supernatural powers, or directly kill them to make an example. At least the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce' here is much more civilized than the 'Duqi Continent'.

Places like 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce' and 'Jiuding Chamber of Commerce' are relatively better. In some other private chambers of commerce, it is possible that you buy a priceless item here, and when you leave, you will be assassinated immediately, and the item will be stolen again. It is self-evident who took it away.

"Well, Miss Liyue, it's time to start. Tell me, I'll listen." Xuanyuan drank the 'Gentleman's Tea' in one gulp, feeling a surge of righteousness in his body, this breath can destroy everything Even if it is a despicable person, all the evil thoughts in his heart will be eliminated a lot the moment he drinks the "gentleman's tea".

Li Yuelian moved slightly, with a smile on her face, she brought Xuanyuan to a stone carving, and said slowly:

"My 'Nanyan World' was originally a state named 'Nanyan Xianzhou', but in a war, the original world was torn apart, and the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' was also separated from the original world. Over time, it was formed. The 'Nanyan World' is gone."

"When the 'Nanyan World' was shattered, it was in the chaos of ancient times. This was the earliest era. At that time, the ancient royal family ruled the roost, and our human race was just a humble slave. In this world, struggling to survive, accompanied by The changes of the times, from the end of the chaotic ancient times to the ancient times, the luck of the human race began to rise gradually, and the "Nanyan Emperor" appeared, he ruled the human race, governed the human race, and fought against the other races, changing the status of our human race."

"Until one day, a group of people came from the original world. They were human races from the original world of 'Nanyan Xianzhou'. The leader was an existence named 'Hongmeng Tiandi'. He led his subjects, All the sages, in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' educate all races in the world, do not hurt one person, pass on their wisdom, courage, benevolence, great supernatural powers, knowledge, etc. to the world, and spread the civilization and knowledge of the human race to the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' 'Every corner of the world, even the ancient royal family, demons, and demons have been influenced. Their god emperors, demon emperors, and demon emperors all admire them from the bottom of their hearts. Their actions have completely changed the status of the human race. The holy land of my human race still enshrines the statues of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and all the saints, and they visit them every day, and even among the ancient royal family, demon clan, and demon clan, there are people who believe in them."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan was deeply moved. He did not expect that there are still people who believe in worshiping the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" and all the saints among the ancient royal family, demon race, and monster race. It is conceivable that they spread the culture of the human race at that time. What a huge impact it has on all ethnic groups.

"Since then, all ethnic groups have lived in peace, everyone knows the books and rituals, does not easily use troops, respects heaven and earth, burns wood for incense, weaves grass for dogs, and worships heaven and earth. , making the entire 'Nanyan World' move toward prosperity."

From what Li Yue said, Xuanyuan can already see what kind of situation the human race looked like in the ancient prosperous age in the "World of Fighting Qi", and how big the gap between the people's hearts at that time and the people's hearts at this time is. ', every time when offering sacrifices to the ancestors, which time is it not to kill all kinds of spirit beasts and enshrine all kinds of fairy treasures, making it extremely cumbersome, inlaid with gold and silver, and even sacrificing human lives to heaven, it seems that this is not the case , you can't show your respect for your ancestors and the world.

Don't you ask that happiness comes from within, and rituals are made from outside, great joy must be easy, and great ceremony must be simple?

(PS: I opened Sina Weibo, you can listen to it, search, you can find Xu Yin_Xiami XL, as for Tencent Weibo, search for Xu Yin directly, I am the one who has the certification.)

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