Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 961 Kill Ten Thousand Enemies With One Power

This ghost king led ten ghost kings to descend, surrounded by ten thousand ghosts dancing together, with ferocious claws, waving again and again, roaring in unison, the momentum was vast, and it was extremely astonishing. With blue-faced fangs and bloody mouth breathing out a stench, the flesh is rotten into pieces, wriggling all kinds of stone insects, and the flesh is exuding, which is terrifying.

Li Yue frowned. The double rings in her hands were called 'Sun and Moon Dao Rings'. They were named to have the power of the sun and the moon, which could draw the sun and the moon to kill the enemy. They were the great nemesis of these ghosts and spirits.

It's just that at this moment, with her strength, she can't help but feel her scalp tingle when she sees all the ghost spirits rushing towards her. She knows that she must be outnumbered. If there is no ghost king, ghost king, she can still fight. Now, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

However, only the man in front of Xuanyuan knew the news about Xuanyuan. She didn't believe that the man in front of her could seriously injure Xuanyuan, and she had a vague guess in her heart, but it was extremely uncertain, so she wanted to confirm her thoughts before leaving.

Xuanyuan stood in the sky, his battle armor shone with a faint cold light under the reflection of the moonlight, his long hair fluttered, and his eyes under the battle helmet were like two round black holes, revealing a deep aura , The majestic fighting spirit from his body swept across the sky, facing the powerful enemies all over the sky, Xuanyuan retreated instead of advancing, he said slowly:

"Go away, don't hinder me here, otherwise, if you die here, don't blame me."

As soon as the words fell, a huge black melting furnace appeared behind Xuanyuan's head, exuding an extremely strange aura.

Li Yue shook her head and said:

"If you want me to go, you can hand over the map on your body. I gave it to Mr. Xuanyuan, not to you."

Xuanyuan was startled, and finally knew why Liyue found this place. It turned out that there was Liyue's aura on this map. Xuanyuan didn't notice it at all, but along the way, many dangerous places on it were clearly depicted It is extremely fine, and Xuanyuan relies on it to avoid it. If you leave this map, you will be unable to move an inch, and it is impossible for Xuanyuan to hand it over.

"Joke, that person named Xuanyuan fought with me, and after he was defeated, he voluntarily handed over the map. You should go find him. He found my 'Thousand Poisons and Thousand Demon Palms'. If he doesn't treat it in time, I'm afraid I won't live long." Xuanyuan's voice was indifferent, and Li Yue couldn't recognize it at all.

Hearing this, Li Yue's pretty face turned pale, she looked at Xuanyuan angrily, and shouted:

"Which direction did Master Xuanyuan go?"

"Anyway, it's the opposite direction. I guess I ran somewhere to lick my wounds, hahaha." Xuanyuan sneered a few times, then looked at the ghost king in the sky, the ghost king, and said coldly:

"What's the matter, are you the only ones out?"

Li Yue wanted to leave, but she always felt that things were not that simple, because Xuanyuan had been baptized by the 'Hundred Saint Hongguang', if this person in front of him was a big devil, he would not be able to hurt Xuanyuan at all, because his strength had not even reached the ground. Immortal realm, and a very important point, these demonic energy is righteous but not evil, if this person has the intention to kill other people, I am afraid that he will kill the heavy hand, but he has not made a move yet, what is the reason for this? There are many doubts in it, and Xuanyuan is also in the realm of immortality!

Seeing that Li Yue still hadn't left, Xuanyuan was very troubled. In the sky, there was a ghost emperor in a dark golden robe, holding a bone knife, stepping straight towards him, carving fine runes on the bone knife , The thoughts of thousands of ghosts are sealed in the runes, and there are dense, palpitating roars, which are shocking.

The ghost emperor looked at Xuanyuan with a ferocious face, and said:

"To deal with you, a kid in the Immortal Realm, to put on such a posture is to look up to you, but I will not kill the unknown general, and say, what big force is behind you to support you, so that you dare to act so boldly?" , come to trouble my Ghost Spirit Clan?"

In fact, the ghost emperor is afraid that there is some terrifying power behind Xuanyuan, and it would not be good to offend it. After all, the ghost king is dead now. If he kills Xuanyuan, it will cause unmanageable consequences, and he will be in bad luck , so you must ask the other party's origin.

"If you want to move, do it, why bother talking nonsense, leave all of you here today."

As soon as the words fell, the aura on Xuanyuan's body rose steadily, and he saw an extremely huge black furnace in the sky, blocking the brilliance of the bright moon, tumbling with a force that made many ghosts tremble with fear, almost without any warning , The black flames that filled the sky poured down densely, covering a radius of a hundred miles, and covering all the tens of thousands of ghosts.

These flames are black magic fires derived from the greedy old man with the method of myriad transformations, but their essence remains the same. It is the "Tiangang Taishang Holy Fire" originally conceived in the "Laojun Furnace" that specializes in subduing all demons The crooked way can refine all things in the sky and integrate into the true meaning of Tiangang Taishang. It is said that once there was a great war between the human race and the "fighting holy ape clan", "fighting the Buddha" was arrested and practiced once, but "fighting and defeating the Buddha" The Buddha is a person with great luck, he survived from a desperate situation, his strength soared, he saw through the avenue, broke through the "Laojun furnace", and cultivated the supreme Dharma eye, which can penetrate the nine secluded worlds and reach the sky.

The 'Laojun Stove' was later repaired to perfection by the ancient sages with many supreme Taoist treasures, and then in the endless years, the human race fought several times, so that the 'Laojun Stove' was lost in a foreign world , was obtained by the 'Emperor Devourer', it can be said that it is an unprecedented miracle that 'Emperor Devourer' can be refined into a supreme Taoist weapon, and this is the most feared by the great families.

The black rain of fire fell all over the sky, and it fell on those ghosts. The ghosts whose strength was less than the realm of immortality were all turned into fly ash, and they merged into a ball of pure power and rushed towards Xuanyuan's brain. The final melting pot has become the nourishment for nourishing the greedy old man.

"Hahaha, kill kill kill..." the greedy old man roared excitedly.

Of the tens of thousands of ghost spirits that were originally mighty, only the ghost emperor and ten ghost kings were left, and they were using their means to resist the falling black flames at the same time. This kind of flame is innate fire, and the power in it is extremely It's terrifying, I don't know how many years of gestation, and they already have spiritual wisdom, and the central control is the black melting pot behind Xuanyuan's head.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Li Yue's expression was shocked:

"Too strong, this person in front of me."

Almost at the same time, the Ghost Emperor gave an order, saying:

"Take down this woman first, and return to Ghost Mountain for discussion."

The black flames all over the sky, even the ghost emperor felt terrified, this kind of congenital fire suppressed them too terrible, even the protection restrictions they derived were pierced through layers, and they could only persist for a while.

The Ghost Emperor and Ghost King Qiqi made a move, and a cage covered with strange talismans directly enveloped Li Yue's body. Originally, Li Yue wanted to wave the 'Sun Moon Dao Ring' in her hand to resist, but she stopped immediately with a thought. They stopped the operation of their own thinking and let the ghost emperor and ghost king take them away.

Xuanyuan didn't notice the sudden change in Li Yue's expression, seeing her trapped, he flew into a rage:

From his hand, the 'Five Elements Reincarnation Fist' erupted instantly, and the five-color divine light formed a colorful vortex, impacting towards the ghost emperor, all of them stepped straight up with Xuanyuan, and the black furnace behind their heads hit them hard, scaring them Their faces are all green.

Among them, the four ghost kings had no time to dodge, and were directly crushed to pieces, unable to fight back. Xuanyuan swung one foot of the black furnace and smashed it at the ghost emperor. Countless black flames surged, and the ghost emperor struck fiercely. , directly grabbed the two ghost kings and threw them out. The moment he acted as his own shield, he also activated the runes on them, causing them to explode.

The self-destruction of one Earth Immortal at the peak level is no small matter, let alone two, and they are still at the level of ghost kings. Without the slightest protection, the Celestial Immortal would be severely wounded, and its burst of power immediately blocked Xuanyuan's melting furnace, and the Ghost Emperor fled, knowing that he was definitely not Xuanyuan's opponent.

Xuanyuan looked at the ghost king who was fleeing, and directly cast the vision of "killing life and entering reincarnation". Between his brows, he opened a vertical eye, revealing an undetectable breath, pulling on the ghost king. It is a way of seeking and killing by the way of heaven. As long as he is led, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, he can be chased and killed. Xuanyuan is going to kill them directly in their lair later, but he dares to attack Li Yue. This is impossible. Forgive.

The ghost emperor escaped, and the remaining four ghost kings were not so lucky. They flew in four directions through the air, and saw four sharp arrows formed by black fire condensing out of the air. There were four screams, and they all turned into pure power and merged into the furnace behind Xuanyuan.

Just when Xuanyuan came back to his senses, Li Yue urged the 'Sun Moon Dao Ring' in his hand to directly smash the cage that bound him, looked at Xuanyuan, and said happily:

"Master Xuanyuan, you don't have to lie to me anymore."

Xuanyuan's heart froze, this girl really had a delicate mind, he gave a wry smile, and said:

"Miss Liyue, why are you bothering? Hurry up and go back to the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce'. I can take good care of myself along the way, and these little devils can't hurt me."

"I know that the big melting pot behind you is very important. It has a great ability to kill the dark races in the world, and it can also calcine them into the purest power to nourish the melting pot. But the person you are looking for is very powerful. It may be in the fierce god's nest, if you don't take me with you, you may not have a chance to find her at all."

Li Yue looked at Xuanyuan, with a look of joy on her face, everything was exactly as she expected, from the moment Xuanyuan rescued her, she was extremely sure.

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