Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 982 Dao is Dao, very Dao.

This heavenly sound is incomparably magnificent, like the voice of God, pervasive and shocking, it quietly penetrates into Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, transforms into sound, and condenses into a majestic figure, standing in Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, When people see it, they can't help but bow their heads and kneel down. A figure like this can destroy Xuanyuan with a single wave of his finger, but Xuanyuan still holds his head high and stands upright!

"I want to practice Taoism here, and I want to condense the seven visions I have comprehended into one, otherwise, I will not be able to step into the realm of the earth immortal in my life, so I need to use this place, and seniors allow it!"

Xuanyuan's heart trembled, he knew that this thought was probably the thought of the "Great Emperor", it was many times stronger than Bi, it was extremely terrifying, Xuanyuan felt that in front of the thought of the "Great Emperor", he could not Can't resist.

"Huh? It's really amazing. At such a young age, I was able to comprehend these seven completely different visions, and each vision is different. It is extremely powerful. If you can condense them into one body and follow your own way, It can indeed allow you to have an essential transcendence, since you have no evil thoughts, I will let you condense your way here, but I will not help you." The thought of 'Great Emperor Haoran' came, extremely soft , as if talking to his own child, in Xuanyuan, he felt a sense of righteousness that made the evil spirit crooked!

"Hahaha, thank you 'Great Emperor Haoran' for your success. I don't need anyone's help. My way requires me to come out on my own. Any external help will only harm me. The only one who can achieve myself is myself!"

All this happened in an instant, and even Que didn't notice that Xuanyuan had communicated with the 'Great Emperor Haoran'. If Que knew, his eyes would fall to the ground in shock.

At this moment, Bi kept using his original strength to resist, and used his own thoughts to attack the 'Great Emperor'. It was very obvious that he seemed to be protecting Xuanyuan. It can transform all the evil spirits, but it has been refined for so many years, but it still hasn't been refined. It is conceivable how powerful it is.

Blood dragons soared into the sky, with ferocious scales, and intertwined and manifested patterns of various exotic lands, attacking and killing the grand formation of the 'Great Emperor', but were smashed one by one by a force of upright righteousness, without the slightest suspense.

"What's going on, why didn't the 'Great Emperor' do anything? That great emperor entered here that day, and in an instant, three souls and seven souls were wiped out by the power of the 'Great Emperor'. It's a pity that the original power of that body, It's really too weak. As long as I can use the means of 'Great Haoran' to kill this kid's soul, I can easily take away his body, and then rely on everything on him to restore my own strength. This kid There will be no shortage of treasures on my body!"

This is the ultimate goal in Qu's heart. Just now he let out another voice, but he felt that all the changes in his heart would be detected by Xuanyuan. He knew that this kid was as cunning as a fox, and he could give himself his clone so easily. , must have no good intentions, so he deliberately created an illusion just now, and in the end Xuanyuan also jumped into this 'refinement pool' as he wished.

Although there is his idea and his original power here, but one of them was suppressed by the 'Great Emperor', and now he suddenly entered such a Xuanyuan, and his strong counterattack, the 'Great Emperor' should be wiped out immediately Killing Xuanyuan is the only way, because when he killed that emperor figure, he didn't hold back at all!

On that day, when Qu’s own origin seized the opportunity to take away that physical body, but because that physical body could not bear the power of his original origin, it broke apart. You must know that at that time, Bi’s original strength was still extremely huge , even the characters in the Emperor Realm couldn't bear it. Since then, Xuanyuan is the second person who can step here. This is the last chance, and Que can only gamble once.

Bi was startled and uncertain, and now he could only watch like this.

At this moment, Xuanyuan was impacted by a huge thought, and the 'power of ten thousand transformations' was activated in an instant, and even sucked a drop of the terrifying blood in the 'refining dao pool' into the 'Laojun's furnace', using all his strength Refining, wanting to calcine all the ideas in it, but it takes an extremely long time and a lot of strength to be able to take this incomparably precious blood as one's own, integrate it into oneself, and strengthen it. One's own abilities are something that can be encountered but not sought after.

Only Xuanyuan, who is a "body of myriad transformations", can do this, which can absorb all the power in the world. If it is replaced by an ordinary person, if the emperor's blood merges into himself, I am afraid that it will cause great repulsion and cause the body to explode. And death is not impossible, because each kind of blood contains its own way, unless that drop of blood has been transformed into the purest emperor's blood that nourishes the lives of others, but such emperor's blood So few and far between, it's simply impossible.

Even the thought of the 'Great Emperor Haoran' has discovered this subtle movement, because he controls the 'Great Melting Pot of Righteousness', and everything in it cannot be hidden from him:

"Oh? This son is really capable, but the realm of the Immortal has this ability. I have seen it in my life. With such aptitude, power and power, his physical body is also very strong, and he can dissipate many external forces to create for himself. Lighten the burden, huh? This kind of flame is so familiar. When I think of it, this is the "Tiangang Taishang Holy Flame". Could it be Li Shengxian's successor? Isn't this a kind of flame that Li Shengxian can control? But I don't want to, There are too many Taos in this son, even the Taos of the ancient royal family, and the Taoism outside the territory, what kind of person is he?"

Xuanyuan didn't know the changes in the thoughts of the "Great Emperor Haoran". At this moment, Xuanyuan felt that he was about to be swallowed up by the "Finishing Dao Pond". He looked up to the sky and shouted loudly:

"Are you going to be crushed by the Dao of the 'Grand Great Emperor' and the Dao of the fierce dragon like this? When is this time, you have to fight on your own, since you are all the Dao that I comprehended If I die, your way will disappear completely between heaven and earth, is this what you want?"

Xuanyuan’s words and sentences contain the mantras that communicate the power of the Dao. As the saying goes, there are thousands of Dao’s, hanging down in the world of mortals. Every Dao hopes to be continued. The visions that Xuanyuan comprehends have their own unique Dao , extremely powerful, not from the same source, it is difficult to condense together, but once successful, it will become extremely powerful.

"Hmph, why should I surrender to you, and let you use my power, this is a gift to you." 'All the Sons of Heaven' uttered a thought, and in this vision, there are hundreds of proud sons of heaven, They have been inherited from the major forces, they are all a generation of arrogance, and they cannot surrender to others.

"Boy, directly cast 'Wan Hua Yu Dao', which is left over from the 'Emperor Devourer' back then, and we can only use the power of this place to subdue them." The greedy old man hurriedly said.

"Using violence, of course, can make the opponent submit, but this is not the result I want. The way is right, the way is very way. I want to walk out of my way. The only way is to subdue others without fighting. Conquering the Tao with virtue is the best way, and being a soldier is a big taboo, and I will not use it unless it is absolutely impossible, let alone they are the ways I have comprehended."

"You boy..." The greedy old man was speechless.

"Just because I will become a generation of Emperor Xuanyuan in the future, because I will save the 'Central China' from fire and water in the future, and because I want to save the end of humanity and save the fate of the human race. As the orthodoxy of 'Central China', Do you want to watch all this fly into ashes and annihilate?"

"This..." The vision of 'all the sons of heaven' is no longer as fierce as before. Every word of Xuanyuan seems to contain the will of their ancestors, which shocked them. They saw Xuanyuan's soul stepping forward. And out, said:

"Integrate into my soul, and I will let your Tao shine in all directions!"

Just when the vision of "all the sons of heaven singing together" was hesitating, suddenly from Xuanyuan's body, bursts of grand light burst forth, which was so pure that it shocked their minds. This was their ancestor's recognition of Xuanyuan, left behind imprint.

Many thoughts no longer said anything, they were integrated into Xuanyuan's soul, willing to become Xuanyuan's way.

"Forget it, you are the only inheritance left by Qinglong. If I don't help you, who can help you..." I saw the terrifying vision of 'Qinglong swims to the eight poles'. Into Xuanyuan's body.

"Just now it was the aura of 'all sages'. I didn't expect you to be recognized by them. It proves that you are a virtuous person and can take on important responsibilities." The vision of 'the ancestors come to the past and the present' reveals such thoughts , in the ancient times, the human race rose up, and won the respect of the ancient royal family with their own strength and culture. Now even if they are made to respect Xuanyuan's Tao, it is not an insult to them.

Immediately afterwards, "Jun Lin Tian Di Ting", "Bodhi Crossing All Beings" and "One Qi Transforming Three Purities" were integrated into Xuanyuan's body and integrated into one piece, leaving only the last vision, "Psychic God Realm", which belongs to Xuanyuan practiced supernatural powers outside the domain, and realized the terrifying vision. Seeing that Xuanyuan refined the six visions in his own soul at once, he saw that Xuanyuan's soul was undergoing extremely essential changes.

"Only you are left, 'Psychic God Realm'." Xuanyuan Tou sent out his thoughts, looking at the vision that he had evolved.

"'Central China' is nothing more than a mountain corner in my eyes. I have nothing to do with the life and death of the creatures in this piece of heaven and earth. It is impossible for me to surrender my way to you for them."'Spiritualism God's Domain' exudes such an idea, this is the way from outside the territory!

Dao has spirits, if they are suppressed by force, they may succumb to themselves for a while, but they are not willing to use their power to the extreme, only to let them be convinced, to recognize their own existence, unite as one, unite as one. Only by sharing between you and me can their power be brought into full play!

This is the very way that Xuanyuan wants to go, and virtue conquers all ways.

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