Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 987 The Calamity of the Supreme Dao Artifact

At this moment, the attention of Qu and the 'Great Emperor Haoran' are all focused on Xuanyuan, one of his decisions can have two completely different results.

Now it is the Xuanyuan Gang's "Great Emperor Haoran" who refines Bi, because of Xuanyuan's help, he is able to do this, and it is difficult for Bi to breathe. The "Great Emperor Haoran" can only make this decision. He knows very well that if Bi fights back desperately, The gain outweighs the loss, since I took the initiative to invite Xuanyuan, it's up to Xuanyuan to decide!

"I'm afraid I can't control a little bit of his original power. After all, even if it's just a little bit of original power, people at the level of the ancient emperor can't control it. I don't know the 'great emperor' any idea?"

Xuanyuan knew that Bi's personality had ulterior motives, so he must have no good intentions. He was too casual and would only make himself die a miserable death, so he sent a message to the 'Emperor Haoran', hoping to find some good way to kill two birds with one stone. It's the best.

"Well! Xuanyuan, you are indeed courageous and resourceful. You are worthy of being recognized by all the sages. Later, I will use the 'Dazheng Sword Qi Breaking Method' to imprint on his original strand, as long as he wants If it is against you, you only need to activate this method, and he will be annihilated in ashes, and this is up to you to control." 'Emperor Haoran' smiled at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan was delighted when he heard the words, and nodded, he felt at ease with the method of 'Grand Great Emperor', especially when he blessed 'Hundred Saints Hongguang', to use this kind of seal, for himself, If you want to manipulate it, you can use your arms and fingers, and you are not afraid of what kind of tricks Qu can pull off!

"Qi, I agree to your request, you can directly draw out a ray of your original power." Xuanyuan smiled.

"Okay!" Bi didn't say a word, he directly drew out a ray of his original power, and he didn't intend to resist anymore, because with Xuanyuan's 'Hundred Saint Hongguang', he had no chance to resist at all, as long as Qingshan remained , Not afraid of running out of firewood, all sorts of conspiracies flashed through my mind for a moment, thinking about how to plot against Xuanyuan in the future.

Just when Que drew out a strand of his original power, Xuanyuan said again:

"However, things are not that simple. For you, even a ray of your original power is enough to easily control me, so I must ask the 'Great Emperor Haoran' to draw a line on your original power. Branding, in case you suddenly turn against the water, as long as you have this ray of original power, it doesn't matter if these are not refined, because as long as you take me away, you can recover your strength in an instant..."

While talking, Xuanyuan took out the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit', which was lifelike, like a real green dragon winding and rising, full of incomparably majestic breath of life, all kinds of gods in the body manifested one by one, and the 'Mending Sky Copper' suppressed The corner of "Maxianyuan" and "Seal of Heaven", "Son of Vajra Bodhi", "Three Flower Lotus Lamp", "Psychic Jade" and "Qinglong Neidan" are all treasures that are hard to find in the world. They were all a bit dazzling, but Bi's eyes turned green all of a sudden, and he was a little crazy. He really didn't expect that Xuanyuan really had so many treasures, even in the "Origin of Hongmeng", it didn't mean that he wanted to get them You can get it!

"Xuanyuan, you are so cruel!" Bi's eyes flickered, he stared at Xuanyuan fiercely, and said angrily, he had never been so depressed and angry, and now the person who made him suffer so much is Xuanyuan, And he's still a boy who is only about 20 years old!

"Hey, people are not ruthless, and you can't stand firmly. You don't have to agree, but you don't want to get a little bit of your own original power. You only leave a wisp of remnant for me to control. Maybe I can't save you in any danger. You." Xuanyuan said every word, looking at the ray of origin with a calm expression.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Although Bi didn't want to control his life in the hands of others, but at this moment, he had no choice but to wait until he escaped from this place, and he felt that Xuanyuan's son was indeed not easy, so don't be unfavorable to him for the time being. The opponent also needs to use him, and there will be no danger for a while, as long as his strength recovers, the imprint planted by the power of the "Great Emperor" on his original power may not necessarily be the same. Can be a threat to yourself!

"Okay." As soon as the figure of the 'Great Emperor' moved, one after another emperor pattern intertwined, each emperor pattern winding like a dragon rising, at the same time, a shocking sharp sword appeared in the hands of the 'Great Emperor', this sword Square and upright, sharp and sharp, exuding endless righteousness, it is the "Righteous Qiankun Sword" refined by the "Great Emperor Haoran" in his entire life. Although it is only a semi-superior Dao weapon today, its power is still impressive. terror.

He swung the 'Righteous Qi Qiankun Sword', aroused the sword energy, merged into the emperor pattern, and finally directly penetrated into the ray of original power of Bi!

Bi was extremely angry, he never thought that the "Great Emperor Haoran" would use such a method, unless he recovered 80% of his strength from the peak state, he would have a way to refine this brand without being restrained, otherwise, his life would be destroyed. It can only be controlled by Xuanyuan. He can die however he wants, without any suspense.

'Emperor Haoran' injected a ray of golden light into Xuanyuan's body, and confessed:

"This is the method of inducing the power of the brand. As long as he wants to harm you, you know that with a thought, he will be turned into flying ash in an instant."

Xuanyuan nodded, cupped his hands in salute, and said:

"Thank you 'Great Emperor Haoran'."

"Okay, now I'm going to start refining these surviving origins. As long as they are completely refined, the 'Righteous Qiankun Sword' will be able to go to a higher level and step into the realm of the supreme Taoist weapon."

While talking about the "Great Emperor Haoran", the awe-inspiring righteousness around him merged into this land full of destruction, violence, cruelty, and blood, purifying it inch by inch with boundless mighty power and vast thoughts.

At this moment, Xuanyuan fully activated the power of the 'Hundred Saint Hongguang', and blessed it on the body of the 'Great Emperor Haoran', speeding up the speed at which he refined this piece of original power.

Time passed bit by bit, Qu no longer resisted, and within a day, he was completely refined by the 'Great Emperor Haoran'.

Xuanyuan's expression was extremely tired, and the 'Hundred Saint Hongguang' that had been blessed for a whole day was a great drain on him, and the 'Grand Great Emperor' pointed at Xuanyuan's eyebrows again, immediately making Xuanyuan's withered fighting spirit Become full, and the fatigue of the whole body and mind will be swept away in an instant.

"Thank you, Great Emperor." Xuanyuan smiled.

"Hehe, I should be the one to thank you." There are patches of bright red blood rolling in the four directions, and every drop of blood is filled with incomparably majestic and vast power. The Qiankun Sword', like a long whale absorbing water, devours all the essence of life in the four directions, and while devouring, even the stalwart figure of the 'Great Emperor' is also integrated into it bit by bit.

"Xuanyuan, the 'Righteous Qi Qiankun Sword' is about to start its tribulation, you should leave this place quickly."

At the flick of a finger, the round pond that was originally filled with a sea of ​​blood was the eye of the 'Heaven and Earth Formation'. Those tumbling seas of blood were completely swallowed up. Li Yue, who was on the edge of the round pond, saw Xuanyuan's figure and was excited. Her eyes were red, if Xuanyuan didn't come out again, she would definitely jump down.

"Master Xuanyuan, it's great that you have no facts."

From Xuanyuan's side, the ray of original power of Bi directly merged into the avatar derived from Xuanyuan, and his strength instantly increased a lot. To kill a Supreme Immortal is his power, I'm afraid there are still many methods hidden and not revealed.

Feeling the increase in Bi's power, Li Yue looked startled, looked at Xuanyuan, and said:

"Master Xuanyuan, will you help him recover his strength?"

Xuanyuan shook her head, told the ins and outs of the matter concisely, Liyue was shocked, but she looked at the 'Righteous Qi Qiankun Sword', felt the huge idea of ​​'Great Emperor Haoran', and admired it in her heart.

"Okay, now I will send you away from this place to prevent you from being affected by the Great Tribulation of the Supreme Dao Artifact." As soon as the words fell, a huge portal immediately enveloped them and sent them to the west of Longshou Mountain.

Xuanyuan felt the fluctuation of the Dao, it was extremely terrifying, and his heart was shocked, the catastrophe of the Supreme Dao Artifact was indeed no small matter!

In the blink of an eye, Xuanyuan had come to an open space 30,000 miles away from Longshou Mountain. The sky here was still dim, and Longshou Mountain was still covered by a mist. There was an extremely terrifying wave of power, and the coercion that emanated from it brought together the hearts of the creatures with a radius of millions of miles. Countless people were inexplicably terrified, feeling that a catastrophe was imminent, and they knelt down and bowed crazily, saluting, everyone knew Longshou Mountain is an extremely remarkable existence, and now there is such a terrifying aura, it should be that something shocking is about to happen.

Xuanyuan and his group wished, Xuanyuan said to Bi beside him:

"Hehe, do you think the 'Great Emperor Haoran' can transform that half-seen Supreme Dao weapon into a complete Supreme Dao weapon?"

"Of course, do you think my original strength is mud, and I can catch it all over the ground? Damn it, hate it, hate it!" Bi roared crazily, making his handsome appearance extremely ferocious and distorted .

Xuanyuan laughed, and watched in place for seven days and seven nights. Finally, a sharp light filled with endless righteousness penetrated everything and hit the sky. A golden light can be seen for tens of thousands of miles. Exclaim!

"The Supreme Dao Artifact has been born, this is to find the master!"

This piece of information has driven countless people crazy...

(PS: If you feel that waiting is even more boring, you can read my last book "Supreme Evil Emperor". Several groups are full, those comrades who can’t join the group, join this group, Xiami loves the Temple of Chongyi, group number: 39152222, brothers who have joined the group, don’t add it, save some space for others!)

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