Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 993: A Strong Enemy in the Emperor Realm!

Liyue at the side saw a series of ancient corpses lying upright one after another, unscathed, but they could no longer move at all. Obviously, their souls, that is, the evil spirits that entered their bodies, could be seen , was directly cut off.

Li Yue's heart was shocked, and she understood Xuanyuan's thoughts in an instant, 'Baisheng Hongguang' has a great ability to kill the evil spirits inside these ancient corpses, it is the pure, upright, rigid and yang aura in the world, Wherever he goes, all evils are warded off, so Xuanyuan has such thoughts. This method of attacking and killing the enemy's soul indiscriminately in all directions is very terrifying. If there is a "Hundred Saint Hongguang" in his soul 'Evil thoughts that cannot be tolerated will be killed in an instant.

Even so, Xuanyuan's whole body strength was consumed by this blow, and he was so weak that he almost fell to his knees. He quickly attracted the heavenly milk in his body, melted it into his body, and turned it into pure The essence of life, the battle energy of heaven and earth, restores itself at an extremely fast speed, all of which only happen with the flick of a finger, and the heavenly level earth milk is no small matter.

Xuanyuan, who was extremely pale and limp just a moment ago, is now full of strength, with fighting power as high as the sky.

Around, there are four ancient corpses at the peak of the sages roaring wildly, approaching Xuanyuan.

Li Yue was shocked, and hurriedly activated the Yin Mirror to protect her body, and the majesty of the supreme Taoist weapon was overflowing. However, at this moment, suddenly one after another, "vicious spirits of seizing the house" rushed out of Xuanyuan's body, seizing the body of the The bodies of the ancient corpses lying flat on the ground, they had put in so much effort and tempered them for an unknown number of years, they were snatched away by Xuanyuan.

The strength of each of the 'Fierce Spirits' is in the Supreme Heavenly Immortals. After they took over those bodies, they became even stronger. I saw those ancient corpses of the 'Fierce Nest' lying on the ground unscathed. Standing up in battle, protecting Xuanyuan's whole body.

Seeing this scene, the ancient corpses of the four peak sages froze for a moment, and paused for a moment. They were not afraid at first, and wanted to continue to attack Xuanyuan despite the trauma, but in the next moment, they immediately fled in all directions, as if they had received what kind of order.

Xuanyuan looked at the scene backwards and heaved a sigh of relief. If there was a fight, it would be very troublesome.

Although the four ancient corpses of the peak realm of the sages were not collected, the batch of power I have obtained now is no small matter. There are a total of seventy-two ancient corpses of the half-step sages, and thirty-six ancient corpses. Those in the realm of the sages, and other evil spirits were killed on the spot with the "Wanhua Soul Breaking Method" based on the "Hundred Saints Hongguang".

"Mr. Xuanyuan, you, how can you master so many evil spirits at once!" Li Yue was very excited. With this move, Xuanyuan directly seized these ancient corpses with the "vicious spirit of seizing homes", and used this force In the hands, it is extremely terrifying.

"Haha, this is a secret. Anyway, when we enter the 'Evil God's Nest', there will be at least a group of personal guards. I have already thought about how to enter the Evil God's Nest, which is the safest way."

A smile curled up at the corner of Xuanyuan's mouth, now that he has this new force in hand, he is more confident in saving Yuan'er, at least not as clueless as before.

"Happy boy, it's a pity that those four sages who were at their peak escaped back, and when they returned to the 'Central China', those big forces that bullied us in the past would all spit out their shit. I want to see what they can challenge us with!" The greedy old man laughed loudly, extremely proud, as long as he has a strong team of sages in his hands, it is not difficult to continue to expand his power.

"We'll talk about it at that time, but for now, let's put them all in the 'swallowing myriad transformation tools'. I just felt that the four ancient corpses at the peak of the sages were summoned away by someone with great supernatural powers. , that is to say, in this 'Mountain of Death', there is an extremely terrifying existence that controls a part of their consciousness. Otherwise, with the killing mood left by them, they will definitely kill each other, but they can It's safe and sound, as you can imagine!"

Xuanyuan frowned, after thinking in his heart, he was afraid for a while, he looked at Li Yue, and said hastily:

"Miss Liyue, let's leave this place quickly. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be great danger."

Li Yue's heart tightened, and she didn't say anything anymore, only to see that all the ancient corpses around her were taken into the black hole by Xuanyuan. It was conceivable that the situation was very serious, even if they all joined hands, they couldn't stop it Concerned about the dangers that might be encountered next, he thought that Xuanyuan's outstanding performance had completely convinced Li Yue.

She turned on the 'Feng Xing Yin Cup' and ran towards the west at a very high speed. From the depths of her heart, she also felt a huge breath descending, as if a pair of eyes were staring at them motionlessly, as if being watched by a poisonous snake It even made Liyue feel immobile. At this moment, Liyue felt how terrifying the existence in the dark was. No wonder Xuanyuan was so nervous.

Feeling the stagnation of Li Yue's movements, Xuanyuan directly slapped a palm. The majestic, thick and solid fighting spirit, as well as the power contained in the 'Hundred Saints Hong Guang', merged into Li Yue's body, and immediately let Li Yue get rid of the This kind of paralysis drove away the fear in her heart. Obviously, the terrifying existence in the dark knew that it couldn't attack Xuanyuan, so it could only use Li Yue for surgery.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, what should we do next? The 'Feng Xing Yin Cup' can't last long." Li Yue feels that the power of the 'Feng Xing Yin Cup' is suddenly consumed very quickly, and it is obvious that someone deliberately targeted it. .

"Rush at full speed, don't worry about him, at this moment he must be because of something, he can't be distracted, and he will do it himself. As long as he leaves the 'Death Mountain', he will have no choice but to get us. There is only one chance. It seems that we are very good. Fortunately, if he didn't happen to be separated for something, I'm afraid we will all be torn apart."

Xuanyuan now understands that the desperate counterattack that he seems to have escaped just now is the instinct of these ancient ghosts, and the existence in the dark does not take himself seriously at all, so he goes about his own business, but never thinks about it. He was overthrown by Xuanyuan, if he had been in control of these ancient corpses from the beginning, Xuanyuan would have been unable to escape even if he wanted to.

While Xuanyuan was talking, he took out a piece of immortal source, and drew it with the "Human Emperor Brush" in his hand. After a while, he drew a "Heavenly Wind Speed" and urged it to move. The power is running, making them faster.

In the valley, along the mountain road, with nine bends and eighteen bends, twists and turns back and forth, avoiding all kinds of steep terrain, Fengshui kills the situation, Xuanyuan saw along the way that he had never seen before, even the "Da Luo Immortal Emperor" was just According to the terrain in the records, there are also some terrifying feng shui killings. I am afraid that if Peng Fei was here, he would be gearing up and eager to try.

I evaded all the way, trying to save time, I don’t know how long I’ve been running, I just feel that here, I lost all the concept of time, the bright moon in the sky is no longer clear, but covered by dark clouds, stretching into pieces, extremely oppressive Yes, in the sky, there are faintly powerful and fierce dragons appearing in the sky, and the roaring and howling of the dragons are shocking.

Along the way, Xuanyuan and Li Yue saw a lot of low-altitude flying beasts, all of which exploded inexplicably and turned into a blood mist. The blood splashed in the sky and died unexpectedly. Life is hard to save, after several twists and turns, Xuanyuan took the map in his hand and observed all the way, and finally he was able to escape from the 'Valley of Death'.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, as long as you cross the front, you will be out of the Valley of the Death God, and you will not be far from the 'Fierce God's Nest'. You should pay attention to sensing along the way. Maybe the person you save will be in this section, maybe, not necessarily. In the 'Fierce God's Nest'." Li Yue said.

Xuanyuan nodded and sighed:

"I hope so!"

"Hehe, what a capable young man, this is the first time a young man has entered my 'Valley of Death' and can leave safely. Since you are all here, don't leave. I am very interested in you." The mighty voice, like a sea like a tide, rolled from behind, Xuanyuan and Liyue's minds were shaken, and the method of the comer seemed to have reached the emperor's realm.

Enemies who step into the emperor's realm are very terrifying. The existence here in the Valley of the Death God is at least at the quasi-emperor level. There is a vast status in the voice, and the simple voice can shake people's hearts. Xuanyuan and Liyue's foreheads buzzed, and Liyue couldn't bear the terrifying force, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Xuanyuan hugged Liyue and shouted sharply:

"Baisheng Daoguang, create a prosperous world, break it for me!"

The vast "Hundred Saints Hongguang" erupted, forming incomparably sacred swords from Xuanyuan's body, piercing the nine heavens and ten earths, smashing the syllables that came from the attack into pieces, Xuanyuan roared:

"You'd better not waste your time on us. Once you let them get the supreme weapon, your 'Death Valley' will be razed to the ground in an instant. If you have the ability to deal with them, I'm just passing you." It's just a small person in the Valley of Death, and the ambition is not here!"

"Hehe, it seems that you are really not simple, knowing that I was concentrating on estimating the whereabouts of the Supreme Dao Artifact just now, otherwise, how could you have the ability to take away these corpses? If you want to leave, die to me." That voice was extremely fast, and as soon as he finished speaking, a huge handprint suddenly appeared on the top of Xuanyuan's head, filled with the aura of destruction, like tens of thousands of black mountains, Pressed down hard, with one blow from the Emperor Zhun, the sages have come to their peak, and they will also be beaten into meatloaf!

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