Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 997: Heaven Forbidden Domain

When Xuanyuan heard the words, his mind was greatly shaken, he was both surprised and happy.

It seems that there is nothing wrong, "Immortal Against the Sky" is Yuan'er's cultivation to a great success, and then uses her physical body to integrate with Xuanyuan, and imparts all her own perceptions to Xuanyuan, which is equivalent to giving an empowerment The method directly achieved Xuanyuan. Yuan'er did it that day to keep Xuanyuan alive as much as possible. This ancient technique is extremely against the sky.

Although Yuan'er has achieved Xuanyuan, it does not mean that her true spirit has lost the ability of "Immortal Defying Heaven Art", because she has made sacrifices, that is, her bluestone body that has been cultivated for countless years is also Because of this bluestone body, Xuanyuan felt that the communication with the heaven and the earth is more clear and transparent, and the benefits that Yuan'er brought to Xuanyuan are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Yuan'er used her true spirit to communicate with the heavens, and made a deal with the heavens. As for what it is, I don't know, I only know that she came to this world.

In the 'Nanyan World', there are obviously only a handful of people who can practice the "Immortal Defying Heaven Technique". The ancient technique is not something that ordinary people can learn if they want to. If you have no fate with ancient art, you will not understand the true meaning of it, so this is why in the entire "Central China", it used to be many times more prosperous than "Nanyan World", and today's ancient art is also lonely To the extreme, there are already signs of being cut off, let alone the ancient art of 'Nanyan World', which was passed on from 'Central China', and it is not complete!

Moreover, Liyue's instinctive induction also pointed to the calculated position. In this way, if nothing unexpected happens, Yuan'er must be in the "evil god's nest". With great hope, it is unlikely that Yuan'er will be in the "Fierce God's Nest". Now that it is confirmed, Xuanyuan can't help feeling a little worried, "The Fierce God's Nest", there must be an extremely terrifying existence, not my family Humans, their hearts must be different, Xuanyuan does not believe that they will not do nothing for so many years, maybe at this moment, they are saving up and preparing for the next attack on the 'Nanyan World'.

But fortunately, what can be confirmed is that Yuan'er is in the area of ​​the 'Fierce God's Nest', and she is still safe and sound.

"Boy, what are you going to do now, that girl Yuan'er may be in the 'Evil God's Nest', have you already figured out a perfect plan? You have to understand that if you go to that kind of place, there is really no way out. In the outer starry sky, my abilities are also limited, and there is no way out!" the greedy old man said heavily.

"I think it's well thought out, but just in case, you should pay more attention. Anyway, if the Celestial Coins are used up, there are still those origin stones, as long as they can save Yuan'er, even if it is the 'swallowing source' Taotie,' "Dragon Heart Immortal Source" and so on are all things that can be sacrificed, as long as the person is still there, there is nothing that cannot be obtained."

Xuanyuan has already made his own decision, he believes that with these source stones, at least he doesn't have to worry about running out of strength and being unable to escape, among other things, that single 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source' is something that no amount of money can buy, It is unique, but it is a precious existence that has been nourished by the Azure Dragon Blood Pond for countless years!

No matter how precious and unique Xianyuan is, as long as it can be exchanged for a safe and flawless Yuan'er, he is willing to do so!

"Okay!" The greedy old man was a little reluctant. The value of this 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source' was unimaginable, but he had no way to do it.

Xuanyuan looked at Li Yue and said:

"Miss Liyue, the 'Sun Moon Tides' is up to you."

Xuanyuan's words are very sincere, no matter what, he must cross the two huge obstacles to the "Fierce God's Nest". As for the space fault, he can only fight it once!

"I will do my best." Li Yue said seriously.

"Let's go, we have almost cultivated here. It seems that as long as we have no evil thoughts here, the 'War God Peak' will not pose too much danger to us. Those who die here are those who want to fight the 'War God Killer'." Gold', and people who want to collect the 'God of War Peak'." Xuanyuan took a look at this place, and it was a pity that he didn't see the "God of War Killing Gold", but since he couldn't come across it, he naturally wouldn't force it too much .

As soon as the words fell, he and Li Yue broke through the sky and started to cross the 'Zhanshen Peak'. The journey went smoothly without too much danger, because they had stayed in the most dangerous wind eye for dozens of days. Li Yue's physical strength at this moment is not what it used to be, and she has stepped into the realm of a celestial being. She does not use battle energy to protect her body, but with the strength of her physical body, she can also shatter the golden wind that sweeps towards her, or Let them calm down, and there will be no more storms!

"If there is no Mr. Xuanyuan, I am afraid that my achievements in this life will be really limited. In the past, my thoughts were really simple. As long as I can live in the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce' for a lifetime, live an ordinary life and be in harmony with the world. It's enough to practice without contention." Liyue Liwo smiled, with a warm smile, walking side by side with Xuanyuan, the two of them looked like a Taoist couple at first glance.

"Thinking like this may not be a blessing, and it may not be a disaster when you meet me. Everything has advantages and disadvantages, and it depends on how you choose!" Xuanyuan smiled.

"Hehe, I later saw that Master Xuanyuan was baptized by the 'Hundred Saints Hongguang', which aroused my strong curiosity, because I want to see how a person who can be baptized by the 'Hundred Saints Hongguang' will achieve in the future. No wonder Elder Yaotian would say that you are my greatest chance!" Li Yue sighed with emotion.

"Opportunities are created by yourself, and opportunities are given to you by yourself. If Miss Liyue is not kind-hearted, calm, sincere, and considerate of the world, I would be fine if I don't have to deal with you." Xuanyuan humorous laughed.

Li Yue laughed at herself and said:

"Master Xuanyuan is too famous..."

The two chatted all the way and walked through the air. Xuanyuan picked up the map in his hand and said:

"Next, as long as you cross the last territory, you will be able to reach the end of the 'Nanyan World', step directly into the outer starry sky, and head to the 'Ominous God's Nest'."

Looking at the last name marked on the animal skin map, Xuanyuan couldn't help frowning, and looked at Li Yue:

"'Forbidden Realm', Miss Liyue, do you know what kind of place this place is?"

"This place is extremely strange. There are tens of millions of sages who died here. They all fell here. Whether they are people from the 'Fierce God's Nest' or people from my 'Nan Yan World', they died before they died. , all use their bodies to transform into bans, forming various attacks and killing methods. If one is not careful, if they touch it, it will trigger an extremely terrifying ban method to attack and kill. There are many people who want to find their lost in this fallen place. Treasures, but they all died here, this is the first battlefield where the powerful races from outside the territory descend, it is very dangerous, it is a vast battlefield where two camps exist, they use their lives to fight and kill each other!"

Li Yue looked solemn, this is the biggest restricted area in the entire 'Random Slaughter Domain'!

"Could it be that this place is impassable?" Xuanyuan looked at the map, and the territory of tens of thousands of miles was within the scope of the entire 'Forbidden Realm', spanning tens of thousands of miles, vast and boundless, everywhere Dangerously, reaching the edge of the 'Nanyan World', this place is more dangerous than all the previous places combined!

"I don't know. Now I can only take one step at a time. If I can't even pass this place, let alone the space fault, even if I can control the 'sun, moon and tide', it is useless. This is the only way to go. , there is no room for maneuver.”

From the bottom of her heart, Li Yue still didn't want to let Xuanyuan go, because it was too dangerous, and it was really impossible to save the woman named Yuan'er with just the two of them, but Xuanyuan's temperament was like this, she knew, Xuanyuan will definitely not change her original thoughts, so she doesn't dissuade her, whatever Xuanyuan wants to do, she just needs to be with her.

"No matter how great the danger is, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, I don't believe that I will be blocked by a mere 'Forbidden Domain'." Xuanyuan looked forward coldly, his heart was as firm as iron, without the slightest hesitation Shaken, he quickened his pace, walked in the air, and flew in the "God of War Peak", opening the way with the eyes of the earth along the way, avoiding many terrifying ominous forces, Feng Shui kills the situation, and soon, he will walk out of the "God of War Peak" ' out of range.

Just as Xuanyuan and Liyue continued to move forward, an old man suddenly sat on the top of the mountain in front of him. His beard and hair were all golden, and each hair was like a high-grade Taoist weapon, extremely lethal Astonishing, he stood up, bent his body, and from his pupils, two golden swords appeared, which seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

He looked at Xuanyuan and Liyue, and sighed with emotion:

"Where does the soul go in the boundless world, a wisp of the soul is floating, buried in the nine heavens and ten earths, the law of ten thousand killings..."

His voice was not loud, but each syllable had an extremely terrifying penetrating power, which shocked the hearts of Xuanyuan and Li Yue. Xuanyuan took a deep breath, bowed and saluted:

"Junior Xuanyuan, I have met senior."

"Well, yes, young man, you are the most capable young man I have ever met. Since you and I are destined, I will give you a chance encounter." The old man's expression was gentle, but his eyes and brows were naturally fierce, and it was hard for ordinary people to resist , but Xuanyuan held his head high and his chest high, his eyes met, not afraid of this power.

With a tap of his finger, a mysterious force directly merged into Xuanyuan's lungs. The power contained in it made Xuanyuan feel like he was in a celestial state, as if he couldn't help but want to break through the fairyland in an instant.

In Xuanyuan's lungs, there was a cheer of 'Xuanhuang Tianjin', saying:

"Master, this is 'God of War Killing Gold'. He integrated his original power into me, and I will be able to have the means of 'God of War Killing Gold' in the future."

Xuanyuan was pleasantly surprised, looked at the old man and said:

"Hehe, everything is fate. The Doujin in your body and I are both heaven and earth spirits. It has a great restraint on restraint, and it is of great help to pass the 'Forbidden Realm of Heaven'." The old man sighed leisurely, looked To the direction of the 'forbidden domain':

"The old man has guarded here for countless years, but now he wants to stretch his muscles."

"Huh?" A light of surprise flashed in Xuanyuan's eyes, and he said, "Senior, what do you mean?"

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