Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 999: Extraterrestrial Son of God

In the 'Forbidden Domain'.

Thunder and lightning, heavy rain, scorching sun, silver moon, flying fire and meteors, ice age, spreading fire, three thousand weak waters, ghosts and ghosts, and golden weapons.

All kinds of dou qi are filled and permeate the four directions, all kinds of Taoism are evolved, and they hang down to the nine heavens, and all kinds of forbidden techniques are used to attack and kill, destroying the world!

Wherever they passed, they were all impacted by Dao thoughts, and Xuanyuan frowned when he saw it:

"It seems that if Li Yue and I want to cross this 'forbidden area of ​​heaven', I'm afraid it will be very difficult. Fortunately, there is the War Emperor here, so we can recharge our energy and accumulate strength!"

Indeed, the next step is to go through space faults and the 'sun and moon tides'. If you consume too much Celestial Coins or Douyuan on your body, it will be difficult to deal with later. In this kind of area, there is no absolute power. There must be absolute supplies, and the consumption can be imagined when rushing all the way.

"However, I think it will be of great benefit to you if your kid survives the tribulation here. This piece of land is the frontline battlefield, and there are various avenues of heaven and earth. If you can overcome various avenues here and recall your Earth soul, it will be beneficial for you to recall your own sky soul in the future." The voice of the greedy old man came suddenly.

Both the earth soul and the sky soul are outside the sky. It is extremely difficult to recall the earth soul and the sky soul that belong to you. This is why many people spend their lives as earth immortals and stop at the realm of heaven. For Xuanyuan, it is even more difficult. It is as difficult as ascending to the sky, the "body of all transformations" is not tolerated by the heavens, and the induction with the earth soul and the heavenly soul is extremely weak, so if you can really recall your own earth soul and step into the realm of the earth fairy, you will have A terrifying leap.

"Let me see, it is indeed safer to step into the realm of the Earth Immortal before going to the 'Fierce God's Nest'." Xuanyuan thought in his heart.

Along the way, the methods used by the Emperor of War were very domineering.

He protected Xuanyuan and Liyue at an extremely fast speed, like a fleeting shadow. Wherever he passed, all roads retreated, and those attacks and kills belonging to the "Fierce God's Nest" Dao forbidden methods were all instantly defeated by him with absolute power broken.

The Emperor of War led them forward and said:

"These are the things that they use their life essence and soul power to directly integrate into their own high-grade Taoist artifacts, peerless Taoist artifacts, or semi-supreme Taoist artifacts before they die, engrave them into this world, and then derive them. The law of prohibition."

Xuanyuan and Liyue came to a sudden, otherwise, with their strength, it would be difficult to maintain their respective means of the Dao Forbidden Law until today. , it is completely different.

The Emperor of War is already very familiar with the 'Forbidden Realm of Heaven', and he directly avoids the avenue-forbidden methods that are derived from semi-superior Taoist artifacts or unrivaled Taoist artifacts, while other middle-grade Taoist artifacts , All the forbidden methods of high-grade Taoist artifacts were directly shattered by him.

A group of people quickly rushed on the 'Forbidden Domain'. While walking, Zhan Huang looked at the distant sky, frowned, and said:

"Wait a moment!"

Xuanyuan and Liyue hurriedly stopped, stopped, Xuanyuan asked:

"There are people crossing the catastrophe ahead!" Zhan Huang said word by word.

"What?" Li Yue was startled. It must be so terrifying to be able to survive the catastrophe here. Who the hell chose to survive the catastrophe here.

"Crossing the catastrophe in such a place is almost lifeless. Is that person crazy?"

"No, that person wants to sharpen himself, it's really amazing, go and have a look." Xuanyuan said with his eyes shining.

"There is an existence at the peak of the quasi-emperor on the opposite side." Zhan Huang frowned, and said: "He also sensed us, let's go, go meet them for a while, this is the person from the 'Fierce God's Nest'."

Li Yue's heart tightened:

"Why do people from the 'Fierce God's Nest' appear here? Could it be that they came from the 'Death God's Valley'? It should be impossible to cross here from the 'Fierce God's Nest', even if there is a quasi-emperor peak..."

"Just look at it. It should be impossible. Even the Emperor of War is blocked from the 'Sun Moon Tidal' and cannot get out. How can outsiders get in?"

In the center of the 'Forbidden Realm', there is an extremely handsome man who is crossing the catastrophe. At this moment, he turned his palm into a knife and slashed straight into the sky. The majesty of the earth, the whole body is surging with qi and blood, the vastness is like the sea, and it is so violent that people's hearts are shaking. It is obvious that the tribulation is coming to an end.

Beside him, stood an old man with a strong back, a short beard like steel needles, and long hair that rolled with the wind. Instinctively avoiding him, he was extremely afraid of him. At this moment, the old man looked towards the east, and said slowly, one word at a time:

"Young master, someone is here, the human race of the 'Nanyan World'!"

"Oh? Is that so? That's just right. I stepped into the realm of immortality, and I worry that no one will practice for me. Now I will kill them to feel the strength of the realm of immortality." That handsome man, looked to the east.

"There are some of them, you are not his opponent, they are coming towards us, they seem to regard us as prey." The old man frowned, after all, this is the place of 'Nan Yan World', if there is a fight, it will attract other people It's not good for those with great supernatural powers.

"I want a lot of masters to return to the 'Fierce God's Nest' with the old ancestor's deception technique. You can't stay here for long."

"Wait, since someone is here to welcome us, we must not lose our etiquette. The scary old man in the middle, you will hold him back, and the other two will be dealt with by me." The handsome man was very confident and fearless.

While they were talking, Zhan Huang brought Xuanyuan and Li Yue to them:

"I didn't expect that there are still people from the 'Fierce God's Nest' who can reach here, huh? So it turns out that it is possible to teleport you to this place by using the forbidden teleportation method contained in that semi-superior Dao weapon. "

Zhanhuang has long been familiar with the entire "Forbidden Realm of Heaven". If you feel it a little bit, you will know why. This deceiving sky teleportation forbidden method consumes a lot, and it can only teleport two or three people. If there are more forbidden methods, it will be broken , come and go, if it is a person who came out of the 'Death Valley', he can tell it at a glance, after all, he has survived for countless years, and he has already seen these things more thoroughly than anyone else.

"It seems that the human race is getting worse and worse. Young people like this who can only hide behind the old man are like a canary in a cage. How can we compete with my god race? We are gods and we are omnipotent My God, dealing with you human races in the same realm is like trampling ants to death, humble bastards, if you kneel down and beg me for mercy, I will let you go." The young man looked at Xuanyuan and Liyue, pointing his finger at him. point to them.

Li Yue frowned, and didn't say much. She could clearly feel the power of the Son of God in front of her. Indeed, as he said, there is no suspense for people of the same realm, God Race and Human Race, to win a battle, because their original The power is above the human race, they are existences from a higher plane, there is no comparison between the two.

Xuanyuan looked at the man, and asked with a smile:

"Which onion are you?"

"Hmph, I am the son of the Nanyi God Emperor, the Nantian Emperor, how dare you disrespect the Emperor, you must die today, as for this woman, she is good-looking and can be my concubine, this old man, are you not Human race, you are a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, with a powerful origin and a long life, I can let you join my god race, and it will not be difficult to step into the realm of the emperor in the future." Nan Tian looked at the Emperor of War, and seduced him with every word and sentence. In his heart, his posture is very high, as if everything must surrender under his feet.

"Get out." The Emperor Zhan shouted, and the terrifying Dao Yin blasted out. The Nantian Emperor smiled and said nothing, and the old man behind him smashed the Dao Yin with a punch, and the robes on his body flew away. He has no fear.

"Why, it's inappropriate for the older generation to attack young people, right?" The quasi-emperor behind the Nantian Emperor looked at the Emperor Zhan and said coldly.

"The old man is not so cheap, Xuanyuan boy, let me give you a chance to show off, kill this **** son of a son of a bitch, if you win, I will use the original power to enhance the 'Xuanhuang Tianjin' in your body Power, if you lose, get away with me." Zhan Huang put his hands behind his back, looked at the existence of the quasi-emperor, disapproving.

Xuanyuan smiled shyly, looked at Nan Tian shyly, and said:

"If that's the case, then I'll give it a try. It's the first time I've fought against the emperor of the God Race, and I'm so nervous..."

Li Yue was silent, Xuanyuan was a heaven-defying existence that could not be deduced by common sense, but the other party should not be underestimated.

"Hahaha, it's a joke, a little person who is a life immortal and wants to fight me, you can't, but that woman, you fight me, if you win, I will become your slave, If you lose, you will become my concubine." Nan Tian laughed wildly and ignored Xuanyuan.

"I'm her bodyguard. If you want to challenge her, you have to pass my level." Xuanyuan said the truth.

"It's just a dog, even if it dares to bark, it's okay, I will kill you first." As soon as the voice fell, Nan Tian's body flashed, and a thousand phantoms emerged, attacking and killing Xiang Xuanyuan. Transformation, he waved it quickly, a word 'forbidden', done in one go, in an instant, within a radius of ten miles, all the laws of the Dao, the magical powers of fighting spirit were all shackled. At this moment, all the magical powers of Taoism are useless, only the flesh can is eternal.

Of course, no matter whether it is the war emperor or the quasi-emperor of the opponent, they can easily break the forbidden law cast by Xuanyuan, but this is a war of the younger generation, and they can't intervene at all. It's so easy, and feeling that his fighting spirit is imprisoned, Nan Tian looked at the 'Human Emperor's Brush' in Xuanyuan's hand in surprise, and exclaimed:

"I didn't expect that a dog could possess such an imperial object. This pen is mine. You made the biggest mistake. You wanted to compare yourself to me."

Nan Tian smiled bewitchingly, and in his eyes, there was a fierce light like a sword, piercing people's minds. If he hadn't seen it, he would have felt fear. He went straight to Xuanyuan and punched thousands of punches in succession, only to see thousands of waves of white dragons billowing , rolling towards Xuanyuan face to face.

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