Devouring the Stars: Zerg Overlord

Chapter 52: Rapid increase in strength and problems discovered (Subscription required)

After having a full set of cultivation secrets, Qin Mu's cultivation progress was frighteningly fast.

With the help of the mother nest, he controlled his whole body and mastered the 24 moves of the second level of "Destroying the World" in just three days, with a force of 2.7 times.

The 27 moves of the third level did not stump Qin Mu. He immersed himself in the practice and mastered them in just five days, with a force of 3.6 times.

However, when Qin Mu started the fourth level of cultivation, a small accident happened.

Unlike ordinary warriors, with the help of the mother nest, Qin Mu can always master every step of his cultivation, and any non-standard movements will be discovered at the first time.

When practicing a move of the fourth level of "Destroying the World", Qin Mu practiced perfectly according to the method of the secret book, but found that although the body's force reached 4.5 times during this practice, it would cause a little damage to the body.

This little damage is difficult to be discovered under the self-repair of the body of the God of War.

But with the help of the mother nest, Qin Mu still found it.

When Qin Mu tried to make some fine-tuning of the force-generating method based on this problem, he made an unexpected discovery.

The same force-generating method, with only a slight adjustment, the force-generating method actually reached 4.6 times!

This is 0.1 higher than the highest force-generating method of the original secret book!

"This secret book itself has some errors and omissions!"

In the martial arts hall, Qin Mu slowly put away his gun, closed his eyes, and felt the force-generating method when he just practiced the gun method.

After taking the thousand-year-old willow heart, the warrior's strength reached the middle war god, and the mental power reached the peak of the high war god, Qin Mu's ability to control himself was much stronger than before.

Especially with the assistance of the mother nest, any errors and omissions could hardly escape his eyes.

"First, practice all six levels of "Destroying the World" successfully, and then sort it out completely!"

After his strength increased, Qin Mu already felt that it was difficult to meet his own needs with only the cultivation methods on Earth.

But Qin Mu still decided to practice all six levels of "Destroying the World" successfully before making plans.

Because although this secret book has some mistakes and omissions, it is already the strongest technique that Qin Mu can obtain.

The process of cultivation is not as difficult as imagined, unlike Luo Feng who broke through little by little after experiencing many crises.

Qin Mu succeeded easily by just practicing step by step.

Because whether it is "Destroying the World" or "Nine-Layer Thunder Blade", in essence, they are all methods of exerting force on the body, and do not involve any special places, but the subtleties of exerting force are different.

These methods of exerting force are very difficult for ordinary warriors to master. They can only train continuously, even fight between life and death, relying on the understanding of that flash of inspiration.

But for Qin Mu, it is not difficult to adjust these subtle methods of exerting force with the assistance of the mother nest.

It is also normal for the practice of "Destroying the World" to have some mistakes and omissions, because this is just a practice method summarized by Hong alone.

How long has it been since humans started practicing as warriors?

Even if Hong is a genius, it is impossible to achieve perfection.

This is also the reason why Luo Feng later pulled Hong and Lei Shen into the lineage of Meteorite Ink Star, and after obtaining the inheritance of Meteorite Ink Star warriors, their strength exploded in a short period of time.

Qin Mu, who was familiar with the plot, actually knew from the beginning that the theoretical limit of physical strength was 100 times.

The general warriors on Earth, who could only use brute force, were actually only 1% of their physical potential.

Even the strongest "Nine-fold Thunder Blade", which could burst out 7 times the power, only exerted 7%.

It was far from 100% of the physical potential, that is, 100 times the theoretical maximum value of strength.

But there was no way. Even if he found the problem, Qin Mu had no other choice. "Destroying the World" was already one of the best skills for Earth warriors.

Not only was the progress of "Destroying the World" fast, but Qin Mu's practice in "Basics of Spiritual Mind Master" was also fast.

"Basics of Spiritual Mind Master" was divided into the chapters of controlling objects, illusions, and taming animals.

After reading it carefully and trying to practice them all, Qin Mu found that the only chapter that was really useful to him was the chapter of controlling objects.

Among them, after a glance at the chapter of illusions, Qin Mu easily mastered the 18 attack methods of the chapter of illusions.

As the master of the Zerg, the talent of the soul was much stronger than the body.

But after trying it, I found that it was useless to me.

For example, one of the attacks called Spiritual Cone Thorn can only kill if the opponent is three levels stronger than the opponent.

That is to say, a high-level War God Spiritual Psychic Master can only kill high-level War Generals with spiritual attacks!

For stronger warriors, or spiritual psychics can only have a certain degree of influence, and then control the weapon to kill.

But what about me?

Even a random attack is much stronger than this so-called Spiritual Cone Thorn!

When taming swamp salamanders before, Qin Mu was a primary War God-level spiritual psychic, but he could tame two high-level War General-level swamp salamanders with just one look.

Of course, after reading it through, I still learned some ways to use spiritual power, so I can't say that I gained nothing.

But the Beast Taming Chapter is really useless

Because the Beast Taming Chapter only records one method - that is, mind communication!

This is a way to make friends with monsters. There are nine spiritual psychics on Earth who rely on this method to become beast tamers.

For Qin Mu, it is far better to beat the monster and then force it to become a Zerg.

The "Heavenly God Atlas" in the Controlling Objects chapter is the one that really has a certain effect on Qin Mu.

In just ten days, Qin Mu has practiced to the 52nd atlas.

He can perfectly control 36 telekinetic weapons, which means that the amplitude of mental telekinesis has reached 36 times!

A full 36 short spears surround Qin Mu, running in an extremely complex trajectory, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, forming an extremely complex atlas.

"It is too slow to improve strength by relying solely on this boring atlas. Basically, there will be no major improvement."

Qin Mu sighed and stopped practicing. The 36 short spears were suspended and no longer moved.

During the practice these days, the military had built 49 short spears according to Qin Mu's requirements and sent them to the villa.

In a short period of time, these short spears are enough for Qin Mu to use, and it doesn't make much sense to have more.

Wearing the consciousness sensor, Qin Mu's consciousness entered it.

The next moment, in the virtual space study, Qin Mu sat on a chair and called up a lot of information.

With his current authority, most of the military intelligence is already open.

This includes information about many ruins.

With a wave of his hand, a light screen appeared in front of Qin Mu. After some operation, the information of Ruins No. 9 was projected.

Ruins No. 9 is located deep in the Amazon jungle and is a less dangerous ruin.

When entering, you can only use combat uniforms made on Earth. As for the Black God suit, you cannot use it because this is the only place on Earth where you can get the Black God suit.

Although it is a less dangerous ruin, the death and disability rate of the God of War is still as high as 72!

Other people on Earth don’t know that Ruins No. 9 is actually a monitoring base of Meteorite Star, used to select qualified members. As long as the elite members are selected, they are eligible to enter Meteorite Star.

Of course, Meteorite Star is gone, and you can’t go there even if you want to, but the rewards for passing the assessment are still very attractive.

There are two types of assessments, namely warrior assessments and spiritual mind master assessments.

Among them, as long as the brain area of ​​the spiritual master is developed to a certain extent, the death mission will be launched.

After the mission is launched, it is necessary to learn the 312 basic styles of the spiritual master's "control master" secret teachings within three years. The wall of the assessment chamber is engraved with the spiritual master's "control master". The mental amplitude reaches 16 times to break the chamber and pass the assessment.

After the assessment, four rewards can be obtained, namely the Black God suit, the auxiliary optical brain, the controller's attack method "Escape from the Sky" and the token to enter the Meteorite Star.

With his current strength, Qin Mu believes that it is not a big problem to start the assessment. As long as the assessment is launched, with Qin Mu's 36 times mental amplitude, it will only take a moment to break the chamber.

And the spiritual master's "Basic 312 Styles" in this assessment is the spiritual master training method that Qin Mu really needs at this stage.

You must know that before entering the ruins, Luo Feng only had 6 times the mental amplitude, and after learning this basic 312 style.

In just one year and three months, it soared to 16 times!

"Relic No. 9 will only be opened at the end of September every year. If you miss it, you have to wait for a year.

To enter Relic No. 9, you need to apply through the Ares Palace."

To join the Ares Palace, you need to pass the assessment, and you must have at least the Ares level of combat power. Luo Feng does not need to take the assessment because he is a member of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall, and Hong is the founder of the Ares Palace. After knowing that Luo Feng's strength has reached the invincible Ares, he directly exempted from the assessment.

I am different. My strength was not obvious before. Although after taking the Millennium Willow Heart, the warrior's strength has reached the middle level of the Ares God, and the spiritual master has reached the peak of the high-level Ares God, and the spiritual amplitude is 36 times, the actual combat power is probably not a match for the general planetary level.

But after all, there is no actual record!

"First, take an assessment task to join the Ares Palace and then apply to enter the ruins. By the way, go to the wilderness to tame a group of lord-level monsters to enrich the high-end power of the insect swarm."

Through the military channel, Qin Mu sent an assessment application.

"After practicing for so many days, it's time to put it into practice!"

I will continue writing in the evening. There may be another chapter in the evening, but it may be late. Thank you for your support.

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