Devouring the Stars: Zerg Overlord

Chapter 81 Beast Tide Vs Insect Tide

Outside City 003, Qin Mu led tens of millions of Zerg troops to the city.

As the largest monster gathering center in Eurasia, there are hundreds of millions of monsters here, and there are more than one king-level monsters.

Not only land monsters gather here, City 003 is a coastal city, and many amphibious monsters also like to crawl ashore from the ocean.

This is the estuary of the Yangtze River, a key area for marine monster invasion.

This is also the reason why the military spent a lot of money to build a war base on the Huangpu River.

Before this, Qin Mu also sent a large number of tiger dogs, unicorn wild boars and other first batch of Zerg units to invade the city, but there are too many lord-level monsters in the city, and there are also king-level monsters.

Without planetary-level combat power, the Zerg is also struggling to face the king-level monsters. After several encounters, they did not gain any advantage.

So under Qin Mu's order, the first batch of invading Zergs only occupied a piece of land outside City 003, and at the same time put down five mother nests, hatching new Zerg units day and night, lurking underground, waiting for the arrival of the main units.

This time, Qin Mu led a swarm of tens of millions of Zergs to take down the city with the most monsters in the entire Eurasian continent!

In order to successfully take down City 003, Qin Mu brought 15 million Zerg units, including 12 million land units, 3 million air units, and nearly a thousand high-level lord-level monsters!

All Zergs are newly hatched powerful units, and their strength is far superior to ordinary monsters.


In the center of City 003, a deafening roar sounded, and a purple-haired giant ape with a body size of more than 100 meters slowly walked out of the ruins of the city.

This is a king-level monster, the most powerful demon ape ranked first among the ape monsters!

Around this king-level monster, there are hundreds of thousands of ape monsters of all kinds, and there are endless monsters gathering in the distance.



It's not just one king-level monster. On a building hundreds of meters high, there is a silver python with a flashing electric light wrapped around it. In its hissing, countless snake monsters crawled out from the corners of the city!

King-level monster - Silver Electric Python!


The ground shattered, and a black, nine-tailed, terrifying scorpion rushed out from the ground.

King-level monster - Nine-tailed scorpion!

In an area along the coast of City 003, the waves surged, and a hideous head with horns on its head stretched out from the waves. The body with a diameter of more than 300 meters, like a mountain, slowly crawled out of the ocean.

King-level monster - Dragon Turtle!

Four king-level monsters emerged from City 003, all roaring in terror. Hearing the roar, the entire City 003 became restless.

A large number of monsters gathered from the ruins of the city towards the king-level monsters. There were countless monsters between the high-rise buildings, in the complex underground network of the city, and even in the ocean.

They had discovered the murderous swarm of insects outside the city.

The wisdom of the king-level monsters was no worse than that of humans. When Jia Yi's voice spread throughout the country, many king-level monsters also learned the news.

They learned that the Chinese military was about to go to war with the monsters.

Don't underestimate the monsters. They are also well-informed. Some monsters even raise humans to act as their eyes and ears!

Among their spoils, there are a large number of human technological products. When humans pay attention to monsters, monsters are also paying attention to human movements!

At the first time, all the monsters in City 003 were mobilized and gathered into a huge beast tide.

Just like the Great Nirvana period, the monsters also united.

In terms of hatred, monsters are truly unforgettable to humans!

They have been enslaved by humans for thousands of years!

Now that they finally have wisdom and the power to resist, how can they be willing to return to the days when they were slaughtered at will by humans in the past?

Humans have a monstrous blood feud with monsters, but monsters are no exception?

This is a racial war! A war of survival!

The earth is too small to accommodate only one overlord!

Outside the city, with Qin Mu's eyesight, even if he is dozens of miles away, he can easily see the movement in the city. He knows that monsters are beginning to gather.

However, it doesn't matter, the swarm will tear them apart!

The military soldiers in the swarm have left the swarm. They appeared before just to tell the people of the country that the swarm and the Chinese military are in the same camp. The purpose has been achieved.

What Qin Mu needs is an opportunity for the swarm to come on stage openly, and the endorsement of the military is the best opportunity.

Above the battlefield, there are only a number of military fighters entrenched, and their role is not to participate in the war, but to exist as a battlefield camera.

Just like when the golden-horned beast launched a global war, in order to boost the morale of the people, the Chinese military also launched a national live broadcast to boost global morale.

This war is a war of the swarm. Although the military has also been dispatched, it only follows behind the swarm and provides long-range fire support when necessary.

"Boom boom--"

The ground roared as the swarm ran wildly, and the earth was shaking.

Not only the swarm was charging, but the beast tide on the opposite side was also gathering and charging!

Driven by the four king-level monsters, countless monsters in City 003 ran wildly towards the direction of the swarm.

Different from the unified units of the insect swarm, these monsters are extremely mixed. The ones rushing at the front are weak monsters such as bulls, one-horned wild boars, tiger dogs, two-headed pythons, etc. There are too many of these monsters, and at a glance There is no end in sight.

These monsters are extremely chaotic, and even small-scale conflicts will occur from time to time, but they will be suppressed by powerful lord-level monsters immediately.

Obviously, this is cannon fodder arranged by those king-level monsters to absorb the first and strongest impact of the insect swarm.

In the middle, there are a huge number of ape-like monsters, scorpion-like monsters, snake-like monsters, and turtle-like monsters. These monsters belong to the group of the four king-level monsters, and are extremely powerful. There are many beast-level monsters and lord-level monsters.

In the sky, countless flying monsters are flying, and the sound of flapping wings can be easily heard even from miles away!

Their figures completely obscured the sky, and even the sun's rays could not penetrate, casting huge shadows on the earth!

Although there is no flying king-level monster to lead, the king-level monster itself has the ability to fly. Under the deterrence of the four king-level monsters, the flying monsters in the entire city 003 were gathered together.

As the two sides got closer and closer, Qin Mu could see the monster's red eyes and the white air spitting out of its mouth.

The swarm of insects behind them also became more and more violent. The Blade Mantis and the King Tiger Beetle that rushed at the front all let out excited roars.

Close, close!

No declaration of war, no communication!

The fighting began.

The first batch of battles were not the monsters on the ground, but the flying bugs and flying monsters in the sky!

On the side of the insect swarm in the sky, countless giant poisonous wasps erupted into half-meter-long bone spurs from their tails!




The whole sky seemed to be filled with arrows, and the flying monsters on the opposite side fell down.

There are too many bone spur attacks and they are too intensive. Even monsters at the level of beast generals and even lords will fall under such attacks!

In just the first wave of attacks, tens of thousands of flying monsters died!


Two black cloud-like swarms of insects and flying monsters collided together, and in just an instant, countless stumps and broken arms fell from the sky.

The most brutal and bloody close combat began.

Blood rained all over the sky, and the sky seemed to be dyed blood!

The ground was bathed in blood, countless monsters were going crazy, and the eyes of the insects were glowing with blood.

Stimulated by the blood, both the beast tide and the insect swarm went completely crazy.

The monster rushing in the first row roared, opened its bloody mouth, and stretched out its sharp claws.

Among the insects, the Blade Mantis vibrated its wings, leaped into the air, and swooped down from the sky.

The king tiger beetle opened its pair of extremely huge jaws and ran wildly.




Like two black tides, the insect swarm and the beast tide collided with each other.

The moment the insect swarm and the beast tide collided, the terrifying impact sound could be clearly heard dozens of miles away.

A mantis with a blade waved the long knife on its arm and slit the throat of a tiger Ao dog. It exerted strength on its limbs and was about to jump up again, but was instantly hit by a bull and flew backwards.

The wild cow's eyes were red, and it was running wildly on all fours. There was a terrifying murderous intent in its pair of copper bell-like eyes.


Behind the Blade Mantis, a giant tiger beetle ran wildly, its huge jaws suddenly closed and collided with the bull, and the closed jaws clamped on the bull's leg bone.

While running wildly, the bull, which was more than three meters tall at the shoulders, was knocked back by the violent impact of the giant tiger beetle, and its leg bones were pinched off.

But behind the bull, a large group of bloodthirsty tanks charged, forcing the hind legs of the bull forward.

The forefront of the battle between the insect swarm and the monster seemed like a meat grinder of death, devouring life crazily.



The monsters and insect swarms that rushed forward were almost instantly torn to pieces, and then trampled into flesh by the monsters and insect swarms that followed.

Totally crazy!

The swarms of insects are roaring and the monsters are howling!

The battle on the ground was a hundred times more brutal than in the sky!

Even the Zerg with strong defenses like the King Tiger Beetle were torn apart in an instant.

But in terms of combat power, the insect swarm is still superior. The rushing insect swarm is like a terrifying sharp blade.

After the first round of impact, the insect swarm at the rear almost immediately entered the monster group.

In terms of strength, how could these improvised monsters be the insect monsters that Qin Mu carefully selected from hundreds of thousands of monsters and were the most suitable for large-scale battles?

The front line of the insect swarm, like a tide, submerged the monsters at the front and spread towards the rear.


The king-level monsters watching the battle from behind the beast tide roared and summoned more monsters to join the battlefield.

The four king-level monsters and Qin Mu did not rush to take action, but allowed the insect swarm and the beast tide to fight.

On this battlefield with units of tens of millions, the battle just now was just an appetizer.

A more brutal melee began.

Countless monsters and swarms of insects intertwined together, and death became eternity at this moment.

Almost every moment, tens of thousands of monsters and Zerg died.

"Kill! Fight! Then evolve!"

There was a bloodthirsty light in Qin Mu's eyes. The scene in front of him was what the insect swarm was pursuing!

Using the corpses of monsters, we will build the evolutionary path of the Zerg!

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