The figure bones are strong and powerful, and there is sound in the ground, there is a quiet silence around, deadly silence!

Speaking of which, he smiled proudly.

The young school captain took a few steps back on the wall and turned around and instructed: "Hurry up and inform the grandfather of the world!"

This man threatened with "behind the soldiers", how could a little school captain make the decision without authorization!

"Yes, Captain Cheng." A soldier hurriedly led away.

Cheng Xiaowei's lips curled into a straight line, he took a sigh of relief, listening to the footsteps of the soldier walking away ...

Next, there was a long silence, waiting for Xiao Yi's order on the city wall, and guessing the other party under the city wall had to pass, without urging, waiting patiently outside the city ...

At this time, time seemed to slow down, and every moment was so suffering. Cheng Xiaowei's heart became more and more irritable, and he looked inside and outside the city from time to time ... until the sound of horseshoes faintly came from behind, becoming more and more clear.

Stomping ...

Looking at the sound, several horses came at the end of the street, headed by a beautiful young Li Li in a purple brocade and a magnificent figure. At a glance, Xiao Yi was young and angry.

And a white horse next to him went hand in hand with him, and immediately an elegant blue robe youth, who was dusty and immortal, the two of them wrote a martial art, and their temperament moved quietly, forming a sharp contrast, but somehow there was another wonderful Sense of harmony.

What are you thinking? Cheng Xiaowei blinked, wondering if he had been temporarily impaired.

Soon, Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai stepped onto the city wall one after the other.

"Shizi, Guanhouye!" Cheng Xiaowei hurried forward to salute the two.

Xiao Yi waved his hand casually, stepped forward, and looked down at the Tuwu bones outside the city wall.

Zhennan Wang Shizi finally appeared!

Tuwugu rejoiced, holding his fist and repeating the previous words: "Xiao Shizi, I came to preach by my handsome order. If Shizi agrees to return the nine kings of Nanliang, everything in the war between the two countries can be discussed, otherwise Coming day ... "

Listening, the official language raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was a sharp flash in his eyes. The other party was afraid that he miscalculated Ai's temperament.

Sure enough, the next instant, I heard Xiao Yi's cold voice interrupted Tuwu Bone:

"Within ten minutes, retreat or die!"

The six words were loud, Xiao Yi's attitude was firm and decisive.

Since the other party did not come to surrender, there is nothing to talk about!

The official language has a white mouth and a slight hook. Ai Yi has always adhered to his principles and grasped his own righteousness. He will never waver easily!

Cheng Xiaowei also looked at Xiao Yi in the rear. On the one hand, he felt happy, but on the other hand, he felt a little nervous. When he looked at Guan Yubai subconsciously, he saw the other person's expression was indifferent, and his mouth seemed to hold a touch of smile. , But looking again, it seems like his own illusion.

Cheng Xiaowei still secretly relieved. The An Yihou came to the army with the emperor's command and was a second-grade army officer. He was really a troublesome figure. Originally, the Southern Army was controlled by the grandfather, but if Anyihou questioned the grandfather's decision and wrote to the court, it would be a big trouble for the grandfather and the southern Xinjiang.

Since the arrival of Anyi Hou, Li Shoubei and Jing Qian always secretly issued strict orders to the soldiers below, so that they must be cautious, observe military discipline, and never embarrass the world grandfather.

Fortunately, this comfortable man seems to be a reasonable man ...


Xiao Yi's counting sounds came to his ears, suddenly awakening Cheng Xiaowei.


Xiao Yi counted down unhurriedly, staring at Tuwu Bone coldly, and began to count down, releasing a cold murderous body.

Obviously, the distance between the two sides is dozens of feet, and even the other person's looks are not very clear, but Tuwu bone feels a chill in his heart, as if he was stared at by some fierce beast, making him shudder.

Although he never confronted Xiao Yi on the battlefield, he suddenly understood why the king of the south of the town of Dayu would have the title of "killing the gods" in their Nanliang army.

The figure's hand holding the reins clenched unconsciously, how could it not have been expected that Xiao Yi was a soft and hard man!

However, Commander Icaro will never accept two failures, and he can no longer return without success!

Tuwu swallowed his mouth and said righteously: "Xiao Shizi, as the prince of a prince in the south of Xinjiang, wouldn't it be considered by the people of Yan Dingcheng, and the two countries must meet with each other ... "

Xiao Yi continued to count down to himself: "Eight! ..." As he spoke, his right hand was stretched out, and Bamboo immediately turned his hand into an ink-colored heavy bow.

Cheng Xiaowei couldn't hold the excitement on his face, and said, "Seven!"

Immediately after, hundreds of soldiers on the wall counted down in unison: "Six! Five! ..."

It was louder than loud, and the bowstrings in the hands of the archers had begun to tighten, and hundreds of arrows were aimed at the Tuwu bones.

"Xiao Shizi, you will regret it!" Tu Wugu remembered the arrow that was shot in front of his horse the last time, and he was still afraid after all. He pulled the rope and quickly turned the horse's head.

The countdown above the wall continued: "Two!"

At the same time, Xiao Yi had easily stretched his bow full, and he was very skillful.

When the last number "one" fell, with a trembling buzz of bowstrings, a burst of blasting sound suddenly sounded:


The sharp arrow split the air like lightning, and hurriedly shot towards the Tuwu bone. Even the air seemed to be shocked, and a subtle change occurred.

The figure in front of him felt something faintly, and tried to look back. Unfortunately, it was too late. The sharp arrow passed like a meteor, and he passed through him in the blink of an eye, click ...

He seemed to hear the sound of his bones and viscera cracking in his ears, his eyes narrowed to the extreme, and he saw the blood-stained arrow appear on his left chest in disbelief ...

Tick, tick ...

Blood red dripped from the arrow, but his heart had stopped beating forever ...

Tuwu stiffly fell from the horse immediately, rolled down on the official road of yellow mud, a pair of dim and indifferent eyes glared out, as if he did not understand how he would lose his life like this.

Time was almost stagnant at this instant.

"Master!" The envoys next to Tuwu bone exclaimed, all of a sudden the six gods had no master.


"Hurry back and inform the commander!"


They pinched the horse's belly and tried to drive the horse away.

But it's too late!

"Hmm ..."

After Xiao Yi's arrow, all the archers Qiqila bowed their arrows, and the dense arrows shot at the same time. The rain of arrows dropped from the sky, and the Nanliang envoys were instantly covered ...

They didn't even make a scream before they were shot by the countless arrows into "hedgehogs". They fell off the horses one by one, and blood stained the yellow mud below.

This scene seemed so horrible, but the soldiers on the wall only felt very happy.

These **** Nanliang people killed how many innocent people they had in southern Xinjiang, and how many of their robes died in order to regain their homeland and defend their people!

There are also Yanding City and Yongjia City, where the ten rooms and nine empty spaces are all Nanliang man-made evils. So, they dare to show up outside Yanding City to threaten and coerce.

Xiao Yiyuan looked at the corpses lying outside the city gate, his eyes flashed with a surprisingly bright light, and said slowly: "South Xinjiang will not accept any negotiations except for surrender to the city."

Xiao Yi's voice was not loud, but in the ears of these soldiers, they looked like Lei Guan's ears.

The bright eyes of these soldiers are all shining. The dedicated eyes are almost looking at their beliefs. They are all confident and believe that under the leadership of Xiao Yi, they will be invincible!

Guan Yubai was looking at Xiao Yi and the other soldiers on the wall. His eyes were deep, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was getting deeper and deeper ... for a moment, he looked up at the rising sun in the east, squinting slightly.

Times create heroes, and the rising sun will eventually rise in the air. No one can stop it from blooming its own dazzling light ...

Ai, what step can he take? !!

Not only the soldiers on the city wall saw the scene just now, but also the Nine Kings Longma outside Bailaizhang, the Nanliang captives and others.

Langma stood still like a lightning strike, her mind was blank and she could hardly think.

What happened just now is completely beyond his expectation, "The two countries exchange their troops, and don't cut them down". This is a rule for thousands of years. How can Xiao Yi dare to shoot other countries to make it! Isn't he afraid of ruining his reputation? !!

Behind Langma, the Nanliang captives were all pale and trembling slightly.

Although they were temporarily captured by the South Xinjiang Army, everyone had a ray of hope in their hearts, hoping that one day the South Xinjiang would exchange captives with Nanliang, and they could return to their homeland again ...

But the moment when the arrow rain poured down from the city wall, the hope in their hearts suddenly broke!

In contrast, the attitudes of the southern Xinjiang civilians and soldiers of the Southern Army were very different from those of the Nanliang people. They were all with honors, a middle-aged man wiped the tears in the corner of his eyes, choked and said: " It ’s good to kill! Grandpa Shi, this is revenge for my family! ”I do n’t know how many people in Yanding City have lost all their loved ones like themselves.

"Happy!" One of his friends patted his shoulder comfortably. "It's so happy!"

Others also talked eloquently:

"It's time to kill these Nanliang talents!"

"Yes, they would not dare to commit a crime for hundreds of years!"


The civilians became more and more angry, and even looked at the nine kings and the captives of Nanliang, and shot a strong hatred. If there were guard soldiers around, they could not wait to give the nine kings to the corpse. Already.

The negative emotions of hostility all over came like waves, Langma felt like an isolated island in the sea, and would be swallowed up by the terrible tsunami at any time ...

Langma panicked. Next, he wanted to guard these civilians, but also Xiao Yi. Originally, he thought that the Southern Army had fallen into his Nanliang trap anyway. He just had to wait patiently for the Southern Army to be caught. Defeat, naturally you can return to the old soil, but now seeing Xiao Yi's decisive look, Langma only realized one thing. This Xiao Yi was so violent and rough, I am afraid that when the day of Yanding City breaks, Xiao Yiding will Take yourself to the city!

The longer Langma thought, the more likely it was.

No, he must not stay here and wait!

He must find a way to escape!

Langma said to herself.

But how can he escape from the guards like the copper wall and iron wall by his own power?

The only people who can help themselves here are--

Qiao Shenyu!

Langma thoughtfully looked at Qiao Shenyu not far away, and saw that Qiao Shenyu, who was also looking in the direction of the city wall, now just receded his eyes. Compared with those civilians filled with indignation, his face seemed to have a little Disapprove.

Langma's eyes flickered, he shook his fist, and strode to Qiao Shenyu's side.

"Brother Qiao, you look bad," Langma asked in a low voice, caring and attentive, "but didn't take a good rest last night?"

"Don't mention it, I was woken up by someone's snoring and didn't sleep all night ..."

Qiao Shenyu was bitter every day, Langma picked a word casually, he murmured constantly, and the two were hiding in the corner and talking.

Not far from the wall, Xiao Yi was looking at the direction where Langma and others were, with a smile on his lips. From his point of view, Langma can't be seen, but he can guess how much he thinks at the moment.

The original calm was quickly restored on the walls, and the archers retreated with training.

After being outside for four weeks, Xiao Yi smiled and asked, "Xiao Bai, are you still out of the city today? Anyway, I'm idle, so why don't we go together?"

The official language Bai Xiao smiled. Drawing a new map is a very tedious and meticulous task, and Guan Yubai likes to experience it for himself, so he has been busy for a few days, and it is only less than one-third complete.

The two descended the wall along the stone steps, and the bamboo went to tell the gate guard to open the gate.


The heavy city gate slowly opened under the force of several guards. At this moment, a horseshoe sound came from afar behind, Xiao Yi didn't care, but the bamboo turned around and saw it, and was about to sue Xiao Yi. , The comer has opened his throat and shouted:


This clear and brisk voice was too familiar, and I knew it was Fu Yunhe.

Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai turned around and looked. Two black and white horses, carrying a man and a woman, were galloping towards the gate, and the hoofs were flying.

The white horse's youthful spirit is Fu Yunhe, and the black horse is a girl in Tsing Yi. The thick black hair with a twisted braid rises slightly with her horse's bumps and is full of vitality.

"Xiaohezi, you and Han girl are going out of town too?" Xiao Yi's eyes paused on the basket on the side of the two men, speculating.

Fu Yunhe responded with a smile: "Cousin Xia had to go to Yulan Mountain with her grandfather to collect medicines. I think it would be too dangerous for them to go. Just when I was fine in the city for a few days, I just asked my grandfather to ask me . Grandma Lin's grandfather asked me to accompany Cousin ... "

"It's a coincidence," Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows. "I happened to go to Yulan Mountain with Xiaobai, so let's go together."

Fu Yunhe and Han Qixia naturally have no objection.

At this time, the city gate had been opened half a fan, Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai also turned over, and the six of them rushed out of the city.

Someone outside the city gate was cleaning the body and bloodstains of the Nanliang people.

Follow Guandao all the way south.

The sun in the autumn morning is quite gentle, and the sun is softly sprinkled on the distant mountains, forests, official roads, treetops, fields, and everyone ...

The southern suburbs have beautiful scenery, clumps of wild camellia blooming on the side of the road, colorful, and wanton growth. Compared with those carefully cultivated camellia, these wild camellia has a vigorous and vigorous vitality.

From time to time, you can still see birds, butterflies roaming branches, and flowers, leisurely, but scattered by the sound of horseshoes and cries of eagles.

Probably used to play with the pigeons and birds of the king's house in the weekdays. Little Gray rarely uses birds as prey. Generally, they just play with them. When they watch their chickens fly and their feathers fall, they scream in excitement. Endlessly.

The crowd went all the way, Guan Yubai had surveyed the five miles of Yanding City, so they basically didn't stop there. About half an hour later, several rolling mountains appeared hundreds of feet ahead. outer.

The horse's speed slowed down, and Han Qixia pointed to the front and said, "Yulan Mountain is in front of me ... Last time my grandfather and I came to this area to collect medicine, I stumbled upon several rare herbs on this mountain."

The horse accelerated again and ran straight towards the Yulan Mountain ahead.

Stomping ...

The party stopped the horse at the foot of the mountain, and everyone rolled over, leaving the bamboo to look at the horse, and the little four spontaneously carried a suitcase on the back of the official language.

"I remember the last time my grandfather and I went up the hill from the previous path ..."

Han Qixia volunteered to lead the way for everyone.

Yulan Mountain is not a scenic spot. There are no temples or gazebos on the mountain. Basically, the people who come here are hunters. Occasionally, there are medicine farmers who pick medicines to go up the mountain. Therefore, there is no artificially excavated road on the mountain. Only some hunters come out. The trail is steep and muddy.

The mountain road is not easy to walk. Han Qixia is the only weak woman among them. At first Fu Yunhe was worried that Han Qixia could not walk such a rugged mountain road, but she didn't want to. She seemed to be more flexible and healthy than him, wearing a pair of deerskin gloves. From time to time, I grabbed some branches, shrubs, etc.

Several people did not stop all the way, and soon reached the mountainside.

Watching Han Qixia's forehead sweating, Fu Yunhe was trying to propose whether everyone would take a break, but saw a joy on Han Qixia's face, with two eyes shining like gems, and raised her voice slightly with excitement: "I found it! Shi Jing grass!"

Looking down her gaze, she saw a few clusters of dark thorny plants growing around a section of dead wood split in half.

While Han Qixia strode forward, she skillfully took out the sickle in the basket behind her.

The edge of the sickle's blade is extremely cold and sharp. A few rays of sunlight are projected through the gaps in the branches and leaves above.

The cold and hard blades are in sharp contrast to Han Qixia's slender hand, one rigid and one soft, one cold and one warm.

With the eyes of a soldier, Fu Yunhe can say with complete confidence that this sickle cut on his wrist or neck is fatal!

He swallowed and felt that his cousin was not suitable for holding such a dangerous weapon. What if she accidentally kicked her and fell down against the blade?

What if she accidentally cut her own wrist when she picked herbs?

"Cousin Xia, let me help you!" Fu Yunhe asked with a smile on his own initiative.

The steps at the feet of Han Qixia paused, and her clear eyes looked at Fu Yunhe. The ordinary pupils of the clear mountain peaks and clear springs seemed to reflect Fu Yunhe's mind. Fu Yunhe was so guilty that he was scared to look at her.

Han Qixia's mouth evoked a faint smile, and said, "Cousin Crane, do you know which herb I want to pick?"

Fu Yunhe froze and pointed at the gray "thorns": "Isn't that the stone viburnum?"

Han Qixia glanced at him with a smile, then squatted down, and cut a section of gray needles sharply with a sickle. She said, "Stonebush often grows with a plant called gray soap thorn. It looks very similar, but the former can be used as medicine, and the latter is just ordinary vegetation. "

Taking a closer look, Fu Yunhe found that the gray "thorns" were really mixed with two similar plants.

Han Qixia skillfully cut it down to a section of phoenix, and continued: "And when choosing phoenix, you must choose this kind of ash with a dark green color. This is the mature phoenix, which is not too tender. Too old and not easy to use medicine ... "

Han Qixia explained that while she was continuously cutting the phoenix, she had already picked a lot of phoenix.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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