Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1228: 534 Medicine person (9 more)

"Second concubine, this is a 10,000 pill, you can test it." Boss Li said with a flattering smile on his face, "We master Hu's pharmaceutical method is one-on-one, this pill will never be a problem . "

Nangong 玥 with a smile on his head, took a porcelain bottle, opened it, and sniffed under his nose.

An almost unrecognizable stench poured into the nasal cavity.

This eclipse blue not only looks very similar to Kalancho, but also the smell, plus it is made into a pill with so many medicinal materials, even her is difficult to distinguish.

Nangong said calmly and said with a smile, "I'm very satisfied with this medicine, and I hope that Boss Lee will continue to make people rush."

"Yes! Yes! Rest assured, concubine, even if my shop is closed to stop customers, you will never dare to miss your event."

Mr. Lee's heart is very fortunate. In the past few months, he has been doing business with Shi Zifei. Although it is small, it can't hold up a lot. It is only a few months, which is enough for the shop in the past two or three years. Moreover, this time, the concubine was ordered directly in the name of the Southern Army. The entire Luo Yuecheng can be pharmaceutical for the army, and there are three shops in total. This is the glory and reputation that you can't get for silver!

The people all looked at it. These days, his family's business is almost endless.

"Mr. Lee should understand that the medicine used in the army is needed this time. The Zhennan Palace will deliver it on time. If it is missing, you can also send people back and forth at any time. Only one point ..." Pointing his finger, he said, "You must not buy herbs yourself, do you know?"

Her face did not have the gentle smile of the past, but with the momentum of a superior person, boss Li couldn't help but say, "Little understand."

Nangong smiled, "Troublemaker Li." In a similar way, she was all a little clear in the three drug stores, of course, there are dark guards monitoring day and night.

After Nangong Yan tested the medicine, Boss Lee sent her out.

Sitting on a Zhu Wheeler, Nangong leaned back and sat silent.

After a while, she opened her mouth and instructed Baihui: "After you go back, let Zhu Xing and Zhou Dacheng send all these medicines to the Luoying City Camp. Tell Zhou Dacheng that all porcelain bottles must not be mixed and wait until the wild goose. After the city is settled, it must be handed in to Ai's hands together with my letter, and must not be passed by other people. "

Bai Hui promised solemnly.

Zhu Wheeler marched slowly.

At this moment, a figure emerged from the shadow. It was a middle-aged man who looked inconspicuously. He silently watched the carriage leave, and said, "Things are done!"

The middle-aged man did not immediately act rashly, but instead went to a tea house near the city gate and sat on the second floor of the tea house, watching the movement below.

This sitting was a long time, until a carriage with the emblem of Bixiaotang ran out of the gate.

For this mission, he paid close attention to the process of delivering medicine in Zhennan Palace. Generally, the aunt went to the drug store to get the medicine, but he was sent by Bixiaotang to Luoyuecheng Camp and escorted by soldiers.

And the man who has been in charge of escorting medicine, he also recognizes that it is the person who drives the carriage today.

The middle-aged man took up the tea cup and drank it, took out a few copper plates and threw it on the table, and hurried out of the city.

An hour later, he arrived at a small village outside the city.

A man in the shape of a farmer led him in, and he was sitting there drinking tea, and he was the owner of Qian Jintang!

"Master, it's done!"

The middle-aged man reported himself to Boss Kim for a few days.

Boss King was overjoyed. He waved people to return to Luo Yuecheng to continue staring. Then he went to the study and finished writing a letter in a hurry. He set the pen aside and checked the letter again.

If there is anyone else here, you will find that the text on this letter is not the text of Dayu, but a strange and distorted scripture.

Boss Kim muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "... all went well, the first batch of medicines have been made, and they will be sent to the Southern Army in the near future ..."

After drying the ink, Boss Jin carefully folded the thin tissue paper into long strips, put it into a small bamboo tube, sealed it with wax, and walked to a bird cage.

In the iron bird cage, three grey pigeons make cooing and flapping wings from time to time, all of them are energetic.

After a while, a gray pigeon flew from Zhuangzi, flying higher and higher, and soon became a fuzzy gray spot ...

Boss Jin watched the grey pigeon go away, thinking: I can make great achievements this time, and I will return to Yijin in the future, so I wo n’t have to survive in this ghost place in southern Xinjiang ...

The Nine Kings came last time, saying that they wanted to take over the things here, and deserved him well, for fear that all their efforts in these years would be used as wedding dresses for others. Fortunately, the nine kings had planted before taking over.

Boss Jin shook his fist, and his many years of lurking finally waited for this day ...

After thinking about the future, Boss King calmed down and frowned slightly.

For a long time, I haven't received the flying pigeon biography from the coach for a long time. Is it that the coach's plan has changed?


Boss King immediately rejected this possibility. His camouflage can never be seen through, and it is irreplaceable. It was made by him over many years. Now the plan is going so smoothly. As long as this continues, the southern army will die. , His first contribution is foolproof!

You must not be self-defeating!

Boss King advised himself in his heart.

At this moment, a respectful voice sounded outside the door: "Sir, the patroller caught a woman and sneaked around nearby."

Boss King “sucked” in his heart, and when he was about to ask something clearly, he listened and said, “... I do n’t know which girl in the family left the house ...”

The startled boss Bo Jin sneered and said casually, "Just lock her up as a medicine man."

In case this woman accidentally hears or sees something, it is also a big trouble, not to mention, the medicine man who came to his door stupidly need not be in vain! Although he was a little older, the too strong medicinal child could not bear it. If he died, he would be afraid that he would not get the result he wanted, and wasted his medicine in vain. This woman came just right.

"Yes, sir." On the outside was a little cricket in Tsing Yi. After the cricket answered, he hurried to Zhuangzikou.

Behind the gate of Zhuangzi, two men in grey coats are holding a girl who is described as messy, left and right. The girl's blue dress is a little dirty and messy. His mouth was stuffed with a large gray rag. Her face was so pale, she tried to yell for help, but she couldn't make any sound, only the sound of "wow".

"Adult said, lock up this woman!" Xiao Yan meaningfully increased the volume on the word "guan".

The two gray-clad men immediately understood, and after a response, they had to hold the girl down.

The girl twisted her body frantically, and there was another "wow" sound in her mouth. If at this time, they removed the rag from her mouth, they would hear what she was saying: "Excessive! Let go of me , I'm the cousin of Zhennan's palace! "

But now Qiao Ruolan's words can only be understood by herself, no matter how she struggled, she was easily volleyed by the two men.

Qiao Ruolan was terrified and wondered why he was so unlucky.

She managed to escape from the ruined place of Shuying Women's Hospital with her sister-in-law, but the coachman who was hired actually wanted to kill and rob wealth in the middle of the road. She lost her caretaker and let her escape.

After that, she no longer dared to hire a carriage, and could only walk all the way. The only difficulty she knew was her own.

Finally, when she reached the outskirts of Luo Yue, she just lost her way in the mountains, and met these bandits!

How are they going to treat themselves?

Do you want to leave yourself as Mrs. Zhai? !!

Qiao Ruolan became more and more afraid, and his limbs were getting more and more crazy. He was quickly brought into a small yard. A woman outside the door gave her a cold look and opened the heavy padlock on the door sharply. .

"Crack--" With a sound, the wooden door opened, and there was a strange smell in it, which seemed to be mixed with sweat, medicine, musty, and so on.

Where did Qiao Ruolan have suffered such a crime, and he was so sick of it that even in the Shuyuan women's school, Mr. Shan and He punished themselves, at most they kept themselves in an unmanned Buddhist hall ...

In a kind of despair, Qiao Ruolan was shoved in by the woman.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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