Sun Xinyi lowered the curtain in her hand and looked at Nangong Yan, only to see that the other person's eyebrows were locked, and Qing Li's face appeared panic and uneasiness for the first time.

"How come here so fast?" Nangong Ning held tightly to the puppet in his hand and murmured, "Did they not find that the Nanliang army came in Youyu camp? This is impossible ..."

Han Qixia next to her was also unable to hide the panic, seizing Nan Gongxi's hand and saying, "Hey, crane ..." She wanted to ask where Fu Yunhe is now, and if he would be okay ...

But then he couldn't ask any more.

Fu Yunhe, as the captain of the God Arm Camp of the Southern Army, where can he be? Of course, we must stick to the gate!

Nangong patted Han Qixia's hand and gave her a soothing smile, but even her own expression was a little hesitant. Sun Xinyi, who was sitting opposite them, naturally looked into her ears and listened to her ears. Even if she had such a slight movement before, it disappeared now.

"Girl Sun," Nangong Yan reluctantly said, "It's really not appropriate to go out to sacrifice Lord Sun and those soldiers who died in the city. Why don't we go back first?"

Sun Xinyi's face hesitated, and finally he owed his words: "Second concubine, Shu Xinyi ventures, even if he can't go to worship the father and brethren outside the city today, Xinyi still wants to go to the temple as his father and brethren Shangzhuxiang, it ’s better to ask them to bless Yanding City in the spirit of the sky ... "Then, Sun Xinyi's eyes rose slightly, and a faint layer of water mist appeared, which seemed to remind of the tragic situation when the city was broken.

Nangong sighed and nodded slightly: "... Girl Sun is right. When I first arrived, I was not very familiar with Yanding City. I don't know if there are any temples in the vicinity?"

Han Qixia also did not object.

Sun Xinyi wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes with a papa, and said, "Sir concubine, just a short distance away, there is a small temple, which is quite sensible."

She explained Cai Wei's sentence, Cai Wei went to the driver and briefly talked about the location of the temple. Soon, the carriage drove again with the driver's applause ...

Probably the war is now in a critical situation. The carriage is much quieter than before. There is no talking voice. Only boring horseshoes and cymbals are echoing in the air.

"Brother the driver!"

After the carriage turned right into an empty street, Cai Wei suddenly opened the curtain and reached out half of her body, and said with a grin, "This is a carved plum made by my girl. May I have a taste of it?" A piece of cyan pigment parsley with a few carved plums on it.

The coachman froze, and accepted it in amazement: "Thank you girl, thank you girl!"

He randomly sifted the sculpted plum and threw it into his mouth. The sculpted plum was crispy and sweet, sweet and sour, refreshing, and contained in his mouth.

Cai Wei swallowed, and said with a smile on her face: "Brother, take these ..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw the driver shake his head, then suddenly fell to the left ...

Cai Wei quickly reached out to catch his heavy body, turned her head and whispered in the carriage: "Girl, it's ..." She said, pushing the driver aside hard and hard, and then sitting on her own On the coachman's seat, he lifted his whip high.


The horse hissed and turned towards a narrow, uninhabited alley, driven by her.

The first step seemed to be success.

Cai Wei exhaled a little, but raised it again.

The real test begins now! From the day when the city was broken six months ago, there was nowhere else for myself and the girl ...

"Da da da……"

The sound of the car bell echoed in the slender alley, and in the rear compartment was already a mess.

The three girls crumbled on the carpet of the carriage, leaving Sun Xinyi, who was white and pale, still trying to sit calmly.

boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom……

The rapid heartbeat echoed in Sun Xinyi's ears. The heart beat faster and faster, she just felt her heart beating, and her back was already sweating a lot.

It's done!

She succeeded!

On the one hand, she was so nervous that she almost collapsed, but on the other hand, looking at Nangong Yan and Han Qixia motionless, weak and pitiful, her heart ignited a pleasurable feeling.

Some people are born with good fortunes, just like Nangong Yan; some people only admit fate, like Han Qixia; some people never give up no matter what kind of situation they fall into, just like themselves.

At that time, since she had made a life for herself, today she will not give up, she will live, and she will continue to live better and better ...

In Sun Xinyi's complicated mind, the carriage was speeding faster and faster, the master and servant were silent, their faces collapsed tightly.

Sun Xinyi was a little restless, and looked down at the three Nangong who fell on the carpet for a while, and then opened the curtains and looked outside, anxious: why not yet? !!

After a scent of incense, the carriage finally stopped in front of a house in the southwest of the city under the driving of Cai Wei. Now the city has ten rooms and nine empty spaces, and the area around the house is empty. There is no crowd. When the carriage stopped slowly, The surrounding area turned into a dead silence, as if in an empty city.


The people in the house seemed to hear the movement from the outside. The door was opened from the inside. A skinny man in black shorts stared at the car behind Cai Wei. Sun Xinyi opened the curtain slightly from the car and faced him. The skinny man nodded slightly.

The other party eagerly made a gesture to signal them to come in quickly, with joy, and said, "Now, you've done a great job!"

The carriage drove into the house with the monotonous sound of the cart, and then a "squeak", the door was closed by the skinny man.

After the carriage stopped in the courtyard behind the gate, Sun Xinyi could hardly wait to get down the carriage, and said impatiently to the skinny man, "People are inside!" Her attitude was somewhat polite.

The skinny man didn't care. He barely suppressed the joy in his heart, and opened the carriage curtain, looked into the carriage, and said to Sun Xinyi: "You are doing well, as long as the concubine of the king of the south of the town falls into our hands ... "

His words came to an abrupt halt, his eyes staring incredulously to the extreme.

how is this possible? !!

In the carriage, the three of Nangong Yan opened their eyes and sat up. The three girls looked at the skinny man with cold, bright eyes.

The skinny man's heart sank suddenly.

Could it be that……

The thought came to his mind, they were cheated by Sun Xinyi? !!

The thin man's pupils shrank, and he looked unbelievably towards Sun Xinyi.

How dare this woman! She did such unreasonable things. Does she think Dayu can still afford it?

But don't want to--

Sun Xinyi was even more afraid than him. The pale face was as pale as paper, without any blood, and trembling like leaves in the cold wind, cold sweat ...

This woman is so useless!

The skinny man instantly understood that Sun Xinyi thought that he had counted the Zhennan King Shifei, but he did not know that her words and deeds had already been exposed, but she was calculated by the other party!

Although this woman is cruel enough, she is extremely stupid!

The skinny man's mind fluttered. Since this is a trap, the perimeter of this house must be surrounded by a large number of southern army forces. Until now, he can only use this as a bargaining chip for himself in this desperate situation. There was a hint of life in it ...

Thinking, the skinny man has jumped onto the carriage lightly, and hurled away toward Nangong like a flash.

Bai Hui smiled coldly and protected him in front of Nangong. At the same time, the driver who had been motionlessly leaning on the side suddenly opened his eyes, straightened his palm, and slashed his palm towards the skinny man's wrist.

Nangong Yan in the carriage said lightly: "Xiao Ying ..."

The words didn't fall, a ghostly long figure had appeared behind the skinny man, Xiao Ying politely kicked, and kicked directly to his back ...

The skinny man felt the strong wind in the rear. A donkey rolled away to avoid it, and fell off the carriage. After rolling for half a circle, a dark shadow flashed in front of him, and another young man in black appeared in front of him. Looking at him with a smile, the next moment, the other party has shot.


That crisp sound, a person's neck was so stiffly twisted, and then crooked softly, those eyes protruding outward, staring wide, not staring ...

It's like the bright black eyes in memory ...

Not far away, Sun Xinyi looked at everything that happened from beginning to end, the whole person stood still, countless pictures flashed in his mind, killing, corpse, blood flow into the river ... The scene, shocking, as if **** on earth ...

"Girl ..." Cai Wei leaned anxiously towards Sun Xinyi, her lips trembling slightly. She wanted to say, girl, they have to run away quickly. If they don't run away, they will be too late.

Cai Wei has been serving Sun Xinyi since she was a child. The master and servant have been listening to her tone for many years, and Sun Xinyi knew what she was thinking, her lips clenched tightly.

escape? !!

What else can escape? !!

Although she knows a bit of boxing skills, even if it is a big man, there may not be a first-line vitality. However, both this seemingly ordinary car driver and the two men in black are highly skilled. Obviously, they should be The dark guard of Shi Zifei, and has long been prepared, not even this Nanliang spy is their opponent, let alone a woman of her own!

Lose yourself!

Although he tried his best to survive, he still couldn't escape death ...

She is unwilling! She just wants to live!

She didn't want to fight like the auntie and sisters, and spent the rest of her life with a piece of white. She was only fifteen years old and just married. It was the brightest fragrance.

She wants to live, even if she steps on someone else's body ...

Sun Xinyi bit her lower lip and asked awkwardly, "When will I show my feet, concubine?" Is it because of the carved plums, or was it earlier when I offered to sacrifice my ancestor, or earlier? ...

Sun Xinyi's heartbeat was like a cymbal drum, and she didn't dare to think about it.

With the help of Bai Hui, Nan Gongxi got off the carriage, stared straight at Sun Xinyi, and slowly said, "Girl Sun, how did your nephew die? You know best!"

Nangong Yan looked indifferent, but there was a strong spirit in his tone, and the meaning was even more shocking.

For a moment, Sun Xinyi only felt that everyone's eyes were like a knife, making her feel as if she had been stripped of clothes in a large court. She thinks that she is perfectly seamless, a former defensive daughter who can't bear her sorrow, but she doesn't want her to be exposed for a long time, and she is foolishly trying to compete with Han Qixia in front of her concubine ...

At this time, Han Qixia also jumped off the carriage, walked to the side of Nangongyu, and looked at Sun Xinyi with complex eyes.

She originally thought that this granddaughter had some wrong intentions and was not worthy of deep friendship, so she stayed away, but did not want humanity to be far more terrible than she thought.

This granddaughter is not just that simple .... No, she is too careless. She should have noticed that the granddaughter's experience when Yanding City broke was a bit wrong.

Thinking of that day Nangong Xiong said that the cause of Sun Xiaogong's death was suspicious, especially when it was found that he was not very close to Sun Xinyi on weekdays, but that day he could not leave her for a while ... "Grandma, my nephew is only two years old ..."

This simple sentence completely pierced Sun Xinyi's pain.

Sun Xinyi's pupils shrank, and her wolf-like cold light was released in her eyes, which was completely different from her knowledgeable, gentle and elegant look in the past.

At this moment, she didn't want to hide herself anymore, and never wanted to pretend.

"I just want to live!"

Why did she sacrifice her own life for a child just two years old and for a child who didn't understand anything? !!

Sun Xinyi grew more and more reluctant, and hysterically hysterically said, "Is there anything wrong with wanting to live? Have you ever tasted a knife stuck around your neck? Have you ever tasted a foot that has passed through a ghost door? Do you have What kind of qualifications to set me up? "Like Shi Zifei, this life Jinyiyushi, Jiaoyangyang, ten fingers do not touch the spring water, and Shi Ziye like a beloved treasure, I am afraid I have never touched it, how can I know what Life and death choice!

Sun Xinyi repeatedly told himself in his heart that he was not wrong.

Countless pictures flashed in her mind like ghost lights.

What happened that day is just like yesterday, every scene is clearly visible. That night, the army of Nanliang was approaching the city, and Yanding City was in danger. After the father and the two elder brothers left the house to meet the enemy, the grandmother and granddaughter summoned all the daughters and daughters of the house to the main hall. This stay lasted three days and three nights.

Sun Xinyi knew that his aunt had prepared several white crickets and prepared for the worst ...

They want to die, they're afraid of humiliation, they're afraid of injustice ...

But she doesn't want to die, she has to fight!

Sun Xinyi thought about it carefully. She knew that if she wanted to live, her only hope was her nephew Sun Peiling. Both the father and the two elder brothers are guarding the city gate. They will not surrender. Once the city breaks, it is inevitable that the last blood of the Sun family will be nephew Sun Peiling. With his aunt's temperament, he will certainly try his best to get Sun Peiling away and keep the incense of the Sun family. This is his opportunity.

Therefore, from the second day, Sun Xinyi tried his best to please his nephew and held him in his arms. If anyone wanted to take him away, she secretly held his flesh and made him cry. Nao, made a look that he did not want to leave her ... For two days, she served Sun Peiling as best she could.

This effort was not wasted. At the moment when the news of the city broke, the aunt found that he could not take Sun Peiling away from him. He was also afraid that he would attract the Nanliang Army if he cried and made a big noise. He had no choice but to entrust Sun Peiling to she was. She vowed in front of her aunt and Cui Clan, who would do everything she could to protect Sun Peiling.

At that moment, she was sincere.

After all, with Sun Peiling, she will have a foundation in the future, not a strand of duckweed without help.

The father and elder brother bravely resisted the enemy and gave up righteousness. After Sun Peiling was heroic, her future would not be a problem, so her aunt would be better.

The aunt told her to take Sun Peiling to a dry well in the backyard, and let her close friend Wang Yi cover the dry well with megaliths. The dry well was narrow and filthy, which was enough for her to hold Sun Peiling barely curled up, so only two people survived in total—she traded this life for fifteen years.

But they were betrayed!

The abominable Wang Xi family was favored by Sun Fu, but after all they were afraid of death. In order to keep their lives and their sons, they brought the Nanliang people.

When a sharp arrow from the Nanliang people aimed at herself in the well, Sun Xinyi almost thought she was dead, but did not want the Nanliang coach Ikaruo to appear at the moment, and gave her a "chance" An "opportunity" to enchant ...

A gleaming dagger was thrown at her feet, Sun Xinyi thought he would be hesitant and afraid, but at that moment she was surprisingly calm. The truth is, at a time when her life was at stake, she had no choice at all, did she?

Either you die or I die!

Just like this war between Nanjiang and Nanliang ...

She still remembers Sun Peiling shrinking her body timidly, crying terribly, crying: Auntie no! Auntie don't ...

Tears and snot huddled on his fair white face, looking pitiful as she had once loved a puppy.

The weak emotion just passed by, Sun Xinyi sent the dagger into Sun Peiling's chest without hesitation, and his dark and bright eyes looked at her unflickering, from begging to crying to despair, and then followed As his breath ceased, those once agile eyes became gray and lost all his charm ...

Icaro's applause awakened her in confusion. The other looked at her with a smile and said, ironically, that the girl is indeed the daughter of Sun Shoubei!

Yes! She is the daughter of her father. Sun Xinyi said to herself: Although her father would be angry, she would forgive her. Didn't the father say that she loved her the eldest daughter most? Instead of dying with her and Sun Peiling, she might as well survive and leave the last trace of blood to the Sun family, right?

Sun Xinyi is most afraid that the other party will speak without faith. After all, Nanliang is in a barbarous place. Ru Mao is drinking blood. Where can I know what is the courtesy and shame?

But what she didn't expect was that the Nanliang coach was so refreshing that he immediately ordered someone to take her out of the well and let her go. As for the Wang Xi, she betrayed her son, but she did not end well, and her son was beheaded by Nanliang people.

When being sent out of the house by a Vice Admiral Nan Liang, Sun Xinyi accidentally saw Cai Wei, poor Cai Wei ... At that moment, maybe it was intolerable, maybe she was sympathetic to the disease, and she asked them to pick Wei.

Afterwards, she took Cai Wei, pretending to be an ordinary people to survive in the city ... until Xiao Yi, the son of Zhennan, led the army to break through the city, and Yan Dingcheng returned to the control of the South Xinjiang Army, she was considered again Somehow.

Both Li Shoubei now and his father's old friends in the Southern Army have taken care of themselves.

She also planned for herself.

Just when she thought that the day would get better and better, but did not expect Nanliang people to appear, with Ikaruo's order ...

Until then, Sun Xinyi understood why Ikaruo had let himself go, and the other party seized his handle, so he had to be ordered by him-even if Yanding City was not captured by Xiao Yi, Ikaruo could Send yourself as an insider to the cities of the southern Xinjiang. As long as you have a beautiful speech, no one will doubt her identity.

From the moment he chose the "live" road, Nanliang person became a blood sorrow absorbed on her body, and he would not be reconciled unless he was full of blood!

But she had no choice. Even if she had known it already, she knew that she would make the same choice without hesitation. Even if there was a glimmer of hope, she would survive.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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