Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1314: 620 was robbed (second)

A meal came to an end calmly, and after the people withdrew from the table, there was a steward who came and said that it was the grandfather who invited everyone to go to Dehelou to watch a show.

Since the king of Zhennan invited, everyone went to Dehelou in the southwest corner of the inner court of the palace. In the distance, a strong gong and drum sound came from the direction of Dehelou. The play has started.

As the crowd approached, the lyrics became clearer, and the big girl with a pink make-up **** happily said, "It's" Magnolia, "and I like Hua Mulan best."

Several other girls also echoed, and the girls found a common topic for a while and chatted with joy.

After entering the theater, it was indeed "Magnolia Joining the Army" that sang on the stage, and it was the scene where Mulan returned from the victory and came back to see his father and family.

The girls were even more happy, waiting to see the climax scene, and babbling said something like "when the window is clear, and the mirror is yellow."

Zhennan Wang and others are already sitting on the second floor of the opera building, talking and laughing while watching the show, the atmosphere is very happy.

The female relatives walked along the stairs under the leadership of Nangong Yu, and also went up to the second-floor corridor. Qiao Ruolan quietly pulled his mother's sleeves, with a touch of eagerness on his face.

Mrs. Qiao took a look at her daughter, but she felt helpless: Here are all debts.

She gave her daughter a soothing look and made up her mind. Based on Mrs. Qiao's understanding of Zhennan King, it is clear that her brother is in a good mood because of the recent victory, and today is indeed an opportunity. It was just that she wanted to find a chance to talk to her brother in private ... Now it seems that after the show, the men will still go to drink.

After the family members sat down, there was a play on the stage, and the king of Zhennan applauded vigorously.

Taking advantage of the gap between the next play, Mrs. Qiao said loudly to the king of Zhennan: "Master, now the city of Dengli has been recovered. It is really gratifying. I don't know when the grandfather is planning to celebrate the feast. Wangfu has not been lively for a long time. "

Qiao Ruolan's eyes lighted up, and her mother said that there was a celebration party! Then I have a chance ... to meet that person!

Mrs. Qiao's question immediately attracted everyone's attention. Everyone looked at King Zhennan and wanted to see how he stood, but Nangong Yu looked at Mrs. Qiao with interest and raised her right eyebrow.

At first glance, Mrs. Qiao had no problem at all, as if she were concerned about the war ahead, but it was always weird when she said it from her mouth.

The king of the Zhennan hoeed his beard and said, "Nanliang Residual Army abandoned the city and fled. After the annihilation of these people, the battle is over." Speaking of the big victory ahead, the king of Zhennan was in a better mood, heartily. Laughed a few times.

Qiao Ruolan twisted the puppet in his hand, looked at his mother, and hurried again silently.

Mrs. Qiao had to say again: "Master Wang, some Nanliang remnants must not be able to get up to any climate. Aiyi said in the newsletter that he still has An Yihou and Fu Sangong. When are they going to return to Luo Yuecheng?"

Anyihou ... Do n’t think about Anyihou, Mrs. Qiao did n’t know whether to hate or be happy. Before her daughter was sick, she seemed to be enchanted by Anyihou. Now she is more stubborn. If she does n’t agree, she will die. live. Mrs. Joe is really afraid that if her daughter can't do it, yes, yes ...

Mrs. Qiao sighed in her heart and scared to think about it.

At this time, the sound of gongs and drums sounded again, and there was a heavy-duty showman, Fen Mo, and Zhennan Wang replied casually: "That's what happened this month."

The King of Zhennan did not feel wrong, but the delicate-minded woman tasted something from Mrs. Qiao's words.

Mrs. Ji hooked her lips sarcastically, and did not know what her elder sister was thinking. She looked at war and her nephew, but how did she feel that she was more concerned about An Yihou and Fu Sangong? !! Could it be that……

Mrs. Ling was also thoughtful. She raised her eyes and looked at Qiao Ruolan, and saw that Qiao Ruolan sat there with her eyes down, her eyes rippling, and a touching blush floating on her cheek.

So, is Qiao Ruolan interested in Anyihou or Fu Yunhe? !!

The thoughts just passed by, no matter for Mrs. Ji or Mrs. Ling, why the truth is not important, anyway, it is nothing to hang high, that is, to see the good things of the eldest sister's house.

Only Nangong Yu evoked the corners of the Qiao family's indiscretion.

With the singing of "The Fifth Invitation to the Five" on the stage, everyone's attention was drawn to the past, applause and applause sounded one after another ...

The day of the second day passed by the babble of the opera.

Every day of the New Year is so busy. In the customs of southern Xinjiang, the elders in the family will take the girls to the Mazu Temple to pray for blessings in the New Year. Zhenfang Wangfu ’s Xiao Fang ’s foot was banned, and the second and third bedrooms were all mortuaries. Naturally, Nangong Yu took on this important task.

In the early morning of the fourth day of the first month, in addition to the five girls Xiao Rongyu and the sixth girl Xiao Rongqian who are too young, the four girls in the royal palaces Xiao Xiao, Xiao Rongxuan, Xiao Ni and Xiao Rongying are all here.

Whether it was formerly Xiao Fang ’s head or now Nangong ’s head, Xiao Xie is usually casual and wants to go out when he wants to go out, while the other three girls are not so casual, most of them are in the boudoir of the palace of the elders. In the middle, it is difficult to find out once. Xiao Rongxuan and Xiao Rongying couldn't hide the joy of each other, and they were as happy as magpies jumping on branches.

In a hurry, two black-painted flat-horse carriages set out from the corner gate on the side of Wangfu on time and headed for the Anlan Palace in the center of the city.

The Anlan Palace has always been incredibly prosperous, and today it is even a pilgrim.

Watching the carriages at the entrance of Anlan Palace lined up in a long line, Nangong Yan simply let the girls get out of the carriage and walked past.

Because of the large number of pilgrims, naturally many merchants and hawkers have been attracted. This has not yet entered the Anlan Palace. A few girls can't help but buy some things. After a while, the girls are really anxious to grow three heads and six arms.

After entering the gate, it was even more crowded.

From time to time, you can see women in the same color Tsing Yi helping guide the pilgrims and divert the crowd.

It is not the first time that the aunts have come to Anlan Palace. All of them came to the main hall familiarly, and there were long queues at the entrance of the main hall. The believers waited patiently outside.

Xiao Rongxuan was a little impatient, but when he saw that Nangong Yu and Xiao Yu didn't say anything, they could only be patient.

After almost half an hour, it was their turn to enter the temple. The sandalwood scented in the temple. The giant matsu stone looked down at the people kindly, everyone's heart naturally became quiet and peaceful. They all knelt on the futon with their hands folded silently. willing.

"Invite the mother-in-law and mother-in-law, protect the country, protect the country and protect the people ..." Xiao Nei muttered to himself, praying earnestly to Mazu to bless his mother, elder brother, and family, and to protect his asthma from recurring, so as not to worry about his relatives.

boom! boom!

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated two times. She frowned slightly and touched her chest intuitively, but then her heartbeat was normal again.

"Three sisters ..."

Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Ni anxiously, Xiao Ni gave her a reassuring smile, and stood up with the help of the girl-in-law.

When they finished worshipping, Mazu came out of the main hall, and most of the pilgrims outside were dissipated, which made people breathe a sigh of relief, as if the air around them was a lot lighter.

"Dasao ..." They originally planned to return here with some fast food, but today there are too many people, so Xiao Yan wanted to propose whether to go to Huanxi Pavilion to sit, but her words have not been exported, just watch To a familiar figure in front of this section, among the beautiful features, a pair of blue eyes are as clear and bright as the cloudless blue sky, which is particularly prominent.

It is the maiden of Baiyue, no, or the side concubine of His Royal Highness Dayu III.

Xiao Ye had a relationship with her, and the other girls did not recognize her at all, and looked at her blue eyes with curiosity.

I didn't expect to see Nangong Yan here today, but I met each other, so I just came forward.

When he saw Xiao Ni, who was next to Nangong Yu, his gaze stopped for a moment, then he smiled and met with Nangong Yu and said, "Please give Madam Xiao please."

Nangong Xi slightly bowed his head, "The side concubine is very interested today."

Youyi sighed sighingly and said, "Now you are going to marry Dayu far away. In this new year, you will not be able to return to your husband's home or your mother's home. Of course, you can only come to this Mazu temple to pray for your family. Nostalgia. "

Nangong said arrogantly: "Fang Fei really does whatever it takes for the Lord."

The look of the dress was frozen, and he reluctantly laughed, "Mrs. Xiao joked."

"Where's the joke?" Nangong said with a smile, "In fact, after the Lord has made a decision, can't the side concubine go back early?"

Some of this was unknown, but of course she could understand what she was saying.

It's just that her attitude is too taken for granted. It seems that half of the mountains in Baiyue is just a set of heads and face, a piece of clothes ...

The look of the clothes is not very good.

In just a few days, Nangong Nun is not an ignorant woman or child who hasn't heard anything outside the window. She should be able to think that she cannot be the master, even if she wants to go back to His Highness Kui Lang. Too late.

Although he has contacted His Highness Six, His Highness Six has not heard back yet!

How do you know what to do!

No matter what you think in your heart, on the surface, the dress still respectfully said: "I hope Mrs. Xiao will wait a little longer. The dress will give you an answer as soon as possible."

Nan Gongxi smiled and said with a smile: "Putting your clothes on your side, you still have to get better as soon as possible. Perhaps, in a few days, this is not the case ..."

Shrinking her pupils, is it possible that Xiao Yi wants to continue sitting on the floor and start the price? !!

It's really bullying!

Secretly clenched teeth.

In ancient times, Han Xin was willing to endure the humiliation of His Majesty, and practiced his tenth year's wages ...

A glance at Xiao Ni, not far away, with a trace of her clothes, her lips slightly hooked and said obediently: "Mrs. Xiao is right."

Nangong Yuhan smiled, "Then I will not disturb Ya Xing, who dresses and concubines."

Putting on her knees slightly, she said, "Mrs. Xiao is going."

Although Xiao Yan didn't quite understand what they were talking about, she saw that Dasao seemed to have something to say with her, but took her sisters back a few steps, and now when they saw that they had finished speaking, they went forward.

Nangong smirked and agreed Xiao Xiao went to Huanxi Pavilion to use tea for a while, and then took the girls in the palace to continue to go forward.

She looked at the back of them as they went away, and there was a hint of fierceness in her eyes, and then she left casually.

It is certainly not to pray for blessings to come to this Anlan Palace. She also knew that she had followed her eyeliner, and did not dare to walk around. She could only pretend to be playing around casually, just like the most ordinary pilgrim, until someone passed her by and passed on her. Many, accidentally bumped her shoulder lightly.

The pupils of the costumes shrank, and they wandered for a while, and then they were ready to return to the post.

On the carriage, I couldn't wait to take out the tissue paper hidden in the sleeves, unfolded it, and my face suddenly changed.

There is only one sentence on the silk paper--

Wuhe cream was robbed!

How can it be that the eyes are dazzled to the extreme in a moment? !!

A few days ago, she sent a message back, and Lie Rui Rui sent some Wuhe cream to stabilize Han Huaijun, but the people under Lie Rui Rui were too useless, even this little thing couldn't be done!

Who did it? !!

Could it be ... was their action discovered by Nuhar?


There are so many things in her dress that you can't figure it out for a while. What's worse, the ten-day limit between her and Han Huaijun is approaching. If she can't deliver Wuhe cream, Han Huaijun will definitely not give up ...

She frowned frantically, what should she do? !!

Dressing can't help but scorch.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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