Two days later, a embarrassed Lu Ye was brought to Xiao Yi and Nangong Yu by Wang Chaoyuan and a guard, and he threw himself on the ground with a "thump".

She had lost a large circle because she could only use a tube to perfuse her tongue with biting her tongue. There was a deep shadow under her eyes. Obviously, these days should be hard to sleep.

Xiao Yi's gaze paused for a moment, then made a gesture, then the guard took off the gauze ball that was stuck in Lu Yi's mouth.

To Xiao Lu's old eyes, Xiao Yi's deep eyes were dim and cold, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. But Nangong Aya can already feel the deepness of his heart from his straight back, and then he said lightly: "Lu Yan, believe it or not, even if you bite your tongue a hundred times, I will take it back for you?"

Wang Chaoyuan stared at Lu Yan coldly. Where is the need for Lao Shi's concubine to take a shot, they will definitely not give Lu Lu a bite!

"Slave ... Slave didn't dare." Lu Yan said indistinctly.

She respectfully gave Xiao Yi and Nangong a gimmick: "Slave ... Seen ... Shizi, Shizi."

"Lu Yan, you are no longer a slave to the royal palace." Xiao Yi casually pinched the sleeves of his clothes, "I can't stand it."

Lu Ye's face froze for a moment, and he said busyly: "The slaves are honored ... the first princess ... ende, don't dare forget."

The smile on Xiao Yi ’s mouth deepened, but it was cold and straightened into the road: “The way you do n’t forget Ende is to poison my mother-in-law!”

Lu Yan's slender body trembled violently, and he severed his head and said, "Hey, sir ... what's the matter ?! You're innocent! ... I'll ask you, too!" After a few clicks, I got a bruise on my forehead, which seemed pitiful.

Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow. "If you are innocent and have a clear conscience, why do you need to bite your tongue and commit suicide?"

"Lord of the world!" Lu Yan raised her blushing face and said in tears, "Slave was ... misunderstood, thinking it was ... by the people ..."

It seems that Lu Yan was so hard-hearted that he did not see Huang He. There was a flash of cold mang in Nangong's eyes, and he saw a silver light rubbing against Lu's neck, and then he nailed it to the threshold.

And there was a blood line on Lu Yan's neck. The next moment, the bright red blood overflowed from the wound and slipped along her loose skin ...

Lu Yan only felt that his neck was so cold that he couldn't move. He looked straight at Xiao Yi in front of him. The pair's pair of peach eyes were shining brightly. He smiled and played with a flying knife in his hand. The silver knife was reflected on the body. She looked embarrassed, like a crazy woman ...

Just now, as long as the blade of the flying knife was a little deeper, it wasn't just this small wound on his neck.

She suddenly realized that although the other person's appearance looked like a rampant Nianzu, but just like the more poisonous poisonous snake's body surface, the more gorgeous the pattern, Xiao Yi was a terrible killer on the battlefield!

Lu Yan gritted his teeth and said, "One day is a slave and he is a slave for life.

Her words were interrupted again, and a silver knife flashed again, and then a bloodstain was added to the other side of her neck.


This time, she only spit out a word, and a third blood line appeared on her neck ...

Lu Yan only felt that the cold hair behind her neck was up, she was not afraid of death, so she could bite her tongue and commit suicide, but she didn't want her to be so afraid of death that she didn't want it. The original feeling of being on the line of life and death again and again was So terrible ...

Suddenly, Xiao Yi stopped playing with a knife, scaring Lu Yan's pupils to reflexively.

But Xiao Yi ’s flying sword did n’t hit him. He looked at her straight, his eyes seemed as sharp as the bottom of her heart, and his voice was colder: “I do n’t want to listen to a nonsense again, you better think about it before you answer! Really innocent, why do you quietly pour the medicine residue under a broad magnolia in the back garden ?! Would you like this son to call Pinellia to confront you and bring those medicine residue? "

Pinellia? !! Lu Yan looked at him for a moment, and vaguely remembered that there was a third-class maid named Pinellia in the courtyard of the first princess. Because of something, she was sold by herself ... Now in retrospect, this Pinellia was sold. The time is really subtle, can it be said that ...

Lu Yan almost didn't slump, and his back was mostly wet.

She gritted her teeth, and the whole person knelt down on the ground humblely, and said hardly: "The slave confessed! It was the slave who was bought by him and received the silver, so he moved his hands and feet in the medicine of the first princess, and wanted to make the first princess dead Life……"

Xiao Yi was undecided, and his whole body exuded a cold breath, and said with a smile: "Oh? It was bought by someone ..."

Lu Yan bowed his head, his eyes grunted, and his mouth moved slightly, but before the words came out, he heard a crisp female voice ringing in front, not sickness--

"Lu Yan, sometimes, I have to admire the patience of your Baiyue people!"

This understatement of Nan Gongyu was like a thunderous thunder on the ground, which blew up Lu Ye's ears.

Lu Yan looked at his eyes with shock that could not be concealed. Then she lowered her eyes and said in a puzzled voice: "Sir concubine, slaves ... slaves are the children of the family, how could they be Baiyue people And ... "

Nangong Nian slowly bent her lips and looked at her with a smile.

In fact, this is just a guess between her and Xiao Yi.

Judging from the clues they have obtained so far, the rise of Anjia is likely to be supported by Baiyue, and the process of Lu Yan becoming the first princess's milk mother is quite suspicious.

This made Nan Gongyu can't help speculating that Lu Ye is simply Baiyue people, and Baiyue is one of the spies who infiltrated the major families in southern Xinjiang through his home!

Lu Yan covered up well, but her expression was still missing.

Nangong Yan flicked his sleeves, the front of the conversation turned, and asked, "Lu Yan, why are you in Taonan?"

Taonan is a barren land located on the southwestern border of southern Xinjiang. It is a place where southern Xinjiang exiles prisoners and allows them to serve and open up wasteland. It is desolate and hard. Apart from the native people, there are basically only three people here. , Exiled prisoners and relatives of prisoners. Last year, in order to open up the wasteland and build a border city, Xiao Yi directly ordered that prisoners in prison who were not up to the standard of exile were also dispatched together.

Lu Yan slightly surprised, she thought that Nangong Yan would continue to force herself to ask the question just now, but did not expect to suddenly ask Tong Nan.

Shi Zifei knows even the secrets she has hidden for decades.

As soon as the thoughts started, Nangong's next sentence completely broke her heart defense-

"I guess you should go to your grandchild secretly."

At the beginning, Zhu Xing sent several dark guards to visit the town of Huaiquan, the hometown of Lu Yan's man, but got an epidemic more than ten years ago, and the whole town was half empty. The dark guard found After learning about Lu Ye ’s surviving neighbors, I learned that Lu Ye ’s family had died of the epidemic except for her and her grandson who was born.

The clue ends here.

However, the dark guard did not give up, and continued to visit near Huai'an Town. Finally, he met an elderly teacher in a nun's nun not far from Huai'an Town, and learned a big secret from her mouth.

At that time, Nangong Xi was seriously ill, and Xiao Yi had just returned. He heard that the dark guard had gone to Taonan, and it was there that he found Lu Ye who was a long-time worker at the border camp's barracks and provided food for the prisoners.

Lu Yan trembled and said stiffly: "Second concubine, where are there any grandchildren of slaves? Ten years ago, the whole family died in a plague, leaving only slaves alone."

Nan Gongxi interrupted the other with a smile: "Don't deny it so quickly, your grandson is Ding Chong, eighteen years old. He is now working hard in Taonan, by the way, I remember he has another A name, which seems to be the surname Ye, is called ... "

As Nangong Yu talked, Lu Yan's face became more and more white, his body trembling like a sieve bran, his mouth slightly opened, like a fish out of water, every breath became so difficult.

There was only one thought in her mind: Shizi really knew it! ?

"... Ye Mingming."

These three words exploded in Lu Ye's head like a thunderbolt, and she almost collapsed to the ground.

Nangong Yan said and smiled, smiling so kindly and brilliantly, but in Lu Yan's eyes, the beautiful woman in front of him looked like an evil spirit crawling out of hell.

"No!" Lu Yan finally couldn't help talking, losing his last trace of blood, almost roaring, "Sir concubine, don't say it!"

At this moment, she dared not have the slightest fluke.

The concubine knew that she was from Baiyue, knew that her grandson was still alive, and even tried to beat her with her life!

They know everything!

Grandson is her only loved one. She has been looking for him for 18 years. She can't watch him die!

Thinking of it, Lu Yan completely collapsed, and the whole person lost his spirit in an instant.

She had known that she would die, but she didn't want her own lifeline to be caught in her hands.

That year, after the death of the first princess, she was done and asked to leave the house. However, because she already had a husband and child in Dayu, she did not return to Baiyue, and after receiving the order to continue to lurk, the family went to Huaiquan Town.

Who knows that a good year has not elapsed, and an epidemic broke out in Huaiquan Town.

Husband's son and daughter-in-law have disappeared, and only she escaped with her grandson, who was only two months old and was waiting to be fed. On the way to escape, I accidentally stayed with a nun, but found that she also had fever. She knew that the epidemic started with fever, and her heart sank all at once ...

It doesn't matter if she dies, what should her grandson do?

Desperate, she set her gaze on a family who also stayed in Langzhong. From the conversation of the other party, she probably learned that it was the official family of the family name Ye, and the maid was taking the two-month-old young master to prepare to return to the capital.

It will take at least half a month for the king to go on this trip, and the children should be able to confuse them every day!

Thinking of this, Lu Yan was so hard-hearted that he killed the young master of the Ye family in the dark ...

When the mother-in-law woke up in the middle of the night and found that the young master had gone, thinking that he was not taking good care of himself, and when he was at a loss, Lu Yan "kindly" gave his grandson to the mother-in-law. To get into trouble, only accept Lu Yan's "good intentions."

Nu Niang continued her journey with her grandchildren. Lu Yan left to take care of the disease alone. She really got the epidemic. After half a month, she survived nine lives. After it was a month since she recovered, she hurried to Wang Du to find the family with the family name Ye, and wanted to give her grandson back, but did not want the Lord Ye to be gone.

After several inquiries, Lu Ye learned that the original defendant Ye was embezzled and bribed, and the family was escorted back to Wangdu. Just in case, the Ye family could leave a seedling and secretly hold it for less than two months. The young master entrusted to the mother-in-law.

Fortunately, the luck of the Ye family was not too bad. At that time, Ye Ye, the old man, Ye Ye, was only dismissed, and the family returned to his home. On the way home, she was seriously ill. Madam Ye Tai simply sold her ancestral home and did not return ...

Since then, Lu Ye has lost the whereabouts of Sun Er Ding Cong, but Lu Ye has not given up. He has been searching for so many years. He learned that Sun Er was studying in a college in Luzhou more than six months ago, and I came to Nanjiang to raise the tuition for the exam.

However, when she arrived in Luo Yuecheng, she discovered that her grandson had already been dismissed, and she was assigned to work in Taonan.

She found her grandson with great pains and thought that she should only know this secret, but did not expect ...

Lu Yan closed his eyes and gasped a few times quickly, feeling that something was breaking in his ears.

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, her eyes desperate.

"Shizi ... you're right, I ... I'm Baiyue." She said intermittently, so strenuous that she almost exhausted all her strength.

Anyway, she must be dead, and only hope that the only grandson can have a way to live ...

The moment Wang Luyuan heard it, Wang Chaoyuan's pupils shrank.

The princess of the first princess would be Baiyue's spy. She had secretly sneaked into Fangfu thirty years ago. Baiyue was really insidious and cunning ...

In this way, the four great families in the southern Xinjiang, no, it should be said that in the provinces of southern Xinjiang, there may be spies lurking in Baiyue ... Thinking of this, Wang Chaoyuan was almost frightened.

Nangong Yan looked indifferent, all he could say was that Skynet was brilliant and sparse.

I am afraid that Lu Ye could not think of anything. The grandmother of the Ye family ’s little daughter had repented and went near Huai'an town. In the temple where the young family of the Ye family strangled to death, she became a monk and prayed for him day and night. The dark guard not only learned from her mouth that year, but also learned that Lu Yan returned to southern Xinjiang in order to find his grandson.

When it was learned from Xiao Yi's mouth that Ye Yunming was actually Lu Yan's grandson, Nangong Yun was stunned, but when I looked back, it was clear that Ye Yunming she knew was of ordinary knowledge and misbehaving. However, in the previous life, he was able to be regarded as the champion first, perhaps because Lu Ye found him, or because Baiyue people supported him behind him.

Ye Yiming impeached several times on the Chaotang to kill Xiao Yi's father, who was already in the southern part of the country, and wrote a essay, instigating a literati Mo Ke to write down Xiao Yikou. I'm afraid it is not to avenge his sister. It's an unspeakable reason ...

The truth of all this is now unknown.

Lu Yan gritted his teeth, and said with a look of silence: "I was given the order of the peak and secretly replaced the family son of Anjia. I was selected when Anjia chose the maid ... Then I was sent to Fangfu. , Became the mother-in-law of the first princess. "This is done for more than ten years.

Baiyue sent so many spies. Some spies may be ordinary people in this life. They will live a normal life without being notified by the summit. Of course, Lu Yi hopes that he can do the same.

She lived smoothly in Fangfu for more than ten years. When she thought that she might be able to live this life peacefully and happily, the first princess actually made a marriage with the then Zhennan king, who is now the king of Zhennan. .

The moment the family relationship was settled, Lu Yan knew that his fantasy was shattered.

Since then, Lu Yan has been frightened every day. Others see her as the first person beside the first princess, envy, jealous, and please ... But only she knows that she is walking on a narrow single wooden bridge, and below is The bottomless abyss, as long as one is not careful, she will die without burial!

Sure enough, his smooth life finally came to an end on that day-

"Nineteen years ago, I ... I received instructions from Shangfeng," after a lapse of more than ten years, "Let me prescribe the medicine for the first princess."

The first princess always trusted her, and she did not have any precautions. In the end, the first princess had difficulty giving birth, and her blood broke ...

However, Shizi was born safely.

At that time, she didn't know if she still had to start crying for this wow crying baby, but she didn't get new instructions until she left the house.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan's eyelids fluttered, his expression was a bit dull and complicated.

There was a moment of silence in the room, Xiao Yi's fists clenched tightly, and even if he didn't speak, he could feel a storm brewing in his body ...

At this time, Nangong Yu asked again: "Lu Yan, nineteen years ago, because the two nursing mothers prepared by Fangfu for the mother-in-law had a rash, you were temporarily sent to Fangfu by your home. Do you know the two Why did a babysitter suddenly have a rash? "

Baiyue is so troublesome, then every link in the whole thing must be designed in advance, there is no coincidence at all!

Lu froze, shook his head honestly and replied, "This ... I don't know."

After all, she is only one of the thousands of spies, humble as an ant, if she had not become the maiden of the first princess, I am afraid that her fate is completely different now!

Thinking, Lu Yan's expression was tangled and complicated, and his mind was obscure.

In the midst of it, there may still be a wonderful power called destiny, which leads her step by step to where she is today, and the first princess's son is destined to revenge his mother.

Skynet regained its vitality.

No one can escape in the end ...

Lu Yan was taken by Wang Chaoyuan.

Even though she was gone, the atmosphere in the hall was still uncomfortable. Nangong Yan stood up, smiled slightly at Xiao Yi, and held out his hand ...

Xiao Yi stared at her gentle smile, followed her, took her hand, and they took the hands out of the hall without shyness, and went to Qiwu Garden together. Xiao Yi was silent all the way.

As the two walked near the small garden, Xiao Yi could not help walking slowly and looked towards the small garden.

"Ai, shall we walk in the small garden?" Nangong Ai waved his hands together and proposed.

Xiao Yi answered, and the two went to the small garden.

At this time, it was only a few moments, the golden sunshine was warm, and it was shining brightly in the garden.

Several colorful butterflies fluttered and danced among the flowers, Xiao Yi suddenly burst out a laugh, Nangong looked at him with a cloudy and sunny face, and raised his right eyebrow slightly.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Smelly girl, I miss home."

I don't know why, just now I saw the colorful butterflies flying among the flowers, and he thought inexplicably how the two stupid cats in the family fluttered the butterflies in the garden of the palace. He had spent so many years in the capital before, he never missed the Zhennan palace ...

For him, the palace was not his home.

But now it's different. Since his son-in-law and his stinky girl came, Bixiaotang has become his real home. They will have children there and grow old together.

"The day after tomorrow, shall we go home?" Xiao Yi shook her hand and said coquettishly.


Nan Gongxi nodded strongly, in fact she did not know why Xiao Yi suddenly wanted to open again.

However, from the moment she met Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi was such a person.

Even if temporarily caught in negative emotions, he will never let those things hinder his progress.

Those frustrations, those hatreds, those sadnesses, those injustices ...

It will only become his motivation to move forward, prompting him to go faster, farther, and more stable!

In this regard, Xiao Yi has not changed in his previous life or in this life.

Her Ai Yi! Is unique!

She fixedly looked at him, her eyes staring ...

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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