Li Deguang sank in his heart. Although Qianhu City is now a territory of southern Xinjiang, their Qianqi camp people are all capable of fighting against one another. However, there are 100,000 people in the entire city of Qihu City. All the people were stirred up by the death of Aliman, so something will happen!

In addition, this lagoon city is located in the center of traffic in the northeast of Nanliang. The chaos in lagoon city will inevitably lead to the chaos of the Quartet cities. Out of control of the Southern Army ...

This is Nanliang. For the Nanliang people, they are a foreigner with a different mind. Once the civil unrest occurs, the Nanliang people who are hard to be stable may also be provoked by the mob here. The situation became even more chaotic ...

It is for this reason that An-Hou made it impossible for them to respond to the matter by means of repression.

The sword of Shi Ziye is indeed very happy, but the strategy set by An Yihou in advance is difficult to continue.

Li Deguang and Lu Pingyao exchanged glances tacitly. To this day, the safety of being a grandfather and a grandfather is most important.

"Shizi," Li Deguang asked cautiously, "You will be escorted by you and Shizi, please."

Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow and smiled, with the usual madness, as if to say, why should I leave?

He looked down at those Nanliang people for a half circle, and raised his voice to the south, and said disdainfully, "But just a scammer, he coaxed you all like a fool. Oh, Benshizi looked at, Nan It's just so cool! "

His voice was clear and highly penetrating. He said so casually on the stage that even the soldiers at the most peripheral rear riding camp could hear it clearly, and of course the Nanliang people also understood. After a brief silence and surprise, the mood became even more indignant.

Wang Zhenzi in this town is simply arrogant and arrogant.

Mu Chan is a reincarnation with countless merit!

An old man with a goatee walked out of the believers, pointed to Xiao Yi on the stage, and filled with indignation: "Shameless! Xiao Yi, as the grand son of the south king of the town, in the broad daylight, you have shot and murdered Aliman Muzen It ’s not enough. Nowadays, it is arrogant to dare to humiliate the clean name of Mu Zen without any evidence! "

"Yes, Mu Chan said that he was rebellious, cruel and unkind, really."

"Because of his evil spirit, God will bring disaster to Nanliang!"

"For Mu Zen, for me Nanliang, we must all eradicate this evil!"

"Evil sin, must kill the evil sin! Kill the evil sin to calm down the anger of heaven!"


The whole square boiled up again and again in the sentence. The believers and the people of Nanliang all stared at Xiao Yi on the wooden platform indignantly, with strong killing and hatred in their expressions and eyes.

"Xiao Yi, lead it!"

I don't know who shouted, those people rushed to the wooden platform like tide again, bewildered.

Xiao Yi smiled and smiled. He arbitrarily raised his right arm and made a gesture. Then he heard the sound of "咻咻" bursting again, and countless arrows struck like rainstorms. Yi Yi shot a row of feather arrows on the edge of the wooden table in front of him, which made people shudder. If they stabbed at people, they might be stabbed into a hedgehog.

The people, who had been as imposing as ever, stopped again, taking a step back, as if frozen instantly.

And those Nanliang people who were hiding in the back and followed the flow have been timid and reluctant to retreat. Some people tried to escape while being stopped by the soldiers of Youqi Camp.

The chilling blade seemed to be silently threatening--

Since it ’s here, there ’s no way you want to go.

Xiao Yi snorted quietly, and looked around casually, and continued to say in Nanliang, "This son will see if the disaster will come!"

There were still chills all around.

It is the so-called madness, and then declines, and exhaustion.

Even though the Nanliang people present were far more than ten times more than the Youqi camp, under the arrogant suppression of Xiao Yi, they were also distraught at this moment. They were a little overwhelmed and looked at each other.

Xiao Yili was on the wooden platform, his eyes slowly swept around, and fell on Lu Pingyao.

Lu Pingyao immediately responded and came forward with the hands of the bag given by Guan Yubai.

In the bag is a thin piece of silk paper, Xiao Yi raised her eyebrows slightly, and then gave it to Nangong Yu. The latter frowned slightly for a while, and after speaking with Xiao Yi's ear, Xiao Yi took out the charcoal and brushed it on the back of the silk paper.

Nangong Yi smiled and said, "Please also ask General Lu to drop me a pot of tea."

Lu Pingyao was taking the silk paper, hesitated for a moment, and before responding, he listened to Xiao Yiman's carelessness and said, "Shi Zifei asked you to go, you go."

Lu Pingyao took a few steps to take his lead, and quickly hurried away.

Li Deguang also ordered people to drag that Aleman's body under the wooden platform, leaving only a futon and a puddle of red blood.


Many nearby soldiers of the Southern Army were secretly looking at Nangong Yu, secretly admiring: The grandfather of the world just took a shot just now, and claimed a life. Those who came down on the battlefield are naturally not strange, but Shi Zifei looked at the weak and weak, but was calm and calm from the beginning to the end, it really made people feel a bit unspeakable.

The two soldiers quickly moved two chairs, and Xiao Yi took Nangongyu to sit down leisurely.

Then, Xiao Hui came back with Xiao Yi's bucket, and handed it to Xiao Yi in person.

Xiao Yi stared at it for a moment, and seemed to understand what it meant, and then threw the bucket into the air again, and the bucket went round and flew out.

Xiao gray cried excitedly, his wings flew forward, and he rushed forward. A pair of eagle claws once again accurately grasped the bucket dipper. After hovering in mid-air, he returned proudly. After that, I handed Douyi to Xiao Yi's hand again, and then looked at him without hesitation ...

So Dou Flies again ...

Time passed little by little, and gradually, as if even Heaven could feel the solemn atmosphere in the city, the scorching sun in the sky was covered by layers of clouds, and the sky was gloomy, as if foreshadowing a crisis was about to come.

Many believers below sit one after another on the ground one after another, shinningly praying with their hands together.

And the people became more and more anxious with the passage of time, all of them were restless, looking around anxiously, the sky, the ground ... It seemed that the next moment, large black dead insects would suddenly attack from some corner. Come the same.

At noon, the atmosphere in the air became more and more tense, and the sun was obscured by the thick clouds, but the people were all sweaty ...

The atmosphere on the wooden platform was quite different. Xiao Yi was still playing with Xiaohui with great interest. This person, Yiying, even played a small bucket with dozens of patterns. Later, even Nangong Doudou was borrowed, and the two Douya were flying on the stage.

Nangong looked at them with a smirk, and unknowingly ate up a packet of sugared plums on his hands.

The distance between the stage and the stage is only a few feet away, but they seem to be two very different worlds.

Unconsciously, it was half past noon, and the Nanliang people began to riot again, becoming increasingly disturbed.

Ali Manmuchan predicted that the plague would come at noon, and time is running out ...

The crowd was restless like a sleepy beast in a cage. Suddenly one of the crowd shouted: "It's better to rush than stay ..."

Between words, a flying knife suddenly shot from the wooden platform and turned into a silver light. The next instant, a middle-aged man in the crowd had a flying knife on his forehead, the blade fell into the skull, and the middle-aged man's eyes Staring like a dead fish, lost its former glory.

The crowd around him stepped back subconsciously, and saw the middle-aged man fall back straight down.


This sound seemed to be magnified countless times in everyone's ears. The others calmed down and looked towards Xiao Yi on the wooden platform in horror, only to see that he was playing an identical flying knife in his hand, and still laughed casually. Sexual bursts fluttered wildly in the breeze.

The whole square was quiet again. Everyone dared not move or speak out, fearing that their lives would be buried here unclearly ... until a young man raised his finger in the sky and trembled in fear: "You ... Look, what is that? "

When he shouted, there were countless eyes looking at the sound immediately, and he saw that a black "fog" in the sky to the north was floating towards this side, but it was just between fingers, that "black fog" seemed to expand a little, And rushed over here.

I don't know who shouted: "Black dead bug! It's black dead bug!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone shouted one after another, terrified, and the timid woman even stunned and fainted. And the soldiers of the Southern Army stopped them from running away, and everyone was trapped in this square like a bird in a cage.

It's over! It's all over!

Black dead insects really come, they will be bitten to death by them alive? !!

In a commotion, the black beetle was approaching, and rolled up like a whirlwind, dyeing the northern sky into a thick black, like the dark clouds before the storm, like the shadow of death ...

In the face of death, the response was mixed. Some people screamed, some knelt, some begged, some cried ...

And Xiao Yi and Nan Gongxi are still sitting on the cross chair, not frightened and impatient. Against the background of the hustle and bustle, it seems that their time has stopped at this moment.

Xiao Yi scoffed at the corner of his mouth with a mockery, glanced at Nangong, who was calm and beside him, and said: Look at his own stinky girl Tai Shan collapsed in front without changing color. These big men are not as good as a woman, so afraid Death, what kind of civil riots do you want to engage in?

"Zhennan King Shizi!" In the chaos, the goatee and the old man pointed at Xiao Yi and screamed sadly, "It's you who brought the **** of calamity, and this calamity in Laohu City is all because of you. Today tens of thousands of people are buried in Therefore, it is because God is dissatisfied with your atrocities! "

Everyone's eyes focused on Xiao Yi again. Like countless darts, they seemed to have finally found the vent of anger, and they aimed at Xiao Yi unanimously. They hated to eat their flesh, drink their blood, draw their blood. Tendons and bones.

Xiao Yiman smiled indifferently, his sharp eyes seemed to be looking down at a group of unimportant ants.

"It turns out that this thing is your disaster god!" Xiao Yi laughed more and more brightly, revealing a hint of slyness, like a urchin, but many people felt cold in their hearts.

His speech slowed, and he slowly said, "That son will let it come and go!"

Between words, his smile became cold again, releasing a kind of cold cold murderous power, a coercion and domineering of the superior, shocked many people and was silent.

But all eyes contained hopelessness. How could these southern Xinjiang people understand the horror of the black dead insect, that is the God of Disaster!

How can mortals defeat God!

They were already able to predict their end, their legs trembling slightly, and they dared not watch again.

Xiao Yi slowly raised his right arm and made a gesture.

The next moment, the soldiers of the Youchuang camp surrounding the square raised their bows and arrows, and the attentive person would notice a small cloth bag hanging from the tip of each arrow.

The dense black beetle has approached ten feet away. You can almost hear a beetle wing like a cicada wing vibrating rapidly in the air, making a "cricket" sound. It is not known whether it is the sound of flapping wings The worm makes a sound ...

"Hmm ..."

He heard scalp tingling.

Seeing that the whirlwind of the black dead insect was about to sweep down, Xiao Yi's right arm was finally lowered.

"Hmm ..."

Each feather arrow cut through the air like a shooting star, and shot at the black dead insect in the air like a bamboo ...

However, the Nanliang people on the ground are still as dead as they are. There are tens of thousands of black dead insects here. Even if they shoot an arrow, it is impossible to shoot so many black dead insects!

The speed of the black dead worm is so fast that even a horse can't run it, let alone a two-legged person.

None of them can escape, they will all die here!

Most of the people in Nanliang stayed like wooden chickens, desperately watching the dense black dead insects getting closer, one by one opening their serrated tusks to them ...

"Hmm ..."

The moment the feather arrows stabbed the beetle, the cloth bag tied to it burst, the white powder diffused in the air, mixed with the black beetle, and became a gray one ...

The people in Nanliang didn't know what was going on, and their eyes widened stupidly.

Immediately afterwards, a large black beetle fell from the air and flew up like a black rain of insects.

"Patter, patter, patter ..."

The beetles were too dense, and the people below couldn't avoid it, and landed on their heads, robes, and shoes, causing a scream of waves one after another.

People are dodging frantically, flapping, twisting their bodies, like a ant on a hot pot.

Of course, the wooden platform in the center of the square could not escape the "attack" of the corpse. Xiao Yi was not panic. She wore her dipper back for Nan Gongyi and waved a soft sword in the other hand. The light flashed, and the worms were blocked out of the sword net.

Seeing this, Xiao gray was so excited, as if he had found a new game, grabbed a bucket **** and picked up the corpse in the air ...

The sweetheart in the heart of Nangong who supported Douyi, she is a medical student, many insects can be used as medicine, and these ordinary girls may be afraid of hysterical insects. She is always a normal thing. This is Xiao Yi natural It couldn't be more clear.

Nangong piqued his lips slightly, A Yi was always the same. She didn't care, he would care for her; if she cares, he cares more than her ...

She looked at the dense rain of insects leisurely, as if she could not see the insects, but the petals of the sky.

Her leisurely nature radiated naturally, and Li Deguang couldn't help but glance at it, and felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Shi Zifei is really not an ordinary woman ... How do you say, what pot and cover are she and Shi Ziye really ... hey, what did he say!

Li Deguang shook his head, no longer thinking about it, focusing on those black dead insects ...

Countless arrows are still shooting, and after a while, the squares are covered with white powder beetles. The skulls on the backs of the beetles are muddy because of the white powder, and their elytra are still shaking, it seems I want to fly up again, but it is a subsequent weakness. The elytra vibrates more and more slowly and slowly, and finally cannot move completely ...

More and more black dead insects fell to the ground and piled up into a thick layer of dead corpses, stepping on them as if they were stepping on dry leaves, making a "click" sound.

I do n’t know how long after that, the insects in the sky have fallen down, and only a white mist formed by the powder is scattered sparsely with the wind. I do n’t know when the clouds in the sky dissipate and the scorching sun protrudes. The sun is shining all over the earth ...

The excited Nanliang people calmed down gradually, they finally realized that they were all right, and they survived the terrible insect disaster.

They all felt as if they were dreaming, until someone slammed the others fiercely, and a scream of a pig sounded suddenly:

"Why do you pinch me?"

"Not a dream ... isn't it a dream?" One said stupidly, hugging the person next to him frantically, "we're fine!"

No one has survived the Black Dead, but they have survived!

The surviving joy instantly breathed life into this deadly square. Everyone was beaming with joy, cheering, jumping with joy, and some even wept with joy, and some people kneeled softly.

At this moment, the wooden platform in the center of the square was also full of worms, and only Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan were two or three feet away as before.

At this time, Lu Pingyao ran over and talked with Li Deguang, and the two came to Xiao Yi, both holding fists. Li Deguang proclaimed: "Sir, the black dead insects have been completely eliminated."

The black dead bug is solved, then it is time to calculate the ledger.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, looked at the audience, followed a few people with his fingers, and inadvertently commanded: "These people gathered to make trouble, deceive the crowd, kill!"

"Yes, Master Shi." Li Deguang and others responded with his fists, his mouth showing a cold smile.

The few people who had been ordered by Xiao Yi shrank their pupils, and one of the goatee's old men stepped angrily half a step forward and shouted to the people around him: "Everyone run away, King Shinan of Zhennan wants to slaughter the city ..."

The words did not fall, a long knife was waved at his neck!

At the same time, several other soldiers also waved long knives, and the knives fell, and hot blood splattered from the broken neck, one by one, falling head to head, and falling down softly with the body ...

Boneful ...

The dead crickets' heads were full of worms rolling, and soon they were covered with worms, mixed with the red blood and protruding eyes, which seemed very scary ...

The nearby Nanliang people took a breath, their faces were paper-colored, and they were trembling, but they hurriedly covered their mouths and did not dare to make a sound, lest they be involved.

Although it is not less than an hour, the Nanliang people present all realized that the king of the south of Dayu, the son of the king of Nanyu, was determined to kill the fruit, as if he had received the help of heaven ...

He dares to kill, whether he is as good as Aliman Muchen or as evil as black dead insects!

God blocks God, Buddha blocks Buddha.

The Nanliang people are more and more shocked when they think about it, and the more they are afraid. What else would such a arrogant person dare not do? !!

If God does come, will he dare to slaughter God?

If Nanliang dared to oppose him, would he slaughter the entire Nanliang?

All Nanliang people had their heads half-headed, silent, suppressing their fears.

On the wooden platform, Xiao Yi looked around at the Nanliang people on the square, and once again spoke in Nanliang's language: "Dayu has a saying: He who follows me will prosper, and those who oppose me will die."

His voice slammed on the hearts of the crowd, pressing them down, almost out of breath.

Xiao Yi ’s face continued to smile, but word by word was arrogant and compelling, “If you want to live, live well; if you do n’t want to live, I wo n’t ask you to live! Nan Liang has returned to me Xiao Yi, do you accept it ?! "

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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