
The emperor was furious and slammed the armrest.

The emperor was furious, blood flowed away, and for a time, above the hall, there was no one to dare to speak.

Xuanping Hou "thumped" and fell to his knees, his forehead dripping with cold sweat.

However, the death of a merchant's son is actually not a big deal. If it's normal, it's just a matter of giving money, and he would not dare to say anything. However, no matter how small it is, once it is taken to the emperor, it will never be a small thing again.

Xuanping Hou could only hold on and said, "The emperor is angry! This is just a word of the family. Although the child is bad, he never has such bad things. Moreover, the child disappeared last night at home without reason, but the thief said that he was in the sleeve of the cloud I saw a child nearby. At this time, I must ask a question, and ask the emperor to make a clear observation. "

"Check what ?!" The emperor stood up, walked back and forth twice, and yelled at him angrily. "Check if your son likes masculinity, or check if your son has forced a young man to death ?!"

"Emperor!" Xuanping Hou also tried to explain, "children ..."

"Waiting for Xuan Ping," Jing Zhaofu Yin interrupted him and asked in a righteous manner, "Since Lu Shizi disappeared at home, why didn't you see you yesterday?"

What can Xuanping Hou say? It's not just Yin Zhaofu who is Jingzhaofu, in fact he doesn't even believe it! Last night, when I knew that Lu Ye was missing, his first reaction was that Lu Ye sneaked out and went to Xiuyun Tower ... not only him, but almost everyone in the government thought so, in the end it was just in The government randomly found one or two laps. I thought he would always come back at dawn. I did n’t expect that it would be back, but it was like that ...

"The Emperor Qilu." Yin Sheng of Jingzhaofu feared that the emperor did not understand, and explained respectfully, "That sleeve Yunlou is the well-known Xiaoyao Pavilion of Wangdu ... It is said that Lu Shizi is a frequent visitor." Jing Zhaofu Yin is considered to be out of the way, anyway, he has offended Xuanping Hou, it might as well offend in the end.

"A dignified Houfu Shizi is actually a regular visitor to a small house ?!" the emperor smiled angrily. "Okay! That's great!"

"Emperor!" Xuanping Hou bowed his head deeply. "There is no way for the officials to discipline, but at this time, the child is the victim ..."

"Victim." The emperor stepped down from the throne and hummed coldly. "Lv Ye is the victim, so tell me, what is this brother of Shu?" He walked to Xuanpinghou, fiercely He stabbed at him, leaving a clear footprint on him, and listened to the emperor saying, "Don't say you just hang Lu Ye for one night. If all this is true, even if he slashes your son with one stroke, 刀I also think it should be! "

For a martial arts person like Xuan Pinghou, the foot of the emperor was actually not heavy, but Xuan Pinghou got up very hard. He knew that the emperor was angry, and he did not dare to justify, thinking that it would be good to wait for things to pass ... However, the reality did not give him the opportunity to wait. I saw Chen Yushi, who is famous for Tiemen Yushi, took a step forward and bowed down, "Emperor! The impeachment impeached Xuanping Hou's son Zifang, Xuanping Hou Shizi's governance was not strict, please the emperor severely punish!"

Xuanping Hou secretly hated for a while. If it was not Chen Yushi who spoke at this time, based on his understanding of the emperor, after a few days the emperor's dissatisfaction, he would make a few notable contributions. It can be revealed, but now everything is over! The emperor in his anger will not give him the opportunity to make a contribution.

As soon as Chen Yushi came out, another four or five Yushi came out one after another and said, "The minister has second opinion!"

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