Nangong Ai thought that she would recognize the bed and sleep uneasily. I didn't expect to sleep so sweetly that night. When she opened it, she saw Xiao Yi sitting on the bed and looked at her with a smile, only her eyes were full. A person.

Xiao Yi has been up for a while. He punched a set of punches in the backyard, and then returned after washing. He still smelled good of soap.


Nangong smiled at him sweetly, rubbed his eyes and sat up, Xiao Yi thoughtfully put a pillow behind her.

According to the rules, today is the double dynasty to celebrate the red. But Xiao Yi's relatives were not in Wangdu, so no one urged them to get up early. It only took a while to enter the palace and thank him.

After Nangong Yu changed into a red smoky skirt and pulled her bun at will, breakfast was ready.

Xiao Yi lived alone in the palace, and had no requirements for eating and drinking. Seeing that Nangong Yu was going to marry him, for fear she was not used to it, she asked the emperor for a royal chef to come back. This table is delicate and delicious for breakfast. Xiao Yi also deliberately cooked soft glutinous porridge, which is very warm.

Xiao Yi waved the girls who served the cloth dishes back out, diligently filled the porridge, reached her, and said, "Smelly girl, you taste it. If you don't like it, I'll go to the emperor and change for another person. . "

Nangong took it with a frown, and after taking a few sips with his eyes, Xiao Yi quickly clipped him a snack and said, "This is the rose pearl cake. This chef is the best at it. I asked him When he came, the emperor was still reluctant. "

Nangong Yan took a bite in his hand, and his mouth was full of the sweetness of the rose. The rose cake was only one inch square, and it was eaten three or two times, and he was instructed to clamp another piece for himself, and then said: "Wait We are back from the palace, and I ’ll cook it for you today ’s dinner. ”Her eyes were bright and full of confidence,“ It ’s definitely not worse than Guiyuan Pavilion. ”

"Okay!" Xiao Yi answered expectantly, "I'll give you a hand ... Come, try this again, you must like it!"

Nangong took a bite, and it was a sweet and savory chestnut powder cake. The taste was very good, and he also gave Xiao Yi a piece.

Xiao Yimei ate with a smile and said, "Smelly girl, let's go to Zhuangzi when we return from the palace."

"Go to Zhuangzi?" Nangong narrowed his eyes and said, "... Let's go climbing the mountain and play some game for me to eat for you."

According to the rules, they had just become married and could not move around randomly, but because the Xiao family had no elders in the king, the two people ignored this by coincidence.

The two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes were intertwined, and they were all sweet.

After you have come and gone, you ’ve used up your breakfast, and after Nangong Yu made up her makeup, Zhu Wheeler is ready. The chariots regulated by the emperor Shizi were newly made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they also exuded the taste of tung oil. Slightly different from her original, but more luxurious.

Xiao Yi helped her to get on the carriage, and then she followed him, sat beside her, and reluctant to leave. The aggrieved look made Nangong giggled, leaving him alone.

The two maids met each other and sat on the car.

Xiao Yi was satisfied, naturally holding her hand and holding it in the palm of her hand.

His palms were warm and reassuring.

Zhu Wheeler stopped outside the palace gate, Xiao Yi jumped down first, and then helped her to go down, holding her hand like this, and went all the way to the inner city.

They first went to the Changle Palace where the queen mother lived. After the ceremony, the queen mother beckoned Nangong to step forward, spoke for a while, rewarded a lot of things, and even personally held a bunch of jade Buddha beads Wearing it on Nangong Yu's wrist, this let them leave.

"You can get a lot of good things today." Nangong said with a lift of his wrist. The jade buddha beads on his wrist were not glorious. Each bead had some small scratches on it, which looked a bit dated. I know it was worn for many years. Objects like this type of Buddhist bead are naturally worn as long as possible, and the value of that mind far exceeds the value of Yuzhu itself.

"Smelly girl, after I'm gone, you can come to the palace to talk to the queen mother without incident." Xiao Yi said, "The emperor is very filial, and the queen mother is almost obedient and obedient. Come straight and you will always be there for you if you like it. "

Nangong smiled and nodded: "I know." She intentionally raised her chin and said confidently, "I will take care of Wangdu's side!"

Her apricot eyes were dazzling like stars, with a narrow mind, and saw Xiao Yi's heart glowing, couldn't help but rushed over, and quickly pecked on her lips. Nangong stomped and stared at him with wide eyes. A red glow suddenly flew on her cheek, and pinched his hand gently.

Xiao Yimei smiled, Nangong glanced at him, and then couldn't help but chuckled his lips.

Xiao Yi looked regretfully at the housekeeper who was taking the takeaway a few steps away. He really wanted to thank Grace early and took his stinky girl to Zhuangzi. By then, there won't be so many obstructive people.

The way from Changle Palace to Fengjing Palace was many times from Nangong Palace. They passed through the Royal Garden and passed a promenade, and they saw the top of Wuyan Palace of Fengjing Palace.

At this moment, a slender figure in a rose-red palace dress suddenly rushed from the side and appeared in front of them.

Nangong bowed her knees slightly, and gave her a half-ceremony. "I've seen Her Royal Highness Princess II."

The second princess carried a layer of tulle on her face, her eyes seeming to be stunned, looking at Xiao Yi, "Ai ..."

Xiao Yi led Nangong Yu to continue to walk forward, talking to her with a smile, as if the second princess in front of her did not exist at all.

The second princess's eyes fell on the hands they held together, and there was a hint of jealousy in her eyes. She stepped in front of them and said with a high attitude: "Nangong You, if you really like Ai, you should Go to the father, so that Ai will not go back to southern Xinjiang! The father is better than you and our princesses. If you ask, the father will definitely agree! "

Nangong Yuan was somewhat inexplicable and said, "Second Princess, this is our couple's business, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Southern Xinjiang is so dangerous, but you don't want to fight for Ai Yi. This palace knows that what you see is nothing but the crown of concubines of this world." The second princess glared at her, "Father Emperor and Ai Yi You have been deceived. You, such an admiring vanity woman, are simply not worthy of Ai. "She said, looking at Xiao Yi earnestly, her voice softened a lot," Ai, I will ask the Emperor, Ask the emperor to withdraw his will and not let you venture in southern Xinjiang, I ... "

Xiao Yi's brow frowned, and an unbelievable suffocation emanated from her body.

Nangong shook his hand and smiled sweetly at him, but when his eyes fell on the second princess, he became cold for a moment, and his lips sneered, saying, "Second princess, my son is my husband. , Ca n’t afford you such an intimate title. Even if you want to enter the palace as a concubine, you have to see if I agree or not! ”

The second princess ended up angrily, "You ... wantonly!"

"Why do you want to return to South Xinjiang? You own the Emperor. You are a harem daughter and you have no right to beak. I do n’t want to let you return to South Xinjiang. It ’s our husband and wife's affairs. How can you, an outsider, come to us? Nonsense? "Nangong looked at her mockingly." Second princess, as a royal princess, you should be a role model for Dayu women. You look at yourself, and you ca n’t afford to behave like that. The name of the distinguished princess. "

"Nangong 玥!" The second princess was already extremely angry, and yelled, "come on, slap!"

Nan Gongxi smiled: "My grandfather, the emperor, even the queen wants to reprimand one or two, she must send a Nakamiya watch. What princess you haven't sealed yet, what qualifications are there to hold my mouth? ... Second princess , Please forgive our couple for being lost. "

Nangong raised his head with a gimmick and proudly pulled Xiao Yi away. The pace of the two of them was as hurry as before, and there was no change in the second princess.

The second princess bit her bottom lip, her eyes flushed as if she were about to spit fire.

Xiao Yi looked at Nangong Yan's side face with a smile, listening to her shouting "Fu Jun" with a flamboyant voice, and his heart throbbed.

Nangong glanced at him, his eyes flowing, as if a feather was gently scratching at the tip of his heart, a numbness.

Nangong 玥 "噗哧" laughed softly, the two hands held tighter.

When they arrived at Fenghuang Palace, Xueqin, the maiden of the queen's side, was already waiting there. As soon as they saw them, they immediately greeted them, bowing respectfully and saluting: "Sir, sir, emperor and queen are waiting for you Then. "

The emperor is also there? At this time, there should be no downside ...

They should have saluted to the queen queen and the queen, and then went to the Royal Study Room to thank the emperor. However, the emperor arrived in the queen's palace as early as possible.

Xueqin led them to the Dongnuan Pavilion in Fenghuang Palace, and after a briefing, they led them in.

The two men bowed to the emperor's worship three kneeling and nine concubines, thanked grace, and stood up after a "flat body".

That's it.

The emperor looked at them with a smile on his face, and said to the queen aside, "Look at the two children, the Langcai look really good."

The queen should reconcile and said, "It is also good for the emperor to marry you. It is just a match made by heaven."

Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan looked at each other and smiled, the sweetness in their eyes was obvious.

The emperor gave him a seat, and the two spoke with the empress for a while. The emperor was in a very good mood. He appreciated a lot of things, Xiao Yi said with amusement: "The nephew will return to South Xinjiang in a few days. Your nephew's daughter-in-law has a good temper, and you ca n’t let her be bullied.

"Look at the queen," said the emperor with a smile, "it was maintained just as soon as he got married."

The queen followed with a smile: "Isn't this young couple who have just got married to have to be close to each other. I don't think Ai Yi would be willing to leave her sister-in-law to the king alone."

Xiao Yi naturally said: "The emperor uncle, when the Nanban army retreats, the nephew will return. It is hot and dry in the southern Xinjiang, but it is not comfortable with the king."

The emperor was very satisfied, and said very well: "This is not the case. After this trip to Nanman is resolved, you still have to take your girl back, and let your father look at the daughter-in-law who is pointing you."

"The emperor's uncle is of course the best." Xiao Yimei said with a smile, "the nephew is very satisfied."

His unobtrusive pride caused the empress to laugh again, Nangong glared at him with a blush, and Xiao Yi turned his head and blinked at her.

The empress looked at the young couple with fun guns. At this moment, the father-in-law went in silently, and said something softly in the ear of the emperor, but saw the emperor frown unhappyly, but soon The look stretched again, teasing Xiao Yi and Nangong Yu with the queen, and a laughter would be heard from time to time in the Dongnuan Pavilion.

The queen kept them for lunch, which allowed them to return with full rewards.

After the two left, the emperor's face sank immediately, and he said to the queen, "Queen, the second girl is not too young. You can find her a relative and let her go early."

The queen froze slightly and then asked softly, "Is the emperor pleased with the candidate for the second horse?"

The emperor waved impatiently: "You don't need to have Zhang Fei's marriage for the second girl's marriage. You are the aunt, and you can decide it. Find someone with a stricter rule to avoid shame in the future. . "

The queen answered, and didn't ask any more. Think of the frowning frown when the emperor just heard Liu Gong's message. Obviously this happened not long ago, and someone would report to him in a while.

The second princess was favored since she was a child, but now the emperor is so disgusted with her, it is really annoying to even look at it once more, it is really her skill!

As an aunt, it's too easy to find a decent marriage for her. After she marries, she will know how difficult it will be for a princess to fall out of favor.

The emperor's aversion to the second princess was not mentioned for the time being, Xiao Yi who was out of the palace could not wait to take Nangong to Zhuangzi.

So, after sending Lily to return the reward to the palace, and then packing a few clothes and other items for changing, Nangong Yu directly turned Zhu Linche to Tangshan. Xiao Yi seemed to have forgotten that he could ride a horse, and he had always been in the Zhuan wheel cart of Nangongyu, and refused to leave. Listening to his petite girl's delicate voice, watching her with a childish smile, pinching his little hands from time to time, kissing his face, Xiao Yi only thought that the day was wonderful.

Nangong Aya was flushed with red ears by him, and finally threw him back in anger, holding the pillow.

Bai Hui, who was sitting on the car's chin, listened to the laughter and laughter in the carriage, and couldn't help raising his lips.

For about an hour, Lily chased up with her packed things.

Zhu Lunqi stopped in a Zhuangzi, and the steward had been instructed to lead the women-in-law to come out to greet him. He saw that Nangong Yan, a princess in a formal dress, got down from Zhu Lun. Hu: "I've seen my grandfather, my concubine."

Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan went straight into Zhuangzi, and the Lily behind them rewarded the silver nudes one by one, and the people accepted the reward with smiles and thanks. This silver naked man has two or two silvers, which is worth their monthly money for several months.

Not only are the servants in Zhuangzi, the tenants on Zhuangzi also received one or two silvers, half a fan, a bucket of rice and a piece of cloth. The households were as if they were celebrating the New Year.

As Lily went to distribute the reward, Nangong returned to the main courtyard and changed into a new improved riding outfit. The spirited one pulled Xiao Yi to climb the mountain together.

Because they stayed in the palace for a long time, when they arrived in Zhuangzi, when they were almost applying, there was no maidservant to follow, only the two of them walked together.

At this time, the autumn mood was strong, and the autumn wind was a bit chilly, but Xiao Yi's palm was very warm, so warm that Nan Gongxi was reluctant to let go.

"Ai, let's try it." A hint of slyness flashed in Nangong's apricot eyes, and he chuckled and proposed, "Do you remember that there is a pavilion on the top of the mountain? We'll go there first."

Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow slightly and asked with a smile: "Are you sure you want to compare with me?"

"You want me to be a quarter of an hour!" Nangong Yan raised a finger and said coquettishly, "Do not let Lai Pi!"

Xiao Yi never refused any of her requests. Anyway, the dark guard followed, and she smiled.

Nangong Xiong waved at him and quickly walked along the mountain road. Although she is a deep-daughter girl, she has also learned to ride and shoot, and her physical strength is much better than that of an ordinary girl. It is already halfway up the mountain, and it is only half an hour from the top of the mountain. It is impossible for her to lose.

A quarter of an hour blinked, and Nangong Yan glanced behind him, determined that Xiao Yi had not caught up, and his pace was a little faster.

It didn't take long before she could see the pavilion of Shiting.


Nangong's lip corner bent, although she was a bit breathless, but she was not half a bit slow. She walked up the steps a few more steps. She moved and blinked blankly, only seeing one Pu Li's boy was standing in front of the gazebo, and looked at himself with a bright smile.

how come? !!

Nangong's subconsciously looked at the way forward, and no one apparently caught up. How could Xiao Yi be faster than her?

This is impossible.

"You Lai Pi!" Nangong Yan deliberately raised his face, but soon he couldn't help laughing.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yi approached her from a hundred meters away, and before she responded, she picked her up.


Nangong whispered subconsciously, his arms around his shoulders, his head resting on his shoulders and a silver bell-like laughter.

Xiao Yi took her to the gazebo and lowered it carefully, as if holding everything in her arms.

"Smelly girl, look."

Nangong Yan looked in the direction of his fingers, the sunset was gradually falling, and Yunxia in the sky was dyed with a crimson, as if a layer of red tulle enveloped the earth, with an unspeakable silence, it seemed that only heaven and earth were left Both of them.

"After I return from Nanjiang, we will come and watch the sunrise together." Xiao Yi assured her, "At most half a year, I will definitely be back."

"Ai, I'll be fine with Wang." Nangong Yan looked at his eyes seriously and said, "Even if you want to do anything, I will cook everything for Wang .... The battlefield is dangerous, Don't be reckless because you want to come back earlier. Whenever you come back, I will wait for you, as long as you are peaceful. "

Xiao Yi touched his messed hair with his thick cocoon fingers, and said with a smile: "I will come back safely." Then he secretly promised in his heart that he would never make you sad.

"I believe you!"

The two sat side by side, looking at the sunset together, feeling the oncoming autumn wind and this peace and tranquility.

After a long time, Nangong Yan stood up and said with a smile: "We should go down the mountain, it's getting dark."

"It's a pity that I can't go hunting today." Xiao Yi felt a little sorry, but quickly picked up the regret and said, "We will come again next time." They still have a long, long time to be together, and don't need to worry At one time.

Nangong Nian nodded strongly and repeated, "Let's come again!"

Before the words fell, she suddenly whispered again, and was hugged by Xiao Yi again. "It's getting dark, mountain road insurance, I'll hold you down."

Nangong Yu was a little uncomfortable, but soon she was relieved, relying on him, with a bright smile.

Returning to Zhuangzi, Nangong Yi personally cooked a meal to prepare dinner, while Xiao Yi fought with interest.

Nangong Yu's cooking was learned in the past when he lived with his grandfather in order to honor his grandfather. But Xiao Yi has never been in the kitchen, and accidentally helped him out. He still refused to go, and kept secretly eating it, even if he ate it by himself. He also forgot to give chopsticks to Nan Gongyu for her. Try it.

Afterwards, the two simply cooked and ate in the kitchen, laughing constantly, seeing the helplessness of Bai Hui who was really beating her side, and retired with great understanding.

That night, instead of returning to the capital, they stayed on Zhuangzi ...


The night faded away, and just when it was bright that day, Xiao Yi had quietly got up from his own sleeping pit and walked to the bed lightly.

Nangong slept soundly, only her small white face was exposed outside the quilt, her eyes stretched, and her lips turned slightly.

Just looking at it makes Xiao Yi feel good, and her lips are hooked.

He couldn't believe it till now, he really married her back.

Xiao Yi leaned over her forehead and pecked slightly, some were unwilling to wake her up, but today is the day to return to the door, and they have to hurry back to Wangdu.

It ’s just that the smelly girl is sleeping well ...

Don't wake up!

Xiao Yi made up his mind, first instructed to prepare Zhu Zhuan, and when the car was ready, she hugged her with a quilt and let her continue to sleep on her own. He is a man of martial arts and has very light movements. He did not alarm the sleeping Nangong 玥 at all, so that when Nangong 玥 woke up, they were almost at the palace of Zhennan.

Nangong Yan opened her eyes and waited for a while before she could react. She believed that if she woke up a little later, she would find that she was sleeping on the bed in Fufengyuan's new house, so that the misunderstanding of going to Zhuangzi was just a dream.

Nangong Yan raised his head from his arms and asked, "Ayi, when is it?"

Xiao Yi held her back, and replied in his mouth, "When it's just passed, Axin will come to pick us up soon."

As soon as he heard that his brother was about to come, Nangong Ai immediately fell asleep, wrapped himself in a quilt and sat up. He couldn't wait to see him.

There are only two of them in the palace. Nothing is more useful than Xiao Yi's words. So Zhu Zhuan, who was supposed to stop at Ermen, went straight into Fufengyuan.

Because he was going back to the door, Nangong Yan changed into a palace dress with a big red gold thread and pulled down a fallen horse. As soon as he had picked it up, Xier came to report: "Hey grandpa is here."

This title is still a bit uncomfortable to Nangong Yu, and he got up and went out.

Xiao Yi was waiting for her in the banquet room, and the two went to Ermen together, and from a distance, Xiao Bai heard a meow intoxicatingly. When I walked closer, I saw Nangong Xin squatting on the ground and squinting Xiaobai's chin, and Xiaobai narrowed his eyes comfortably. At this moment, a gray shadow in the sky swooped down quickly and shouted at him. With a whistle, he turned back quickly and flew towards higher air, as if coming down just to say hello.

Xiaobai and Xiaohui were naturally married together with Nangong Yu.

As soon as he heard the footsteps, Nangong Xin immediately looked up and looked forward, striding forward: "Sister!" He took Nangong Yu's hands and looked up and down, and determined that she was not fat, thin, or lacking arms and legs. Zhan Yan said again, "Sister, let's hurry home! Mother is anxious!"

Nangong smiled and nodded forcefully.

Nangong Xin's pure eyes were full of expectations, "Sister. I miss you so much. Can you come home and live."

Xiao Yi also thinks this idea is good, he will leave tomorrow, it will be three months sooner, half a year slower, the smelly girl lives alone in this empty palace, he is not at ease! Thinking about it this way, it seems good to live in Nangong for a while.

Xiao Yi was about to speak, and when Nangong shook his head, he smiled and said, "Brother, I'm married, how can I go back to my parents' house?"

She is already married to Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi's home is her home. She will stay here waiting for him to return triumphantly.

Nangong Xin said with disappointment, "Is it really impossible?"

Nan Gong said with a smile: "After the elder sister got married, she didn't come back to live long. When you marry her later, what can you do if you return to your mother's house. However, after Ai leaves, I live alone in this palace It's pretty boring, and I will definitely go back and see you often. "

Nangong Xin thought for a while, and finally smiled again, and said happily, "Sister, when you are coming, send someone to tell me, I will pick you up!"

Xiao Yi looked at the brothers and sisters with warmth in his heart. Since the death of his grandfather, he has not felt the warmth of his family for a long time.

Talking and laughing, the three set off for Nangong.

Nangong Xin accompanied her on horseback, while Xiao Yi continued to lean on Nangong Yan's Zhu Wheeler.

When I was approaching Nangong Palace, I heard a shout of excitement from outside: "It's Grandma Aunt and Grandpa Aunt returned, go and tell the second master and second wife!" Follow the messy footsteps gradually, apparently the person It was specially visited by the government.

Zhu Wheeler began to slow down, and quickly entered the gate under the diligent guidance of the concierge, stopping outside the second gate.

Xiao Yi got out of the carriage first, holding Nangong Ai's hand to help her down, but didn't want a white shadow to suddenly slap beside her, shocked her, and she slammed into Xiao Yi's arms. .

"Meow!" Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Yan innocently, and he didn't know when he hid quietly in the Zhu Ran.

"You bad cat!" Lily's heart hugged Xiaobai, and she nodded hard in her forehead. It would be a joke if the princess Shi Shi fell on the day of returning home.

Lin, who had stayed early in Ermen, was also tense and whispered nervously, finally relieved to see her son-in-law holding her daughter firmly. Looking at the pair of children standing side by side, they look better and better.

Nangong Yan today wore a big red gold-lined palace dress, and Xiao Yi also wore a full-colored red robe. These two clothes are obviously matching. The red color is extraordinarily beautiful. Can't hold back, but the young couple are both eye-browsed and fair-skinned, and the two of them went to such a stop together. They were really a pair of golden boys and girls, which made people wrong.

After Nangong Yu stood firmly, she immediately cast her eyes on Lin's, and whispered, "Mother-in-law." She walked towards Lin's quickly, holding Lin's arm affectionately.

"Yiner ..." Lin looked at Nangong Yan carefully, seeing her face ruddy and smiling with a smile, finally relieved, a smile appeared on her face.

It seems her sister-in-law has had a good day. As long as the pair of children are getting along well, then they can rest assured.

There are still tens of thousands of questions to ask in Lin's mind, but the situation is not right now, so I can only press for a moment.

At this time, Xiao Yi also came over, smiling and saluting Lin's face with smile: "Mother."

Nangong grinned his lips and did not correct them.

Lin's stunned. As the son-in-law, he should be called "mother-in-law", but obviously, "mother" is more affectionate. If you think about Xiao Yiyi's action at Funanong Palace, Lin's mother-in-law sees son-in-law The feeling of being more pleasing to the eye was a pleasant smile on his face, saying, "Ai Yi, old lady and your father-in-law are still waiting in Rong An Tang, let's get over."

As a result, a group went towards Rong An Tang.

The girls of Rong'antang saw Nangongxi and his party coming. One hurried to inform the house, and the other helped the curtain to lead them into the main hall.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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