The drunk fairy house in the north of the city is as lively as ever.

Zuixianju has gained popularity in the past two years and is already one of the most famous restaurants in Wangdu.

Its biggest feature is that there are storytelling or singing songs every afternoon to perform. Because the storytelling or singing songs are written by Zuixianju, they are not found elsewhere. Therefore, at this time of the day, many people will come to order a few side dishes, a pot of wine, and enjoy it comfortably.

The lobby of Zuixianju is generally used to entertain civilians, while the noble officials will choose the elegant private rooms on the second or third floor.

Today is a story about a scholar and a lady. Said to be a handsome scholar, his family was impoverished and unable to support his studies. Occasionally, the scholar rescued a girl from a large family. The girl's family acted as a reward for their gratitude, and fully sponsored him to rush to study ...

On the stage, the soft-sounding girl was singing in a melancholy and joyful tune to the scholar being spotted as the champion in the Golden Palace. The beautiful princess saw the scholar's talent and was willing to marry.

At this moment, one of the guests sitting at the bottom of the table lowered his voice and said with a strange expression on his face, "... Hey, speaking of the princess, have you heard of that?"

One of the scholars dressed up asked, puzzled, "Which thing?"

The other laughed deeply and said, "Of course I heard ... Brother Ziyang, you are too ignorant!"

Ziyang asked curiously, "Come on, Brother Shi Hong, what is it?"

Shi Hong also did not sell Guanzi and said quietly: "It is said that the second princess in our palace saw a handsome young monk in Huangjue Temple and secretly ran away."

"Not a little monk." The other said, "I heard it was a guard in the palace, saying that they had been working together while they were in the palace, and they had already cooked rice with cooked rice. But the emperor disagreed. So, the second princess ran away with her husband. "

Such a fragrant incident excited Ziyang, and he kept asking, "Is it a young monk or a guard?"

"I don't know about it." Shihong looked around and said with a smile, "It is said that our two princesses are beautiful and unparalleled, and they can let the second princess dedicate to elopement. This is really gorgeous and very enviable. ... how can I not run into it ... "

"In this case, I heard that even the eunuchs are very handsome in the palace. The second princess is afraid to raise her eyes and look down on you and me as ordinary people."

"Ha ha ha, what it is! Come, let's drink and listen to music ... I heard that a new girl has recently arrived in the Cui Yan Lou. Although it is not as beautiful as the second princess, it is also a rare beauty ..."

It's not just this table. Almost every table in the lobby of Zuixianju is talking about this news that did not know when it was circulating in Wangdu.

Such an incredibly beautiful thing, only two days later, has swept the entire Wangdu, streets and alleys. Only the second princess eloped from word of mouth. In addition to the original little monk and little guard, there was another little eunuch.

It is said that the second princess and a handsome little **** in the palace love each other. The false phoenix is ​​false, and the emperor wants to kill the little **** after being discovered by the emperor.


"Strange! Absurd!"

In Dong'an Pavilion of Chang'an Palace, the emperor thundered and patted the book case. His face was flushed and his breath was disordered.

Liu Gonggong rushed for him, and quickly asked the little **** to bring the pill specially made by Nan Gongyu, served the emperor, and continued to comfort him: "The emperor, you should dissipate. This is just the mess of the city's Tiaomin language……"

Commander Jin Yiwei made Lu Huaining kneel, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

After using the medicine, the emperor's complexion gradually improved, and he asked angrily, "What else did those diaomin say?"

Lu Huaining lowered his head and replied, "They opened the market. Will you give the second princess to the guard, or be a little monk, or just give the little **** an identity ... There are more people. "


The emperor threw a cup suddenly and landed on the ground with a bang.

The emperor took a deep breath and asked, "Where did the news come from? How did the second princess get to know everyone !?"

Lu Huaining secretly cried, saying: "They are spread from some restaurants and teahouses. Those who have done good deeds have passed on ten and ten times, and it is impossible to know the source." The restaurants and teahouses are some mixed places of three religions and nine thoughts. It is simply impossible to trace the source.

The emperor's voice was cold like ice, "Can the second princess have fallen?"

"The minister has ordered people to chase to the south." Lu Huaining said and stopped. "It's only been a long time. Although the minister and others searched all the way, I might still miss something and miss the whereabouts of the second princess."

Speaking of this, the emperor was furious, and if Zhang Fei discovered that the second princess had left the palace, she would sue, pointing out that someone might have found it already. The royal family's face was lost by this shameless villain.

If it wasn't for the Queen's concern about the condition of the second princess, how long would she remain hidden?

The emperor thought more and more, and said coldly, "Huairen, preaching the will of the concubine, Zhang Fei had no way to teach the daughter, and fell to a concubine, punished by a concubine for one year, and thought of it in the palace, without the concubine's will."

Is this a long term footbath?

Liu Gonggong responded quickly and arranged for someone to go and send a message to the queen.

The concubine's concubine, ascended and descended, all conveyed the decree of the queen.

The emperor took a sip of medicinal tea and let down the anger, Shen said: "Keep looking! As soon as the second princess's whereabouts, she will be held back ..." He continued gritting his teeth and continued, "Regardless of life or death! "

The phrase "regardless of life and death" made Lu Huaining feel like a chill, and also caused Nangong to raise his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Nangong Ai turned over the account book while calculating, and asked in two ways: "Is that what the Emperor said?"

"Yes," Lily said with a smile, "I haven't avoided the little eunuchs who are serving in the Chang'an Palace. I'm afraid the whole palace is now spreading .... Princess Si, you are really wise, and the slaves originally thought why. I didn't deliver a message to Sister Yimei, but let Zhu Xing do it. You guessed that the news of the restaurant would spread faster. "

"This is one of them." Nangong shook his finger and said, "The second is that this matter involves the royal face, and the emperor will definitely let Jin Yiwei investigate it. Huayan is too eye-catching. In contrast, in the restaurant teahouse The daily exchanges are mostly three teachings and nine streams, and I ca n’t find the source if I want to check. As for the third ... ”She raised her chin slightly and said with pride,“ After all, Huayan is a shop for the girl ’s wife. Well, I'm afraid I will stain my shop. "

Lily chuckled and flattered, "So, it is still the wise son of the world."

With a smile, Bai Huihan brought a cup of scented tea with a smile, and said, "Sir concubine, take a break and watch again."

Nangong Yan put down his books and yawned lazily.

Since the prestige was established in Wushoutang, Nangong Li has been looking at the ledger for the past few days. The house in this dignified palace turned out to be such a mess, I'm afraid no one would believe it. To sort out these things, you can't do it in a day or two.

However, at least half a year before Xiao Yi returned, she had enough time to take it easy.

"Lily, you go to the storeroom tomorrow, take some materials to the needlework room, and let them make people's autumn and winter clothes, each of them should be rushed out, and the others will be made slowly. The autumn clothes are in lilac color, and the daughter-in-law is in lotus color. Let ’s take the brown color. As for the winter clothes, you have to follow the rules of this royal palace. I will follow my rules in the future and give them in January and July each year. The servants in the house tailored clothes, four clothes per season, and two mules in winter. "

Lily answered with a smile: "Yes. Concubine. Those young girls must be very happy."

The girls in this palace are all wearing ready-to-buy clothes from ready-to-wear shops. At one time, the size is a bit inappropriate. Secondly, most people who buy it have deducted a lot of oil and water and bought it at will. The color almost dressed the pretty teenage girl in her twenties like a twenty or thirty daughter-in-law.

Nangong Yan rubbed his forehead and said, "Let Anniang and Zhang Ye pick three reliable women, one is in charge of the treasury in the inner court, one is in charge of the training of the little girls in the new government, and the other is in charge of the government. The rewards and punishments of the people here and the distribution of monthly money are given to a few of them, and I only look at the results according to their arrangements. In the future, these trivialities will not need to be co-authored by An Niang and Zhang Ye. They only need to manage these affairs. Just do n’t go wrong. As for the private storehouse in Fufengyuan, it ’s still the same as in Mozhuyuan. Baihui held the key for me. ”

In addition to the two directors, there are only six supervisors in a dignified house in Wangfu. If you want to go out, it will become a laughingstock for Wangdu!

"Let's do it for the time being." Nangong bent his lips and said, "Look for some teeth tomorrow, you go and pick a few girls, this palace's manpower is still too small. In addition, pass on my words, I'll pass Some days, I will promote some stewards among the elderly in the palace ... "

Lily asked curiously, "Sir concubine, do you want to use the people of the palace?"

"You have to look at their innocence," Nangong said with a grin, and said with a pointed finger, "What's more, this town of Nannan is the king of Zhennan. I'm just a new daughter-in-law who takes care of myself. Three acres is enough. You can't stretch your hand too far. "

Lily seems to understand, but she also knows that her own girl has an idea, and she must have said what she said.

After drinking tea, Nangong Min remembered one thing and said, "Yes, I said last time that I would wait for a few days to invite my elder sister to come and play. It would be better to choose another day to hit the sun. It will be September 18. I went to a few posts and invited sister Xi, sister Yi, and Liu Niang together. Let Zhang Zhang in the large kitchen outside the courtyard prepare some good snacks. "This chef is the imperial chef from the emperor.

Lily responded with a smile, not to mention the post.

After all these things have been explained, Nangong Yan will continue to flip through the books. At this time, Yier came over and reported: "Sir concubine, grandpa sent your private treasury in the house."

"Brother is here?" Nangong Yu stood up and said, "Go out with me."

When Nangong Yu was married, her one-two-eighth wedding dowry did not include her small private library in the house.

Unlike ordinary family girls, there are only some private house money. The richness of the small private library in Nangong Palace is staggering. Most of them are the rewards of the emperor, queen, and queen mother in the past few years. There are two silvers that she has earned from operating the shop over the years, as well as Zhuangzi, shop, house deed, land deed and so on. If these come together with the dowry, it will not necessarily be able to put a hundred and twenty-eight burden on it. In this way, it will exceed the princess's share. Therefore, she could only wait for her to marry before sending it over.

I haven't seen Nangong Xin for a few days, and Nangong Ai welcomed him to the flower hall in the front yard, so that he offered his favorite snacks and talked warmly. As a result of the lily, the couple took the girl-in-law and the mother-in-law to take inventory, and opened two small warehouses by the way.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yi was not available, and it was inconvenient to keep Nangong Xin for dinner. After everything was counted, he reluctantly sent him back.

A few days passed in a hurry, and when Nangong Yu finally read all the books in the house, it was September 18th, which happened to be the day of the small feast.

Before that time, Nangong Yu, Jiang Yixi and Yuan Yuyi came one after another.

This is the first time Xiao Yi left Wangdu. They saw Nangong Yu for the first time and saw her look and spirit were good, all of them were relieved.

Nangong Palace set the hospitality place in the small flower hall next to the garden. After lunch, you can stroll around the garden, sit and enjoy the flowers.

In the small flower hall, there is already a table of fresh fruit and snacks, mung bean osmanthus snacks, crisp buttermilk bean rolls, bean paste small flower cakes ... It seems colorful, all of which are mastered by Zhang chefs, which are both delicate and beautiful.

They drank tea, dim sum, and chatted casually, just as when Nangong Yan had not yet come out.

The topics of the girls are often Wang Du's fashionable clothes, jewelry, piano, paintings, calligraphy, paintings, and paintings, but they accidentally mentioned Wang Du's most concerned topic recently, about the second princess.

Yuan Yuyi said with a complicated expression: "... The second princess really doesn't seem to be in the palace. My mother entered the palace yesterday, and the emperor and the queen mother were very angry."

"It's really not there," Jiang Yixi said affirmatively. "I heard my father said that the emperor had sent Jin Yiwei to find the second princess. I think the second princess should be found soon." She sighed in her heart and did not expect , The second princess turned out to be so bold.

From last year's peace incident, due to various interests, it was finally overwhelmed, ending with Qu Yueyue and marriage.

But this time the escape has been well known, and the rumors of Wang Duzhong are getting worse and worse, and even the girls who are among the girls have heard of them. It is conceivable that the rumors are spread. How wide.

I do n’t know where the second princess went. Is it really impossible to elope with whom?

Regardless of whether it is or not, the Royal Face is now completely damaged, I am afraid this matter cannot be better!

Sure enough, Yuan Yuyi said, "Listening to the queen mother's tone, I am afraid that even if the second princess finds it, life will not be easy."

Nangong Ai sat aside, silently, without a word, a touch of complexity flashed in his eyes, but soon returned to calm. Why don't you remember what has passed.

"Forget it, don't talk about such disappointment." Yuan Yuyi smiled reluctantly, then looked up outside the hall, "It's been three minutes now, why isn't Liu Niang coming?"

After another quarter of an hour, a little girl finally reported: "Sir concubine, several girls, Fu Liu's carriage has entered the house." Fu Yunyan was the last one to arrive.

After a while, the barking dogs had been faintly heard outside the flower hall, and the girls immediately realized that this was the sound of Fu Yunyan's dog the next day.

Jiang Yixi couldn't help grinning: "There is a saying that if you don't see your body, you should hear its voice first. Liu Niang is better, if you don't see your body, you can hear its dog first!"

"Liu Niang is too slow." Yuan Yuyi blinked and proposed with a smile. "She was the last one to come and she should be punished by three glasses of wine."

"That's not okay." I didn't expect Nangong Yu to veto it first. Yuan Yuyi raised her eyebrows and listened to her with vigor and continued, "Sister Yi, you can't drink wine when you come to me, and plum wine won't work, If you go back with a drink of alcohol, you still don't know how to bury me in your family! You won't be allowed to come to me in the future, so who can I complain to? "

Her words made everyone laugh, and the atmosphere was very relaxed and cheerful.

At this time, Fu Yunyan and the following day finally entered the Xiaohua Hall under the guidance of the girl-in-law, seeing that they both laughed openly, and could not help laughing.

Nangong Yan's gaze paused on Fu Yunyan's brilliant smile. She couldn't help thinking of Nangong Xin. She had to find some time to talk to Lin's ...

"Liu Niang, you're finally here." Nangong greeted her with a smile and pulled Fu Yunyan to sit beside her. "Sister Yi will look forward to wearing autumn water again if you don't come again."

Fu Yunyan said embarrassedly, "I want to come out sooner, but recently my grandmother was absent, and I have to go through the house with my mother's consent. These women are like gunpowder. Just let me out. "

Yuan Yuyi was stunned. She and Fu Yunyan were cousins, and Madam Fu was her cousin. To her knowledge, Madam Fu was not particularly good-natured, but it was still considered to be her princess Yuncheng Out of temper. Presumably Madam Fu has been in a bad mood recently. It must be related to Fu Yunhe's trip to southern Xinjiang.

Not only Yuan Yuyi, but other girls also thought of this, and the atmosphere was a little heavy.

Watching them look different, Fu Yunyan busy said: "Don't think about it, it's because of the Jinxinhui!"

Jin Xinhui? !! The daughters were stunned, why did they get Jin Xinhui?

Fu Yunyan looked helplessly towards Jiang Yixi and Yuan Yuyi, "Sister Xi, cousin Yi, have you received the Jinxin Club post?"

The Jinxin Club is a talent contest launched by a very talented woman hundreds of years ago. It is held once every three years and can only be attended by unmarried girls. Most of these girls are famous, and occasionally from the cold, so their father and brother must also It is an official body. In short, it is impossible for civilians to participate in the Jinxin Club.

At one time, attending the Jinxin meeting was also the longing of Nangong Yu, but she did not expect that she would marry before that day.

Jiang Yixi and Yuan Yuyi are both heads.

Fu Yunyan helplessly spread his hand, "My mother does n’t know where to get the news, knowing that you two and cousin Xia have all received the post, but I do n’t have it. It ’s unsatisfactory. In the early morning, I ’ll go and please, just let me Trained a dog's blood sprinkler. "She paused, and said angrily," It wasn't much at all. Anyway, I should blame that Wing Suo for giving me a post! "

"Liu Niang, did you also receive the post of Yongxu?" Yuan Yuyi said eloquently, the meaning of a word "Ye" overflowed.

This chanting society is a poetry society made by some talented kings a few years ago. It is a bit of a comparison with Jin Xin. According to the first founder, Jin Xin will have too many restrictions and it is buried. There are many talented women, and their chanting will be meritocracy, even if you are just a tofu xixu, as long as you have a poem in your belly, you can participate.

This chanting will be better than singing, and the girls who won the top prize in the past are really beautiful, but how can the girls of the family descend from their identities and praises by their talents and noble sons, so they are sought after. Most of the family girls who received the posts would not go, and most of them went to girls with low backgrounds who wanted to increase their worth.

It is absolutely impossible for the girls present to participate!

Fu Yunyan rubbed her knuckles angrily and made a "click" sound. "If I want to find out who wants to post to me, I have to give him a good look!" She suffered for no reason. Scolded!

"Liu Niang, dispel the fire. It's a rare visit to be here. Don't spoil your interest." After Yu Yuyuan soothed her, she turned to smile and said to Nangong, "Well, since everyone is here, Hurry up and take us to visit the southern palace of this town. This is the house of the former regent Murong Rui. The Murong Rui was in power for a while. Although he was dug by the former emperor after his death, it is still beautiful. I have long been I want to take a look at this mansion ... "Looking at Nangong's face blank, Yuan Yuyi suddenly thought of something," Ah, don't you know? "

Nangong shook her head. Where does she care about who left this palace, and what history does she have? However, what Yuan Yuyi said about Regent Wang Murong Rui, she still knew. The presence of Murong Rui made the mansion taste a bit legendary. It seems that the emperor gave the mansion to the south king of the old town in order to show his glory.

Looking at Nangong Yan as a matter of course, Yuan Yuyi flashed her light, and blessed her soul, blurt out: "Ah, you haven't visited this palace yet?"

Yuan Yuyi's tone made Nangong Yu feel a little embarrassed to admit it. After Xiao Yi left, she was busy with all kinds of things every day. As soon as she was free, she invited them to be a guest, but she never thought about visiting this palace.

What Jiang Yixi thought of, suddenly said: "Sister Yi, I still think how you have been concerned about whether Liu Niang is here today. It turned out to be visiting this palace!"

For a while, everyone's eyes were focused on Yuan Yuyi, as if they were saying, that's it.

Yuan Yuyi couldn't help explaining: "You do n’t know. My mother wanted to find my grandfather to discuss this mansion, but my grandfather did not agree, but instead gave it to the king of the old town. My mother still mumbles. The king of Zhennan is a violent creature, and the house is still deserted, and no one lives. "Said Yuan Yuyi could not help but look at Nanangong. In fact, her mother said that Zhennan's palace was really a natural enemy with her, and first snatched her. Princess Palace, now snatching her favorite daughter-in-law ... I heard that Yuan Yuyi was ashamed, and felt that her mother really lived more like a child.

"It's rare that Sister Yi is interested, so how about we be accompanied once?" Nangong asked with a smile.

Others were said by Yuan Yuyi, and they felt a little interested, anyway, there was nothing special about Zhennan Royal Palace, just walking around this Royal Palace, it was quite leisurely.

Seeing no objection from the crowd, after thinking about it, Nangong Yan asked Lily: "Lily, go and call Zhang Ming."

After Lily went away, she brought an old woman in a short while, and saw that she wore a pale cocoon plain silk, and her hair with a few silver wires in the horns was neatly rounded and inserted. The root of sandalwood is Zhang Ye.

Zhang Huan was still a little embarrassed at first. I didn't know why Nangong Su suddenly called her. It was only when she heard Nangong Su said that she was secretly relieved and people became restless.

"Sir concubine, can someone have a chair?" Zhang Ye said respectfully. "This king's palace is not a mountain behind. It covers an area of ​​more than 100 acres. It still takes a bit of effort to get up."

Nangong Yan looked at the others. Nangong Yan and Jiang Yixi said in unison: "Walk or walk." The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Fu Yunyan didn't even have to ask, because of her physical strength, where did she need a chair? Yuan Yuyi simply obeyed the majority.

Following this, the group wandered under Zhang Jian's guidance. Because the outer courtyard guarded the family, in order to avoid collision, they did not go to the outer courtyard and walked up directly in the inner courtyard.

Although it is autumn now, the autumn tigers are fierce, and the sun is still a little bit hot. Fortunately, the south palace of this town is a mansion left by the former dynasty. There are naturally many old trees in the house. The trees were sprouting, which made them walk more comfortable.

As Zhang Ye walked, he also introduced the composition of the palace ... Nangong Gong knew that Xiao Fang lived in the capital while he was in the main courtyard called Bixiaoju. The main hall, compartment, ear room, storeroom of the main courtyard When you add up, there are nearly thirty houses, which looks grand.

I have to say that Xiao Yi obviously picked the Fufengyuan carefully. Although this Fufengyuan only has more than twenty houses, it is located in the west of Wushoutang in Bixiaoju, while Fufengyuan is in the east of Wushoutang. Side, one east and one west, the two yards are far away.

In addition to these two courtyards, there are seven or eight courtyards in the inner courtyard, large and small, naturally empty. In addition, there is a parliament hall, one large, one small, and two flower halls; these rooms, courtyards, and flower halls are connected. Waiting is a maze-like copying veranda, eaves porch, veranda, and a corner gate, moon gate ...

After Nangong Yu walked away, she had already fainted and did not know where she was.

Yuan Yuyi suddenly proposed: "Sister Sister, I think there is a garden in front of you, so let's take a rest in the garden to find a pavilion."

Seeing her sweat dripping, Fu Yunyan teased her with a smile: "Cousin Yi, your physical strength is still so poor."

However, as Yuan Yuyi said, Nangong Yuan noticed a slight fatigue on Jiang Yixi's face. Thinking of Jiang Yixi's body being much weaker than before after the epidemic healed, he nodded and said, "Walk fast It's half an hour, it's time to rest. "

"Sir concubine, some girls please follow the old slaves." Zhang Ye naturally responded, leading them forward, while introducing that the front garden was connected to the forest behind, and the one next to the small flower hall It's a small garden.

Between words, they walked through a moon hole door and entered the back garden.

As soon as they entered the garden, they saw a lotus pond that was at least half an acre in size. The water was clear and sparkling, but unfortunately it was past the lotus blooming season, and only the lotus leaves scattered on the pond surface were left.

This lotus pond is very large, and a gazebo is built in the center of the pool, and a veranda by the pool leads to the gazebo.

The girls walked along the veranda to the gazebo for a rest.

After resting for almost half an hour in the gazebo, the girls returned to the small flower hall for lunch. After the lunch was finished, Yuan Yuyi was too lazy to visit again. She said with deep feeling that the mansion was too big. Not very practical.

So Nangong Ai suggested to stroll around the small garden next to the small flower hall, and the girls readily agreed, but just got up, Aunt suddenly came in a hurry and whispered something in Nangong Ao's ear.

Nangong Nian frowned, seeing that her face was different, Nangong Nian exchanged a look with several others, and then said, "Three sisters, if you have anything important, then we will leave first!"

"No need," said Nangong Yan, who had changed his color as usual, and said unhurriedly, "you will know this soon."

The daughters were stunned, but they heard Nangong sue and said, "I have just received the news that Her Royal Highness Princess II has been taken back to the capital!"

Although she knew it was going to happen sooner or later, the girls couldn't help but look slightly changed and looked at each other.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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