Diablo Destruction

Chapter 315: Coquettish Light Body Technique

Breaking through the heavy bone wall composed of burning skulls, the tall and skinny Answerer was already close at hand. The dazzling red light flashing in the skull looked straight at him, and his left hand in the shape of a knife waved towards me. The neck was chopped straight down.

I raised my right hand gently, and the bone knife slashed on the arm, leaving a shallow blood mark. In the red light flashing violently in the answerer's eyes, I slightly bared my fangs, put my five fingers together into a bayonet shape, and pointed straight towards his abdomen. Inserting it, the nails pierced the abdomen, making a dull tearing sound, and penetrated the shriveled belly without any hindrance. The predecessor of the Answerer was worthy of the name of the Hollow Corpse Monster. There was nothing in the belly, so he continued to penetrate it. Entering, he finally encountered a hard cylindrical object, well, probably its spine. With a little force, there was a clear sound of bones breaking, and a palm covered with minced meat was exposed from behind.


The answerer, who shouldn't have felt pain in the first place, also let out a cry of grief. His upper body leaned back slightly, and his throat suddenly swelled like a toad. Having experienced it countless times, I didn't know what it wanted to do. Although it didn't cause much harm to myself, it still hurt me. …

Your breath stinks, asshole! ! !

I took out my left hand without hesitation, leaned over, and the poisonous gas sprayed from the answerer's mouth brushed across my back without any hesitation. I only felt a chill on my back, and it seemed that I could smell the disgusting stench. As if angry.

An elbow stab knocked the entire upper body of the answerer in front of me crooked. Hey, a mummy is a mummy. Even if its spine is broken, it can move without any hindrance. But if this were not the case, I would not be able to completely break its spine. This is going in a circle. The rules are really frustrating.

Taking advantage of the situation, he added a wild rage to the Answerer, and his body was suddenly enveloped in a faint red light. The Answerer fell down in response, not bothering to take another look. The gleaming body accelerated in vain. It looked like a red phantom. With a flash of red light, it had already appeared in front of the next Answerer. It was wild and violent. It was really good. Land skills...

Wait for the remaining four Answerers to be killed. Under the protection of the ghost wolf, Dia, who showed off her skills, also cleared away all the burning skeletons, and happened to walk towards me with a smile on her face.

"Come, comrades, let us celebrate this victory with a warm embrace."

I opened my hands and faced Diya with ill intentions. The little girl looked at me curiously at first, and when I got close to about four or five meters away, she suddenly let out a "woo~~" sound. I took a few steps back like I was avoiding a snake, and finally discovered my bad intentions.

"No, no, I don't want to hug you. You smell so bad, Fanfan, and I won't let you hug her until you wash her off."

In other words, you can wash it off and hold it as much as you want? I rolled my eyes. It seems that when I have time, I really need to remind old man Sakron to spread some knowledge about men and women to this stupid girl.

"What are you talking about? We are comrades-in-arms. Could it be that just because of this smell, the bond of life and death between us can be severed? You are too heartless."

I continued to stretch my body, which was stained with the smell of the Solver's corpse, and chased Tia.


Tia was stunned by my words for a moment, and was torn between the smell and the friendship of comrades. It wasn't until I was about to get close that she screamed in realization.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't matter at all. No one stipulates that we must embrace each other if we live or die together. Fanfan, you are so bad. You actually deceived me."

Sorry, have you been found out? I spat and stopped helplessly. Hey, teasing this girl was really fun.

"Fanfan, please take a bath obediently."

Tia hid on the other side of the wall, retracting her body into the wall with only half of her cute little head sticking out. Look at me. His eyes were as alert as a rabbit.

"Yes, that's it for today. Have a good rest."

I pointed to a hiding spot not far away and said, setting up the tent, intending to take a good bath in it, otherwise Tia might really not come within five meters of me anymore.

Tia responded, took out a small pink tent, and set it up far away from me. It seemed that she still had a shadow of what I just did.

"Come, your lovely little saint, let's hug each other." A man's lewd voice came from inside the tent.

“How long do you want to use this pinch, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... exorcism, exorcism, exorcism, exorcism, exorcism...!!!!"

Continuous white light leaked from the tent, and a black shadow flew out from the tent door and bounced on the floor dozens of meters away. It shook a few times as if the bones had been drained, and the whole body twitched and disappeared. Dongjing, the future savior, the great Hero King Druid Wu Fan, will live forever like this...

Hey hey! !

After a while of chewing, I finally got rid of the stinky smell on my body. I stretched out and lay limply on the table. I weakly gnawed a piece of dried meat with my teeth. The little ghost groaned angrily and turned her back to me. She held a piece of broken diamond in her two little hands and chewed it in small bites at a very high frequency. No matter how you look at it, the way she eats is no different from that of a squirrel. The diamond in his hand made a chirping sound and disappeared at a speed that could be detected by the naked eye.

Although I have said it countless times, I still have to sigh again. This little ghost really has good teeth. In addition, I want to thank you for being merciful these days, otherwise Wu Fan might not be the same person in this world. , woo~~

As footsteps approached, the little ghost pricked up his ears sensitively, holding the half-eaten diamond, and looked around warily with his little head. I said, are you really a squirrel? Hurry up and show me your tail?

"Don't try to seduce other women."

The little ghost grinned cutely, showing me her good teeth, and then quickly got into the necklace.

"Fanfan, can I come in?" After a while, Tia's voice sounded outside.

I responded, and a little head poked through the tent door. Xiao Qiong sniffed it, and after confirming, Tia walked in.

"What's the matter?" I yawned. asked lazily.

"Hehe... Fanfan, I made some broth. Do you want to eat it together?" Dia put her little hands behind her back and showed her signature candid smile.

"Oh, that's great."

My eyes lit up, and I wanted to fill my stomach with something warm, but I was too lazy to get it. I didn't expect this to come to my door automatically. The power of the protagonist's aura was so terrifying that I was completely shaken.

"Wow, Fanfan, your tent has been expanded using space magic."

Dia opened her eyes wide, looked around, and found that the space inside was nearly ten times larger than it looked, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

Seeing that Tia sighed but was not surprised at all, I knew that they must also be studying space magic, and their progress didn't seem to be slower than Farah's.

Speaking of the origin of this tent, Doug gave it to me when I first came to Diablo. I was reluctant to throw it away, so Veras took it and washed it again and again, and repaired it for a while, in the hands of the ingenious Veras. The tent that was originally like a pig's nest suddenly took on a new look, and then Farah expanded it. Of course, as Rogge's first stingy, he would not be able to work for me for free. Of course, as Rog's third stingy, I would naturally also It won't make him much money.

At Tia's kind invitation. I walked out of the tent, and there was a sudden fragrance coming from my nose. I turned around and found out that Tia had made a bonfire in front of her tent door, and hot broth was boiling on it.

"Fanfan, don't you think these days are strange?" Tia giggled as she watched me wolfing down a large piece of meat and burning my tongue.

"Yes. The enemies are all Answerers and Skeletons. I haven't seen any other monsters."

I stared at the steaming meat in the bowl. After all, it was safer to wait until it cooled down. It was better to eat while it was hot, and he struggled fiercely in his heart. Finally, he let out a long sigh, and two lines of tears fell from his eyes. He made the most difficult choice in his life. With a solemn expression, he stuffed the whole piece of stew that seemed to be still on fire. In my mouth, oooh~~, it’s so hot, so fragrant, so fragrant. I can’t tell whether it’s hot or fragrant.

"So Fanfan, you also discovered it, hee hee..."

Seeing my exaggerated way of eating, Tia was rolling with laughter.

"What does that mean?"

I took a sip of cold water and finally came back to life for the time being.

"That's stupid. In other words, there is a high chance that the Answer Boss will appear in front of me." Tia carefully used a long spoon to pick up a few pieces of meat for me and put them into the bowl.

"Oh, I see?"

My eyes returned to the hot bowl, and I continued to struggle inside.

"**Boss, it's most likely a mini-boss level monster, or even a demon king level."

Seeing my nonchalant look, Tia suddenly twisted her nose in anger. Really, I really don’t know whether this person is attracted by the food, or whether he really doesn’t pay attention to that kind of terrifying existence. Little boss. Yeah, that's a monster that only the elders in the village can deal with, and it's still encountered in such a narrow and unfavorable terrain.

"OK, I understand."

I responded casually, made a difficult choice again, and stuffed the hot stew into my mouth. When it came to experience, Tia still fell short. I had already noticed this a few days ago. Her intelligence It's too outdated.

"Huh huh huh~~, Fanfan, you idiot, I won't let you eat, huh~? Eh huh huh~~?? No more, wu~~~~"

Tia puffed up her little mouth and snatched the pot away angrily. She accidentally looked inside and let out a scream. It turned out that she had been taking care of me just now, but she forgot to eat. Now there was only I poured some leftover soup.

"So full, so full. That's it, good night, my little Tia." I patted my belly with satisfaction, not caring that my mouth was bulging with anger. He was holding a ladle on my back behind my back. Dia, who was gesticulating, waved and got into the tent.

The next day, there was still a combination of Answerers and Burning Skeletons along the way. It didn't matter to me. I didn't have to worry about being electrocuted into an afro by the Iron Scarab, or being roasted into a kaffir by the Vampire King, let alone being killed by the Blood Belly Beast. After knocking it so hard that stars are shining in its eyes and adding a second-level judgment of mental retardation, the only flaw is that the answerer is really bad. Why can't it be as delicious as last night's stew? I'm puzzled.

Tia is a little crow's mouth, and she really does whatever she says. After solving a group of Answerers + Burning Skeleton combinations, we passed a long corridor. When we were wondering why it was so quiet along the way, our eyes suddenly lit up. The two people couldn't help but stop.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

I sighed and looked at Tia helplessly.

The exit of the corridor. After going down the stairs, there is a huge tomb, estimated to be at least tens of thousands of square meters in area. On top of it, densely packed fiery red burning skeletons form a sea of ​​bones. How many thousand? Or tens of thousands? There are too many to count, many of them are tall leaders or even elites, and they are on the other side of the passage. At the entrance of the tomb, a dozen giant Solvers stood there. One of them was unusually tall, more than twice the size of an ordinary Solver. Its giant purple-red body exuded a strong aura of oppression.

Mini-boss level answerer. The toughest enemy finally appeared.

"Woo~~, what should I do? It seems that the mission this time cannot be completed. If I had known, I would have brought more tribesmen over." Dia held her head and wailed.

"Is there no other way around?"

Looking at Tia with a pitiful expression, for some reason, I just wanted to bully her. Maybe it was because she was always smiling and optimistic, so it was rare for her to show such a flaw.

"Woo~~, no more. I've never been here before, I just knew there was such a passage from the map." Tia held her head tightly and shook it like a mole.

"Oops. What should I do now? If I don't complete the task and go back like this, I will be laughed at by others." I continued to sigh pretending to be helpless.

"Woo~~, stop talking, stop talking, Fanfan, you bad guy." Tia simply held her head and huddled in the shadow of the corner, wailing intermittently, her figure getting smaller and smaller...

"Okay, okay. I won't play with you anymore. Leave everything to me. You have to stay here obediently." I finally couldn't help laughing. He touched her head again and again.


Tia raised her head and looked at me in surprise.

"Leave two ghost wolves here, that's enough. Don't mess around." When his eyes touched, he only saw my back getting further and further away.

"Idiot, what are you going to do? Just don't mess around."

Dia screamed and was about to catch up when the ghost wolf next to her suddenly took a step forward and stopped her. She could only look at the tall figure standing on the stairs, looking down at the countless skeletons below like a king. ocean.

With a "swish" sound, the burning skeleton below finally reacted, its jaws opened and closed, the red light in its eye sockets flashed a few times, and suddenly burst out. Suddenly, countless skeletons surged up from the stairs, and the rattling bones made a sound. Just like the orderly footsteps of thousands of knights, it resounded throughout the tomb, making people tremble before they even trembled.

It's over, it's been discovered, it's already a life-and-death situation.

Tia was stunned for a moment, her eyes of despair flashed by. In just a moment, she showed her bright smile again, but with an extra layer of strength on it. She gently touched the staff in her hand. She raised her head and said, He stepped around the ghost wolf, and the determination in his eyes made the ghost wolf pause and not stop him.

"Hey, you guys are so annoying." I yawned as I looked at the surging skeletons below.

Along the way, I actually enjoyed working with Tia. After all, I have struggled alone for a long time, and occasionally I hope someone can stand by my side and act as my arm. Although Xiaoxue can also play such a role, But it's just a wolf after all.

Therefore, I am really embarrassed to have concealed my strength.

"Xiaoxue, get ready."

Looking at the skeleton that was gradually approaching my eyes, I narrowed my eyes slightly. I waved my hand gently, and Xiaoxue, who was standing behind me, immediately took two steps forward, with her sharp claws stretched out and hooked tightly on the ground. Her mouth as big as a washbasin opened to the ground. It was over 120 degrees, and layers of storm-like halos burst out from inside.


A snow-white beam of light shot out from the big mouth, penetrated the entire ocean of skeletons, and shot into the group of Answerers on the opposite side. The three Answerers standing at the front were thrown more than ten meters into the sky by the blast airflow like garbage, and then It turned into pieces of meat and fell down.

Sorry, didn’t you defeat the mini-boss? What a shame. I curled my lips.

The whole scene suddenly became quiet. Even the burning skeleton that had just rushed forward with a desperate momentum was stagnant in mid-air. He turned his head and stared blankly at the straight line extending from the exit here, passing through the entire tomb to the entrance on the opposite side. There is a hollow area four meters wide. One moment, their brothers were still "alive" standing on it, and the next moment. But it has turned into a pile of broken bones falling from the sky.

Dia, who had everything in sight, stared at the man-made hollow area, and she also froze. The staff in her hand fell to the ground without realizing it. The two ghost wolves following behind glanced at her lightly. , as if to say, why are you in such a hurry? Let’s take a look. This is our strength.


The little boss Solver, who was half as tall as the ordinary Solver, looked up to the sky and roared. Only then did the Burning Skeletons react - yes, as long as the Solver is there, they will not die. The skeleton that came over from fear suddenly cheered up and came back to life.

"Oh, the momentum is really good."

I laughed and gave Xiaoxue and the others an order. With a soft drink, he immediately transformed into a werewolf state.

Hum, let me show you my newly acquired magical skills. I jumped down from the stairs, and amidst Dia's absent-minded exclamation, I stepped on the head of a burning skull.


With a kick of my toes, I stepped on my head and jumped high again. Look at the sea of ​​skeletons below to see which skull has a rounder head and is more comfortable to walk on.

Yes, this is the Qing Kung Fu I practiced for a long time in the tents in the camp area when I was in Rogge Camp. During this period, countless tents collapsed and I was chased by those aunts with iron pots and kitchen knives. Not only did he stop at half of Rogge's camp, but he was also invited to drink tea for a whole day by Akara. The sadness and sweat inside are enough to make even the Sinking Demon shed tears. Shout out to a confidant.

How about it, doesn't it look cool? (Teaching time of Teacher Kasha: In fact, this technique is not practical at all. Apart from tents, what other monster would stand still and let a fool like you step on it) , I haven’t decided on a name yet, what should I call it, Floating on the Water? No trace of walking in the snow? Lingbo Weibu?

In a blink of an eye, I had jumped over half of the tomb chamber, and the mini-boss on the opposite side became clear, oh? The name is "Ancient Soulless Card", which is annoying. It's so vulgar, I'll wait for the Sa family to come and take your neck.

Just when he was feeling proud, the head of the skull he stepped on suddenly softened and collapsed, and his body immediately fell into the sea of ​​skeletons. How...what happened? The thoughts in my mind passed by in a flash.

Damn it, this skeleton is deficient in calcium.

The surroundings dimmed, and I was surrounded by overwhelming skeletons. Some even stepped on my companions and pressed them down from above. It seemed that they planned to crush me to death even if they couldn't kill me.

Tsk tsk. Is it that easy? There's no way you can break through my defenses, but being surrounded by a bunch of skeletons and scum is really unlucky.

The next moment, an ice lotus burst out from the Skull Mountain, using the mage's second-level ice skill - Frost Nova.


After the ice lotus passed by, a slow and majestic voice came from inside, and a white barrier was seen opening from below and unfolded. The mountains of skeletons were immediately blown away by the white barrier, revealing a large open space. I slowly stood up in the center of the open space, patted the dust off my body, jumped up, and continued my Qinggong journey.

The priest's first-level skill - Exorcism, was rewarded by the little ghost yesterday. I didn't expect that he would be able to express it in the same way today. It seems to be the nemesis of these Skull Land.

After several consecutive jumps, I had crossed the sea of ​​skeletons under the tomb and appeared opposite the Answerer. I grinned at the mini-boss. It seemed that this kind of monster did not have high melee combat capabilities. In this regard, judging from its It can be seen in the look of panic that cannot be concealed.


Several answerers gathered around and stood in front of me, as if they wanted to protect their boss, the ancient soulless card... Damn, why is this name so hard to pronounce? Let's just call it card, and our brother card is... Taking the opportunity, he threw a black ball of light at me. This ball of light is very useful. It can be used to resurrect skeletons and injure enemies. And Brother Card can use it to resurrect even ordinary solvers. It seems incredible. Get rid of Brother Card first. This battle will be endless.

Withstanding the impact of the black ball of light, Wild Fury casually touched the Solver next to me. With the speed bonus, I passed through their encirclement in a flash, and now they helped me block the ones behind me. How ironic that he helped the skeleton pursuers.

We met Brother Card one-on-one. He was also a bachelor. He roared like a man, threw a black ball of light again, and rushed towards me. "Don't worry, don't worry, let's have a good chat." It's so uncivilized to shout and kill all day long.

I slanted my body, dodged the black ball of light, and quickly switched weapons. A weakening cover was placed on top of its head. Well, the effect didn't seem to be good. Look at the attributes of the mini-boss: extremely strong, magic resistance, and lightning enhancement. , Damn, can’t you be weaker?

I ducked down to Brother Ka's feet. When I looked up, I realized its height. It was more than four or five meters high. Not to mention now, even in the bear-man state, I could only reach it's chest. Coupled with the skinny figure, it is really difficult to distinguish whether it is a telephone pole or not when standing on the side of the road.

Originally, lightning-enhanced monsters must avoid melee combat. It is safer to use magic attacks, but Brother Ka happened to have a magic resistance attribute. Well, if the first plan fails, we have another plan, shoot with bows and arrows. Unexpectedly, Brother Card was already on guard, and once again he used a very strong trap, just like a hedgehog, making it difficult for people to start.

After circling around Brother Ka for a few times, I finally gave up on trying to take advantage and rushed forward with a scream. My only wish now is that after the battle is over, I can still keep a small amount of intact hair on my body.

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