Diablo Destruction

Chapter 539: Wu Fan in the Eyes of Others

"Sir, are you competing with Lord Kasha again?"

Every time at this time, Veras always has a gentle smile that can heal people, wipes the dirt on my face with a white handkerchief, and then prepares hot bath water for me.

"Hey, Xiaofan, you are naughty again. When will we stop worrying about you?"

If Vilas is like an angel, then the little ghost is undoubtedly a little devil. She spoke like a mother who saw her naughty son who came home late and was covered in mud. Then she stretched out her delicate jade fingers and kept touching the bag on my head. , I poked it here and there curiously, and the soft little fingers touched the sore spot like dots and strokes. The sensation was itchy and painful, which made me confused whether I should push it away or not.

"I really hope you can come back victorious one day."

Finally, the little ghost sighed, looking angry, but his eyes were full of smiles. This little guy has a sharp mouth, but he is actually most afraid of loneliness. As long as he talks to her, he can often see her. When she shows a satisfied and happy expression, in a sense, she is a very easy little animal to raise, of course, provided that you have the ability to feed her with diamonds.

"I'm afraid you'll have to look forward to it for a long time."

I also sighed. We had no ambition to win against each other. We just thought that by being promoted to the pseudo-realm, we would be able to get closer to the old drunkard. Unexpectedly, we were still abused. As expected, we were with an old monster who had lived like this for hundreds of years. In comparison, he is still a bit young. If you want to win, you may have to have an absolute upper hand in strength.

"Come on, sir, the bath water is ready."

Vilas came out of the bathroom, with a slight drop of fragrant sweat on her forehead. She still had clothes in her hands, and even a change of clothes was ready. As expected of Vilas, if there was anything she couldn't take care of, she couldn't. Help me wipe myself.

Ahem, I can only think about this idea in my heart. If I bring it up to Willas openly now, in front of the little ghosts and the others, I am afraid she will close her eyes tightly in shyness and subconsciously wave the pan over.

By the way, since acquiring the golden pan made by Muradin himself, Vilas's attack power has been greatly enhanced, especially with the flying skill, which can turn the opponent into a golf ball by accident. The person who created the special weapon for her originally Decision, is it really the right one?

Therefore, I could only extend my magic hand to the little ghost, but the little guy seemed to guess my intention. Before taking action, he flew out with a melodious laugh, hid behind Vilas, and winked at me with bright eyes. Head.

This little guy, I just let her play with the bag on my head, but now she doesn't even want to wipe my body. It's like eating a king's meal. After eating, she wipes her mouth and runs away. Generally bad in nature.

Helpless, I had no choice but to hum a little tune and enter the bathroom alone, thinking about how to punish this little guy later.

"Speaking of which, Xiaofan, have you recovered your debt?" The little ghost's voice came from outside, followed by a period of silence.

Of course Rogge is not called the third stingy for nothing, but the problem is the debt collection target, the second stingy. I sighed deeply and felt that the road to revolution has a long way to go.

On the other side...

Because of Yaluo's incident, Farah, who had been hiding for a long time, finally emerged from nowhere in the dead of night. In the quiet night, he strolled along the deserted gravel paths, stroking his sad gray hair with his hand. Bearded, he looked up at the blood-red full moon in the sky, with a poet-like melancholy in his eyes, as if he could spit out a beautiful hymn from his mouth at any time.

Rogge was silent at night, as if the noise during the day was just a floating dream, which made people feel extremely unreal. Sometimes, it was even unclear whether he was dreaming or awake. Farah seemed to be immersed in this feeling. But unfortunately, travelers in a hurry at night broke all this.

When he heard the footsteps, the other party was already less than a hundred meters away from him, and he didn't seem to be trying to cover up the sound of his footsteps. Farah was startled, but it only took an instant for him to calm down again.

In Rogge Camp, even where tens of thousands of adventurers and strong men gather now, there is probably only one person who can do this.

"Drunkard, what's going on? I rarely see you hanging out so late at night." He said hello to the dark figure in front of him.

"I'm going to say the same thing to you. What are you doing in this place alone? Have you finally reduced yourself to highway robbery because of your tight pockets?"

Kasha's pace seemed slow but was actually fast. Before Farah finished speaking, he had already crossed the distance of 100 meters and came to Farah. He looked at the other party's eyes with pity and won the semi-finals gambling. She has a lot of money, and now she has the consciousness of a rich person.

"Hey, what's going on with you?"

Farah was about to respond to Kasha's teasing, but suddenly looked at her in surprise, as if she had seen something incredible.

Kasha's current appearance can no longer be described as dusty. His clothes are stained with mud, and there are even scratch marks on several exposed arms and even face. Although the adventurer's recovered physique, these scratches are The marks have long been intact, but the traces left behind cannot be hidden from an experienced hand like Farah.

"Oh, this?"

Kasha subconsciously patted her clothes a few times, and the dust and mud immediately shook off with her movements.

"Well, I just had a competition with Mr. Wu." She said casually. Although she underestimated the enemy at the beginning and made herself a little embarrassed, the boy also paid the price for it. The bag on his head doubled as before. more than.

"Is that so? No wonder I just felt that there seemed to be someone fighting in the distance. At first I thought it was the restless adventurers fighting in a group." Farah suddenly realized and smiled.

"However, even if your opponent is Mr. Wu, your appearance is too exaggerated."

Among the entire Rogge, probably only Farah knew the extent of the strength of the sloppy old drunkard in front of him. That was still decades ago.

"Don't be wordy, I'm just a little careless. I didn't expect that boy's pseudo-realm to be so special." Kasha's old face pulled back and he groaned in dissatisfaction.

"Oh, what's so special?" After hearing Kasha's words, Farah suddenly became curious.

"Forget it, you will know after the next level. I have to go back and clean it up first. It is extremely uncomfortable to have all this dirt stuck to my body." Kasha frowned as he patted the endless dust on his body.

"Looking at you, you don't seem to be happy. After all, you taught Mr. Wu. If he has reached this point, shouldn't you be happy?"

Seeing that there was no trace of relief in Kasha's eyes from beginning to end, Farah couldn't help but become more curious.

"In normal times, maybe I should have had two drinks to celebrate, but I'm not in the mood now. Boy Wu has improved his strength at the wrong time. That kid Carlos may be really in danger this time."

As Kasha walked, he passed by Farah, responded without looking back, and then sighed.

"Why is my life so miserable? It's obviously something worth being happy about, but I can't be happy about it. I worry about this and worry about that..."

Listening to Kasha's complaint, Farah suddenly laughed with schadenfreude: "Haha, who asked you to teach so many students, and each of them has a rebellious personality, unlike me, now I can be regarded as having nothing to do."

"Just brag, that's fine. I won't disturb you for seeing the moon and missing someone. Also, Akara asked me to tell you that during the finals, you, the elder, should at least come out and show your face. Don't stay in the room all the time and let the others People think that the dignified elders of the alliance will seek death and survive because of the death of their students..."

Gradually, Kasha's voice disappeared into the darkness along with her figure. Farah stood there for a long time, and finally sighed quietly, and her figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air like nothingness. On the empty path in the middle of the night, there was only The cool night breeze of the grassland is left, blowing through the grass, ruffling the grass...

The date of the finals is getting closer and closer, and the adventurers' emotions are gradually getting higher. Although the "legendary cloaked man" has not appeared in the past few days, it does not hinder everyone's conversation.

However, the current hot topic has become one-sided. No one is arguing about who will win or lose between Carlos and the man in the cloak. They are betting on how long this battle will last and whether the man in the cloak will be able to win. It’s just a matter of how long it takes to stand in front of Carlos.

There are many reasons for this situation, but they all come from the intuitive feeling of the two battles in the semi-finals.

On the other hand, at the end of the second game, Sharna's arrogant and arrogant attitude in front of everyone, although it aroused many people's disgust, seemed to make more adventurers even more obsessed with it. These days, arrogance There are many strong women, and almost all Amazons are like this, but such an arrogant and strong woman... no, she can already be called a queen.

She is born with a arrogant and indifferent temperament, without any acquired sculptures or artificiality, but there is only Sharna. Coupled with her extremely beautiful appearance and admirable strength, other adventurers are obsessed with it and can't stop. It is also a reasonable thing.

Therefore, relatively, the more popular Sharna becomes, the more envied the man in the cloak who asked her to abstain from the semi-finals will be. Whether rationally or emotionally, the results of the finals will be more and more jealous. It had already been planned in the minds of these people. The cloaked male Druid was beaten into a pig's head by Carlos. Sharna was angry and heartbroken, and then she took advantage of it.

Well, although this is something that is so perfect that it is illusory, as a man, no matter what type of man he is, I am afraid that he will have sex like this occasionally.

Of course, it is not that there are no supporters. Some adventurers who claim that the cloaked man is very powerful, and who can tell at a glance that they are friends of the cloaked man without revealing their cards, still have the consciousness of death - at least in the eyes of other adventurers. Come on, put hundreds of gold coins or a few gems on the cloaked man.

The adventurers all expressed their understanding of this emotional favoritism. After all, if everyone suppressed Carlos, they would not make much money. However, they still expressed surprise at the number of friends the cloaked man had.

From the camp, from Lugoin, from Kurast, from the Demon Fortress, from Harrogas, from Grandpa, and even from the fox tribe, werewolf tribe, dwarf tribe, and even the beautiful little elf sister, that cloak What happened to the man? Could it be that he is the legendary cloaked man with a face from hundreds of tribes who succeeded Her Royal Highness Raphael, the princess of hundreds of tribes?

Those adventurers who saw that the cloaked man was always accompanied by a few girls who were more beautiful than angels secretly and maliciously speculated like this with a sour heart.

With all kinds of thoughts, speculations, rumors or gossip, the pace of time did not stop here, and soon came the night before the finals.

Although it’s a bit embarrassing to say this, my current mood is indeed like that of a little kid who couldn’t sleep because he was excited about hiking. After saying hello to Vilas, I slipped out of the small jungle near my home and started walking alone. I hope the quiet night can calm my nervousness at the moment.

Of course, what I didn't know was that on the other side, from where I was at the camp, was the training camp in the north area of ​​the camp opposite, and Carlos was also walking in the night.

Although Carlos looks very heavy and calm on the surface, only he knows how nervous he is now. Tomorrow's battle can be said to be related to the fact that he has been struggling in pain for decades, but still survives. meaning.

There are only two outcomes for him in tomorrow's game, win or die. This is his determination.

As long as I can win, as long as I can see her, no matter if I use despicable means, no matter if I am despised by everyone, fame, glory, these illusory things, for decades, I always look at the sky with empty eyes. For Carlos, who came over, it didn't matter anymore.

He couldn't help but turn his gaze to the distant sky again, which was filled with black rumbles. This was natural because it was night, but no matter the color of the sky he saw, whether it was black, gray, white, or blue, it was always the same. Separated by a huge gap, it didn't feel like the same world at all.

There is another world on the other side of the sky. No matter how he reaches out or leaps, he cannot touch the world at all. It is precisely because he knows this that he is in so much pain and looks forward to this victory so much, because this is his The only chance to touch that world, the last ray of light! !

He raised his head like this and looked at it quietly, unaware of the passage of time.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and Carlos reacted almost at the same time. The long sword was already in his hand at some point, and he stabbed straight at the black shadow that fell from the sky and rushed towards him. The speed and power that cut through the space. , which makes people unwilling. Although it is just an ordinary long sword, it can pierce the hard steel plate like tofu without any hindrance.

However, this inevitable blow hit the air, and the black shadow in the sky was like an incorporeal ghost, penetrated by Carlos's sword from the chest, the tip of the sword was exposed on the back, but There was no muffled sound of hitting the entity.

Carlos reacted in an instant, and at this time, a spear was quietly pressed against his neck.

Carlos didn't panic. There was only one person in the entire camp who could show such a speed that even he could not compare to and dodge his attack.

"Teacher Kasha, you are here." He turned around and gave a gentle salute to the other party.

The spear flashed and disappeared from Carlos' neck. In the moonlight, Kasha was sitting high on the tree branch next to Carlos. He withdrew his right hand holding the gun and held the wine bottle in his left hand. He poured the wine into his mouth leisurely. If you can ignore her usual scoundrel appearance, she looks a bit like a drunkard at this moment.

"The reaction is too slow!!" After taking a sip of wine and exhaling the breath of alcohol, she scolded him in a slightly stern voice.

"I'm sorry, I failed the teacher's teachings." Carlos smiled bitterly.

"It's good to know. Forget it. It's not that I can't understand your current mood. I'll let you go this time." After a pause, Kasha turned over like a carp and jumped down from the tree lightly. He landed silently and his feet were not moving. Dust.

"I'm here now to tell you good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear?" Kasha walked forward slowly, while Carlos followed her leisurely.

"Good news and bad news, is that right?" Carlos murmured to himself, with a slight movement in his heart.

"Teacher Kasha, before I ask you, can I ask a question first."

"Oh, you have other questions? I don't see. I thought you had no other thoughts in your mind now except winning this game."

"You can say that, but now that you have made up your mind, no matter what good or bad news Teacher Kasha brings, it is not that important anymore, is it?" Carlos responded with an unchanged expression.

"You must be calm, okay, if you have any questions, just ask, just think of it as a buy-one-get-one-free discount." Kasha glanced at the other party and continued to respond casually.

"I want to know, what kind of person is Druid Wu Fan in the eyes of Teacher Kasha?"

"Ha——, is this a boring question you want to ask?"

"Well, actually I'm really curious about him. Teacher, you also know that I fought with him once in Lu Gaoyin four years ago. It's really unimaginable that in just four years, he has grown to this level. To this extent.”

Carlos looked into the distance, as if he was recalling the scene at that time. Back then, the little adventurer who transformed into a strange giant bear and used the holding skills taught by Teacher Kasha has now grown to a level that even he is afraid of. extent.

Four years, for the life span of a dark man, is neither short nor long. Perhaps for a commoner who counts his days, four years is indeed a long time, but for adventurers, it is just a short period of time. It's just the shortest time it takes for a rookie to advance to the level of a quasi-rookie.

Kasha was silent for a moment, and suddenly showed a clear smile: "Indeed, now that I think about it, the things about Wu Xiaozi are really magical and weird. No wonder you pay attention to it. Even if I think about it like this, I still feel like I am... It’s like a dream.”

Kasha pondered slightly, recalling the past bit by bit.

"The first time I met this silly boy was probably more than six years ago. At that time, he seemed to have come to Rogge Camp for the first time. As a 'wild' job transferee who had not transferred jobs in the camp, and his origin He is unknown, his tribe is unknown, and his name is also very unusual, so of course he will receive special attention, but that kid is so stupid that, let alone me, he did not notice even the secretly following the soldiers whose surveillance level was extremely high."

Thinking of this, Kasha seemed to remember the childish, silly and cheerful face she had six years ago, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"However, what really made me pay attention to him was Akara's prophecy. After Akara and Wu Xiaozi met for the first time, she told me that her omnipotent prophecy was ineffective against Wu Xiaozi, and she could only see a trace of her... And the light that cannot be determined.”

"So that's when I really paid attention to Mr. Wu, but the result was very disappointing." Kasha continued with her dry lips.

"After just a few observations, I came to the conclusion that he is a very weak guy. I don't mean his strength, but his spirit, will, skills and experience. They are all in a mess. Even an ordinary civilian can't. Why not, I simply can’t imagine that such a person can be promoted to a druid, is this a joke from God?”

When he heard this, Carlos also showed a surprised look. He always thought that the other party must have some special ability, but he didn't expect it to be so "special".

"Looking at Mr. Wu's current achievements, you can't imagine what I just said, but it is indeed true."

Carlos's surprise was completely expected by Kasha. Even she herself would feel ridiculous when comparing the Wu boy now with the Wu boy six years ago.

"The first time I really met Wu Xiaozi face to face was when he completed his second training experience at Rogge Camp. It was probably the time after he came back. I can't remember clearly. After two training sessions, how did he feel to me? A little better, but he has just reached the level of ordinary civilians. But what surprises me is that even if he is left to practice alone, he can still survive. With his weak will, he has not suffered any damage. The influence of the murderous aura.”

Having said this, Kasha paused, waiting for Carlos to finish digesting his words.

As we all know, when the Alliance selects adventurers, there is another prerequisite before qualifications, which is to test the mental willpower. People with weak willpower can easily lose themselves in the killing and eventually become a demon-like existence. .

This is a period of dark history. When the Alliance was first established, it was too anxious to expand its own power due to lack of experience and neglected this aspect. As a result, although the number of adventurers at that time was hundreds of times what it is now, as the Those adventurers who were not strong-minded gradually fell into depravity, and a huge disaster occurred within the alliance, which almost caused the foundation of the emerging alliance to collapse.

Therefore, since then, it has become the first rule of the alliance to rather lack than to abuse. No matter how good the qualifications are, those with weak willpower or evil intentions will not be accepted.

"Later, I accidentally learned from the stinky girl what magical method Wu Xiaozi used to solve this problem. I originally wanted to know where to promote it in the future, but unexpectedly..."

Having said this, Kasha shook his head and said to Carlos: "Do you know what I admire most about Mr. Wu?"

Carlos naturally shook his head.

"It's not his power to transform into a blood bear, nor his mutated summoning skills, nor his ability to use other professional skills. But..."

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