Diablo Destruction

Chapter 578 Yizuer

There is a huge angel form that is at least six meters high. Standing on the high stairs, in our eyes, it is like a towering mountain towering into the clouds. We can only look up but cannot shake it.

"Children, you are finally here."

As we stared blankly at Tyrell, a solemn and loud voice sounded from our ears. It seemed that every syllable coming out of his mouth was wrapped in rich holy power, making people feel that The majesty and holiness are as strong as the crashing waves, but it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman.

This is just Tyrael's projection.

The four of us finally cast our eyes on Tyrell's back. The two pairs of wings of light that were constantly fluttering behind him were like energy. They looked extremely gorgeous and were said to be one of Tyrell's main means of attack. .

These wings of light, which seemed to carry infinite power, undoubtedly proved his identity. He was the only one in the world, and no one else could impersonate him.

"Lord Tyrell, in accordance with the instructions of the Great Elder Akara, I - the paladin Carlos, the druid Wu Fan, the barbarian Seatik, and the Amazon Sharna, are here to obey your orders."

Carlos took a step forward, performed the most solemn and respectful knight's salute to the tall Tyrell with a solemn expression, and responded with a solemn and loud voice.

This was also discussed in advance. After all, Sister Sharna and I, as well as Seattle Ke, are not very good at dealing with each other, especially with these "big people". However, we have received strict paladin training since we were young, and our words and deeds are strict. Carlos is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

After saying this, the three of us also bowed lightly. After all, this is the four-winged angel Tyrell, an ancient angel who has lived for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Not to mention anything else, he just lived. At such an age, he is worthy of respect. If we compare him to the lord of a big country, then the four of us are just poor people. It's okay to use it for entertainment after dinner, but when we stand in front of us, it's better to show respect. .

Tyrell did not speak, but looked at us from left to right with his eyes that were like white flames revealed from the solemn armor. His eyes were soft, as if they were real, and they were swept away like this. When he was there, his whole body seemed to be wrapped in warm holy power, which was even worse than when the little ghost cast a healing spell on himself.

Is this guy's mere projection so terrifying that even his gaze is an extremely powerful healing technique?

"very good."

After watching for a while, his loud voice echoed in the temple again.

"As expected of the alliance, I haven't seen such an outstanding human child for many years." Tyrell said with a faint smile, revealing a kind of nostalgia, as if he was reminiscing about something. Some names came out of your mouth.

There were more than a dozen names, including Tarasha, Bulcasso, Eldo, Natalya and other famous Seven Heroes in the Dark Continent. Then later, I actually heard Linya’s grandmother, Lord Raphael, known as the princess of hundreds of tribes, and Akela.

If there is no doubt that these people, whom Tyrell calls the ultimate genius among human beings, then the names of old man Gallon and old drunkard that appeared later undoubtedly paralyzed my expression.

Damn it, in a few years, the four of us will turn into old men and women who roll up their trousers to expose their leg hair while eating, or become rogue, shameless, alcoholic, shameless old men and grandmothers who refuse to repay their debts?

"Today, the Alliance actually has four young talents appearing at the same time in the same era. Together with other races and strong men from the previous generation, the entire Dark Continent has never seen so many talents appear at the same time since it was invaded by hell. , perhaps, the time has finally come for the rise of the Dark Continent.”

Finally, Tyrell concluded with a faint sigh.

The seven heroes were not born in the same era. The earliest barbarian strongman Bulcaisuo and the latest paladin strongman Griswold were thousands of years apart. If they were born in the same era, If time comes, maybe the hell forces can really be driven out of the Dark Continent.

It can only be said that a short lifespan is the biggest nightmare of a genius. Although the potential of human beings is recognized as the first in the three worlds, those earth-shattering geniuses can catch up with those who have practiced for tens of thousands of years in just a few hundred years. The boss is a demon king-level figure, but in the face of death, no matter how strong he is, he has to fade away sadly. If humans can have a life span of tens of thousands of years, they will definitely not be inferior to the angels and demons.

This is probably also a limitation of God's devilish balance rules. Many of the rules are obviously very rough, but they are very clever in this aspect. They have given humans a desire that is more powerful than demons, but they have not allowed humans to dominate the three realms. any glimmer of hope.

Just as I stood blankly, my ears automatically filtering out Tyrell's next nonsense, and my soul was wandering, thinking about things, suddenly Tyrell's eyes fell on me.

I shuddered and woke up immediately. I thought to myself that Fifth Master could see that I was distracted. No, I could definitely tell. After all, he is an old monster who has lived for countless years. He is even worse than an old fox like Akara. I have to be countless times smarter, maybe even have the extremely erotic ability of mind reading. Everything I am thinking about now is nakedly exposed in front of him.

Thinking of this, I quickly cut off the chaotic thoughts in my mind. My head was empty and I didn't dare to think about anything. I faced Tyrell's eyes and a drop of cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

"Are you Druid Wu Fan?"

Fortunately, Tyrell didn't seem to be able to read minds and didn't know what I was thinking. He looked at me for a while and then asked slowly.

"Yes, Lord Tyrell." I quickly stepped forward and nodded in agreement.

"I heard Akara say that you have reached this level in just six years. To be honest, when I first heard Akara talk about you, I thought she was exaggerating."

Tyrell's voice came with a hint of a smile, which made people feel that he was not difficult to get along with, but I would not easily get on his pirate ship. Those ruthless and corrupt officials were still holding farmers' hands affectionately in front of the camera. His hands are full of dirt.

"Elder Akara and Lord Tyrell have all received the award. I just have a little bit of luck."

After thinking about it for a few times, I turned on the pretending mode. I dare not say anything else, but in the past six years in Darkness, the skill of pretending I have practiced hard is absolutely perfect. Even Akara sometimes has trouble with me.

"Luck is also a part of strength. If this kind of luck can lead the Dark Continent to victory, then your achievements will be superior to those of any strong person."

Facing Tyrell's meaningful tone, I could only giggle, giggle, and giggle again. Usually I always want to compete with Princess Sanwu for IQ, but now, I wish I was a fool.

After a pause, Tyrell's eyes glanced at us again, and then he slowly opened his mouth and revealed the real purpose this time: "I came here specially to separate the projections this time. First, I want to see the four of you. As for the second, Two reasons, probably you have also heard Akara say, I want you four to do me a big favor."

Are you "big" busy? We couldn't help but tremble in our hearts. If Tyrell can say "big" busy, it will definitely not be easy. Maybe if the four of us do it together, we will lose our lives at any time. .

"It is our honor to be able to help Lord Tyrell, but please allow me to ask one more question. Although the four of us are indeed the best among the adventurers in the first world, compared to Tyrell The many subordinates of Lord Tyrell, those two-winged angels and almost four-winged angels, are very different. I wonder why Lord Tyrell appointed us?"

Carlos asked in a neither arrogant nor condescending manner. It's not impossible to ask us to help you in vain, but at least you have to explain it clearly to us, so that we won't be confused and ordered around.

"I know you will ask this question. Even Akara is probably very confused. If you can agree, I will naturally explain this matter to you. However, you must promise me that, except for Akara, , absolutely cannot talk about it to anyone else.”

Tyrell's voice, with a hint of seriousness, brought an invisible pressure to us. This irresistible and powerful pressure gave us two choices: either refuse to help, or agree to abide by his rules in the future. Agreement.

I have never heard of asking others to help for free, and making it seem like others are begging him to let me help, making many demands.

I secretly teased, but I remembered what Akara said. Over the past thousands of years, the angel clan has indeed helped the entire Dark Continent a lot, but this favor must be returned.

The four of us looked at each other and found that we had the same idea, and then Carlos raised his head and replied: "Please rest assured, Lord Tyrell, except for reporting to Elder Akara, we will never mention it to anyone."

"Well, that's actually the case. Then I would like to thank you on behalf of the entire angel clan."

Tyrell's voice slowed down, and he nodded slightly toward us, then turned his back again, facing us with his two pairs of dazzling energy wings, returning to the time when we first saw him, staring at the wall. of the angel in the carving pose.

After a while, he slowly spoke.

"This war with hell probably lasted for tens of thousands of years. Although these tens of thousands are just a blink of an eye for me, many things have happened. I can be proud to say, Not only have many respectable heroes emerged in the mainland, our angel clan has also experienced various tragic deeds in this battle."

Tyrell's tone with a slight sigh made us look solemn. Indeed, angels account for at least half of the heroes recorded in history books. In this tens of thousands of years of tug-of-war, calculated in proportion, The sacrifices of the entire angel race are actually not much less than ours. No matter what their ultimate goal is, this favor is not small.

"Without the help of the Angels and your wise command, Lord Tyrell, the Dark Continent would have fallen long ago." Carlos bowed solemnly again and said sincerely thanking him.

However, Tyrell had obviously entered a state of forgetfulness. It was not known whether he heard Carlos's thanks. He paused and continued talking to himself.

"One of the heroes of the angel race who made a significant contribution in resisting the forces of hell. I wonder if you have heard of it. My once proud deputy, the quasi-four-winged angel Yizuer."

Hearing Tyrell mention this name, Carlos's expression changed again. He obviously knew something. I also had a vague impression. It seemed that it was mentioned in Kane's book. As for Sisters Seattlek and Sharna, I'm afraid it would take Tyrell. Riel was disappointed. These two people didn't look like they would read books like The Heroes of the Continent.

After thinking about it carefully, I finally recalled who this Yizuer was.

When Hell first invaded, there was a brave and capable angel general who held the heavenly rune sacred weapon "Green Fury" and made great contributions in the battle between angels and demons.

His reputation, especially the "Blue Fury", an artifact in his hand that is called the devil's nemesis, is like the devil to humans in hell. It is the kind that can stop children from crying at night, even the most cruel ones. The great devil must also be feared by him. There were some strange histories (unconfirmed history) that even mentioned that even the great devil Diavolo, who was a four-winged power, was defeated by him. , a lizard horn was chopped off by that cyan anger.

In addition to his own bravery and proficiency in fighting, most of Yizuer's power is due to the artifact in his hand [Blue Fury], which is known as the nemesis of demons. Under the leadership of Yizuer's sharp sword, the people who were once killed The three shitty demons got together and finally made a decision - to create a hellish artifact that could restrain [Green Rage], so that they could tear Yi Zuer into pieces, who was even more evil than the devil.

It is not easy to create an artifact that can counter the cyan wrath. Even the three demon gods took hundreds of years to collect the materials. Near Diavolo's hometown, the Hell Furnace is known as the first furnace in Hell. Start building it and name this magic sword [Nightmare Sword Shadow Fang].

The devil's wish was not fulfilled. Although the three demon gods had acted cautiously, at the critical moment, Yizuer learned that Yizuer would certainly not let the three demon gods create the [green anger] that they could rely on to fight. Otherwise, how could he survive on the battlefield in the future? In a hurry, he did not even bother to report to his commander, Tyrell, and directly led thousands of subordinates to the Hell Furnace, intending to crush the conspiracy of the three demon gods.

Although in the end, he did successfully prevent the birth of the [Nightmare Sword Shadow Fang], but he did not know that this was completely the conspiracy of the three demon gods. How can it be said that an artifact that can compete with the cyan anger can be created? If it were really that simple to create, it would take the Three Demon Gods a thousand years to build it, and if only one person could do it, wouldn’t it turn the world upside down?

All of this is just a trap set by the three demon gods. The so-called [Nightmare Sword Shadow Fang] is just a bait. At the most critical moment, it slows down the old fox Tyrell and reveals the news to Yi Zuer. Let him throw himself into a trap. Without Tyrell, Yizuer, who was more than brave but lacking in strategy, was finally fooled. When he came to the furnace of hell, he was surrounded by three demons. Even with the cyan anger in hand , how could he, who only had the strength of four wings, break out from the hands of three demon gods who were one level higher than him?

In the end, Yi Zuer, who was known as the number one warrior in the heaven, died. It is said that before Yi Zuer died, in order to prevent the artifact from falling into the hands of the three demon gods, Yi Zuer also self-destructed. Although the devil succeeded in his trick and got rid of the thorn in their hearts, he did not expect that Yizuer would be such a bachelor and had the heart to destroy the heavenly holy weapon.

The most important part of the plan is actually seizing the sword. Killing Yi Zuer is not that important. Without the angry green Yi Zuer, he is just a tiger without teeth. But Yi Zuer became a bachelor and the three demon gods Everyone cried, and the power of Cyan Fury's self-destruction was so powerful that it was said to have injured gods and demons, and half of Diavolo's hometown was lost.

Although the chicken was stolen, he touched its feces and was beaten by the owner of the chicken farm. This is probably the best portrayal of the three devils' mood at that time.

According to historical records, the self-destruction also blew off another of Diavolo's horns.


I'm sure that the person who wrote this strange history is either a terrifying being who can stand by and watch the battle between the three demon gods and Yi Zuer, or he has a grudge against Diavolo for killing his father.

I can remember the information about Yizuer in such detail, thanks to the fact that when I played the game, the fourth level only had three tasks, and the task of killing Yizuer was quite impressive, so I took a look at it.

Uh, wait, Shayi Zuer, you can’t do it, boss...

Just when cold sweat began to break out on my forehead, Tyrell, who briefly described Yizuer's life story due to the ignorance of Sister Sharna and Seatik, had just finished speaking, and then looked at us. Take a look and say.

"The next thing is the information I ask you to keep confidential."

"Historical records say that Yizuer, who was dying, detonated the cyan anger. It is indeed true, but because of this, people take it for granted that in the explosion that seriously injured the three demon gods, they had already suffered Yizuer, who was seriously injured, is even less likely to survive."

After a pause, with Carlos and the others thinking and my eyes crying and despairing, Tyrell continued.

"Actually, according to my subsequent investigation, although Yizuer was blown to pieces at that time, his soul was still not dead and was still wandering in hell. Therefore, over the years, I have continued to seep out of the hell realm, even several times The conflict with Baal and the others was to find Yizuer’s soul and lead him back to the heaven, so that the former number one warrior of the angel race could be reborn again.”

When he said this, he sighed, which made people feel that things seemed to be developing in a bad direction. Of course, I was the only one who was not surprised. I even knew what Tyrell's request was. Wasn't he asking us to kill him? Yizuer?


Isn’t it just a fart! ! Yi Zuer is a quasi-four-winged angel. Do you know what a quasi-four-winged angel is? Caial, the quasi-four-winged angel who appeared during the tournament, could kill me with one finger. As the former number one warrior of the angel race, Izuel, who even dared to chop off Diavolo's horns, is for us. Say, is the difficulty any different from directly challenging God alone?

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