“I didn’t expect you to go that way.”

Seeing Lin Tian return, Chris said with a smile. In his impression.

Lin Tian has a gentle personality and is also very mature. I didn’t expect it!

Lin Tian faces the Immortal Spring Catcher who illegally blocked the home base! I chose to treat it in the most brutal way!

“He blocked the whole home run.”

“If I don’t knock him away, I won’t be able to score at all.”

Lin Tian said, “However, if I forcibly collide, I will also have a high probability of being injured.” ”

“There is a saying in my country that you are not benevolent and I am unrighteous, which means that if you do not pay attention to benevolence and morality, then I will not pay attention to morality!”

“Since he ignores the rules and wants to deliberately create a collision, then I will satisfy him!”

“A pity”

Lin Tian sighed.

“If he hadn’t instigated him at a critical moment, I would have definitely sent him to the hospital to lie down for ten days and a half months!”

I saw Lin Tian with a look of regret.

Isashiki, Kurashiki, and the others were all stunned and stunned. They really didn’t expect it!

A man who is usually so gentle!

The idea of hitting people with spikes and even crashing into hospitals comes up with the idea of hitting people with spikes! No!

Not an idea!

Lin Tian not only thought so, but also really did so!!!.

“Why are everyone so surprised?”

Lin Tian looked around and found that everyone was looking at him with wide eyes. Even Coach Kataoka.

On the serious face, some surprise appeared.

“The main thing is that you are too gentle on weekdays.”

Chris said, “The contrast between that violent behavior just now and yours is too great.” ”

Lin Tian smiled lightly: “To treat different people, you naturally have to use different methods.” ”

“You are all good-hearted people, and I will certainly show a gentle side.”

“But if it’s the kind of person who ignores the rules and even wants me to get hurt, I’ll just choose to do it more brutally!”


“Be merciful to the wicked!”

“It’s cruelty to yourself!”


Everyone nodded thoughtfully.

At the same time, there is also a further understanding of Lin Tian’s personality.

Six minutes later.

When Xianquan struggled to get together 3 elimination numbers.

The points they lost in the fifth game had gone from 2 to 5.

Together with 6 points in the fourth inning and 1 point in the third inning, and 1 point in the first inning, the total score of Seido has reached 13 points.

This means!

If Sensen doesn’t want the game to end early!

Then they had to score 4 points in the second half of the fifth inning!

But can they do it?

Game 5. Second.

Sensen High School Offense.

Leading the way was the 4th baseman. But!

Sawamura, who is back in great shape!

The thrown ball is difficult to play, resulting in the 4 basemen hitting it, but it is easily defended by Aodo! The same is true for the next 5 sticks!

Just when Sensen was in a desperate situation where no one was 1 on the two-man outboard! The 6th stick of Sensen!

Pitcher. Yosuke Maki walked out of the seating area!

“True wood!”

“You can fly a long way as long as you hit!”

“Just swing the stick hard and the ball will surely fly over the heads of field defenders!”

Coach Goose Feed rubbed his chin and said with a light smile: “This batting task is entrusted to you!” ”

Maki didn’t say anything back, but nodded his head heavily.


With the fortitude to put it to death and live after!

Step by step, slowly walked to the strike zone!

“Two people out, no one on the base!”

“For Xianquan, it can be said that it is a hopeless situation!”

“Although it is the ace of Xianquan standing in the batting area, even if there is a good performance at this time, it is useless, right?”

“Theoretically, before the game is over, there is hope for everything!”

The audience exchanged words and ears.

As for whether Sensen could drag into the sixth innings, everyone thought that there was no such possibility. Unless Qingdao suddenly becomes all in a bad state!

But is this possible?

Obviously impossible to exist! So!

It’s incredible!

However, in previous years, I often broke into the Sensensen of the top 4 in Western Tokyo!

There is indeed a high probability that Seido will surpass the 10-point difference and end the game early in 5 innings!

On the pitch.

Miyuki will be placed in the lower position of the set.

At the same time, give a gesture: “Use the low ball path to earn a good number of balls!” ”

Sawamura nodded.

Then he roared loudly and threw the ball in full momentum. But what Sawamura didn’t expect!

Sensen’s real wood blasted the ball directly into the field!


The place where the ball hits is outside the right field!

“Obviously it’s a displacement ball.”

“He can still fight so far.”

“This guy’s strength is also too strong.”

Miyuki narrowed his eyes slightly, “If you continue to throw some good balls, you will definitely be shot directly!” ”


Considering that Sawamura was in the last game…

Almost got hit by a home run by Thunderbolt City…

He had just been beaten so far again, so Miyuki didn’t say it directly. Instead, he boasted: “The ball speed is very good!” ”

“Just throw it all in!”

Sawamura nodded seriously.

“He’s tall.”

“The arms are very long.”

Miyuki glanced at the real wood without a trace.

“The weakness of this kind of batter is basically the inner corner ball close to the front of the body!”

“Another outside corner later!”

“Finally, with the inside corner!”

But Miyuki thought it was good.

And the gloves are placed in the corresponding position, and instructions are also given. The ball thrown by Kozawamura!

But because of too much force, it directly deviated from the good ball area!

“Even if you know what to do.”

“But it’s unlikely to relax right now.”

Chris gave a sharp evaluation.

“Although the timing of the swing is difficult to grasp.”

“But this little devil’s pitching is very clear!”

Maki clutched the bat.

His gaze at Sawamura was sharper.

“Just swing the stick with all your might…”

“You can definitely fight it…”

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