“Wonderful game!”

“You are the strongest!”

“Lin Tian! Lin Tian! ”

“Isashiki! Acharya! ”

When Aomichi and the others finish the parade and return to the players’ seat.

The spectators sitting at the back of the contestants either praised loudly or called out the name of a certain player. The scene was extremely lively.

At the same time, it also made the Qingdao people can’t help but boil with blood.

“With every extra game you win, the pressure gets even greater!”

“But Lin Tian, who struck first, perfectly suppressed the attack of the Immortal Spring!”

Chris sat in the seating area, summarizing the opening.

“After that, Sawamura, although he was almost hit by a hit, he did not lose points in the end.”

“If you look at it just from the scoreboard, both are doing well.”

“The content of the game in Danazawa Village is still very bad.”

“If Lin Tian hadn’t been in place in time, the runners on the other side would most likely have rushed to second and third base

“Six Seven Seven.”

“At that time, the probability of scoring will also increase a lot.”

“So Sawamura still needs a lot of strengthening.”


Kataoka nodded.

Then he said, “However, during the competition, it is impossible to suddenly strengthen.” ”

“So at the critical moment, you can only let Lin Tian.”

After the game.

Qingdao packed up his things and withdrew.

And the upcoming races of Inagi Industrial and Sakurasawa High School.

It is to enter the court and take turns practicing defensively. One o’clock in the afternoon.

The semi-finals between Inaga and Sakurasawa officially begin.

The originally empty stadium is once again full of popularity.


“Ah Ming—”

“Throw a big ball and see—”

“Chenggong, we’re here to cheer you on—”

Before the players were on the field, there were already many spectators spontaneously responding to Daocheng’s help. No!


Be the ace pitcher for Daocheng. Naruto Shing responds!

“What a roar!”

Akiko Owada exclaimed, “And it seems that there are more spectators than in the morning!” ”

Feng Fujio naturally said, “After all, Inagi is a champion candidate, and it is normal to have this popularity!” ”

“What’s more, their ace pitchers are also very popular!”


Players’ seats.

One of the team members smiled and said, “Probably no one here thinks we can win, right?” ”

Another said: “For this day’s competition, we have done so much hard training day after day, and now is the time to reap the fruits!” ”

Coach Sanae Kikugawa has his hands behind his back.

With a serious face, he said, “Guys! ”

“The time has come to change history!”

Team members: “Yes!!!!!!” ”


“It’s the second game in the semi-finals!”

“Inari Industrial vs Sakurasawa High School!”


When the radio sound falls.

Both Inaga and Sakurazawa’s team roared and rushed from the rest area to home base. Then brake sharply.

Stand on either side of home base, face to face, and stand in line.

“Champion Standoff vs Final Four is the only metropolitan school?”

“It turns out that Sakurasawa also has a baseball team.”

“In a sense, they are famous, they are eliminated in the first round every year!”

“But this year, they beat the seeded teams in Division D in the third round!”

For the audience, it is an incredible thing to see Sakurasawa High School in the semi-finals of Western Tokyo, because although Sakurazawa’s promotion rate is very high, the sports results are not worth mentioning. I didn’t expect it!

Sports so dish Sakurasawa!

He was able to beat his opponents one after another, and even rushed to the final four!

This magical thing.

The audience couldn’t help but discuss it.

Metropolitan Sakurasawa High School.

Although there is little fame in sports.

However, in terms of further education, it is one of the few well-known high schools in Tokyo. A member of the baseball club in previous years.

The reason why I entered the baseball club is only because I want to exercise my body in addition to studying. And this mind.

It also allowed Sakurasawa to travel in the last round of the tournament for 20 consecutive years. No one would consider such a record disgraceful. The fundamental purpose of participating in the contest.

It was meant to commemorate high school life. Until.

Three first-graders join especially!

What Chang Xuming said!:Coach.

:If….:I mean if.

:Although probabilistically speaking, it is basically as:: But!

: If we really hit Koshien, wouldn’t it be very powerful?: Don’t you think it can subvert the world’s view?

These words!

Shocked Sakurasawa’s head coach. Kikugawa Sanae! Meantime!

It also stirred the blood of others! Thereupon!

From that day on!

The baseball department has started hard training!

And Sakurasawa won the first victory….

It was when the three of them were promoted to the second grade. In that practice session.

It’s not a big win.

But that victory did give everyone more self-confidence.

It also lets everyone in the team know that they also have the ability to participate in the game. But.

They were Sakurasawa students after all.

The main energy is still focused on learning. So.

Training time is certainly not as good as those so-called baseball stars. Therefore.

Every training session every day!

Set accurate goals! That’s all!

to make training more efficient! As for how to find a target?

Very simple!

When Coach Sanae Kikugawa had problems with the players, he would record each team’s problems in a notebook and then hand them over to everyone to solve together.

From every action…

To the goals that need to be achieved every day…

As the contents of the notebook are increasing, Sakurazawa’s practice results are getting better and better! At last!

In this year!

Strong reached the semi-finals in Western Tokyo!

…. While!

Accompanied by a crisp hitting sound.

The “butterfly ball” thrown by Sakurasawa pitcher Nagashiroaki was hit by Inaga Industrial’s second stick, Shirakawa. But the landing point is not good.

So Sakurazawa’s guerrillas caught it easily and quickly passed it to the first baseman. Boom!

And when the baseball goes into the gloves!

White River is still some distance away from first base!

“The fighter is out!”

The first base referee announced loudly.

“Nice job!!”


“2 out, 2 out, great advantage!!!”

The Sakurasawa Contestants Bench was extremely lively, and all the team members were shouting encouragement. Off-site.

Somewhere in the audience.

The Qingdao Road, which had come to reconnoiter Daocheng, was sitting here.

At this time, seeing the slow and leisurely ball thrown by Chang Xuming, Daocheng couldn’t hit it out. This puzzled Sawamura.

“Why can’t you hit the ball so slowly?”

Lin Tian laughed.

“Because that’s a butterfly ball called a magic ball!”

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