
Facing Narumiya Naruto’s 5th goal, Haruchi Kominato swung his stick decisively. This!

Hit! The baseball slammed straight into the right side of the pitcher’s mound! Pedal!

The white river that is running fast, with his left hand low, will catch the ball that bounces up! And then one turns around and charges!

Grab the ball with your right hand and pass it to first base! When the ball was caught by the first baseman, Kominato Haruhi stepped onto the first baseball bag!

“Hit the player out!”

The first base referee decisively announced the result.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t cherish the opportunity.”

Kominato Haruchi took off his head with a look of guilt and stood in front of the rest area and said to everyone.

“You’ve played well.”

Chris comforted: “Just didn’t get on the base, it’s just not fast enough.” ”

“But you’re only in first grade, and that’s normal.”

“If you can exercise your speed for an extra year, you can definitely get on the base.”

Kurashi: “Chris is right, you just lack a year of exercise experience, don’t care too much!” ”

“I didn’t expect this kind of unfolding.”

Akiko Owada was surprised: “I thought that after Naruto was thrown out of the home run, he would directly collapse!” ”

Mine Fujio nodded, “Honestly, I was surprised too!” ”

“But this also indirectly shows that last year’s failure has greatly improved Cheng Gongming’s psychological quality, so this scene cannot affect him!”

On the pitch.

At this time, Miyuki.

He is fighting with Narumiya. Any bad ball, let it go.

And if the ball is good, it is to try to swing the stick. Just listen to the ‘dang’ sound.

Miyuki hit the ball again outside the left side.

“Good value for money”

“Keep going!”

“The time has been ticked!!”

The Qingdao Rescue Group shouted excitedly.


“After losing the way back, did you change to a short holding bat?”

Masako Harada suddenly discovered that Miyuki, who had played two out-of-bounds balls, had changed the way he held the baton. Two out-of-bounds balls.

The equal number of balls also reached 2 good balls.

And Miyuki did this apparently to hit the ball safely.

“The juniors have done so well!”

“As a senior, you can’t pull your crotch!”

Miyuki watched Narumiya’s pitch fly to the good ball area again and unceremoniously swung the bat. While!!!

Baseball pops out of bounds again!

“Why are you so tenacious?”

“Isn’t it good to be honestly eliminated!!”

Narumiya Ming’s forehead burst out of the green tendons, very unhappy to throw the ball again. Shout!!!!

The baseball shoots like an arrow into the inner high corner! Miyuki, on the other hand, guessed that it was a variable speed ball, causing the bat to swing too early!


When the ball dodged the bat and entered Harada’s gloves, the referee’s voice immediately sounded.

“Good ball!”

“Three strikes out!”

Before Miyuki.

Seido has been eliminated by two [Descending Valley and Spring City]. So.

After a slight pause, the referee continued: “Attack and defense exchange! ”

Game 3. Second.

Daocheng Industrial attacked.

The first hitter was 7 stick Hirai.

But his first pitch against the valley was as empty as ever before him.


The high-speed straight ball of the valley is being played on the TV.

After the members of the city’s third year high school looked at it, they couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Although it is across the TV, I still feel so fast!”

“It’s a foul in the first grade to have that kind of strength!”

“So far, Qingdao still holds the initiative!”

“Although the valley is very strong, Daocheng will definitely not be so silent!”

On the pitch.

The fourth pitch facing the valley.

Hirai forced a hit, but the ball flew to the top of first base and fell, and was finally picked up by Tetsuya Yuki! The next 8 baseball Fan also played an inland high-flying ball, resulting in being picked up and killed.

So far!

Two out! No one on the base!

“Although I was killed, I could still touch the ball!”

Mingchuan Catcher. Ninomiya said solemnly.

“Well, I guess it’s Inari’s turn to score next!”

Ace pitcher Yang Shunchen nodded.

“Descending valley was so hard at the beginning, is it really no problem?”

Akiko Ohwada frowned.

Feng Fujifu: “You don’t have to worry about this, don’t forget, Qingdao and Lin Tian are there!” ”

“Moreover, let the valley go all out at the beginning, and it is estimated that he also wants to let him throw it out of strength and then replace it.”

Akiko Yamada suddenly realized, “That’s the way it is! ”

On the field.

Shizuya throws a high-speed straight ball with full force. Let Daocheng Industry’s 9th stick swing three times in a row.


“This is already the sixth three vibrations, right!?”

“This guy is in such good shape too!!”

“Descending valley, casting beautiful!!!”


The audience shouted excitedly.

“… How many balls? ”

Coach Kataoka looked at Shibuya, who was coming back, and asked with his hands in his hands.

“After three innings, it took 56 balls.”

Chris glanced down at the record sheet and replied, “The other side has been playing out of bounds, and the number of balls is more than expected.” ”

Kataoka nodded. Then there is no more speech.

“Change into a perspirator.”

Miyuki walked beside Shibuyuki and looked at the other person’s sweaty face and said. Just as Descending Valley was about to call back.

He also arrived at the rest area, and Sawamura stood in front of Shibuya with a glass of water.

And boasted: “Cast beautifully!” ”

Descending Valley: “!!! ”

Spring City: “!!! ”

Miyuki: “!!! ”

It’s not just the three of them.

Others were also surprised by Sawamura’s behavior.

They didn’t expect that Sawamura, who had been begging for performance all along, would actually praise the valley of the valley that competed for the same position. But Lin Tian, because he has seen the original work, has a certain psychological preparation.


Look at Sawamura so generously.

I am still very emotional in my heart. Shinji: It’s true that Sawamura’s little angel is thinking like this.

He saw that after Sawamura took the water from the valley, his mother-in-law’s mother was on the sidelines. For example, drinking water can not drink too much, can only drink half, otherwise it will affect the body function. Another example is holding a towel and fanning the wind around the valley.

At first, Shibuya didn’t have much to do, but as Sawamura told him more and more, it was very annoying. However, Lin Tian as a melon-eating mass.

I watched it with relish.

“After three games.”

“Daocheng hasn’t even played yet.”

“Honestly, this game was completely beyond my imagination.”

Akiko Owada said with emotion.


Mine Fujio nodded in agreement.

Then he said, “And this round of the Green Road, but the attack starts from the castle!” ”

“If you can score points, Inagi’s morale will further weaken and the hope of overtaking will become even smaller!”

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