After changing the grip.

Lin Tian grabbed the ball and held it above his head.

Then after a brief build-up of strength, he swung his arm to throw the ball hard.

“The posture and the ball path are the same as before!”

“Is it [Quick Fork Ball]?”

Originally preparing to continue playing straight ball, Harada Masako, after seeing that Lin Tian’s second ball and the first ball were very similar, his faith was instantly shaken!

“What to do?”

“Do you want to change?”

“What did Miyuki think?”


In just a few moments, Harada Masako thought a lot. And finally!

I think Miyuki often makes some matches that ordinary people can’t understand! Thereupon!

Masako Harada changed his original idea! He!

To play [fast fork ball]! But……

Lin Tian’s “Fast Fork Ball” has two falling directions, which one to choose? Time to think!

The baseball has also left Lin Tian’s hand and is flying quickly towards home run!

“Forget it!”

“I don’t want to!”

“Just aim for the one that is falling straight ahead!”

Do it when you think of it!

Masako Harada estimates the baseball start time!

Then swing the bat towards the lower part of the good ball area! Wow!!!!!!

The familiar cracking sound sounded!

Masako Harada once again swung gorgeously!

The baseball was suddenly folded into the outer corner when it was in the base, and finally it was caught by Miyuki, who had been prepared earlier!

【2 good balls】



Harada’s face changed suddenly.

He didn’t expect that!

Lin Tian even had such a weapon! More critically!

Although it is a newly emerging weapon!

But Lin Tian’s “Cataball” was more than 150 kilometers per hour before entering the home base! And!

The pitching position is exactly the same as the straight ball and the fast finger fork ball! This……

This means!

It’s even harder to guess the ball!

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!”

“Lin Tian even has a new weapon!!!!”

“And from the performance just now, it can be seen that the power of this new weapon is no less powerful than the other two balls!!!!”

The excited voice of the narrator instantly detonated the emotions of the audience.

“Sleeper Sleeper Sleeper!”

“Lin Tian, is he really just a first-year student?!!”

“It’s terrible!!!!”

“Originally, the strength was strong enough, and now there are powerful weapons that can be used in the main game!!!!”

“I don’t think super monsters are enough to describe Lin Tian!!!!”

Listen to the hustle and bustle around you.

Everyone in Qingdao showed a knowing smile.

It was the same when they first knew. But.

What they didn’t expect was that.

The “Cather Ball” that was already revealed before the battle against Akikawa. Miyuki actually had to wait until now to give instructions for use.

The other side!

Inari Player Seat!

At this time, there was a silence again! To be precise!

It was shocked by Lin Tian’s new weapon [Cata’s ball] to lose his voice! A good moment passed.

Everyone gradually came back to their senses.

“The original straight ball and fast finger fork ball are already very difficult to deal with, how can we get a new ball species??”

“And the speed of the ball is more than 150 kilometers!!!”

“How did this guy manage to be so strong in his freshman year of high school?!!!!”

On the field.

Harada’s face became more dignified with the naked eye. Let’s be honest.

He didn’t have much confidence in whether he could hit or not. Because!

Lin Tian’s three balls! Mrs. Strange is so similar!

“They’ve had two good goals in a row.”

“At this time, I should be able to draw the disputed area and pitch the ball, so as to trick me into swinging?”


“Miyuki wouldn’t have thought it was so simple!”

“He may still be the same as before, called Lin Tiantou Zhengzhong!”

Masako Harada was no longer hopeful about observation.

So he focused all his energy on the idea of guessing Yuki’s ball. At the same time.

Miyuki also gave instructions.

“Outer Corner [Quick Fork]!”

The content represented by the secret code is very concise.

But before the game began, Lin Tian had already passed the qi with Yuki.

So he knew what the gesture specifically meant: throw the ball in the middle and have the ball fall into the outer corner.


Lin Tian nodded.

Immediately throw the ball as fast as required.

And Harada Masako finally decided that he would stick to it and continue to play fast finger ball! Have to say!

Guess at the ball, Masako Harada is right! But the problem is.


The “fast fork ball” he guessed was falling straight ahead! Saw!

When Masako Harada throws the bat with all his might!

The baseball whizzed and fell towards the outer corner!


Masako Harada was stunned.

Inside: “It’s over! Guess wrong! ”

But thinking about it, he didn’t give up the idea!

And just as the baseball dodged his sweetheart hitting position!

Masako Harada held the bat and leaned towards the baseball! His response was prompt!

Forced to give baseball! When a crackling sound, the baseball bounced out of the side border!

“Ball out of bounds!”

The referee announced immediately.


Masako Harada and the others of Inagi were relieved. Although just did not hit successfully.

But when 2 good balls, even if it is only given to the outside world, it is a good thing. Because!

As long as it’s an out-of-bounds ball! That won’t be eliminated!

“Forced to continue life?”

The corners of Lin Tian’s mouth were slightly upturned.

For the out-of-bounds ball just now, he didn’t pay any attention to it at all. Because of this good luck!

It doesn’t last forever!!!

“Such a fast ball can react..”

“Worthy of the 4 sticks of Daocheng”

While Yukichi sighed in his heart, he also gave instructions for the next ball.

“Full [straight ball]!”

Since the ball with a speed of about 150 can react, let’s go directly to 160!


Lin Tian nodded.

It took some time to prepare and recharge.


He holds the baseball!

Throw it in the most violent way!

The baseball turns into a white laser and attacks Masakuni Harada with a murderous spirit!

“So fast!”

“It’s completely different from before!”

Harada Masako’s eyes widened!

A great sense of oppression enveloped him!

The subconscious body swung the bat! Wow!!!!!!

The next moment you hear the familiar sound of the wind again! Obviously!

Harada was emptying again!!!

The referee was also stunned after seeing it.

I was shocked: “This speed is 160 per hour, right?” ”

Although it was not the first time he had seen Lin Tiantou so quickly.

But as long as he thinks that Lin Tiancai can throw a professional-level speedball in his first year of high school, he can’t help but be shocked! “Huh—”

The referee took a deep breath and then announced, “Good ball!” ”

“Hit the player out!”

“Attack and defense exchange between the two sides!”

Since then!

Game 7 is officially over!

Leave Inagi’s chance to attack! It was also reduced from three to two innings!

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