“Good ball!”

“Three strikes out!”

When the referee’s voice sounded, the scene immediately erupted into a lively cheer.


“Success three vibrations!!!!”

“Without the central line, Daocheng is not afraid!!!”

The Green Road supporters were excited.

The narrator was equally excited.


“Count the sixth base!!!”

“Lin Tian has already struck ten beaters three times in a row!!!!!”

“And these ten fighters are all from the champion candidate Daocheng Industrial!!!!!!”

The words fell.

The Qingdao people, who were already in a state of excitement, suddenly became more excited. People who were originally shouting tired.

All of them ignored their already somewhat hoarse voices and continued to shout to cheer for Lin Tian.

“Lin Tian!!!”

“Lin Tian!!!”

“The Great Demon King!!”

“Six Zero Three!”

“The Great Demon King!!!”

Compare to that.

Daocheng is even more widowed.

Not only the audience, but even the team members lost hope in their hearts.

7 stick Hirai stood up silently and walked to the strike area with a heavy step.

“Have you lost morale?”

Miyuki glanced at Hirai, who exuded a depressed temperament, and a touch of emotion flashed in his eyes. Remember this time last year.

At the beginning, they were also crushed by Daocheng’s strength, and everyone could not lift their morale. Didn’t expect a year to pass:

When they met again, their identities were exchanged.

And the root cause of this situation! Apparently Lin Tian standing on the pitcher’s mound!

“Thank you!”

Miyuki murmured sincerely in his heart.

If it wasn’t for Lin Tian scoring at the beginning of the game!

If it wasn’t for Lin Tian forcibly confiscating all kinds of security in Daocheng! The game at this time!

I guess I have fallen into a very anxious situation, right? “Oh”

“What was I thinking?”

“It’s not a good idea to be distracted during the game!”

Miyuki shook his head, dispelling all kinds of wild thoughts in his heart. Subsequently.

Gestures were given seriously.

Lin Tian saw it and nodded.

Next moment!

Without hesitation, throw the ball into the middle of the good zone!


“Do you look down on me?”

Hirai waved his stick with exasperation with all his might. Outcome!

Of course, it’s empty!


When the baseball went to base, it suddenly fell!

“And Hirai Wing is aiming at a straight ball, so naturally it can’t hit!!…..”

“You shouldn’t be impulsive…”

Hirai sighed remorsefully. It could be a relationship that is too stressful.

As a result, when I saw that the ball path was red, I thought I was being slighted.

So that the emotions were instantly detonated, and the subconscious vent wave out of the bat. And Miyuki estimated that he also saw this point!

will arrange a standard fast fork ball! “Huh—”

Hirai took a deep breath.

Try to soothe mixed feelings.

Then think about the next ball with a relatively calm mind.

“It’s been on the court so far.”

“Lin Tian is basically using straight balls and fast forked balls.”

“And the Catariot is rarely used…..”

“Although I don’t know what the reason is, since it is used less, there should be some restrictions, right?”

“You can give up the Catalan for the time being!”

“Specialize in straight balls and fast finger balls!”

“Although doing so would catch you off guard when you encounter a ball of Catte….”

“But if I add the ball to the category of thinking, it will make me more confused!”

“And straight balls and fast forked balls…..”

“Ah Ming and Yamaoka both thought too much, wanting to fight this for a while, and wanting to hit that for a while, which led to being used by General Miyuki!”

“If I’m like them, I might be able to guess, but it’s too risky!”

“Instead of wavering, concentrate on picking a ball to attack!”


“Straight ball!”

“Straight balls are better to play!”

“As long as you see the ball coming, deal with it as if it is a straight ball!”

After the decision is made.

Hirai felt the pressure in his heart decrease somewhat. And the whole person has a feeling of lightening comfort.

“A straight ball with a high speed of 160 kilometers per hour!”

Miyuki did not give a gesture, he directly placed the glove above the center.


Lin Tian nodded.

Then I gathered my strength for a while!

He swung his arm and threw the ball out violently!

The baseball like a white light arrow rushed to the home base in an instant! Wow!!!!!!

And the previous second, Hirai swung the bat with all his might!

Just listen to a crisp metal crashing sound!

Hit the baseball above the bat and ascend vertically at breakneck speed! Pedal!

Lin Tian saw this scene and reflexively ran to home run! In fact, Lin Tian also knew!

With the strength of Yuki, it is impossible to miss the connection! But don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

If Lin Tian ran to home run, he could also make up for it in time when Miyuki really missed the connection!


Hirai scolded unhappily……… He thought about the possibility.

But when I really saw the home run goofy ball, I was still very disappointed. After all……

Since Lin Tian played until now, this is the first time to hit it….. Boom with a muffled sound.

Miyuki caught the baseball falling from the sky.

“Hit the player out!”

The referee’s announcement followed.

“This is the third one, right?”

One of Qingdao’s supporters asked in a daze.


The person next to him subconsciously replied.

“So the eighth inning is over?!”

“Yes! The eighth inning is over! ”

Similar answers keep coming.

When everyone came back to 2.4, they couldn’t help but cheer.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!! oh

“Only the last game is left!!!!!!”

“It’s a pity! Didn’t continue to triple beat the opponent! ”

“Harmless! Harmless!!! ”

“Yes! Just be eliminated! The process doesn’t matter!!! ”

And the atmosphere of the Inagi players’ seat.

It becomes even more low. Or rather.

Completely lost the anger it should have.

At this time, the coaches and players are looking at the stadium like a walking dead. Obviously!

After the eighth inning!

Still no score!

They were hit hard!

[Green Road: 1… 1…2…5.0.? 】

【Daocheng:0… 0…0…0.0.? 】

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