The night of the final.

Seido High School.

Under the leadership of Coach Kataoka.

Lin Tian and the others walked to Qingxinliao’s canteen. And then!

Your eyes are instantly captivated by the variety of delicacies on the table!


“It’s so hearty!!!!!”

“Sizzle! I couldn’t help but want to start!!!!! ”

“It’s great to win the championship and have so much to eat!!!!”

Listen to the excitement coming from behind you.

Coach Kataoka smiled and said, “This is the championship celebration banquet I have prepared for you, so enjoy it!” ”

Qingdao everyone: “Thank you coach!!!!” ”

The voice just dropped.

Everyone rushed into the canteen as if they had never seen food.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!”

“This sushi is delicious!!!!”

“The beef is so yummy!!!!!”

“It was so cool!!!!!”

When everyone tastes the taste of food.

Everyone couldn’t help but let out a sigh of admiration. Half an hour later.

Everyone has enough to eat and drink.

He sat down in his chair and continued to talk about the finals that had just ended. Be aware!

On the way back!

They’ve been talking in the car for a long time! But……

Still not tired… Even if it’s a repetitive topic!

Everyone was having a good time! Visible!

Defeat Daocheng!

Qualify for Koshien to play!

What an exciting thing for everyone! Even!

While we were having breakfast the next morning, there were a lot of people talking about it! But!

Joy is always short-lived!

Coach Kataoka indulged everyone for two days! Gather the members of the First Army and start training! After all!

The end of the Western Tokyo Contest!

It’s not really the end! Afterwards……

There is also the summer Koshien waiting for everyone!


Consider that the tournament will start in a week.

Therefore, the amount of training per day will not be very much, and it is mainly to maintain the state.

【Ding! 】

【Check-in on the 125th day! 】 】

【Reward Kanto level stamina!】 】

【Ding! 】

【Check-in on the 126th day! 】 】

【Reward national power! 】

【Ding! 】

【Check-in on the 127th day! 】 】

【Reward world-class butterfly balls! 】 In daily training.

Lin Tian naturally did not forget to check in. After all!

This is the foundation of his strength!

And it’s time to come on August 7th! This is the day of the opening of Koshien!

Lin Tian’s luck exploded and he once again got a world-class ball! Moreover!

This ball is also a butterfly ball with the name of “magic ball”! The most important thing is!

Lin Tian before this!

Has gained world-class guts and world-class will through check-in! This means!

There was hardly any scene that would make him panic! So!

He can make the butterfly ball work at its best in theory! Morning.

Hanshin Koshien Stadium.

The 49 schools that won the national qualifiers came here to participate in the opening ceremony.


When the representative of the organizer has made a lot of rambling speeches! Summer Koshien Contest!

It’s time to start!

…… Afternoon!

Seido ushered in the first game! The name of the opponent is Ichizen High School!

Because it was the first battle of Koshien after six years!

So for the sake of safety, Kataoka directly let Lin Tian serve as the first magent!

“First half of the first inning!”

“Seido High School, which represents the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, sent its own trump card from the beginning!”

The on-site commentator calmly spoke: “As far as I know, many reporters who have watched Lin Tian’s game think that his ball speed has far exceeded 150 kilometers!” ”

“But it always knows!”

“The current Jingu Stadium does not have an electronic speed measuring device!”


“Sure enough, we still need Koshien Stadium to check it out!”

This has just fallen!

Ready, Lin Tian threw the first ball of the day! Shout!!!!!!

Immediately after that, a white laser appeared in everyone’s eyes! Almost instantaneously!

The baseball crashed into Miyuki’s gloves! The scene, which was still full of communication sounds, suddenly became very quiet.

No matter which side the audience is, they are stunned to see Lin Tian who has completed the pitching. And the narrator has experienced strong winds and waves after all.

He reacted first, then subconsciously looked at the electronic tachymeter.


“Oh my God!!!”

“Let’s see the speedometer!!!”

The sound of excitement made many viewers can’t help but look at the speedometer. And then……

They were shocked once!

Once again, I was shocked by the numbers shown above and my scalp tingled!



“161 km/h!!!”

“Oh my God! That’s too fast!!!! ”

“The high school baseball league speedball record was broken!!!!!!”

“This ball can be played on the professional baseball, ah!!!!”

When the audience returned to their senses, a deafening cheer broke out in an instant. No one expected it!

Only a high school Lin Tian!

I was able to throw a professional-grade speedball! But!

It was too much of a surprise!

So the impact on everyone is also very big! It’s worth mentioning!

In this one instant!

Whether it’s the audience!

Or the audience in front of the TV!

They all deeply remembered Lin Tian’s name!

“Lin Tian, the first-year ace of Seido High School!”

“This one of his pitches directly shattered the long-dormant high school baseball speedball record!”

The on-site narrator stepped on the table and shouted, “And! ”

“Lin Tian also raised the record of speedball to a terrifying level that was almost impossible for anyone to break!!!”


“I want to ask!”

“What high school student can hit this kind of ball?!!!”

Hear that.

Not to mention the audience, even the members of the Yishan High School team could not help but nod. Special!

At 150 km/h, it’s hard to hit! Outcome!

Lin Tian this perverted pitching! It was even more than 160 kilometers!


“Why is there such a super monster in high school!!!”

The coach at Yishan High School squeezed a few words out of his teeth with anger on his face.

“We want to know too!”

The other team members responded in their hearts.

…… On the pitch!

The narrator’s prediction is the same!

Yishan High School faced Lin Tian’s pitching, there was no way at all! When the first round is over!

The three fighters on the court!

They were all out of the game without even touching the ball!


After the offensive and defensive swaps.

The pitcher at Ichizen High School wants to take revenge with a shot. Outcome!

The first ball thrown was blasted out of the middle field wall by Lin Tian! And!

The ball also hit the electronic scoreboard!

The audience who saw this scene, after a short silence, immediately issued a very warm cheer!


“Fly out!!!!”

“Sizzle! How could his blow be so strong!!!! ”

“It’s terrible!!!!”

“It’s awesome!!!!”


There are still some viewers who have not yet returned to their senses! Yes!

Even if you see it with your own eyes!

But they still couldn’t help but think it was an illusion! Because!

Lin Tian’s pitching and hitting!

Totally beyond what they know about high school students!

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