August 19.

The first semi-final of the Summer League. Seondo High School vs Yuei High School. In order to allow Lin Tian to save his physical strength.

The Kataku coach once again put the valley in the first position. But.

Although the speed of the ball in the valley is fast, the possession is too poor!

Despite Miyuki’s excellent guidance, it can only suppress the first round of attacks!

When the center line of the second round appears, Shibuya will not be able to stop Yu Rong from going to the base! Game 4!

One person out! There are people in first and second bases!

The coach gave instructions for substitutions! Descending Valley: Pitcher → Middle Outfield!

Lin Tian: Pitcher in the middle →!

“When there are runners in the scoring lap [second base]!”

“The Kataku coach of Aodo decisively changed the ace to the pitcher mound!”


“Qingdao doesn’t want to give Yu Rong High School half a chance to score!”

When the narrator’s voice sounds.

Coach Yu Rong’s good mood was instantly destroyed.

Although I don’t want to admit it.

But judging from Lin Tian’s previous performance.

It was really difficult for them to strike a span from Lin Tian’s hand.


“There’s someone on the base!”

“You can advance with a tap!”

However, Coach Yu Rong’s idea is good! But it’s extremely difficult to implement! Saw!

When Lin Tian pitches!

After being hit by a hit by a hitter from a player!

Lin Tian, who was still in the pitcher hill, did not know when he ran down the pitcher hill! Wait until the hit lands!

Lin Tian also just arrived at the side of the ball!

He bent down to pick up the ball and quickly turned around to pass the ball to second base! Position holding in advance of replenishment!

Before the first base runner reaches second base!

Catch the ball firmly and step on the second base bag! Subsequently!

First pass to first base! It didn’t take long!

There was a muffled sound coming from Yukijo’s gloves, the sound of a baseball hitting his gloves!

At this time!

The batter is still seven or eight meters away from first base!


“Double kill!”

“Lin Tianyi is on the court!!!”

“Just finished double kill!!!!!”

The narrator roared excitedly.


“How can this be…”

Coach Yu Rong held his head with a look of pain. So good scoring chances!

Why was Lin Tian destroyed as soon as he got on the court?


“The batter who used the shock returned to the rest area and bowed his head in guilt.”

After Coach Yu Rong was silent for a while, he smiled and encouraged, “It’s all right! ”

“This time it failed!”

“Next time there is a chance!”

“It’s only the fourth innings now!”

“So are you, cheer up!”

All team members focus on the head.

oniiiiiii promotion.


Chicken soup doesn’t help the game at all! If you don’t get points, you don’t get them!

It can’t be changed by a boost in morale! Even worse!

In addition to being unable to score points in Lin Tian’s hands, Yu Rong High School will continue to be scored by Lin Tian!

“Head-to-head duel will be beaten out!”

“Jingyuan will also let him return to home base!”

“What am I going to do to limit him!!!”

Watching Lin Tian return to home base again, Coach Yu Rong was a little mad. The only thing to be thankful for!

The performance of the other fighters in the Green Road is very ordinary! No!

More precisely!

Center to hit the line although someone can get on the base!

But the fighters in the back were either three vibrations or blocked! And the runner on the base.

There was no Lin Tian’s speed.

So even if you hit base, you can’t get back to home base. Therefore!

The current score difference is not enough to make Yu Rong High School feel desperate! But……

When the game progressed to the eighth inning…

Yu Rong High School still did not get a point from Lin Tian’s hand… The hearts of all the members of Yuei High School!

All inevitably have the negative idea of “this summer ends here”! In fact!

And it is!

In the ninth inning!

Although Yu Rong High School hit Lin Tian’s ball!

But he flew to second base, still a high-flying ball, and was picked up by Ryosuke Komina, who had returned from recovery!



The narrator shouted excitedly: “The third hitter of Yuei High School was killed by Seido!!!!!” ”

“The score is now 5-0!!!!”

“And the second half of the ninth inning was the offensive of Seido High School!!!!!!”

“Follow the rules!”

“If the attacking team is ahead!!!”

“Then the last half doesn’t need to be held!!!!”

“That is!!”

“The game ended at this moment!!!!”

“Seido High School is 18 years apart!!”

“Once again rushed to the final of the Summer League!!!!”

At the same time!

After a brief silence, the scene erupted into a tidal wave of applause! Someone applauding the losers………. Someone applauded the winner.

There are also people applauding for the very good performance of the individual. Of course!

In the midst of applause!

There will be no shortage of exclamations from time to time! Green Road Players’ Seat.

Many of the students were wide-eyed with excitement.


“We’re in the final?!!”

“In three years, I entered Koshien for the first time, and I actually rushed to the finals in one breath?!!!”

“Mommy! It’s incredible!!!! ”

Coach Kataoka was watching the pitch. Rare tears of sadness were shed.

Since returning to his alma mater, he has wanted to lead the team to Koshien. I didn’t expect it!

Light is Koshien Tickets!

It took six years! But!


As soon as you enter Koshien!

They are like a bamboo!

No matter who you meet!

All win by absolute advantage! So far!

They finally made it to the final! Distance to winning the championship…

Distance from setting a school record…

Now it’s only the last game left…

“Since they have all reached the final!”

“Then take a good look at how they end!”

The guerrilla Shirakawa sat in the canteen, looked at the TV, and said slowly: “To remember that unforgettable pain!” ”

Carlos sighed: “In the end, can’t even the opponent in the semi-final stop Lin Tian from scoring?” ”

Yamaoka’s brow furrowed deeply: “Not only is the attack very strong, but his pitching also makes people unable to find half a chance to take advantage of!” ”

Bai He: “No matter how strong the pitcher is, he can’t have no weakness, in the final, Lin Tian should be forced out of weakness!” ”

“So strong!”

“It’s all in the semi-finals!”

“No one has scored from him!”

The captain of the Little Baseball World Championship, Yui Fumi, looked at Lin Tian with adoration on his face.

“Obviously he’s only a year older than me…”

“But it’s stronger than many third-graders.”

“I want to ascend to the Qingdao quickly!”

“Then pick up his pitching yourself!”



“All the matches so far!”

“Not only did they not lose points, but no one even scored a batter from the hands of an idol!!!!!”

“The strength of the idol is also too strong!!!”

Lin Tian’s little fan sister has the original wing, watching the game video on TV, and the big eyes of the water spirit are full of longing.

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