

Two fast finger balls with a speed of 155 kilometers per hour! A 162 km/h inner angle high straight ball! The troll’s big 4 sticks are all swinging!

But I never hit it once! Therefore!

Three strikes out!


Coach Nitta couldn’t help but frown. He thought that Lin Tian’s ball was difficult to play.

But I didn’t expect that my own 4 bases were swinging, and even the edge of the baseball was not rubbed before it was three vibrating. However……

This is just the beginning!

5 baseball beaters and 6 stick beaters who appear later! Face Lin Tian’s mature pitching!

The results obtained are the same as 4 sticks! Of course!

Miyuki’s guidance also takes part of the credit! If only blindly voted!

Even if Lin Tian’s pitching is very strong, it is not so easy to strike three times! Game 2!


Seido High School Offense!

7th stick!

Guerrilla Kura Yoichi!

In the lineup of the Blue Road.

His strike ability is at the end. Sure enough!

Hongo Masamune didn’t take much effort to get him out of the game!


At this time, the troll Grand Instructor gave instructions to the captors.


The catcher nodded, then said a few words to the referee. Followed by!

All viewers will see!

Troll’s big first-mover pitcher!

Climb the pitcher hill again!

And Hongo Masamune was put into the field by Coach Nitta Coach!


“This is?”

The narrator looked confused. Although Hongo Masamune lost points.

But he had just struck the 7 sticks of Qingdao three times.

This is enough to prove that Hongo Masamune can suppress the end of the Blue Road.

So here’s the problem!

Since it can be suppressed, why change pitchers? Same doubt.

It also appeared in the hearts of the audience and the Qingdao people.

“What are they plotting?”

Chris frowned at the troll’s big pitcher.

“Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover!”

Lin Tian smiled indifferently.

Coach Kataoka nodded in agreement.

“That’s right!”

“Whatever the opponent’s approach is!”

“As long as we show all our strength, we must….”

The words “will win” are about to be blurted out. Coach Kataoka saw a scene that made him unbelievable. Saw!

Troll big catcher!

Walk to 8 sticks where the White State can’t be tapped!

And the first pitcher!

It was natural to throw the ball at the catcher


“Bad ball…..”

The referee was stunned to see this scene! Because!

The referee has seen Jingyuan 4 sticks!

I’ve also seen Jingyuan strong fighters!


Never seen Jingyuan 8 sticks… Even more bizarre!

After Jingyuan had 8 sticks, the troll faced the 9 sticks and also chose Jingyuan! Scene……

Caught in an eerie silence…

“What the hell are they thinking?”

Kurashi frowned and looked toward the troll big player seat.

However, he found that all the people of the trolls were calm. Apparently!

This Jingyuan is not an arbitrary decision of the catcher! But!

The whole team supports the decision!

“Elder Minato, you are underestimated!”

Lin Tian, who was staying in the preparation zone, suddenly said to Ryosuke Kominato when he got up and walked towards the strike zone.


Ryo Kominato was stunned.

Then his eyes widened in understanding.

“It’s really underestimated…”

Ryosuke Kominato gritted his teeth darkly, and a thick anger appeared in his heart.

“That’s it!”

Coach Nitta nodded with satisfaction. After a long period of study.

He had already seen through Lin Tian’s scoring secret.

The first tip: Rely on unreasonable blows to blast straight out home runs!

The second tip: After being sent to base, use your speed to steal and score! And the first secret can be simply ignored.

Because Coach Nitta didn’t have the idea of head-to-head with Lin Tian at all. So!

The point is the second secret!

“You’re really fast!”

“As long as there are no runners in the barrier bag ahead!”

“Your rate of theft is 100%!”


“If there’s a runner ahead…”

“No matter how fast you are, you can’t play it!”

……. On the field.

With 1 stick Lin Tian is also honored far away.

The situation changed from having people at first and second bases to being full of people. And!

At the moment, no one is out!

Once hit by Ryosuke Komina, the trolls are finished! But……

Coach Nitta didn’t panic at all!

He calmly gave the order to replace the person again! And then just see!


The starting pitcher of the “Jingyuan Mission” is back in the field!

Hongo Masamune, who had previously been put into the field, was transferred back to the pitcher mound!

“Abominable stinky old man!”

“How dare you underestimate me!”

Hongo Masamune is very upset right now! In his opinion!

Coach Nitta employs this tactic! 0……..。

Just think he can’t get rid of Lin Tian! In fact……

Coach Nitta really thinks so…

As for whether this will frustrate the self-esteem of Hongo’s authenticity? It certainly will!

But…… It’s the final!

He can’t always do something stupid to the detriment of the team’s interests in order to take care of the authentic mood of the hometown, right? But!

It’s worth mentioning!

Although doing so will frustrate the self-esteem of Hongo’s authenticity!

But it can further ignite the anger of Hongo Masamune, so that Hongo Masamune can throw more powerful balls!

“Replace it with Hongo when it’s full?”

“Is this to increase the probability of eliminating me?”

Ryosuke Kominato stood in the strike zone, smiling and squinting at the troll’s big ace pitcher.

“At this time…”

“If they can hit the hit, they will definitely regret dying!”

“It’s a pity…”

“It’s a little hard to do with my ability..”

Although Ryosuke Kominato has participated in many practical training sessions in which Lin Tian is responsible for pitching.

But just by relying on these few trainings, it is a fool’s dream to try to hit the hit in the way of blows. After all!

Hongo’s authentic straight ball speed is not as good as Lin Tian, but it is more than 150 kilometers!

“What to do?”

“Is it with a shock?”

“Or try to strike a blow?”


“Knocking the ball out of bounds consumes the authentic physical workers of Hongo?”

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