“Too strong!!!!”

“Just hit the court and sent a home run straight to the other side!!!!”

“This strike capability is really perverted!!!!”

He won the Summer League championship because of Seido.

Many passers-by came to the audience.

After watching Lin Tian’s blow, everyone couldn’t help but let out a sigh of amazement. But……

Although Lin Tian took back a point with a home run…

But the batter who appeared later still couldn’t play the hit… Suddenly.

The audience, who had just been excited, was immediately poured with cold water.

“The line is so weak…”

“No way, after all, the third grade students have left…..”

“Even Saitamamakai pitchers can’t attack it, how can it be good to meet other strong teams?”

“Although Lin Tian’s strength is very strong, if a team can only rely on one person to win the game, the fault tolerance rate is very low!”

To this.

Coach Kataoka is also very clear.

But how to say it…..

We’re all in the first and second grades!

There’s still plenty of room for growth! And!

When Yuki City first entered the school!

Not as good as the performance of first-year students such as Kanemaru and Tojo! So.

Coach Kataoka is not in a hurry.

After all……

Can’t be in a hurry… At the same time!

With Saitama Sakai Academy rounded up 3 elimination numbers!

Because the second half is Saitama Sakai’s attack power, and Saitama Sakai is now in the leading state! So!

The race is over!

Saitama Sakai beat Seido High School by a score of 2-1! Though…..

Seido High School in this game…

Didn’t let Lin Tian and Descending Valley climb the pitcher hill… And the players on the field are all first- and second-year students… But!

After all, Seido is the champion of the Summer League!

Therefore, the people in Saitama Sakai are still very happy! After the practice session.

Coach Kataoka didn’t let everyone rest. Because!

A lot of people are doing poorly!


Must practice! As for what to practice?

You can decide this for yourself! It was also at this time!

The second-grade former Yuan Kenta was embarrassed to go to Lin Tian and ask Lin Tian about the blow!

“Is there anyone else going to learn to strike?”

In the spirit of teaching one person is teaching, teaching two people is also teaching, Lin Tian turned to the others and asked.

“Can I participate?”

First-year Hideaki Tojo raised his hand and asked.


Lin Tian nodded.

“I want to come too!”

“Me too!”

“Add me one!”

After someone took the lead, some team members who wanted to consult Lin Tian, but were embarrassed, opened their mouths one after another.

“If you want to learn, come with me!”

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the open space next to him. Looked at.

People who are interested in learning rush to keep up. This go!

It’s just a big half! It’s worth mentioning!

Even Miyuki, Kuraku, Bai Zhou and other Zhengxuan also followed!

After walking to the open space.

Lin Tian asked everyone to sit on the floor.

Then he asked everyone, “What do you think is the core of the blow?” ”

Miyuki, Kurashi, and the others looked at each other and didn’t know how to answer for a while.

“The ball is coming?”

Shinji Kanemaru tried to return.

“It’s too general!”

Lin Tian shook his head, “If you want to improve the strike rate, first of all, you have to know what the opponent is throwing!” ”

“Some people may ask, the ball is so fast, where can you see clearly?”

“But in fact, you can really see clearly!”

Hear that.

Everyone was in high spirits.

They knew that what Lin Tian was talking about next should be the secret of Lin Tian’s ability to hit the ball 100 percent.

“Generally speaking, the ball types can be divided into four categories: fast ball, change ball, variable speed ball, drifting ball and so on.”

“If you look closely, you’ll see”

“These four types of pitching are fundamentally different!”

Words fall.

Lin Tian paused slightly.

I began to tell you about the specific differences between the four types of balls.

All the team members, including Miyuki, Kurashi, and others, listened very carefully.

In the blink of an eye.

Three hours passed.

The difference between different balls is very simple! But the ability to accept people is not the same! So!

So that everyone can fully understand!

Lin Tian broke all the differences! Therefore.

Time consuming.

“That’s it!”

“I’ve already said all about the difference between the four balls!”

“Next, your task is to find out what kind of ball you are good at!”


“Concentrate on practicing how to distinguish that ball!”

“In the process, if you encounter any problems, you can always come to me!”

“That’s right…”

“If you can skillfully distinguish the four major balls, it is best to tell me, I will teach you the best way to deal with it!”

End of instruction.

Lin Tian left.

After playing the ball for so long, it took another three hours to explain.

He was already hungry with his chest pressed against his back, and he had to go to the canteen to feed the Five Visceral Temple. And others.

Some people, like Lin Tian, plan to eat first and then practice.

But there are also some who can’t wait to follow Lin Tianjiao’s method and concentrate on practicing “distinguishing the major ball species”. It’s worth mentioning!

Even if you know how to tell!

But dynamic vision is a hard condition to improve resolution efficiency! Other words!

The stronger the dynamic vision!

The easier it is to grasp the distinguishing method that Lin Tian said! If it’s too weak…

Then it will only take more time to grind! And even if you do!

The results achieved are not as good as those of players with strong dynamic vision! So……

If dynamic vision is really weak…

Then it is very difficult to practice the blow… Two days later.

Tokyo, Hachioji.

A practice match is being held at one of the public courts here. Match between the two sides: Seido High School in Western Tokyo!

Kanagawa’s Kaiyo High School!

The first five innings.

Both are suppressed by Descending Valley Haiyao High School.

Start with the sixth inning.

It was replaced by Sawamura.

Although Sawamura lost 1 point in the seventh inning because of hits and 4 bad goals. But!

Later through and down the valley of the relay pitching! Or firmly hold the lead! Ultimately!

Win this practice match!


In the days that followed.

The new team is still training for a short period of time and then playing a practice game. In the words of Coach Kataoka.

This is to fight with battle, but also to find excellent players through practice competitions. Pity……

Defensive though ok.

But the attack power is too weak.

When Lin Tian is not playing, he either gets 2 points or 3 points. So!

Coach Kataoka has also made some adjustments!

For example, the previous batting training and defensive training were five or five points, and now it is seven or three points! Strike occupies seven floors!

It’s also about grinding out excellent strike techniques with a lot of training time! One night.

Lin Tian was called to the office by Coach Kataoka.

Coach Kataoka said straight to the point, “Lin Tian, I want to ask you something. ”

Lin Tian raised an eyebrow: “Please say.” ”

Coach Kataoka: “Before I say anything, I want to ask you, how much training time do you need every day to keep yourself in good shape?” ”

Lin Tian: “This is not accurate, sometimes it needs more, sometimes it needs less.” ”

Kataoka: “Well, after you’ve finished training to maintain your competitive status, correct other people’s blows.” ”


Kataoka had long wanted to find Lin Tian to do this.

After all, the number of people in the team is too large for him to take care of alone. Merely.

It always felt like it was delaying Lin Tian to become stronger, so it was delayed until now. And what made Kataoka make up his mind was that.

The team’s scoring ability is just too bad. Lin Tian smiled and nodded, “No problem. ”

Kataoka said relievedly, “Thank you.” ”

Lin Tian waved his hand indifferently: “Polite, this is the captain’s duty, isn’t it?” ”

Then he asked, “Is there anything else?” ”

Kataoka: “No, you go and get busy.” ”

Lin Tian: “Okay. ”

The next morning.

Lin Tian came to the stadium with the players. First of all.

Ran around the stadium for a while.

After warming up, I began to train day after day. While!!!

While!!!!! While!!

While!!!!! While!!!!!!

Different sounds of hitting balls continued to sound. But.

No matter how inconsistent.

Lin Tian’s batting sound still stands out. Because!

It’s so loud! And!

Hear the sound!

Immediately you can see the ball flying high in the field! At last!

Shoot straight out above the wall!

This scene greatly stimulated Kenta Maeen next to him! He looked at the incoming ball!

Even if it is a change ball on the outside, I can’t help but swing the bat! While!!!

With a loud bang! The baseball is crashing fast to your feet!

Apparently the blow to the front garden failed again! That’s right

This is not the first time!

Or maybe it’s the Nth time!!!

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