“The next third game, no one can miss!”

“So after stretching, go straight to the table to eat!”

Under Kataoka’s orders.

Everyone stretches and relaxes outside the court.

Let’s go to the audience together to watch the competition between Akikawa High School and Kamiyama High School.


At this time, the Fuchu Stadium.

The number of people has dispersed.

At a glance, the audience is sparse.


Although baseball is very popular in this country.

But if both sides of the game are unknown teams, the number of people watching will naturally decline.


“Next, introduce the players of Mingchuan High School!”

“First stick, Nakano Ninomiya!”

“Second base, third baseman Hashimoto!”

“The third stick, the guerrilla…”

When Lin Tian and the others walked into the stadium.

It was the right time to introduce the members of both sides.

“Observe Mingchuan’s pitchers!”

Miyukichi also said to Sawamura and Shibuya, “He has what you lack!” ”

The words just fell.

The stadium’s radio also introduced pitchers.

“Fifth stick!”

“Pitcher Young!”


Sawamura’s eyes widened in surprise.


“Is he a foreigner?”

Chris took out his notebook: “His name is Yang Shunchen, from Treasure Island Province.” ”

“It is said that after coming into contact with baseball in our country, I was completely fascinated.”

“He originally came here to study and learn languages.”

“He practiced later than anyone else.”

“In order to absorb the baseball knowledge of our country, there is a desire to learn more than anyone.”

“The aura that is inaccessible to outsiders and the ability to control the ball honed day after day.”

“The nickname is …”

“Precision machines.”

Hearing Yang Shunchen’s nickname, both Zecun and Shizugu were a little confused.

For a moment I didn’t quite understand why it was called that.


As the game progresses…

Looking at where Yang Shunchen wants to shoot, he can shoot where he can control the ball…

Sawamura and Shibuya quickly understood!


The so-called precision machines …

Refers to the heinous precision of the ball!


“3 to 0.”

“They held the points they got at the beginning to the end.”

“The outside and inside balls are tricky to the extreme…”

“One game down, only five hits…”

“What’s more, after getting the points, the defenders are obviously relaxed a lot!”

“His players seem to think that as long as they have points, they can win!”

“That pitcher named Yang Shunchen is so deeply trusted…”

After watching the game.

The expressions of the Qingdao people had obviously become much more solemn.


“Everyone is nervous, why are you still so calm?”

Fujiwara Takako turned her head and was about to talk to Lin Tian, but found that Lin Tian’s face was not nervous about the third-year members.

‘Because his possession is no threat to me.”

Lin Tian said with a light smile.

“Self-confidence is good, but don’t be arrogant!”

Fujiwara Takako reminded.

“You don’t believe it?”

Lin Tian raised an eyebrow, “If I can hit a batter every time I stand on the batter seat, you will promise me one thing, how?” ”

Takako Fujiwara: “What if I didn’t hit it?” ”

Lin Tian: “At your disposal!” ”

Takako Fujiwara: “Pull the hook! ”

Lin Tian didn’t say anything back, and directly held out his tail finger.

The next second, Fujiwara Takako’s tail finger hooked Lin Tian.

And then.

Very childish pronunciation of the language exclusive to the hook.

“Hook up ~~”

“One hundred years will not change ~~~”

Looking at the noble sister of the royal sister Fan, she revealed a cute and loving side.

Lin Tiande admitted.

He was cute.

“Is there something on my face?”

Seeing that Lin Tian had been staring at herself, Fujiwara Takako’s face was slightly red, and she pretended not to know and reached out and touched Bai Tender’s face.



“It’s a bit too good-looking!”


Takako Fujiwara’s pretty face became more rosy.

Emotions called ‘shyness’ and ‘joy’ fill the heart at this moment.

Then Lin Tian saw it.

Takako Fujiwara blushed and bowed her head.

Follow the large army to the school bus.


Lin Tian was surprised.

He didn’t expect that Fujiwara Takako, who usually had royal sister Fan, would be so shy that she was embarrassed to speak.

“Words to say.”

“If you just think of me as an ordinary friend, you should only laugh at me when you are praised for being good.”

“But she’s shy…”

“Isn’t it…”

The more Lin Tian thought about it, the more excited he became.

To confirm the idea.

Lin Tian pretended to be careless and walked to Fujiwara Takako’s side and walked with her.

As if startled, Takako Fujiwara took a small step to the side.

If you do not use a ruler to measure.

The distance of movement is almost invisible.

“Really good!”

Lin Tian saw that Fujiwara Takako was not far away, and he was more sure.


There is a close distance between people.

If it is an ordinary friend of the opposite sex, it will never allow the other party to be so close to himself.

But if you have a good feeling for that person, you won’t mind no matter how close the distance.

For example, the group of little girls before.

Because he was fascinated by Lin Tian and had a great good feeling for Lin Tian, he was willing to take the initiative to get to Lin Tian, and even wanted to KISS Lin Tian.

And Lin Tian…

Because the other party is not ugly, there will naturally be some good feelings.

If long ugly.

Lin Tian would definitely run far away at the first time.

Of course.

In order to take care of the feelings of ugly fans, Lin Tian will use the method of urine.

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