Zhao Xiaonian stopped and asked, "What secret?"

"A secret that you are definitely interested in, and you will definitely be grateful to me after knowing it."

Yue Ningqiu said slowly, "Don't worry, this secret is definitely worth the price. As long as you help me deal with my family, I will tell you this secret."

"Don't come on, I won't be fooled by you. Going away, goodbye."

This woman is so cunning and has so many tricks. Zhao Xiaonian thinks it's better to leave quickly, so as not to be tricked by her again.

Yue Ningqiu pretended to be sad and compassionate, "Are you sure you don't want to know? Then go ahead. Well, it's just a pity for that woman."

Curiosity kills the cat.

"What is the secret?"

"If you promise to help me, I will tell you."

"Tell me the secret first, and I will decide whether to agree to it or not."

After a stalemate, Yue Ningqiu finally gave in, "Okay, who asked me to ask you for help?"

"Someone is pregnant with your child, do you know?"

Yue Ningqiu said a sentence, and directly threw out an answer that Zhao Xiaonian did not expect.

"What? Pregnant? Please, can you make up a decent lie next time?"

Zhao Xiaonian thought it was a secret, and after a long time, it turned out to be this.

How could Zhao Xiaonian not know that his woman was pregnant?

Liu Xinting and Zhang Yuhan chatted on WeChat every day. If someone was pregnant, how could he not know?

After Ye Lingshan went to Pengcheng, she caught up with her period, so Hao Yue was busy alone in the first two days.

He Fei was even more impossible. If this girl had anything, she would definitely tell him, and she would never tell anyone else.

Zhou Jiaying... this one is even more out of the question, I haven't even touched her yet.

As if guessing that Zhao Xiaonian was doing the elimination process in her mind, Yue Ningqiu reminded him with a sense of humor: "Don't think about the nearest one, think about the distant one."

Zhao Xiaonian glared at her unhappily, but still thought about it.

Before? Could it be Chen Yijuan? Bah, this scumbag is even more impossible. I thought about it at the time, but she didn't mean to have sex with me at all.

Next is that cold female teacher Sun Yalin, she...

Zhao Xiaonian was suddenly stunned.

Since that time, I couldn't contact Sun Yalin no matter what, she didn't answer the phone and didn't reply to WeChat. I originally wanted to go to the school to find her, but I was worried that it would have a bad impact on her. Later, because of the business, he slowly forgot about it.

Could it be... her!

"It seems you have already thought of it." Yue Ningqiu sat on the sofa, crossed her legs and said, "As long as you help me, of course I will help you find your teacher Sun. Oh, by the way, a friendly reminder, your teacher Sun has applied for unpaid leave from the school and is no longer in the school. Even if you go to find her, you can't find her. I guess I'm the only one who knows where she is."

"What?" Zhao Xiaonian was slightly startled, and then his face changed, "Yue Ningqiu, did you..."

Yue Ningqiu glared back, "What are you talking about, I am a good citizen who abides by the law, unlike you, who was a sea king before and has now been upgraded to a scumbag. I just don't understand, Teacher Sun is such a charming and beautiful woman, why is she so determined to keep the child for you, a scumbag."

"Do you know her?" Zhao Xiaonian immediately grasped the key point.

Yue Ningqiu said proudly, "We are friends who only know each other after fighting. Anyway, you know a lot, let me tell you one more thing. The 3 million yuan she lent was actually compensation to me."

"Did his brother smash your car?"

"Yes." Yue Ningqiu bowed his head and nodded, "So I said that we only know each other after fighting, and we became friends after a few exchanges. After I knew she was pregnant, I returned the money to her. By the way, she has to pay me back for this money."

"She was stupid enough to want to return the money to you, but I forced her to stop. I told her that this was the money you gave her to keep her from getting pregnant." Yue Ningqiu stood up and patted Zhao Xiaonian on the shoulder, "How is it, am I nice enough?"

"Where is she now?" Zhao Xiaonian asked.

"I can't tell you this. Since you helped me with this, I will tell you where she is now. But don't worry, she is absolutely safe and free now. I have specially sent people to take care of her. They are all experienced and will not let your teacher Sun get hurt."

All of a sudden, the topic returned to the starting point.

Zhao Xiaonian: "Why must it be me?"

Yue Ningqiu explained: "Because you like women, and there is no shortage of women around you. And..."

At this point, Yue Ningqiu picked up the phone and made a call.The tone was very gentle: "Come in."

After just a few breaths, the office door was pushed open from the outside.

Then, a woman appeared in Zhao Xiaonian's sight.

The moment he saw that person, Zhao Xiaonian was stunned.

The woman was so beautiful. Even though Zhao Xiaonian had been enjoying the beauty of beautiful women for some time, he still felt that this woman was the most beautiful he had ever seen, no one else. ”

About 170cm tall, with long black hair, which was soft and neat.

The skin was so soft that it was almost flawless, even under the light, it was still slightly glowing.

Each of her delicate facial features was just right, as if they were carefully designed and embedded on her face.

With a white dress, the woman looked like a fairy, pure and noble.

Seeing Zhao Xiaonian looking at her, the woman was not angry or shy, but generously showed Zhao Xiaonian a bright smile.

Suddenly, Zhao Xiaonian felt as if the whole world was lit up.


Then his eyes were blocked by a hand.

"Hey, is it polite for you to look at others like this?" Yue Ningqiu moved Zhao Xiaonian's eyes away from the woman and turned them towards herself, "This is why I came to you. "

Zhao Xiaonian looked at Yue Ningqiu blankly.

Yue Ningqiu walked to the beauty and naturally put his hands around her waist from behind, "Let me introduce you. Han Wanyi..."

"My woman."

Han Wanyi also smiled and leaned against Yue Ningqiu.

"What..." Zhao Xiaonian cried out, "You...you are..."

Yue Ningqiu raised an eyebrow, "Keep your voice down. "

Zhao Xiaonian looked at Yue Ningqiu and Han Wanyi, who were so close and close like lovers, and suddenly felt unhappy.

What a waste of talent!

Yue Ningqiu herself was a rare beauty, and was judged by the system as a beauty with a score of 92.

And Han Wanyi's beauty was even better than Yue Ningqiu's.

These two beauties are together, which is a big loss for men.

Zhao Xiaonian thought of the good man Han Mingze, and wanted to say to him: Brother, you lost so unfairly, who would have thought that your love rival was actually a woman!

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