Zhao Xiaonian, who was watching this grand drama of the rich family at a close distance, was enjoying the melon very much when he felt someone looking at him from the corner of his eye. He looked over and saw Xu Dajiang lying prone on the bed.

Although Xu Dajiang's eyes and mouth were crooked at this time, he was very clear-headed. But he couldn't speak or move his hands. Looking at Zhao Xiaonian's eyes, he was full of begging.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't know why, but he seemed to understand Xu Dajiang's meaning. He raised the needle still twisted in his right hand and used his expression to make a question mark.

Xu Dajiang's eyes blinked twice, as if he was responding.

Looking at the uncle and nephew of the Xu family who were arguing fiercely, and looking at the professor from Buchouguo who was still studying Xu Dajiang's case, Zhao Xiaonian slowly moved to the bedside, and in Ah Fu's surprised eyes, he quickly twisted three more acupuncture needles.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing!"

Unexpectedly, Xu Yide actually saw Zhao Xiaonian at this time. Seeing Zhao Xiaonian holding a needle in his hand, he shouted at him.

At this moment, everyone looked over.

Even Xu Yan'er was alert when she saw Zhao Xiaonian again.

Zhao Xiaonian smiled and casually raised the needle, "I'm just looking at my new needle. You guys continue, don't worry about me."

Then, he really pretended to look at the needle carefully, and even flicked the needle belly with his fingers, and nodded with satisfaction.

Xu Yide glared at him with contempt, and said to Xu Yan'er: "Look at what you found... What the hell are you doing!"

It turned out that just when several people thought that Zhao Xiaonian was really just studying the needle and relaxed their vigilance a little, they saw Zhao Xiaonian quickly inserted the needles into Xu Dajiang's head.

There were four needles in total, and they were all inserted in less than a second. When everyone reacted, Zhao Xiaonian had already finished.

So exciting.

Zhao Xiaonian's hands behind his back were trembling slightly.

This was his first time to give acupuncture, and it was done so quickly. Even though he felt that he was fine, he still felt a little scared afterwards. If you are not careful, acupuncture on the head can cause serious problems.

Fortunately, there was no danger.

"Asshole, what are you doing?" Xu Yide pushed Zhao Xiaonian away, then looked at Xu Dajiang, who had four needles on his head, and was about to pull out the needles.

"You'd better not pull them out, the old guy might really be finished if you pull them out." Zhao Xiaonian's voice came over, and his tone was very serious.

Xu Yide's hand stopped in the air, and then withdrew.

"Zhao Xiaonian, what are you doing?" Xu Yan'er also came to Zhao Xiaonian's side, her eyes were cold but full of tears.

"Didn't you invite me here? Of course I'm treating your grandfather!"

"You... Zhao Xiaonian, if anything happens to my grandfather, I, Xu Yan'er, will never let you go."

Xu Yan'er regrets it now. She regrets why she was so desperate to find such a person to treat her grandfather. Professor Hao has already said that there is no way to recover from her grandfather's illness, but he dared to give her an injection.

Xu Yan'er now wants to kill Zhao Xiaonian. However, she hates herself even more, thinking that she has let the wolf into the house.

Xu Yide said to Ah Fu: "Hurry up and call 120."

Ah Fu nodded and was about to go out.

But Zhao Xiaonian picked up the plate of hot water again.

"What are you going to do again!" Xu Yide asked with a pair of eyes wide open.

"Pour water, can't you see?" Zhao Xiaonian had an expression of "knowingly asking".

This time everyone has learned their lesson.

Xu Yan'er stared at him.

Xu Yide stared at him.

Zhao Xiaonian looked at Xu Yide and said, "If you keep staring at me like this, I'll pour water on you."

Xu Yide still stared at him.

"Fuck, you still dare to stare at me, look at the water!" After saying that, Zhao Xiaonian made a full move and was about to pour water on Xu Yide.

Xu Yide was startled and subconsciously dodged to the side, just revealing Xu Dajiang behind him.

Zhao Xiaonian did not stop, and with a power accumulation, a basin of hot water was poured on Xu Dajiang's head.

Xu Yan'er: ...

Xu Yide: ...

Hao Deming: ...

Afu: ...

"You are looking for death." Xu Yide was furious and swung his fist to hit Zhao Xiaonian.

No matter how much he hated the old man's unfair arrangement, he was his father after all. In his opinion, Zhao Xiaonian didn't look like he was treating his father at all, it was clearly a joke.


At this moment, Xu Dajiang, who was lying face down on the bed, screamed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth and nose. The blood fell squarely into the empty basin that was placed on the ground at the beginning.

The blood in the basin was not the usual red color, but black, and it was also very sticky.



Just as the two were about to step forward, one of them had already taken the lead and walked to Xu Dajiang, and quickly took out the four needles on Xu Dajiang's head.

As the needles were pulled out, Xu Dajiang was like a drowning man who suddenly floated to the surface, gasping for air.

Xu Yide pushed Zhao Xiaonian away again, squatted on the ground, and looked at his father, "Dad, Dad, are you okay?"

And Zhao Xiaonian was pushed to Ah Fu again, pointing at Xu Yide and looking at Ah Fu, "You saw it, he pushed me twice."

Ah Fu glanced at Zhao Xiaonian, and then paid attention to Xu Dajiang on the bed.

Xu Yan'er also arrived, looking at her grandfather whose breathing was gradually calming down, and anxiously said, "Grandpa, how are you."

Unexpectedly, this sentence that came out of her mouth really got a reply from Xu Dajiang.

"Grandpa... Grandpa, I'm fine."

Looking at Xu Dajiang now, his mouth is no longer crooked, and his eyes are no longer slanted.

Xu Yan'er:...

Xu Yide:...

Hao Deming:...

Ah Fu:...

"Grandpa, are you... are you okay?!" The happiest person is definitely Xu Yan'er. Now, she no longer looks like a domineering female CEO. Her face is full of tears and smiles. She is really snotty and tearful.

Xu Yide is also very excited, but Xu Dajiang is more excited than him.

"You bastard, your father is not dead yet. What? You're thinking about bullying Yan'er?"

Although he was still lying prone on the bed, Xu Dajiang's head could move at this time. Although his mouth was still slurred, it was only a little bit, which did not affect his father's training of his son.

"I'm telling you, I'm not dead yet!"

No, there was another person who was no less excited than Xu Dajiang.

"You...how did you do it? This is simply a medical miracle."

Hao Deming, who witnessed the whole process, was so excited that his face turned red.

If someone told him that a person who had suffered from sequelae of stroke for half a year had recovered to a large extent and could even speak after a few injections and a basin of hot water, he would definitely not believe it.

But this time he saw it with his own eyes.

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