Diary of a Sturdy Immortal

Chapter 1105 A great achievement

The soul search used by this immortal will not cause much harm to the immortal's soul, but it will only cause some damage to the opponent's soul.

"What a purple smoke fairy!"

The immortal finished speaking viciously and looked at the person he threw to the ground.

He captured the person in his hand again and carried him away!

He couldn't take the blame for this alone. There was always someone who could give him some advice.

The news was sent to the cave where Wu Xianxianjun retreated.

Lord Wu Xianxian, who was in retreat, frowned and opened his eyes, looking at the starlight coming in.

When I reached out a little and saw the message inside, I almost lost my breath!

With a wave of his hand, a burst of immortal power shot out, smashing the tables and chairs nearby.

People couldn't help but cough.

"Damn little fairy!

He actually tricked me again!

Someone come! "

As his voice fell, someone immediately appeared outside the cave where he was retreating.

"I've met the Immortal Lord!"

Wu Xianxianjun's voice with Bingzhizi came from the cave.

"Send my order!

Kill the Purple Smoke Fairy with all your strength!

No matter life or death! "


After Lord Wu Xianxian gave the order, he took a deep breath.

It was as if the bad breath in his mind had been released.

Following that man's order,

The entire northern fairyland received the news.

After all, it was the first time they had ever seen the Northern Immortal Emperor and Immortal Lord Wu Xian give such an order!

And Chu Yunyan is still in the space at this time

After getting those people close to the space, Chu Yunyan had to go in and make arrangements.

"You will practice here first from now on. This is my space. I will speed up the flow of time here as fast as possible. For one year outside, it will take you ten thousand years to practice here.

As for the cultivation resources, I will send them in. There is only one thing you have to do, which is to improve your cultivation! "

After hearing what she said, the two hundred people opposite were a little excited and couldn't help but nod.

An environment where you can calm down and concentrate on cultivation without being disturbed by external objects.

Maybe they didn't care about it before, but now, to them, it's like rain.

Fairy Jingshui's cultivation is still at the third level of heaven. After hearing Chu Yunyan's words, she couldn't help but be happy.

"Thank you, Ziyan, senior!"

Derived immortals also say


I really didn’t expect that when we meet again, you would have already reached such a high level.

By the way, what is your current level of cultivation? "

Chu Yunyan smiled lightly

"Given some chance, I am now a Xuanxian!"


"It turns out to be a Xuanxian cultivation level!"

“Oh my God!

You must be so high after eating it!

This cultivation level is changing too fast! "

Fairy Jingshui was really surprised. At first, this person's cultivation level was lower than hers, but they caught up later and her cultivation level was above them in the spirit world.

Now her cultivation level is even more unmatched by the likes of them.

She is still in the realm of the third heaven, and everyone is rushing to the realm of the ninth heaven!



You just said that we should all be loyal to you, but you have already established a force in this fairy world? "

Chu Yunyan twitched the corner of her mouth and gained some influence.

Why didn't she say that she had conquered the world?


Not yet, I just got a little fairyland.

But it hasn't developed yet. I also got some opportunities this time, and then I thought of picking you up. "

Fairy Jingshui sighed deeply

"Thank you for picking us up, otherwise we wouldn't have known how long we would have been digging in there!"

Qing Tai Zang also said

"No, if it weren't for you, we would definitely keep digging endlessly."

Chu Yunyan looked like Qing Taizang, and naturally saw Liang Shengxian beside him.

When Immortal Liang Sheng saw Chu Yunyan looking over, he felt the urge to reach out and cover his face.

They are all people who have mythical beasts. Why do I, the owner of a mythical beast, have to be saved by her every time?

He twitched the corner of his mouth and gave Chu Yunyan an awkward yet polite smile.

Turning his eyes, he said

"I want to thank you very much. We promise to follow you to the death in the future. However, since there is no basis for what you say, let's make an oath of inner demons!"

Chu Yunyan didn't expect that he would say such things

Jing Shui twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced at him sideways.

I thought to myself, even if you don't say it, we will swear it. You really don't need to start the fight. Isn't this just causing hatred?

Then she and the derivative immortal also said

"Yes, let's make an oath of inner demons!"

"That's right, if you swear the inner demon oath, Fairy Ziyan will be at ease, and we will be at ease too.

Otherwise, we are not ungrateful for resources such as Bai’s Purple Smoke Fairy. "

Seeing them like this, even the Huai'an Immortal and Xialuo Immortal who came in first agreed.

Chu Yunyan could only nod her head, and looked out with her consciousness. When she found that there was no one around her, she released them and took the opportunity to see if there were any who didn't want to be loyal to her and took the opportunity to escape.

It's nothing if more than two hundred people came out of thin air together.

After all, there are no immortals passing by here, so they won't be easily discovered.

However, more than two hundred people swore the inner demon oath at the same time, causing the laws of heaven to surge.

The power of rules flashed in the sky. This movement was not small, and it immediately alerted the high-level immortals in the nearest fairyland.

Immediately some immortals flew here to investigate.

Chu Yunyan quickly took everyone back to their space, oh my god!

This movement was too big. Fortunately, the power of rules in the sky changed quickly.

Just when she released Zhui Feng and rode Zhui Feng towards the Eastern Fairyland.

A sound-transmitting jade slip in her fairy ring flashed,

Chu Yunyan's consciousness suddenly moved, she poked in and took a look, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

He quickly patted his body and chased the wind.

"It's time to show off your speed, let me see your speed limit!"

Chasing the wind. . . . . Did something happen to the master?

"Master, I don't study well, don't fool me!"

"It's not me who deceived you, it's me, your master. Now I have become a wanted criminal in the Northern Immortal Realm. I am the kind of person who kills without mercy and does not care about life or death."

Zhui Feng was startled, and the huge tiger staggered.

It braked so suddenly that Chu Yunyan almost fell forward.

“What to stop?

Didn't you see someone chasing you? "

Zhui Feng bit his tiger fangs, then flashed his huge tiger wings, and the wind fairy power in his body was running to the extreme, and he jumped out with a sudden movement.

Chu Yunyan leaned back, letting her lie directly on Chai Feng's tiger.

The two immortals chasing each other looked at each other.

"Could this fairy be the person ordered to be killed by Immortal Wu Xian?"

The other person glanced at Chu Yunyan's back, which was about to become a black dot in the distance, touched his beard, and his eyes sparkled.

"I took a quick look just now. It should be the Purple Smoke Fairy. I'd better spread the news quickly!"

As he spoke, he typed out a message

Another person said

“This, if it’s really Ziyan Fairy, then why does Brother Lu still want to spread the news?

If we catch or kill her, wouldn't it be a great achievement? "

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