Diary of a Sturdy Immortal

Chapter 1211 Seal Crack

Qingyue waited for a while before replying to her

“According to my inherited memory, the crack in the seal this time is not that simple.

If what Immortal Wangyou said is true.

If the ancestor of the Immortal Lord of Pingchang is really that powerful.

He must have offended some great god by flying up.

They must have sealed the ascension passage in this fairyland to take revenge on him.

And that ferocious beast was probably placed at the seal intentionally by the other party.

Only in this way can the explanation be clear. "

Listening to what Qing Yue said, it was reasonable and reasonable.

"Then do you have any way to deal with that ferocious beast?"

"Fighting and killing is not what I'm good at. If you ask me if there is a way to repair the cracks or lift the seal, I have a way."


Why are you so powerful!

It's a stroke of luck that I can sign a contract with you. "

When Chu Yunyan said this, Qingyue instantly became arrogant.

“There’s no use shooting rainbow farts!

To repair the seal of the God Realm, it is impossible to find all the things needed in the Immortal Realm.

So you have a chance to go to the Demon World, huh? You know! "

Chu Yunyan. . . . . What do I understand?

"Isn't it just a trip to the devil world? You need it, huh?

What does this mean? "

Qingyue teases her

"Are you nervous, happy or surprised when you meet your old lover?"

Chu Yunyan couldn't help but smile on her face.

Immortal Wangyou, who was following from the side, happened to take notice and came to her to transmit the message.

"I said, why are you laughing at this time?

Moreover, there is a hint of spring in that smile. Could it be that you have had good luck in the spiritual world and found a Taoist partner? "

Chu Yunyan glanced at Immortal Wangyou speechlessly, and then took a look at this passage.

"you guess!"

Immortal Wangyou curled his lips

"I bet you must still be a bachelor, otherwise based on your vision, if you really find a Taoist companion, you won't be able to ascend and bring down the immortal world.

If he hasn't ascended yet, then he either has extremely poor qualifications and has no chance of ascending.

Or he died.

Judging from your smile just now, it means you're not dead, so that's weird? "

"I'm really impressed by you. You can think of so many nonsense with just a smile.

By the way, you have a great chance. Who refining your body?

Don't tell me you're Wang Nan's boy. "

Immortal Wangyou rolled his eyes and changed the subject.

"This passage is in good repair. It looks like a lot of people are walking back and forth!"

The Lonely Immortal Lord who was leading the way laughed loudly when he heard this.

Chu Yunyan also discovered that there was almost no fluctuation in the immortal power around this passage, and the restriction was very strong.

It even uses solid materials, which feel as warm and moist as jade, but it is not jade, but a rock wall made from a variety of weapon refining materials.

"Guys, we're just ahead. You have to be mentally prepared. The gravity on this tower is more than a hundred times that of my lonely fairyland."

After he finished speaking, he punched a spell on the white rock in front of him.

The rock wall slowly moved away, and as the rock wall slowly opened, a strong stream of immortal energy rushed towards the face.

The immortal power of Tongtiantai is really strong!

Lonely Fairy Lord took the lead and walked out first.

They followed closely and exited the gate made of rock.

The oncoming gravity almost made them kneel down.

Only Chu Yunyan was still standing, as if nothing had happened.

Even Lonely Immortal Lord, who often came here to practice secretly, was bent down by the gravity for a while before he stood up.

Oh, there is another person who has nothing wrong with him, that is the non-human body of Immortal Wangyou.

Seeing the relief on Chu Yunyan's face, Immortal Wangyou sighed with emotion

"You are indeed no ordinary person!"

Even Immortal Mingxi couldn't help but look at Chu Yunyan a few more times and gave her a thumbs up.

"I thought you were just lucky enough to have the inheritance of the Southern Immortal Emperor and the Chaos Realm. Now it seems that you are really extraordinary."

Chu Yunyan glanced at him and didn't answer, but looked around.

Tongtiantai is not really a platform.

Its vastness is definitely not much less than a small fairyland.

There is only an altar-like place floating in the sky,

And in the sky above the altar, a crack was vaguely visible in the middle of a strange pattern.

In the middle of the crack, you can still see an animal claw.

"Qingyue, do you know what kind of beast that is?"

"Six-clawed fire dragon!

It is ferocious in nature and likes to eat human internal organs, especially the heart.

Such ferocious beasts are absolutely impossible to exist in the fairy world.

As for the God Realm, according to my inherited memory, there are people in the God Realm’s Sky Slayer Clan who raise such ferocious beasts.

But these ferocious beasts are also hated in the God Realm. There is one from the Sky Slayer Clan,

I can't remember it, the memory is too long ago.

Anyway, this ferocious beast can be determined to be something from the divine realm. "

After hearing what Qing Yue said, Chu Yunyan became worried again.

"Have you seen the cracks in the seal? Is there any way to repair them first?"

"If you want to get closer, look through the crack in the seal."

When Chu Yunyan heard what she said, she immediately walked forward.

The Lonely Immortal Lord behind him stretched out his hand to stop her but did not stop her. Chu Yunyan had already walked out more than ten meters away.

"No wonder she, a young female fairy, was able to obtain the inheritance of the Southern Immortal Emperor and unify our scattered fairy world.

It seems like she is not afraid of the gravity here at all! "

After the Lonely Immortal Lord finished speaking, he took a few steps forward but couldn't do it anymore and had no choice but to stop again.

The head of the Wang family is proud of

"That's right, don't even look at who she is!

She is our young master! "

The head of the Han family thought of Chu Yunyan's vision after the Immortal Lord's Tribulation and couldn't help but nod.

It is impossible for any of their visions to cause a grand scene where the immortals in the fairyland were crushed and climbed down!

Chu Yunyan's gradual approach attracted the attention of the Immortal Emperor who was not far below the altar.

"Whose descendant is that? This is not a place for you to come. Go back quickly!"

This man spoke with a loud voice that made Chu Yunyan's ears buzz.

Later, the head of the Wang family was far away, waving and calling

"Old Ancestor, this is the current young master of our Immortal World. She is the successor of the Southern Immortal Emperor and has led us to unify the Immortal World."

That person had just come out of seclusion. After hearing what the head of the Wang family said, he knew this time that the little fairy in front of him was the fairy master in their mouths.

But she doesn't pay much attention to it. In the final analysis, she is just an immortal in the late stage of the Immortal Lord.

You know, how many people are stuck in the late stage of Immortal King, and they can't even touch the threshold of Immortal Emperor realm until they fall.

But being able to take good care of the fairy world is worthy of his high regard.

"What are you doing here!"

The head of the Wang family was afraid that his ancestor would spit out fragrance again, so he quickly asked

"Ancestor, didn't you come to check first?

How's the check going? "

The old ancestor then remembered, slapped his forehead, and said in a loud voice

“I actually forgot to inform you.

But you are all here, and if you are not blind, you should have seen the current situation. "

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