Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 1 The Non-Existent Hardcover Book

In a small dark room.

More than a dozen children slept on a large bunk.

They were all boys of twelve or thirteen.

They were curled up one by one, not sleeping soundly, and they didn't even dare to stretch their hands out of the quilt.


The candle lamp on the left wall suddenly lit up.

The boy sleeping on the far left was dazzled by the candlelight, curled up under the quilt, and kicked the boy on the right.

The boy on the right was kicked, so he kicked the boy on the right in a daze.

Just like this, one by one, one by one, kicking the boy on the far right to the wall.


Sol snorted, rubbed his dull knee, got up in a daze, and stayed awake for a moment.

"Go quickly... If you are late, you will be turned into flower fertilizer by the wizard." The boy next to him reminded him like a raving.

Sol pressed the old injury on his forehead, the slight tingling woke him up, and his movements finally became neat.

He quickly climbed out of bed, put on the servant uniform hanging on the wall, pushed open the door of the hut, and walked out.

Outside the door is a long curved corridor. There is a door every few meters on both sides of the corridor. A candlestick is lit on each side of the door, using their faint yellow light to try to dispel the coldness in the corridor.

Sol looked over his left shoulder by the candlelight.

There was a hardcover book no bigger than a palm floating there.

"Isn't it gone yet? Maybe it's not my hallucination."

Since crossing over a few days ago, the book has been suspended on Sol's left shoulder.

You can see it, you can't touch it, and no one else can see it.

Sol called the system, asked for a chip, but got no response. In the end, he could only attribute it to the hallucination caused by his head injury.

But the hallucinations should not last so many days without disappearing.

Hallucination or not, Thor has his own business to do and doesn't have time to study it all the time.

Where he is, is a wizard tower.

Sol has never stepped out of this tower since crossing.

Moreover, as a servant here, he has to get up at around four in the morning every day to mop the floor of the corridors on the eleventh to thirteenth floors. There should be no obvious stains and garbage left on it, otherwise it will be chopped up and used as flower fertilizer.

The work of cleaning the corridor must be completed before the candlelight turns from faint yellow to bright white flame, otherwise, the wizard apprentice who bumps into going out may be arrested for experimentation.

Those wizard apprentices, all of them looked weird, and had a very bad temper, as if they were being chased by the god of death every day.

Sol's predecessor was crushed to death by a wizard apprentice with a book. The body was dumped in the utility room, almost being disposed of as garbage.

When he crawled out of the utility room with blood on his face, even the housekeeper almost thought it was haunted.

After the butler confirmed that he was not dead, he immediately assigned him a job. Sol didn't even have time to heal his injuries, so he was sent to work.

until today.

After reminiscing, Sol first went to the utility room next to the Datong shop room to get a mop, bucket and trash can, put them on a small flatbed cart, and pushed it forward.

This wheel is said to be engraved with a silence spell, so as not to disturb those apprentice wizards with extremely fragile nerves.

Sol carefully observed the patterns on it two days ago, but he didn't gain anything except a slight dizziness.

He yawned and started a new day's work in the coolness of the morning.

The corridor is precisely a semicircle, with a door every few meters on the left and right sides.

There are numbers on those doors, and the letters on the numbers represent the room numbers.

The body that Sol passed through was literate, and after a few days of exploration, he retrieved some basic common sense from his broken memory.

While cleaning the eleventh floor, Thor heard whimpering from behind a door.

Whenever the crying sounded, the candles on both sides of the door would flicker slightly, and the light and shadow swayed, which was extremely permeating.

Thor tightened his neckline, and all the dozes were woken up by the cold.

He quickly pretended that he didn't know anything, didn't hear anything, and quickly dragged the ground here.

There is a strange person on the twelfth floor who likes to throw garbage at the door.

Hair, torn paper, unknown pieces of meat...

Saul is used to taking the initiative to clean up when he walks here.

He took away all the rubbish with a small shovel hanging by the trash can, and when he turned to take out the trash, he heard a faint sound of rubbing.

He turned around quickly, and saw that the door behind him was opened a small crack, and he couldn't see anything in the darkness behind the door.

Thor immediately felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, his hands trembling slightly, and he wanted to run away, but he was also afraid that the wizard apprentices in the room would think that his behavior was disrespectful.

He had only been through this strange and terrifying place for a few days, and what he had been taught the most was to maintain the utmost respect and humility for all wizard apprentices.

Thor is now just a twelve-year-old child with no powers and a small body.

A powerful apprentice wizard who can crush him to death with a flick of a finger.

As for the wizard, heh, he has not seen a wizard yet in his capacity.

Saul waited for a moment in horror.

There was no movement behind the door.

Time was running out, and he kept his vigilance behind the door, mopping the floor while staring at the crack of the door.

Finally, he walked through, and the door was blocked by a curved corridor.

Sol's tense shoulders relaxed slightly, and the cart went up the slope to the upper floor.

Thirteenth floor.

As a time traveler, Sol is more sensitive to this number.

Even if you are originally a materialist, when you come to a weird world with wizards and monsters, you will still choose to be more sincere.

It is said that the last servant responsible for cleaning died on the thirteenth floor.

Sol also cleaned this place two days ago and found nothing abnormal, but this layer still made him feel uncomfortable.

That kind of fear that obviously nothing happened, but still makes the hairs stand on end, and the fingers can't help trembling slightly.

Sol lowered his head and dragged the ground vigorously, borrowing physical labor to dispel the uneasiness in his heart.

However, what he feared the most happened.

When passing through the third door, Sol's right front door...suddenly a pool of bright red blood seeped from under the door.

The blood was bright red, sticky, and had a strong fishy smell.

At first glance, it is not a good thing.

The blood flowed to the middle of the corridor and finally stopped spreading.

According to the butler's request, Sol must clean up all obvious dirt.

He clenched the mop in his hand, gritted his teeth, and prepared to step forward.

At this moment, the hardcover book on his left shoulder suddenly flew to his chest, and opened with a clatter.

Sol was taken aback, this was the first time that the hardcover book had changed.

He was overjoyed, did Goldfinger know that he was in danger, so he took the initiative to save him?

Sol glanced at the blood on the ground out of the corner of his eye, most of his attention was on the book.

The hardcover book was frozen on a blank page, and a few lines of words quickly appeared on it:

[Suo lunar calendar 314 years, May 21st,

While cleaning the hallway floor, you see a pool of blood oozing from behind the door. Although it feels scary, in order to complete the task and not be turned into a flower fertilizer, you bite the bullet and go forward to wipe the ground.

But this ground is really difficult to wipe, why does the more you wipe the ground, the more blood there is?

You looked down and understood, it turned out that you were bleeding non-stop!

The next day, there was an extra mummy in the garbage room of the wizard tower. 】

Sol's legs gave way, and he almost didn't sit in the trash can behind him.

He supported his body with a mop stick, and looked at the pool of blood with lingering fear.

"It turns out that my golden finger is a warning of death crisis. It is practical in this terrifying and gloomy place."

He never thought that the hardcover book would deceive him.

What value does he have to be deceived?

Sol pushed the cart carefully, trying to avoid the blood, when the hardcover book in front of him changed again.

【You are afraid of the pool of unknown blood, so you decide not to clean up the ground.

In the morning, you were called away by the housekeeper because the grounds were not clean.

The next day, new flower fertilizers are added to the greenhouse, and you are very satisfied with your smelly new form. 】

Sol: "..."

Depend on!

How to choose, are they all dead?

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