Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 1038 Rebirth (Finale)

It has been 99 years since Char's upside-down tree took root in the Iskaiper continent.

In the second year after Thor was sent to the stars, he "volunteered" to station on the north coast of Iscape at the suggestion of Goltha.

It is also the cape closest to where the Eye of the Abyss appears.

Perhaps it was living in such a dangerous area that inspired Char's potential. He actually became a fourth-level wizard one step ahead of Byron.

During this period, some people were promoted and some disappeared.

Although he has not yet been promoted to the fifth level of wizard, it is said that Gorsa is about to take the final step.

Floco has been taking care of his mermaid tribe, and the number of mermaids is now out of the endangered species range.

Maria of the Wall of Sighs becomes the new fourth-level leader of the Far North City.

After the death of her brother Alexandra, Midor turned into an adult overnight and her voice no longer sounded like a lolita. Fortunately, she was accompanied by Roye, who had been taking care of her, and she was able to survive the most painful experience in her life.

Emperor Ai Luo of the Black Flame Empire died of an unexpected magic mutation, and Stuart, who finally broke through to the fourth level, succeeded to the throne.

The Tribunal also has a new fourth-level wizard, and Flim completely retires, vowing to become a fifth-level wizard before Gortha.

Kira of the Kema Principality failed to break through to the third level wizard in the end, as national affairs consumed too much of her energy. After her death, the Principality of Kema, which had greatly expanded its territory, once again fell into civil strife.

Several of Thor's consciousnesses could not escape the butcher's knife of time.

Agu gave up on resurrection and returned to the hut where he and his daughter once lived. He disappeared completely in an unknown year.

Beth was resurrected, but she still failed to advance to the fourth level. Perhaps she was too impatient and died in the process of promotion.

Wind Demon and Nerila became inseparable friends and returned to the Borderlands to dominate.

On the other hand, Herman stayed in the Pure Spirit Wizard Tower. Although he was not resurrected, he never dissipated. It seems that people who have no desires and desires always live longer.

Life is always reincarnated, but in general, there are more and more fourth levels in the wizarding world, which is a symbol of prosperity.

Xia Ya took out the elf candle he hadn't used for a long time, stared at the weak flames above, and was confused.

"Why did you take it out again?" Byron came back from his inspection, shook the dust off his body, and black powder fell on the floor.

Although Char is already at the fourth level, he does not have the sense of stability of a fourth level wizard at all. It may be that he has used elf candles too many times in the past, which has caused his temperament to be completely changed.

"I'm already at the fourth level. If I make a wish to bring Thor back, I guess... I won't be killed by the backlash, right?"

Elf candles can bring the wish-maker what they urgently need, but the price will distort the wish-maker's temperament.

The stronger the wish, the greater the distortion.

After Char became Thor's target, there was no longer anything that required him to make a wish to the elf candle.

"My advice is don't," said the half-elf.

Byron stepped forward and put out the flames with his fingers. "The Death Teller has already said that Thor needs to wander in the starry sky to digest the knowledge he has gained. Don't interfere."

Xia had a grimace on his face, looking like a doormat, "But Master Gorsa went too far. He actually asked me to absorb all the pollution within a hundred miles nearby. Wouldn't this cost my life?"

Byron paused for a moment, "This...he is also doing it for your own good. Otherwise, you would never want to make progress."

"No!" Xiaya slapped the table and stood up, "He just wants to study what will happen to me if I absorb too much pollution!"

The half-elf twisted his tentacles and said, "You can slap the table in his face."

He has obviously started to carry out Gorsa's orders, but he is still complaining here and wants to bring Thor back.

If something goes wrong with Sol who was forcibly pulled back, let's see if others don't peel off all the bark on your tree!

"Huh?" Xia Ya's shrinking neck suddenly straightened. He was stunned at first, and then showed an ecstatic expression, "Ha! Hahahaha! I sensed it, I sensed Thor's fate line! He must be coming back soon. ! Hahaha! I’m finally free, hahaha!”

Byron was also startled, and then his shoulders, which had been tense for decades, suddenly relaxed.

That charming face suddenly turned back into the face of a middle-aged man.

He smiled slightly and said, "It's pretty good."

"Please follow me." A silver figure walked in front, opened the curtain with soft metallic light, and made a respectful invitation.

Thor's eyes were covered with black silk, and he still maintained his human appearance. He nodded slightly to the silver man who led the way, and walked into the private room calmly.

It is said to be a private room, but it is actually a square suspended cabin with rounded top corners.

This suspended cabin also has the functions of translation, movement, protection, concealment, and communication.

There are millions of these suspension cabins in Starlight Supermarket.

Although the name is vulgar, it is both vulgar and elegant. Anyone who hears this name will immediately understand where this place is.

Wizards or other high-demon races passing through can come here to buy or exchange anything they need. Even some low-level civilized worlds can trade here.

Of course, higher-level services are also provided here, but only guests with certain abilities can understand them.

Sol is this guest with certain strength.

After he walked into the suspension cabin, the cabin automatically changed into the living arrangement that Thor was accustomed to.

Sol walked to the soft sofa and sat down, and the wall in front of him automatically turned into a screen with extremely high definition.

The screen flashed, and the same person sitting on the chair appeared inside.

The person on the screen has an extremely hot figure. Just sitting there and twisting his waist slightly can make people who still have desires think about it.

But for Thor, he couldn't arouse any desire when facing a person with a heart-shaped head like a butt.

Seeing that Sol had no other requests, the silver man outside the door quietly lowered the curtain. The entrance and exit disappeared instantly, as if the suspension cabin had left its original space and came to a corner that no one knew about.

Only then did the heart-shaped head on the other side speak, and her voice automatically changed into a voice that Thor could understand.

Information will not be transmitted through mental fluctuations here, because mental fluctuations can reveal identity information.

"Are you satisfied with my appearance? Lord Thor?"

"Adeline, cut off your head so I can feel better."

Adeline on the screen immediately took off the heart-shaped head, raised her hand and threw it behind the chair.

"I'm still not sure what you like."

"You don't need to test my preferences. Have you found the information I want?"

Adeline whispered in a low voice: "You are the Death Suiser, and I don't want to offend you by accident."

"I have a good temper." Sol clicked his finger.

"Really? The person who was stared to death by you before was really guilty." She complained in her heart, not daring to say more, and immediately got to the point.

"Based on your description and the coordinates you provided, I have found the starting point of the arc connecting multiple abnormal space rifts."

"Oh?" Sol sat up straight, "Where is it?"

Adeline raised her hand and waved, and the screen in front of Thor was split into two halves. One half was still Adeline's picture, and the other half was a dead nebula.

Seeing the appearance of the nebula, Thor slowly leaned back on the back of the sofa.

It was a lifeless starry sky.

Although he had already made some guesses, Thor still felt a little disappointed when he saw the truth.

The world of the previous life, which has been blurred in my memory, has really disappeared.

The lifespan of a galaxy is eternity to ordinary people, but to the entire starry sky, it is just a flash in the pan.

Especially for small worlds that have not developed a high-level power system, their demise is sometimes just the impact of a large meteor.

But in this way, the reason why Thor traveled across time truly becomes a mystery. Maybe when he reaches the sixth level, he will have a chance to uncover the answer to this mystery.

Sol sat expressionless, while Adeline across from him shrank her neck, fidgeting a little and not daring to make any sound.

At this time, a slender black tentacle poked out from the back of Thor's neck, walked around in front of Thor, and opened his mouth.


A silver butterfly sat on it.

"Brother Sol, are you okay?"

Sol smiled. Although his eyes were covered, he raised his hand to touch Xiaozao and Penny accurately without delay.

"It's okay. After traveling to so many places, I'm used to seeing stars rising and dying. I can accept any outcome. I'm just a little emotional."

When the Death Teller packed Thor up and sent him away, only the small algae and nightmare butterflies hidden in his body left with him.

With the company of Ying Ying Ying and Little Talker, Sol's journey to the stars is not so lonely.

Expressing that he was fine, Sol looked at the screen again and suddenly sat up straight again.

"what is that?"

His gaze fell on the empty, dead nebula.

The images on the screen began to flow faster. An irregular-shaped sphere was gradually taking shape, and amid the collision of other boulders, it continued to change its course and flew towards an equally emerging star.

"Ah, a new world is gradually taking shape." Adeline has been used to such scenes, "But whether it can finally take shape depends on subsequent observations."



"You leave the screen first."

Adeline suddenly jumped up from the sofa and rushed out of the screen without hesitation for a second.

Sol raised his hand and pressed it on the silk covering his eyes, and the silk instantly became transparent.

He looked at it for a few times, then put down his hand.

"A new world."

Putting down his hand, the silk turned black again, but a relieved smile appeared on Sol's face.

Until the end of the transaction, Adeline did not appear on the screen again.

Sol paid and got up from the sofa.

When he walked to the wall, the entrance reappeared, and the silver man outside the door took the initiative to lift the curtain.

When Sol walked outside, it was like returning from the lonely starry sky to the lively world, and the breath of life rushed to his face.

Starlight Supermarket is still bustling and bustling.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No more for now." Apart from news about his hometown, Sol really didn't have anything to exchange.

He had absorbed Douglas's knowledge and combined it with his own situation, and he was quickly promoted to a fifth-level wizard.

Although the fifth-level wizard is the minimum requirement for traveling among the stars, in different worlds, the fifth-level wizard is still the top existence.

What's more, Thor's body is the fate line, and it is only a matter of time before he is promoted to the sixth level.

After traveling for nearly a hundred years and witnessing the rebirth and destruction of several worlds, Thor felt that his understanding of the nature of the world became clearer.

Maybe it wouldn't take a thousand years for him to reach the sixth level through his own path. Rather than giving up on oneself, one can advance through the fusion of the Death Teller.

Thor supported the silk and prepared to leave. Just as he was leaving this world, a person working opposite him caught Thor's attention.

It was a life form in human form, but it looked very tired and old. Thor could see that the other person's life was about to end without observation.

He picked up a palm-sized ore with difficulty and moved forward step by step.

Many people passed by him, but none of them cast a glance.

Heavy phosphate ore, a mixture of gold and thunder elements. It is not valuable in the Starlight Supermarket. The guests who can come here don't like it.

So the human who walked with the heavy phosphate ore should be the worker here, and the lowest status one.

"That's Alick?" Penny said gloatingly, "He was determined to escape from the wizarding world, but he didn't do well outside. Is he only at the second level now?"

"Yeah." Thor nodded slightly, then turned and left, without any intention of coming forward to recognize him, "But he has achieved his goal."


"He survived... didn't he?"

Penny said in a coquettish voice: "Brother Thor, you are so bad!"

Thor took a step forward and disappeared.

He walked between various worlds and didn't know where to go for a while.

Just when he was confused about his destination, a flash of inspiration came to him, and a familiar feeling came over him, and he suddenly stopped moving.

"Destiny line..." Thor smiled, "It's time to go home."


"Hey! Gorza!" Floco rushed into Gorza's laboratory and directly broke the other party's door.

Gorza put down the instrument in his hand, turned his head and looked at the door panel that fell to the ground, silent.

Floko pushed the door back awkwardly, "You can't teleport here. I was a little excited just now and bumped into it."

"Before you comprehend the knowledge of space, it is best to be in a place with the most stable space state. This is what you told me." Gorza turned around and continued the experiment, "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. I still have to go to Xia to get some experimental specimens."

Floko became excited again, "You don't know if you stay here, Thor is back, I can clearly sense his power of destiny outside. It is so majestic and heavy, he must be a fifth-level wizard. Let's go to meet him!"

Gorza's hand holding the test tube trembled slightly, and the falling liquid suddenly disappeared, "No."

"Huh?" Floko didn't expect Gorza not to go. He touched his chin and guessed maliciously, "You are not embarrassed to see him after being surpassed by your apprentice?"

Gorza slowly turned his head to look at Floko, who had recovered his fifth-level strength and dared to show off in front of him.

"Perhaps Thor has already touched the threshold of the sixth level. After all, he has digested the knowledge of Douglas and witnessed the demise of the Eye of the Abyss. I am not surprised at what he can achieve."

Floco's smile immediately turned bitter.

Not to mention that Gorza was surpassed, he was also surpassed!

"Then, then I won't go either. I just had some inspiration for a project..." Floco left Gorza's laboratory with his hands behind his back.


The door that he had just closed fell down again.

Gorza looked down at the instruments and test tubes in his hand and slowly closed his eyes, "Tsk, headache."

The targets of the Symphony of Destiny naturally sensed Thor's return at the first time.

But others did not have this ability.

April 4, 436 of the New Moon Calendar.

Keli carried a tray and walked to the top floor of the Pure Spirit Wizard Tower. This was originally Thor's laboratory. After Thor left the wizard world, it was requisitioned by Keli.

Now Keli is a fourth-level wizard. It's just that she doesn't participate much in the struggle between wizard forces. Even the replacement of the Lord of Rhine City is a competition among them.

Keli and the Pure Spirit Wizard Tower seem to have become a piece of pure land in the world. In addition to learning, it is research. Wizard apprentices on the State Continent are proud to enter the Wizard Tower to study.

Of course, this does not mean that the Pure Spirit Wizard Tower is a safe paradise. As long as you walk on the path of wizards, you must face danger and alienation. This is the price you must pay for chasing the unknown.

However, the wizards here can finally concentrate on pursuing knowledge without having to deal with other things.

Along the way, someone greeted Keli respectfully, which made Keli feel a little irritated. Usually she would teleport directly up, but today she was holding something.

Don't want to teleport.

She finally walked to the top floor, closed the door, and instantly felt that the world was quiet.

Keli put the tray on the laboratory table and lifted the dust cover on it.

There was a butter cake in the tray.

What's exaggerated is that it was full of slender candles.

Keli lit the candles one by one.

"I'll make the wish for you."

She blew gently, and all the candles went out.

Then Keli pulled out the candles one by one.

The butter cake, which originally looked ordinary, was covered with holes, like a beehive.

"You're already 123 years old, so I won't put candles in it next time." Keli had a knife in her hand, ready to cut the cake, but couldn't bring herself to do it for a long time.

"It looks so unappetizing, forget it, this birthday is over." Keli gestured a few times, and finally put the knife down.

"Isn't this too perfunctory?"

A familiar voice that hadn't been heard for a long time sounded from the other side.

Keli suddenly raised her head and saw a man with black silk covering his eyes leaning on the opposite side, his elbows resting on the experimental table, frowning, looking down at the riddled butter cake with a look of disgust.

She pursed her lips, picked up the knife again, cut a corner and put it on a small plate, pushing it to the opposite side.

"Here, happy birthday."

(Complete book)

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