Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 12 The Blue Stone

Monica on the stage didn't care whether her actions frightened the children around her. She stretched out her index finger and twirled the crystal ball with her fingertips as easily as twirling candy.

"Meditation. Through spiritual immersion, perceive the elements around you, pull the elements into your body, and merge with your own magic power. This is the most stable way to increase magic power."

The crystal ball spun slightly under Monica's fingertips, and bright white arcs flashed inside it from time to time.

"Meditation can also stabilize your mental state. If one day you realize that you are about to lose your mind, you can try to use meditation to maintain a certain degree of sobriety."

Monica raised her red lips and smiled slightly, as if thinking of something interesting.

"Of course, if you can't solve the cause of the abnormality, you will still be crazy."

Next, Monica began to instruct new apprentices how to enter meditation.

She asked everyone to choose a picture that looked the most pleasing to the eye, or the least dizzy, from the meditation album in front of them, and observed through the crystal ball in front of them.

Sol endured the discomfort and quickly flipped through the album in his hand.

He felt dizzy after looking at each picture, and in the end he could only choose a picture that made him feel less uncomfortable and disgusted.

It was a picture of multiple figures walking in circles.

The highest point of the picture is a normal adult man, and to the left of him is a portrait of a man who is almost identical, but the movements of the two are not the same.

The second man slightly bends his knees and raises his hands.

The third person also looked similar, but he could already see his hands stretched out to the sides of his body, and his heels were slightly raised while his knees were bent.

In this way, the movements of each individual are different, just like the original animation, and finally form a walking movement change diagram.

In this way, Saul remembered the principle of animation.

He followed the densely packed figures and looked down one by one, but when he saw the upside-down figure at the bottom of the pattern, he suddenly realized that this person's appearance had turned into an octopus monster at some point!

This change is not sudden.

When Sol looked back, he didn't feel any difference between each picture and the next one, but the figure pattern at the bottom was indeed a picture of an octopus.

Walking alone, he turned into a monster, but halfway through, he didn't notice anything wrong.

It's like a human being is an octopus monster!

Sol endured the dizziness and continued to look up counterclockwise. This time, he not only noticed the changes in the movements of the characters, but also the differences in each picture.

There seems to be a change, and there seems to be no change.

When he looked back at the top pattern, the monster turned into a human again.

Sol finally couldn't hold it anymore, covered his eyes with his hands suddenly, and fell backwards.

However, before he fell to the ground, suddenly a pair of hands grabbed his back and lifted him up.

There was also laughter from around.

Sol's eyes were tearful, and he couldn't see clearly at all. He thought it was Keri who supported him, and only said "thank you" in a low voice.

"It's not funny. He fell down because he watched the whole picture, unlike you, who wince when you get dizzy!"

It was only when the voice sounded that Sol realized that it was Mentor Monica who supported him.

At this moment, his eyes were no longer so stinging, he barely opened them, and saw the woman beside him vaguely.

Monica looked at the tearful little boy and couldn't help but smile. Looking down at the pattern Sol chose, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

But she quickly regained her composure.

"Exploration is brave, and you must also pay attention to moderation. You have good mental strength, try to see if you can pass through the crystal ball and immerse yourself in it."

"Thank you, tutor."

It seems that Saul was quick to get started, but Monica actually used him as an example to guide other newcomers.

This makes many newcomers and old people envious.

Saul also lived up to expectations, and he was directly immersed in the first attempt.

Enter the state of meditation immersion, and then observe through the crystal ball, the walking map of the monster will not make you dizzy.

A figure, a monster, floated off the page and entered Thor's mind.

Soon, everything around became blurred, and the sound seemed to come from the distant sky.

All dimmed, and soon brightened again.

What re-lighted Sol's world were colorful little balls of light.

Under the guidance of Monica, Sol immediately pulled the small ball of light closest to him, leading it to blend into his eyebrows little by little.

Very smoothly, the first elemental particle obediently followed Thor into his body, and merged into a bubble-like existence in his mind.

Saul was so excited that he immediately started the next pull.

But he didn't notice that Monica's mentor suddenly frowned.

She walked away from Sol and walked around the classroom, making the other new apprentices try meditation like Sol did.

Not all new apprentices can immerse directly like Saul, and many of them haven't even found a suitable meditation map yet.

"Take your crystal ball, it can help you isolate dangerous things and keep your meditation stable. Before you enter the second level, I don't recommend you to meditate directly without the crystal ball."

Monica returned to the front, tirelessly talking about the points of attention in meditation, but she no longer guided others in person like she guided Saul.

This made some people feel uneasy. How could a wizard apprentice who had successfully cheated deserve the most attention from his mentor?

It's just that no one dared to really make a sound of dissatisfaction.

The first meditation class passed quickly, and Sol didn't regain his senses until everyone was gone.

Keri wanted to wake Saul up, but was interrupted by Monica.

Keri looked at Monica in puzzlement, only to see that the latter showed an inexplicable smile.

"Go out, I have something to talk to him alone."

Keri immediately looked at Monica suspiciously.

Being sized up by a little red-haired girl like this, Monica's face immediately sank, but before she got angry, Keri ran away.

Don't forget to close the door.

Monica then walked back to Saul, stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers.

A string of electric sparks hit Sol's forehead immediately.

Sol was startled by the sudden stimulation, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Monica's long legs standing in front of him.

"Teacher Monica!" He looked up and looked around, only to find that there was no one around.

"Sorry, Teacher Monica, I'm leaving right now."

Saul apologized repeatedly and started packing his things.

"Elemental perception, this is what I will talk about in the next class." Monica's red lips parted slightly, but her voice was cool, "Elemental perception is actually a characteristic of spiritual power. Just like everyone's looks are different, everyone's elemental perception is not exactly the same."

"It represents your sensitivity to element ions with specific attributes. For example, throw a piece of paper with red, yellow, and green attributes at the same time, and then throw a handful of red, yellow, green, and blue stones Up there. What color do you think you can see?"

Saul didn't really understand, "You mean, a piece of paper with red, yellow and green colors?"

"Can you figure it out? It's having three three-color attributes at the same time, not being painted with three colors."

Saul seemed to understand what Monica meant.

"If a piece of paper is red and yellow and green...then the first thing I see is a blue stone."

Monica nodded, "It's good if you understand. The body is like that piece of paper. The color attribute makes us insensitive to other elements. The color you can see the most is the element with the strongest perception. Strong mental power Weakness also affects the amount of elements we perceive."

After speaking, she picked up the little monster that ate human skin on the ground, twisted her waist and left the classroom.

Saul was left with a masked face.

"Teacher Monica, why did you tell me this all of a sudden?"

Sol picked up the book and the crystal ball, unable to figure it out.

In the small classroom, he walked for a long time, walking slowly step by step, just like his sluggish train of thought at this time.

"I can only see blue... I can only see blue..."

When Sol's hand was on the classroom doorknob, he jerked his head up.

"I, when I was just meditating, I didn't seem to see many dark element particles!"

The muscles on his face twitched unceasingly, and the boy's face twisted little by little.

"I, I... the element with the strongest perception...is not the dark element!"

Thanks stellr boss for the reward, the first reward for this book, full of motivation!

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