Sol's first tutoring session turns into housecleaning.

But fortunately, Saul already had working experience and got started quickly.

Mark saw that he worked meticulously and seriously, and his mood became better. While cleaning up, he told Sol some things that need to be paid attention to in his studies.

Two hours passed like this. Mark had something to leave, so he explained the finishing work to Saul.

"In a while, you will pour the garbage into the yellow trash can. Be sure to remember that it is yellow. If it is not yellow, put it in the bag first, seal it, and deal with it tomorrow."

Sol looked at the yellow trash can that was higher than his chest next to the laboratory door, and nodded seriously.

"Okay." Mark pulled out a chair and sat down with his thighs stretched out. "Now I'll give you a chance to answer for five minutes, after which I'm going to go on a date."

Saul quickly asked the question he had prepared long ago.

"Senior Mark, what influence do spiritual power and magic power have on the learning of witchcraft?"

Mark wasn't surprised by Sol's problem. He had already thought that the junior in front of him might have poor magic talent, but he had good mental talent.

Probably also unwilling.

"If you look at the knowledge in books, the two are equally important. But as a wizard who values ​​practice, magic is the medium through which we turn knowledge into witchcraft."

"Let me make an approximate analogy. The elemental ions in the outside world are a river a hundred meters away from you. Your spiritual talent is your running speed, and your magical talent is your prop to carry water."

Mark gestured with his hand.

"Ordinary wizard apprentices usually use buckets to carry water." His gesture narrowed again, "And you use bowls. So your growth will be much slower, understand?"

Sol immediately said: "I will run a few more times."

Mark shook his head, "It's more than that. In the wizarding world, there is almost no time when magic power is not used. You perform witchcraft, make props, draw magic circles, and construct runes, and these require you to carry two bowls of water, or even a bucket of water .Your bowl can’t do it, what should I do?”

Sol lowered his head, showing a little bit of his left fingertips, "Senior Mark, is there no way to turn the small bowl in my hand into a big bucket? For example, witchcraft transformation?"

Mark also caught a glimpse of Sol's left hand, but this level of body modification was nothing to him.

"Of course there are, but almost no first-level apprentices can bear it. The witchcraft transformation that the instructor just mentioned requires at least a second-level apprentice to try."

He raised his hands, and the palms of both hands opened a big mouth at the same time, opening and closing constantly, wanting to swallow and lick.

Two bright red tongues kept probing and approaching Sol.

Thor gritted his teeth, forcing himself not to retreat instinctively. At the same time, his left hand is also ready to strike at any time.

Just when the atmosphere in the room turned cold, Mark suddenly withdrew his hand back.

"Don't move around, this is a laboratory."

He said with a normal face, as if he just wanted to scare Saul.

"Okay, Senior Mark." Sol also put down his left hand, and asked unwillingly, "Is there no transformation that a first-level apprentice can do? I'm afraid I only have three months."

Senior Mark stretched his waist and stood up, "Then you can only gamble. For example, go to the library and read the textbooks that second-level apprentices will use."

Saul could see that Mark was about to leave, and he didn't have much time for questioning.

He quickly followed Mark to the door, "Can I borrow the books of the second-level apprentice?"

Mark walked quickly to the door and opened the door with one hand.

"As long as the books are in the public library, you can borrow them." He turned his head, showing a strange smile, "The library never prevents low-level wizards from reading books by high-level wizards, and they are also very boring."

After speaking, Mark left the laboratory and closed the door behind him.

Sol stood in front of the door, bowed his head in thought: "Did you bet on your life?"

With meditation alone, it is impossible for Sol to complete the requirements of Katz's mentor for three months.

He looked at the hardcover book quietly floating on his left shoulder, "I'm good at this."

At this time, the door of the laboratory suddenly opened again, and Mark poked out half of his face, "Remember to pack up your things before leaving."

"Understood, senior."

Surprised, Sol looked at Mark's half face and shrank back.

The door closes.

Sol was alone in the room.

I guess so……

Sol turned around and looked around. He didn't have much left to do. He simply put them in order, dumped the garbage, and checked whether all the cabinets were tightly closed.

Saul walked around the lab.

He pushed back the chair that Mark had pulled out, scooped up the trash under the table and threw it into the yellow trash can.

The yellow trash can is very dark and bottomless. Not like a barrel, but like a tunnel.

Sol didn't look too much, and closed the lid immediately after taking out the trash.

"I'm the only one left in the laboratory, which always feels uncomfortable." Sol touched his arm, as if he could feel goosebumps popping out from under the skin.

Sol found a few more graffiti on the table in the middle of the laboratory. Something was drawn on the paper, but it has been completely covered by black chaotic lines, and nothing can be seen.

The paper was crumpled, as if it had been thrown away and then picked up and flattened.

"Are there any of these papers here just now?"

Thor carefully swept it into the keg, and turned to pour it again at the trouble.

However, when Sol reached out to lift the lid of the trash can, the trash can instantly turned red in front of Sol.

Sol's hand braked in mid-air and slowly retracted.

He pretended he didn't see anything, turned around and sealed the keg, and put it under the table.

He continued to inspect and walked to a row of cabinets in the deepest part of the laboratory.

Somehow, he suddenly remembered the human-monster walking map used for meditation today.

According to the layout on the picture, Sol is standing at the position of the lowest-end monster at this time.

He quickly shook his head to get rid of this unlucky thought, but when he took another step, he stepped on something.

He looked down and almost jumped up.

It turned out to be the puppet doll that their rookies used to test their talent.

The position of the puppet's eyes is obviously two holes, but Sol feels that there is a line of sight watching him from inside.

"... When you leave, make sure that there is no debris on the floor of the cabinet area. I will clean it up first, if you find something on the ground when you leave. Don't worry, find a cabinet with the same thing around, and then pick it up Put it back. Be sure to close the cabinet door!"

Saul remembered Mark's guidance just now.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a small crack in the cabinet beside him.

In the glass cabinet door, you can see... piles of puppets lying around.

"Okay, this is your home."

Sol turned his head slightly, not letting himself look directly into the eyes of the puppet on the ground, and leaned over to pick up the puppet.

As his fingertips touched the rough, cool exterior of the puppet...


A voice that only Saul could hear sounded, and the hardcover book flew in front of Saul, the pages were flipped quickly, and finally froze on a new blank page.

[Suo lunar calendar 314 years, May 26,

You are left by Mark to clean the lab.

This is really not a good life.

You've been kicked to the feet by a mischievous puppet, and you're about to throw it back where it belongs.

You open the cabinet door, hold the puppet's head, and carefully put it in.

You are being held by your head and put down carefully.

You lie on the body of your companion, watching the glass cabinet door close, Saul outside the door hums a beautiful song, and runs away happily. 】

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