Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 145 Locator, I have one too

Being teased by Saul again and again, Morton finally couldn't maintain his composure. He grabbed Herman who had been knocked into the air by him. Regardless of the possibility of indigestion, he turned his head and pulled Herman's head which was already crumbling. down.

Sol was unable to rescue him in time, so he could only grab Herman's headless body and retreat outside the circle again.

"I know who you are." Without chewing, swallowing directly, the evil spirit stared at Thor, and a muddy voice came out of the giant crocodile-like mouth, "You are the master of this body."

With a grin, he grabbed the spirit bodies one by one and stuffed them roughly into his mouth.

For a while, only him and Sol were left on the round platform who could still move!

"I suddenly want to understand something." Morton fixed his eyes on Sol. "Even if Yura came over, she would not be able to revive me. Then why should I work so hard to maintain my sanity?"

He suddenly raised his head and screamed, and a huge suction force was produced in his wide-open mouth.

Countless "snowflakes" swirled into Morton's mouth.

This time, Sol did not step forward to interrupt, but watched quietly from outside the circle.

Morton's giant claws stretched out again, and the tail behind him grew out again, even what was lacking in him was complemented.

"I don't need reason," Morton, who had finally absorbed all the snowflakes, stopped and looked down at Thor. "I just need strength! When I eat you, even the sun won't be able to stop me!"

Saul looked at Morton and stepped back again.

Morton in front of him completely turned into a monster.

His hands hang down to the ground, each arm is thicker than the body of an ordinary person, the original beast skin is broken inch by inch, what is exposed is not muscles but pairs of eyes of different sizes.

His newly grown tail was no longer a tail, but pale arms bound tightly together.

The gap in his body that was bitten by the soul was indeed filled, but the gap was filled by the head he had just swallowed whole!

Some of those heads were wailing, some were roaring, some were crying, and some were weeping silently.

The most frightening thing was that Morton's mouth became longer and bigger again, even occupying his original head.

If the original Morton had a giant crocodile mouth on his face, his current head has completely turned into a big mouth, with only a pair of red eyes remaining on the upper jaw.

"Now..." The huge mouth opened and let out a white breath, "I feel great!"

Morton lifted his foot and took the initiative to step out of the center circle.


Sol, who was standing in the magic circle with a grim expression, suddenly closed his eyes and fell backwards.

Nick, who had been paying attention to Saul, immediately looked at Byron nervously, "What should we do next?"

Byron stared at Sol, who fell to the ground, and saw that his chest was still heaving, "Wright, can you still fly now?"

"Yes, but it's a little bit forced."

After hearing the first word, Byron immediately pointed to Saul and said, "Fly over and see if Saul's eyes are normal."

Wright smiled wryly, enduring the headache caused by the mental shock, flew above Sol, and carefully opened his eyelids.

After confirming the situation, he flew back immediately.

"It's still a human eye."

After hearing this, Byron immediately said to Nick, "Turn off the inductance meter."

Nick hastened to do so.

As soon as he turned off the instrument, he heard Byron asking hesitantly: "Nick, I remember that your induction instrument can attack spirits attached to people."

"Yes, but the power of this inductance meter is not as big as that of the laboratory. The attack effect is limited. It can deal with wraith spirits, but it can only cause a little damage to deal with evil spirits."

"Enough, turn on the maximum frequency and attack the evil spirit on Thor."

Nick held the inductance meter tightly in his hand.

Once they take the initiative to attack the evil spirit, if the evil spirit defeats Sol, after regaining control of the body, they will inevitably find that everything before is a lie.

What awaits them at that time will be the pursuit and killing of more terrifying and powerful evil spirits.

Byron didn't hear Nick's footsteps, he knew Nick was hesitating.

"After turning on the inductance meter, you and Wright will evacuate immediately."

Who knew that Wright said, "Forget it, there are monsters all over the mountains and plains outside. If I go out in this state, I will die. Why don't I stay here and fight to the death, so I can make up for my previous mistakes by surviving."

Nick finally came over, put the inductance meter on the ground, and started to adjust the parameters again.

"If you two don't go to the third level, it will be a dead end for me to go outside with the second level." Nick said sullenly, his face regained his paralyzed expression.


Thor rolled and avoided the huge tail made of countless tangled arms.

The tail hit the ground with a loud bang, and the entire platform trembled.

Sol gasped.

Although he doesn't need to pant in the soul state, he still maintains the habit of being a human.

The evil spirit swelled again, and it could cover three meters in one step. Its tail became longer and longer, and its attack range could almost cover the entire platform.

In contrast, the smaller Sol can only rely on his own speed to constantly avoid the opponent's attack.

The difference in stature between the two is the biggest, and their strengths are also being gradually separated. If it weren't for the crazy Morton who could only attack instinctively without any skills, Sol might have been defeated long ago.

Even now, his battle was becoming more and more difficult, and even the round platform under his feet was under the attack of Morton, and cracks appeared.

Sol, who was at an absolute disadvantage at this time, was very nervous, but not to the point of despair.

"This guy is like a balloon that has inflated to the extreme, and it will burst when you poke it." Sol jumped on one of Morton's outstretched arms, and flipped down before the other hand patted it, "But The material of the balloon is as thick as a tire, and I can't break it several times with my attacks. Damn it, why can't my hand be turned into a knife? Even a needle will do."

Suddenly the snowflakes that continued to fall overhead dissipated, and Morton's attack stopped.

He looked up at the sky and let out a low laugh that didn't mean anything.

Afterwards, more frequent attacks attacked Sol overwhelmingly.

Sol couldn't dodge in time and was swept by the tail, and his whole body was photographed on the ground.

Enduring the pain of his whole body falling apart, he hastily rolled to the left, avoiding the giant claw that was shot down afterwards.

Suddenly, a warm current surged through Thor's body, and Morton let out a cry of pain in contrast.

"Bastards, a bunch of liars, when I get out, I will take your heads off and put them on the asses of the burrow worms!"

Morton roared and continued to attack Thor, but the pain made his movements stiff from time to time.


Sol's eyes lit up, and he advanced instead of retreating.

He avoids the spirit's tail and hands and rolls directly under him.

At this moment, Morton's body swelled like a balloon, looking like it could explode at any time.

Sol wanted to find his weak point, and focused on the fracture where his lower body was missing.

After finally approaching, Sol immediately put his palms together, stabbing in like a dagger.

However, the soul is not the body.

After Thor pierced with both palms, he immediately felt as if he had hit a sponge. He could only dent it, but he couldn't penetrate it.

Morton's hands and tail swept over, and Thor withdrew his hand, dodging quickly.

However, Morton's sharp front claws cut Thor's cheek.

Sol finally escaped, touched the wound, and seemed to touch his own teeth.

Don't think about it, he must be in a mess now.

"It's too bad to fight with bare hands." Sol complained, trying to keep his consciousness stable.

"As for the reason for the deformation of the soul, I have temporarily ruled out witchcraft and meditation methods, and now I only have the locator."

"Bill and Herman are one of the most powerful third-level apprentices. Their locators must be different from those of ordinary apprentices. Maybe in addition to maintaining mental stability, they can also change the form of the mental body. The evil spirit was once a second-level apprentice. Wizard, if Bill and the others can do it, so can he."

"If it's a locator...I have it too!"

Although the diary did not appear on the shoulder of the spiritual body Sol at this time, he could sense that the diary had always been in his body, and the connection with him had never been severed.

Let's see if he can pull the diary over!

Today is also two more

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