Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 16 I Don't Need Special Services

"My lord, thank you for saving me." Saul got up from the ground. Although his legs were still a little weak, he insisted on standing up and looking directly at the man in the pink bandage.

"New apprentice, don't stay alone in the East Tower until you have gained enough knowledge and strength. At night, only your dormitory is safe."

His voice was low, but exceptionally clear.

"I'm sorry my lord, I don't know..."

"Don't say you've seen me."

Sol was interrupted by the person opposite just as he was halfway through his words.

The man in bandage raised his hand and waved, a gust of breeze approached, and Sol blinked unconsciously.

Opening his eyes again, Sol found himself standing outside the door of 604 dormitory.

He quickly scanned the corridors on both sides, the dim candle flames flickered slightly, and there was silence.

Before he had time to think about it, Sol opened the door and rushed into the dormitory quickly.


It's past twelve o'clock.

The blue hourglass turned upside down in an instant, and the originally accumulated gravel fell down again, and time continued to pass slowly.

The doors of the two dormitories on the eleventh floor of the west tower opened at the same time.

Mark walked from the dim room to an even darker corridor, and looked towards the diagonally opposite door.

"Twelve o'clock has passed, and our agreement ends here. I will only move this time. Whether he survives or not, he will only be my apprentice from now on."

At this time, there was no impatience on Mark's face, nor was there a smile at all.

Sid came out from the dormitory diagonally opposite, with a faint smile on his face.

"Of course, this is what we agreed on a long time ago. But, don't you want to know why I insisted on killing that kid?"

"I don't want to." After Mark finished, he returned to the dormitory and slammed the door.

"It's really boring. People who work with corpses all day long are like that."

Sid's golden hair became dull under the dim candlelight. He lowered his head, and the candlelight and shadows divided his face into several pieces.

His expression contorted for an instant, and then returned to gloomy for an instant.

"That diary must be on that kid. Only when the previous owner dies will the diary reappear. Brat, I blame you for being so lucky. The diary I have been asking for for many years was thrown on your head."

Sid shook his right hand a few times, and he seemed to recall the subtle touch of grasping the hardcover book.

Unfortunately, due to inertia, after he threw the book out, he realized that it was what he was looking for.

However, when he kicked away Sol's body and frantically searched his body, he found that the hardcover book had disappeared.

Sol under his feet resumed breathing again.

There is only one explanation, the hardcover must have saved him!

Looking at Saul's childish face, Sid wanted to kill him countless times with his own hands.

But no, in the grandfather's records, the diary will not be obtained by the murderer who killed its owner himself.

Alternate arrangements must be made.

Sid retreated a little to his dormitory, closing his eyes tightly.

"Diary of the Death Wizard, what charm do you have? Why did my grandfather kill all his relatives and friends, just to get you?"

Although Sid was full of doubts, he was very firm in his heart.

He must get something that can make such an excellent grandfather crazily pursue!


After a chaotic, dangerous and crazy day, Sol still has to get up early for class tomorrow.

The reality is really helpless.

At twelve o'clock, he lay on the bed and forced himself to sleep.

But that weird and terrifying scene in the laboratory was always staged in front of his eyes.

Is the abnormality in the laboratory related to Senior Mark? Why did he want to kill himself?

Who the hell is that pink bandage man? Could it be one of the five mentors?

"It doesn't seem very polite to always call someone with a pink bandage." Saul thought about some unimportant things to cheer himself up. "He is so powerful, and he can control all the weirdness at once. Let's call him pink first."

In a daze, Sol felt that he was about to fall asleep.

"Boom boom boom!"

Why is there someone knocking on the door? Could it be that it's already morning, and Keli is looking for her?

Saul got up with a grunt and turned on the light, only to find that it was just after one o'clock.

"Boom boom boom!"

The people outside are still knocking on the door.

Sol didn't really think about the past. He had just experienced such a horrible scene, and now he was already a bit of a ghost, and his nerves were very nervous.

"grown ups."

The people outside the door couldn't wait any longer, they called softly, and the voice turned out to be the maid during the day.

Saul walked to the door and opened it a little.

Sure enough, it was the maid during the day.

At this time, she was wearing a pink silk cape.

Only her beautiful face and fair neck were exposed, and underneath...it seemed that she was not wearing anything.

Sol stood in the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"My lord," the maid smiled, blushing on her face, "I know you are still young, but don't you want to touch it?"

As soon as the words were finished, the maid raised her hand, and the silk slipped smoothly against her naked skin to her feet, revealing...

Body carved from wood!

Sol stepped back suddenly and was about to close the door, but the other party stretched out his head, his face was stuck in the crack of the door, only his mouth was exposed.

The lips parted and cried out.

"Help me...Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!"


"Boom boom boom!"

Still knocking.

Thor opened his eyes suddenly and took a big breath.

"Is it a dream?"

He jumped out of bed, turned on the candle and looked at the hourglass clock.

half past twelve.

It was just a dream.

Sol picked up the crystal ball beside the table and slowly approached the door.

"Who's out there?"

It was very quiet outside.

"I don't need special services." Thor raised his voice.

"...It's me, Konsha."


Sol didn't really want to open the door, who knew if it was Konsha outside or something else?

But he can't stay in the dormitory forever.

The door is opened a crack, the kind that can be closed at any time.

Outside, a woman in a long dress and a hood, showing only her delicate chin, stood there with her mouth slightly downturned.

"Lord Kongsha."

Saul stepped aside, and Konsha walked in. She sat on Saul's chair and lifted the hat on her head.

Kongsha's head was still terrifying, but Saul, who had just escaped from the laboratory, was able to face it numbly and calmly.

"Your apprenticeship life is wonderful, someone wants to climb your bed at such a young age?"

Kong Sha put one leg on the other, resting her elbow on one hand and her cheek on the other, showing her sexy and slim figure in full view.

If it wasn't for that half head, she would be more attractive than a maid.

"You finally came to me." Thor closed the door behind his back.

"You should understand your situation now, right?"

"Master Kong Sha, if you mean that my strongest elemental perception has been transformed into a dark element for some reason... Then I probably understand my situation."

"Hmph!" Kong Sha snorted softly, "Do you think your element perception is very strong? If I hadn't helped you, you probably wouldn't even be able to choose a major element."

Solton paused, and what Kong Sha said was probably true.

When he was meditating, he discovered that he seemed to be able to perceive all elemental particles, but he was not strong enough to perceive each of them.

He walked up to Kong Sha and said softly, "Sister Kong Sha, are you here to help me?"

"Of course, why don't I come to provide you with special services?" Kong Sha sneered, spreading her hands, and there was a small medicine bottle in her palm.

It was the medicine bottle that healed Sol at the beginning.

"Sister, what is this?"

"This is a potion that can improve your perception of dark elements for a short time."

"This is the medicine I drank last time?"

"It's not exactly the same. You take one drop of this every day before meditation, and it can maintain high-intensity perception for several hours. After a month of adaptation, I will give you a new medicine to help you reach 10 joules of magic power in the first test."

How did she know I needed to reach 10 joules in the first test mojo? who told her

Sol looked at the potion in front of him, his heart moved, but he didn't accept it immediately.

"Senior sister, can I ask first, will there be any side effects after taking this medicine?"

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