Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 169 Surgery

Saul was polite, but not in a position to refuse.

Hayden struggled for a long time, but agreed.

Because Saul added another sentence outside the door.

"Senior Hayden, do you know why apprentices who cannot be promoted to the third level at the age of thirty are kicked out of the Wizard Tower?"

Hayden's hand on the door suddenly tightened, he stared fixedly at Sol's nameplate, and finally opened the door.

"Then come in, I'm not used to going to other places."

Saul readily agreed, and stepped into the second morgue, which was hardly open to outsiders.

As soon as he entered, Sol was shocked by the layout inside.

This is too tidy and clean!

Unlike Sol's messy laboratory table and overcrowded cabinets, Hayden's mortuary room was as neat and clean as... an exhibition hall?

The innermost walls are lined with display cases, from floor to ceiling.

Each display case is equipped with glass cabinet doors, so that people can clearly see the things kept inside.

And these cabinets, from top to bottom, are filled with hair, eyes, noses... all the way to the feet, parts of human or other living things.

And the color is also a little darker from left to right.

It's just that Sol can tell at a glance that most of the limbs are normal.

That is, useless material.

And Hayden's tool table is also very tidy, even the conveyor belt connecting the left and right sides is clean, without any dirt.

"Senior Hayden is really... good at storage."

Hayden clasped his hands tightly, pinching each other.

"I just like doing things."

Thor had never met Hayden in the public class of the first-level apprentices. I am afraid that the other party wasted all his energy in the morgue.

"Sol, when you say you leave the tower at the age of thirty, isn't it because the tower owner thinks that people with insufficient qualifications will waste the resources in the tower?"

"I don't know if there is a reason for this, but the most important reason is..." Sol dragged his voice, but suddenly stopped when Hayden couldn't hide his anxious look over.

Hayden waited for a long time, seeing that Saul didn't speak, he immediately understood what he meant.

He stopped asking about this matter, and started discussing the real matter.

"Solgay said he was going to take something out of his eye, can you describe its nature?"

Sol took out a few reagents from his arms.

"I've already thought about the surgery plan, and I always carry the materials I need with me. It's just that it's not convenient to operate on my eyes, so I came here to trouble Senior Hayden."

Hayden was taken aback, he turned out to be a tool man, "Okay, then what do you need me to do?"

Saul explained the operation procedure to Hayden carefully.

Hayden's mouth grew little by little, and exclamations like "Is this okay?", "Really or not" kept flying in his mind.

After explaining the process, Saul left Hayden, whose brain was overloaded, and began to prepare the potion.

He had long thought about taking out the cocoon of the nightmare butterfly, so he also made a lot of preparations.

This time, Hayden will be in charge of cocoon extraction, while Saul will be in charge of the last-minute capture and sealing.

Yes, although Saul is the one doing the surgery, he also has a very important task at the same time.

Whether it was Sol's experience of being inexplicably entered into his eyes after getting the cocoon, or the ending of the flying butterfly seen in the story being caught by the wizard but still killing the wizard in the end, Sol understands this. Butterfly is not a quiet guy.

The good news is that the Nightmare Butterfly is still just a cocoon, the future villain has not yet grown up, and the diary does not hint that it will hurt Thor.

Thor now also has the option to directly kill or retrain him.

Both of these options are risky. For now, it is better to take out the cocoon first, so as not to continue to be affected by the nightmare.

Soon he adjusted the medicines of the two test tubes.

One is a pure transparent liquid, a little viscous, but there is a problem with the flow and it will not hang on the inner wall.

The other was a purple liquid with tiny bubbles.

"Senior Hayden, are you ready? The reagent will take effect within five minutes after swallowing it, and the duration of the effect is also five minutes."

"Okay." Hayden took a deep breath. "This is the first time I've attacked a living person. If it hurts you...do you want to take another dose of painkiller?"

Thor raised his head and put the purple potion into his mouth.

Frowning and swallowing the aftertaste in his mouth, Thor glanced at the hourglass clock.

"No need," he said as he walked over and lay down on the transfer table where the corpse was originally placed. "The painkiller will affect my judgment."

Hayden also knew that Sol was a ruthless person, so he stopped persuading, walked to the tool table, picked up a thin needle, and began to quickly disinfect according to Sol's request.

"Disinfection?" Hayden thought, "Is this the difference between performing 'surgery' on the living and the dead?"

An operation involving doctors and patients began.

Because the doctor is still a novice when it comes to living organisms—this honest and low-key Hayden has never done experiments on living organisms—the patient has to instruct the doctor how to perform the operation according to his own feelings from time to time.

The operation lasted four minutes and thirty-five seconds.

Although there was panic in the middle, the total operation time did not exceed the effective time of the medicine.

In the last twenty-five seconds, Hayden finally used the smallest tweezers to remove the cocoon hidden in Sol's pupil.

He held up the tweezers to see what had gotten into Thor's eye. But as soon as his eyes fell on the little silver ball, he was attracted by this beautiful little ball.

However, a silver ball the size of a grain of rice rapidly grew in size after being exposed to the air.

The silver skin shone like stars, and the deep and quiet feeling made Hayden look up at the starry sky in the wilderness.

He submerged unconsciously, and brought the tweezers closer to his eyes little by little, as if he wanted to insert them directly into his eyeballs.

Suddenly, a skeleton hand appeared in front of Hayden.

Bone rubbed against Hayden's cheek and snatched the silver ball away.

"No!" Hayden was about to get angry subconsciously.

But when he saw Sol's appearance, a handful of cold water was poured into his swollen brain.

Sol has sat up from the teleportation platform, and his left eye is still clamped with the retainer responsible for opening the eyelid.

A trace of blood spilled from Thor's eyelids and flowed down to his jaw.

His originally black left eye had now turned a dull dark gray.

This is the effect of Hayden's simple treatment.

But Thor didn't care about his blind left eye at all, he just quickly threw the cocoon he snatched into the transparent liquid he prepared, and then sealed the bottle with a cork.

The transparent liquid overflowed slightly, and the rest filled the entire test tube.

The silver ball was bouncing up and down in the reagent, as if someone was teasing it with a string.

After confirming that the storage was completed, Sol threw the test tube to Hayden.

Hayden quickly stretched out his hand to catch it, feeling terrified.

"It was dangerous to observe like that just now, but now you can watch it."

But this time Hayden just glanced at it, and hurriedly returned the test tube to Sol.

"No, no, no, although this thing has been sealed by you, it is still very dangerous to me. I won't read any more. My sanity almost fell just now."

This time Hayden took a lower stance.

He became more and more certain in his heart that Saul had far surpassed him in many fields.

Seeing that Hayden gave up on continuing to observe, Saul put away the test tube.

"This thing is a test of willpower." Sol thought of the little girl Penny, "but I speculate that if you are a pure-hearted person, you will not be easily affected."

Helen's expression was gloomy, and he couldn't reach either of these two points.

If he was determined, he wouldn't be just a first-level apprentice by now.

Sol picked up a roll of gauze from the tool table and wrapped it sideways around his head, covering his left eye.

Hayden stood quietly watching, hesitating to speak.

Saul knew what he wanted to ask, and directly answered the question left for Hayden before entering the door.

"Wizards who stay in a certain realm for a long time will attract unknown horrors. The longer the stay, the greater the possibility of contamination. The lower the strength, the faster the terror will be attracted. In order to prevent apprentices from becoming If they become pollutants, the wizard tower will regularly disperse the overaged apprentices."

"Compared to other forces that turn unqualified apprentices into experimental materials when they expire, the wizard's tower can be regarded as gentle."

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