Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 188 The Shadow

Thor casts light, illuminating the pit.

At first glance, there are only some weeds, rhizomes and stone clods in the pit.

But after careful observation, Thor found some tiny black crystals in the soil, these crystals looked like stones, if he hadn't observed carefully, he would definitely have ignored them.

"This is an exhausted magic crystal shard." Sol picked up a shard no bigger than the tip of a little finger, and held it up for Victor to see, "It is true that someone used this manor to set up a magic circle, but he The magic circle is arranged underground, unless we turn over the entire soil, we will not be able to restore the original appearance of the magic circle, and we will have no way of knowing the specific purpose of the magic circle."

Victor took the shard from Sol's hand, and with a gentle squeeze of his thumb and forefinger, the shard turned into a finer black powder, which drifted away with the wind.

"This pit is actually not very deep. It is enough to bury an ordinary person, but it is too shallow if it is used for sealing... I guess this magic circle should be used for gain or temporary storage."

Sol nodded, "I think so too, so the person lying in this pit is likely to be the beneficiary of the magic circle."

"But now the pit is empty." Victor looked at Saul, "Could it be that the people inside came out?"

Sol dropped another piece of debris in his hand, stood up, and patted his knee, "It may be useless, or someone dug it out and ate it."

Victor stroked his strings worriedly, "We may have one more enemy vying for the treasure."

He stretched out his hand to pull Thor up, but he gave up again seeing the dirt on the opponent's hand.

"Don't worry, no matter how many enemies there are, my brother will definitely help you grab the treasure and let you successfully advance to the third level!"

Sol looked at the hand stretched out and then retracted by the other party, sighed helplessly, and jumped out of the big pit by himself.

However, while patting the dirt on his hands, he said casually: "What are you talking about? Do you need treasures like a genius like me? It's better to let you advance to the third level first. You are almost thirty years old, don't worry about it." The sky is suddenly polluted."

The person in front of him didn't respond for a long time, and occasionally raised his head strangely, and found that Victor actually covered his mouth with a hand, and a line of clear tears flowed from the corner of his eyes.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooar , brother, I'm so touched."

Saul looked at Victor with goosebumps all over his body.

How could he have such a brother?

"Thank you, Saul. But my brother is a mediocre person waiting for death in his fate, so don't waste the treasure."

The violent wind that was raging just now stopped suddenly, and the sky became more and more drowsy, as if it had come from dusk to late night.

Victor looked up at the sky, his expression hidden in a daze.

"The heavy rain is about to fall, let's go into the house and hide."

While speaking, Victor gently plucked a string, and the bass was still ethereal and pleasant.

Sol froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I don't see anything outside."

The two walked through the garden and came straight to the gate of the castle. Strangely, the gate here was opened with a small crack.

"It seems that many people have visited this place before us."

Saul pointed back at Victor's harp, beckoning him to be quiet, then turned and opened the door.

The front hall of the castle was very dark, and there were some lampstands, chairs and other furniture scattered all over the floor.

There appeared to be windows in the hall, but they were completely obscured by heavy curtains.

Sol looked around carefully, but he didn't see a figure or corpse, and he didn't feel like he was being watched by anyone.

Only then did he gesture to the people behind him and walked into the castle.

Victor almost followed in Sol's footsteps that hadn't disappeared yet.

The second the two stepped into the hall, the sky suddenly flashed, and when the extremely white light passed through the door and the windows hidden by the velvet long juan, Sol seemed to see a man kneeling with his back to them in the middle of the hall. people.

The man was wearing armor and seemed to be a warrior.

But when the lightning passed and the loud thunder followed, the figures in the front hall disappeared.


It rained cats and dogs.

Victor jumped forward, dodging the splashing raindrops.

He touched the harp in his arms with lingering fear, "Almost."

At this time, he found that Sol was still standing in front of him in a daze, and walked around curiously, reaching out and shaking his hand in front of Sol, "My unlucky brother, have you been petrified?"

Sol came back to his senses and pushed away Victor's big hand blocking his sight, "I just saw a person kneeling in front of me."

"Huh?" Victor looked over suspiciously, but he didn't see anything, but it didn't stop him from sighing, "Maybe it's a ghost lingering in the castle, there is no way to escape, I beg you to take him away from this fate .”

As he spoke, Victor stroked the strings with his fingers again.

But he immediately remembered Sol's warning, and he resisted the sound of the harp.

"Ask me for help?" Sol curled his lips, "I'm here to steal something, and he found the wrong person."

Sol stepped forward cautiously, came close to the figure he had just seen, narrowed his eyes, and used half-immersed meditation to look over again.

But the ground was still empty.

"Has it already left, or is it not a spirit body?" Sol's expression became serious, and he just wanted to turn around and warn Victor to be more cautious.

However, at this moment, another huge bolt of lightning flashed across.

Even standing inside, Thor could see the sky as bright as day.

He immediately lowered his head and looked over again, and was shocked to see countless figures kneeling in the front hall!

There was even a person kneeling under his feet and where Victor was!

"Hi!" When Sol lowered his head, he met a face.

That face had no eyes, no nose, no ears, only a mouth was left wide open, and the scar at the corner of the mouth was twisting and trembling, as if calling for help.

But in the next second, with the sound of thunder, all the kneeling people in the hall disappeared again.

"Boom!" The door was pushed open violently, and two people jumped in as if fleeing.

"There's something wrong with the rain!" One of the short men was desperately scratching his wet cheeks and neck, and his fingertips were already stained red.

The other figure was taller, and Sol saw that it was an old man with white hair.

The old man chanted a spell to clean up the rainwater on his body, and then cleaned up the little boy beside him.

And Victor stood not far from the two of them, smiling, as if waiting for when they would find him.

"Who?" The white-haired old man finally found Victor a few steps away, grabbed the boy by the collar, and retreated to the other side of the front hall.

Victor didn't do anything either, he just walked behind Saul with a playful look on his face.

"Who are you?" The old man saw Sol in the middle of the hall, and the guard in his eyes became more intense.

"It's also here to shelter from the rain." Sol looked at the old man with the same alertness.

The little boy was inconspicuous, but now his face was covered with blood, grinning in pain.

The white-haired old man was not ordinary. The wave of magic power he emitted when he cast the spell just now seems to be the wave strength that only a third-level apprentice can have.

The white-haired old man frowned after hearing Sol's nonsense, but he didn't expose Sol.

His eyes lingered on Saul and Victor a few times, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Oh, it seems that we have the same purpose. But you are luckier than us, and you didn't get caught in the rain."

He walked to the window in a relaxed manner, opened the curtains and looked outside.

"This rain is not right. It hurts and itches when it hits me." The white-haired old man lowered the curtains, "But it's normal. This is Ralph Manor, and it's not a good place to shelter from the rain."

"But it's all here, and we have to wait for the rain to stop before going out." Sol nodded to the old man, "Then please rest here, let's go inside."

He stared at Victor on the opposite side with great interest, and was about to pass through the front hall and continue to go deep into the castle.

The old man is probably a third-level apprentice, and Sol and Victor are both second-level, so it is easy to suffer from the old man.

Seeing that Saul was about to leave, the other party did not say anything to stop him, but just watched silently.

It was the little boy who tugged on the old man's sleeve anxiously.

"Teacher, should we let them go in first?"

The white-haired wizard held him down, "Don't worry, Swann, let them go around first."

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