The diary did not warn, and Ralph should not be able to rush out.

Thor turned his head and looked at the knight Olaf who was floating aside in a daze.

The resentment on his face had disappeared, and he was dumbfounded, like an idiot.

Looked a little sad.

Thor narrowed his eyes, mobilized his mental power, and scanned Olaf's spirit seriously.

On Olaf's own face, there was another face.

That face was the face of the butler Hunter, and it was put on the knight's head like a mask.

And all the pain and resentment of the knight came from the face of the steward.

"Your form is special, even stronger than many wizard apprentices I've seen. Are you really just a butler without magic power?" Sol asked curiously.

Hunter was surprised at first, and then looked over with vicious eyes, "I underestimated you, you look like a wandering second-level apprentice, I didn't expect that there are so many good things."

There was still a bit of sadness on his face, "I am indeed just an ordinary butler...but my wisdom is much stronger than those wizards who only know how to eat people! If it weren't for my lack of magic talent, the whole blood No wizard in the Thorn family can compare to me! How many resources these idiots have wasted, they can’t even understand such a simple rune structure, if I don’t have magic power... If I don’t have magic power..."

Amid self-pity, the housekeeper Hunter seemed to calm down a bit, and he stared at Sol with blank eyes.

"Boy, you won, you are a lucky guy. I failed to keep the glory of Bloodthorn, and let it fall into your hands. But you are smarter than I thought, maybe the inheritance of the Bloodthorn family is in your hands Here, you can still get the opportunity to carry forward.”

"Hehe." Hunter laughed miserably, "Now, kill me."

Sol stared at Hunter in silence, he finally saw that Hunter was as talented as himself, a person with excellent mental power but poor magical aptitude.

Even worse than himself, not even qualified to enter the world of wizards.

The magic talent is not enough, you must find a way to improve it, so that you can continue to learn and be promoted.

The knowledge of wizards is not simple knowledge, it also carries a certain degree of radiation and pollution.

If Thor hadn't been able to carry out the transformation of the witch body and greatly improved his magic power, he would not be able to continue to learn more profound knowledge, and he would only be a first-level apprentice for the rest of his life.

And as far as he knew later, wizard apprentices who stayed in one stage for a long time would die under unknown erosion sooner or later.

That is to say, a first-tier apprentice or second-tier apprentice may be polluted and become a monster at any time after the age of thirty.

The housekeeper in front of him, Hunter, probably knew this, and finally stayed outside the gate of the wizarding world.

Only dare to use those eager eyes to peek at the splendor and danger inside the door from time to time.

On the contrary, after his death, or after he was made into a witchcraft prop, that good spiritual talent finally came into play.

Not only helped his master get rid of Victor's plot, but also almost calculated Sol.

For such a person, Sol still has a little admiration in his heart.

So he raised his hand, several transparent worms emerged on his arm, one of them flew out and landed on Hunter's face.

Seeing death coming, Hunter's face showed a bit of fear, but there was also a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's finally over, I can go to accompany my master."

However, when the transparent worm landed on Hunter's face, it didn't immediately corrode his soul.

"That's not true." A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Sol's mouth, he took out the blood-colored magic crystal from his arms, and gently tossed it away.

The knight wraith whose feet were still connected to the magic crystal moved up and down involuntarily.

"First, let me tell you if there are any other traps in the magic crystal? For example, did you tamper with those scrolls?"

The housekeeper, who was still waiting to die with his eyes closed, immediately looked at Sol with wide eyes, with a bit of shock and fear on his face.

"you you……"

"How do I know that you have tampered with, um, maybe you watched too much TV before?"

Hunter didn't understand what Saul was saying, but he knew that the last backhand he left was also cracked by the other party.

For a moment, the whole person was extremely depressed, no longer had the original anger, and the soul and body were floating and illusory, as if they would collapse at any time.

"Aren't you going to say it? That's right. With your stubbornness, I'm afraid you just want to die. But it doesn't matter, I still have some means of interrogating souls. It's just used to pass the time waiting for Ralph to die completely."

Hunt's spirit body trembled involuntarily, as if he had seen the most terrifying demon in the world.

five minutes later.

The basement finally became quiet, and there was no more sound, and Hunter's spirit body completely collapsed with resentment.

Without the support of Hunter's mental strength, Knight Olaf's wraith was shattered almost instantly.

The knight shot Thor a grateful glance before disappearing.

This knight is also very unlucky, since he entered Ralph's manor, he has been being used by people, both during his lifetime and after his death.

So ordinary people, don't fall into the struggle of wizards casually, or you will suffer all kinds of torture even after death.

Before Hunter's death, Saul originally wanted to speak out about Sid to anger him.

But thinking that this manor is not safe now, especially that Victor doesn't know whether he is dead or not, he still decides to keep the secret in his heart and don't make a fool of himself.

Using two years of rich working experience in the mortuary, Sol finally asked Hunter's backhand.

It turns out that the contents of the last third of all the scrolls in the magic crystal are disordered, and they need to be reinterpreted in a specific order, otherwise they will get specious error messages.

If Sol learns according to the wrong information, the whole person will go crazy like practicing kung fu, and will only die or go crazy in the end.

"In this way, there should be no problem with the information obtained. In the end, Hunter only has instincts and no reason. What he said has a high probability of being true. Of course, I still have a diary to help verify the authenticity."

Saul smiled with satisfaction, and put the bloody magic crystal back into his arms.

"Inheritance from a wizard family... this time it made a lot of money! It's just that the Tier 2 scroll was used in the end." Sol lifted his sleeve and wiped the sweat that rolled down his chin.

Whether it was the battle in the basement or the subsequent interrogation, it was very mentally exhausting.

Fortunately, Sol's mental strength is strong, if he was replaced by other ordinary second-order apprentices, he would have passed out long ago.

Of course, to win this time, in addition to relying on Sol's own ability, he also relied on many external things.

Before coming, the tower owner reminded Sol that this mission will not be too simple, and even life-threatening.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Saul spent a huge sum of money to buy a trump card.

He has just been promoted to a second-level apprentice, and lacks a powerful killer weapon that can kill with one blow - the second-level witchcraft scroll flame orb.

It was also this powerful scroll that helped Thor hit Ralph hard. Only then did the antidote that Sol sprinkled on him take effect quickly. Otherwise, on the basement door, because of Morton's brute force cracking, the witchcraft formation could only last for an hour. I'm afraid it would be destroyed before the human-face worm died completely.

Therefore, it is better to prepare a powerful type than to buy multiple props.

Anyway, most props are not as useful as Xiaozao.

Sol squatted down and put his hand on the formation of the basement door, but he didn't immediately use magic power to connect to open the door.

He simulated it in his mind.

Later, the diary reminded Saul: Although the bug was dying, it was still waiting for him to open the door with its mouth open below, and swallowed him into its full-bodied stomach.

Sol frowned, and there was not much time left before the magic circle at the basement door expired. If Ralph did not die completely before the magic circle expired, Sol could only leave here first and wait until it was safe. Came back to check it out.

But he thought about it, looked at the words in the diary, and squatted down again.

Counting 20 silently in his heart, Thor put his hand on the gate again.

This time the diary told Sol: The worm is about to be unable to hold on, if he is impatient, he can die with the worm if he goes down now.

After a few tens of seconds, he tried again for the third time.

This time, the diary finally didn't remind him that he would die when he opened the door. Instead, he closed it boringly and flew back to Sol's left shoulder.

Ralph is completely finished, unable to drag himself to hell with him.

Sol smiled, and carefully operated the magic power, unlocking the seal on the basement door again.

Thank you for your reward

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